.. _bg_models: Background models ================= The naming of the models in this section follows the convention from :ref:`dataformats_overview`. The documentation on how to produce background models in Gammapy is available at :ref:`background_make_background_models`. .. _background_3D: BACKGROUND_3D ------------- **BACKGROUND_3D** is a background rate 3D cube *(X, Y, energy)* in units of per energy, per time, per solid angle. **X** and **Y** are given in detector coordinates **(DETX, DETY)**, a.k.a. **nominal system**. This is a tangential system to the instrument during observations. Two classes are used as container for this model: * The `~gammapy.background.FOVCube` class is used as base container for cubes. It has generic methods to I/O (read/write) and operate the 3D cubes. It also has visualization methods to plot slices/bins of the cubes. * The `~gammapy.background.FOVCubeBackgroundModel` class is used to contain and handle cube background models. It contains 3 cubes of type `~gammapy.background.FOVCube`: * ``counts_cube`` - counts (a.k.a. events) used to fill the model. * ``livetime_cube``- livetime correction used for the model. * ``background_cube`` - background model (rate) The class also defines usefull methods to produce the models, such as define binning, fill (histogram) the model or smooth. Two test files are located in the ``gammapy-extra`` repository as examples and test benches of these classes: * `bg_cube_model_test1.fits`_ is a `~gammapy.background.FOVCube` produced with an older version of `~gammapy.datasets.make_test_bg_cube_model`, using a simplified background model. The current version of the mehod produces a `~gammapy.background.FOVCubeBackgroundModel` object. * `bg_cube_model_test2.fits.gz`_ is a `~gammapy.background.FOVCubeBackgroundModel` produced with `~gammapy.background.make_bg_cube_model`, using dummy data produced with `~gammapy.datasets.make_test_dataset`. An example script of how to read/write the cubes from file and perform some simple plots is given in the ``examples`` directory: :download:`example_plot_background_model.py <../../examples/example_plot_background_model.py>` .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/example_plot_background_model.py The data of the cube can be accessed via: .. code:: python energy_bin = bg_cube_model.find_energy_bin(energy=Quantity(2., 'TeV')) det_bin = bg_cube_model.find_det_bin(det=Angle([0., 0.], 'degree')) bg_cube_model.background[energy_bin, det_bin[1], det_bin[0]] More complex plots can be easily produced with a few lines of code: .. plot:: background/plot_bgcube.py :include-source: .. _bg_cube_model_test1.fits: https://github.com/gammapy/gammapy-extra/blob/master/test_datasets/background/bg_cube_model_test1.fits .. _bg_cube_model_test2.fits.gz: https://github.com/gammapy/gammapy-extra/blob/master/test_datasets/background/bg_cube_model_test2.fits.gz