.. _gammapy_0p7_release: 0.7 (Feb 28, 2018) ------------------ Summary ~~~~~~~ - Released Feb 28, 2018 - 25 contributors (16 new) - 10 months of work - 178 pull requests (not all listed below) What's new? ~~~~~~~~~~~ Installation: - Gammapy 0.7 supports legacy Python 2.7, as well as Python 3.5 and 3.6. If you are still using Python 2.7 with Gammapy, please update to Python 3. Let us know if you need any help with the update, or are blocked from updating for some reason, by filling out the 1-minute `Gammapy installation questionnaire`_ form. This will help us make a plan how to finish the Python 2 -> 3 transition and to set a timeline (`PIG 3`_). - The Gammapy conda packages are now distributed via the ``conda-forge`` channel, i.e. to install or update Gammapy use the command ``conda install gammapy -c conda-forge``. Most other packages have also moved to ``conda-forge`` in the past years, the previously used ``astropy`` and ``openastronomy`` channels are no longer needed. - We now have a conda ``environment.yml`` file that contains all packages used in the tutorials. See instructions here: :ref:`tutorials`. Documentation: - We have created a separate project webpage at https://gammapy.org . The https://docs.gammapy.org page is not just for the Gammapy documentation. - A lot of new tutorials were added in the form of Jupyter notebooks. To make the content of the notebooks easier to navigate and search, a rendered static version of the notebooks was integrated in the Sphinx-based documentation (the one you are looking at) at :ref:`tutorials`. - Most of the Gammapy tutorials can be executed directly in the browser via the https://mybinder.org/ service. There is a "launch in binder" link at the top of each tutorial in the docs. - A page was created to collect the information for CTA members how to get started with Gammapy and with contact / support channels: https://gammapy.org/cta.html Gammapy Python package: - This release contains many bug fixes and improvements to the existing code, ranging from IRF interpolation to spectrum and lightcurve computation. Most of the improvements (see the list of pull requests below) were driven by user reports and feedback from CTA, HESS, MAGIC and Fermi-LAT analysis. Please update to the new version and keep filing bug reports and feature requests! - A new sub-package `gammapy.maps` was added that features WCS and HEALPix based maps, arbitrary extra axes in addition to the two spatial dimensions (e.g. energy, time or event type). Support for multi-resolution and sparse maps is work in progress. These new maps classes were implemented based on the experience gained from the existing ``SkyImage`` and ``SkyCube`` classes as well as the Fermi science tools, Fermipy and pointlike. Work on new analysis code based on ``gammapy.maps`` within Gammapy is starting now (see `PIG 2`_). Users are encouraged to start using ``gammapy.maps`` in their scripts. The plan is to keep the existing ``SkyImage`` and ``SkyCube`` and image / cube analysis code that we have now mostly unchanged (only apply bugfixes), and to remove them at some future date after the transition to the use of ``gammapy.maps`` within Gammapy (including all tests and documentation and tutorials) is complete and users had some time to update their code. If you have any questions or need help with ``gammapy.maps`` or find an issue or missing feature, let us know! Command line interface: - The Gammapy command-line interface was changed to use a single command ``gammapy`` multiple sub-commands (like ``gammapy info`` or ``gammapy image bin``). Discussions on developing the high level interface for Gammapy (e.g. as a set of command line tools, or a config file driven analysis) are starting now. Organisation: - A webpage at https://gammapy.org/ was set up, separate from the Gammapy documentation page https://docs.gammapy.org/ . - The Gammapy project and team organisation was set up with clear roles and responsibilities, in a way to help the Gammapy project grow, and to support astronomers and projects like CTA using Gammapy better. This is described at https://gammapy.org/team.html . - To improve the quality of Gammapy, we have set up a proposal-driven process for major improvements for Gammapy, described in :ref:`pig-001`. We are now starting to use this to design a better low level analysis code (`PIG 2`_) and to define a plan to finish the Python 2-> 3 transition (`PIG 3`_). .. _PIG 2: https://github.com/gammapy/gammapy/pull/1277 .. _PIG 3: https://github.com/gammapy/gammapy/pull/1278 .. _Gammapy installation questionnaire: https://goo.gl/forms/0QuYYyyPCbKnFJJI3 Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Anne Lemière (new) - Arjun Voruganti - Atreyee Sinha (new) - Axel Donath - Brigitta Sipocz - Bruno Khelifi (new) - Christoph Deil - Cosimo Nigro (new) - Jean-Philippe Lenain (new) - Johannes King - José Enrique Ruiz (new) - Julien Lefaucheur - Kai Brügge (new) - Lab Saha (new) - Lars Mohrmann - Léa Jouvin - Matthew Wood - Matthias Wegen (new) - Oscar Blanch (new) - Peter Deiml (new) - Régis Terrier - Roberta Zanin (new) - Rubén López-Coto (new) - Thomas Armstrong (new) - Thomas Vuillaume (new) - Yves Gallant (new) Pull requests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This list is incomplete. Small improvements and bug fixes are not listed here. See the complete `Gammapy 0.7 merged pull requests list on GitHub `__. - [#1319] Fix a bug in SpectrumStacker (Anne Lemière) - [#1318] Improve MapCoord interface (Matthew Wood) - [#1316] Add flux point estimation for multiple observations (Lars Mohrmann) - [#1312] Add Background 2D class (Léa Jouvin) - [#1305] Fix exposure and flux units in IACTBasicImageEstimator (Yves Gallant) - [#1300] Add PhaseCurve class for periodic systems (Lab Saha) - [#1294] Fix IACTBasicImageEstimator psf method (Yves Gallant) - [#1291] Add meta attribute to maps (Léa Jouvin) - [#1290] Change image_pipe and fov to include a minimum offset cut (Atreyee Sinha) - [#1289] Fix excess for given significance computation (Oscar Blanch) - [#1287] Fix time in LightCurveEstimator result table (Jean-Philippe Lenain) - [#1281] Add methods for WCS maps (Matthew Wood) - [#1266] No pytest import from non-test code (Christoph Deil) - [#1268] Fix PSF3D.to_energy_dependent_table_psf (Christoph Deil) - [#1246] Improve map read method (Matthew Wood) - [#1240] Finish change to Click in gammapy.scripts (Christoph Deil) - [#1238] Clean up catalog image code (Axel Donath) - [#1235] Introduce main ``gammapy`` command line tool (Axel Donath and Christoph Deil) - [#1227] Remove gammapy-data-show and gammapy-cube-bin (Christoph Deil) - [#1226] Make DataStoreObservation properties less lazy (Christoph Deil) - [#1220] Fix flux point computation for non-power-law models (Axel Donath) - [#1215] Finish integration of Jupyter notebooks with Sphinx docs (Jose Enrique Ruiz) - [#1211] Add IRF write methods (Thomas Armstrong) - [#1210] Fix min energy handling in SpectrumEnergyGrouper (Julien Lefaucheur and Christoph Deil) - [#1207] Add theta2 distribution plot to EventList class (Thomas Vuillaume) - [#1204] Consistently use mode='constant' in convolutions of RingBackgroundEstimator (Lars Mohrmann) - [#1195] Change IRF extrapolation behaviour (Christoph Deil) - [#1190] Refactor gammapy.maps methods for calculating index and coordinate arrays (Matthew Wood) - [#1183] Add function to compute background cube (Roberta Zanin and Christoph Deil) - [#1179] Fix two bugs in LightCurveEstimator, and improve speed considerably (Lars Mohrmann) - [#1176] Integrate tutorial notebooks in Sphinx documentation (Jose Enrique Ruiz) - [#1170] Add sparse map prototype (Matthew Wood) - [#1169] Remove old HEALPix image and cube classes (Christoph Deil) - [#1166] Fix ring background estimation (Axel Donath) - [#1162] Add ``gammapy.irf.Background3D`` (Roberta Zanin and Christoph Deil) - [#1150] Fix PSF evaluate error at low energy and high offset (Bruno Khelifi) - [#1134] Add MAGIC Crab reference spectrum (Cosimo Nigro) - [#1133] Fix energy_resolution method in EnergyDispersion class (Lars Mohrmann) - [#1127] Fix 3FHL spectral indexes for PowerLaw model (Julien Lefaucheur) - [#1115] Fix energy bias computation (Cosimo Nigro) - [#1110] Remove ATNF catalog class and Green catalog load function (Christoph Deil) - [#1108] Add HAWC 2HWC catalog (Peter Deiml) - [#1107] Rewrite GaussianBand2D model (Axel Donath) - [#1105] Emit warning when HDU loading from index is ambiguous (Lars Mohrmann) - [#1104] Change conda install instructions to conda-forge channel (Christoph Deil) - [#1103] Remove catalog and data browser Flask web apps (Christoph Deil) - [#1102] Add 3FGL spatial models (Axel Donath) - [#1100] Add energy reference for exposure map (Léa Jouvin) - [#1098] Improve flux point fitter (Axel Donath) - [#1093] Implement I/O methods for ``gammapy.maps`` (Matthew Wood) - [#1092] Add random seed argument for CTA simulations (Julien Lefaucheur) - [#1090] Add default parameters for spectral models (Axel Donath) - [#1089] Fix Fermi-LAT catalog flux points property (Axel Donath) - [#1088] Update Gammapy to match Astropy region changes (Johannes King) - [#1087] Add peak energy property to some spectral models (Axel Donath) - [#1085] Update astropy-helpers to v2.0 (Brigitta Sipocz) - [#1084] Add flux points upper limit estimation (Axel Donath) - [#1083] Add JSON-serialisable source catalog object dict (Arjun Voruganti) - [#1082] Add observation sanity check method to DataStore (Lars Mohrmann) - [#1078] Add printout for 3FHL and gamma-cat sources (Arjun Voruganti) - [#1076] Development in ``gammapy.maps`` (Matthew Wood) - [#1073] Fix spectrum fit for case of no EDISP (Johannes King) - [#1070] Add Lomb-Scargle detection function (Matthias Wegen) - [#1069] Add easy access to parameter errors (Johannes King) - [#1067] Add flux upper limit computation to TSImageEstimator (Axel Donath) - [#1065] Add skip_missing option to ``DataStore.obs_list`` (Johannes King) - [#1057] Use system pytest rather than astropy (Brigitta Sipocz) - [#1054] Development in ``gammapy.maps`` (Matthew Wood) - [#1053] Add sensitivity computation (Bruno Khelifi) - [#1051] Improve 3D simulation / analysis example (Roberta Zanin) - [#1045] Fix energy dispersion apply and to_sherpa (Johannes King) - [#1043] Make ``gammapy.spectrum.powerlaw`` private (Christoph Deil) - [#1040] Add combined 3D model and simple npred function (Christoph Deil) - [#1038] Remove ``gammapy.utils.mpl_style`` (Christoph Deil) - [#1136] Improve CTA sensitivity estimator (Axel Donath and Kai Brügge) - [#1035] Some cleanup of FluxPoints code and tests (Christoph Deil) - [#1032] Improve table unit standardisation and flux points (Christoph Deil) - [#1031] Add HGPS catalog spatial models (Axel Donath) - [#1029] Add 3D model simulation example (Roberta Zanin) - [#1027] Add gamma-cat resource and resource index classes (Christoph Deil) - [#1026] Fix Fermi catalog flux points upper limits (Axel Donath) - [#1025] Remove spectrum butterfly class (Christoph Deil) - [#1021] Fix spiralarm=False case in make_base_catalog_galactic (Ruben Lopez-Coto) - [#1014] Introduce TSImageEstimator class (Axel Donath) - [#1013] Add Fermi-LAT 3FHL spatial models (Axel Donath) - [#845] Add background model component to SpectrumFit (Johannes King) - [#111] Include module-level variables in API docs (Christoph Deil)