.. _catalog: ************************* catalog - Source catalogs ************************* .. currentmodule:: gammapy.catalog Introduction ============ `gammapy.catalog` provides convenient access to common gamma-ray source catalogs. * ``hgps`` / `SourceCatalogHGPS` - H.E.S.S. Galactic plane survey (HGPS) * ``gamma-cat`` / `SourceCatalogGammaCat` - An open catalog of gamma-ray sources * ``3fgl`` / `SourceCatalog3FGL` - LAT 4-year point source catalog * ``4fgl`` / `SourceCatalog4FGL` - LAT 8-year point source catalog * ``2fhl`` / `SourceCatalog2FHL` - LAT second high-energy source catalog * ``3fhl`` / `SourceCatalog3FHL` - LAT third high-energy source catalog * ``2hwc`` / `SourceCatalog2HWC` - 2HWC catalog from the HAWC observatory For each catalog, a `SourceCatalog` class is provided to represent the catalog table, and a matching `SourceCatalogObject` class to represent one catalog source and table row. The main functionality provided is methods that map catalog information to `~gammapy.modeling.models.SkyModel`, `~gammapy.modeling.models.SpectralModel`, `~gammapy.modeling.models.SpatialModel`, `~gammapy.estimators.FluxPoints` and `~gammapy.estimators.LightCurve` objects. `gammapy.catalog` is independent from the rest of Gammapy. The typical use cases are to compare your results against previous results in the catalogs (e.g. overplot a spectral model), or to create initial source models for certain energy bands and sky regions. Using `gammapy.catalog` ======================= Gammapy tutorial notebooks that show examples using ``gammapy.catalog``: .. nbgallery:: ../tutorials/api/catalog.ipynb ../tutorials/starting/overview.ipynb ../tutorials/analysis/1D/sed_fitting.ipynb Reference/API ============= .. automodapi:: gammapy.catalog :no-inheritance-diagram: :include-all-objects: