Source code for gammapy.image.lists

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from collections import OrderedDict
import logging
from ..extern import six
from ..extern.six.moves import UserList
from import fits
from import HDUList
from .core import SkyImage
from ..utils.scripts import make_path

__all__ = ['SkyImageList']

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SkyImageList(UserList): """List of `~gammapy.image.SkyImage` objects. This is a simple class that provides * FITS I/O * Dict-like access by string image name keys in addition to list-like access by integer index. Examples -------- Load the image collection from a FITS file: >>> from gammapy.image import SkyImage, SkyImageList >>> images ='$GAMMAPY_EXTRA/datasets/fermi_survey/all.fits.gz') Which images are available? >>> images.names Access one image by list index or image name string key: >>> images[0] >>> images['counts'] >>> images['counts'].show('ds9') Print some summary info about the images: >>> print(images) Remove and append an image: >>> del images['background'] >>> images. """ # TODO: implement delitem by name # TODO: implement copy? # TODO: implement convenience constructors for many images with the same WCS? def __init__(self, images=None, meta=None): if images is None: images = [] super(SkyImageList, self).__init__(images) if meta is not None: self.meta = OrderedDict(meta) else: self.meta = OrderedDict() @property def names(self): """List of image names.""" return [ for _ in self] def __getitem__(self, key): """Add dict-like access by string image name as key. """ # Special lookup by image name for string key if isinstance(key, six.string_types): if key in self.names: idx = self.names.index(key) return self[idx] else: fmt = "No image with name: '{}'. Available image names: {}" raise KeyError(fmt.format(key, self.names)) # Normal list lookup (for int key) return super(SkyImageList, self).__getitem__(key) def __setitem__(self, key, image): if isinstance(key, six.string_types): if and != key: fmt = "SkyImage(name='{}') doesn't match assigned key='{}'" raise KeyError(fmt.format(, key)) if key in self.names: idx = self.names.index(key) super(SkyImageList, self).__setitem__(idx, image) else: if is None: = key self.append(image) else: super(SkyImageList, self).__setitem__(key, image)
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdu_list(cls, hdu_list): """Construct from ``. """ images = [] for hdu in hdu_list: image = SkyImage.from_image_hdu(hdu) images.append(image) return cls(images)
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, filename, **kwargs): """Write to FITS file. ``kwargs`` are passed to ``. """ filename = make_path(filename) with, **kwargs) as hdu_list: images = cls.from_hdu_list(hdu_list) return images
[docs] def to_hdu_list(self): """Convert to ``. """ hdu_list = HDUList() for image in self: hdu = image.to_image_hdu() hdu_list.append(hdu) return hdu_list
[docs] def write(self, filename, **kwargs): """Write to FITS file. ``kwargs`` are passed to ``. """ filename = make_path(filename) hdu_list = self.to_hdu_list() hdu_list.writeto(str(filename), **kwargs)
def __str__(self): s = 'SkyImageList:\n' s += 'Number of images: {}\n\n'.format(len(self)) for idx, image in enumerate(self): s += 'Image(index={}, name={}) properties: \n'.format(idx, s += str(image) s += '\n' return s
[docs] @staticmethod def assert_allclose(images1, images2, check_wcs=True): """Assert all-close for `SkyImageList`. A useful helper function to implement tests. """ assert len(images1) == len(images2) for image1, image2 in zip(images1, images2): SkyImage.assert_allclose(image1, image2, check_wcs=check_wcs)
[docs] def check_required(self, required_images): """Check if required images are present in the sky image list. Parameters ---------- required_images : list List of names of required sky images. """ for image in required_images: if image not in self.names: raise ValueError("Algorithm requires '{}' image to run.".format(image))