
gammapy.datasets.make_test_observation_table(observatory_name='HESS', n_obs=10, az_range=<Angle [ 0., 360.] deg>, alt_range=<Angle [ 45., 90.] deg>, date_range=(<Time object: scale='utc' format='iso' value=2010-01-01 00:00:00.000>, <Time object: scale='utc' format='iso' value=2015-01-01 00:00:00.000>), use_abs_time=False, n_tels_range=(3, 4), random_state='random-seed')[source]

Make a test observation table.

Create an observation table following a specific pattern.

For the moment, only random observation tables are created.

The observation table is created according to a specific observatory, and randomizing the observation pointingpositions in a specified az-alt range.

If a date_range is specified, the starting time of the observations will be restricted to the specified interval. These parameters are interpreted as date, the precise hour of the day is ignored, unless the end date is closer than 1 day to the starting date, in which case, the precise time of the day is also considered.

In addition, a range can be specified for the number of telescopes.


observatory_name : str, optional

Name of the observatory; a list of choices is given in observatory_locations.

n_obs : int, optional

Number of observations for the obs table.

az_range : Angle, optional

Azimuth angle range (start, end) for random generation of observation pointing positions.

alt_range : Angle, optional

Altitude angle range (start, end) for random generation of observation pointing positions.

date_range : Time, optional

Date range (start, end) for random generation of observation start time.

use_abs_time : bool, optional

Use absolute UTC times instead of [MET] seconds after the reference.

n_tels_range : int, optional

Range (start, end) of number of telescopes participating in the observations.

random_state : {int, ‘random-seed’, ‘global-rng’, RandomState}, optional

Defines random number generator initialisation. Passed to get_random_state.


obs_table : ObservationTable

Observation table.