.. include:: ../references.txt .. _fov_background: ************** FoV background ************** .. currentmodule:: gammapy.makers Overview -------- Background models stored in IRF might not predict accurately the actual number of background counts. To correct the predicted counts, one can use the data themselves in regions deprived of gamma-ray signal. The field-of-view background technique is used to adjust the predicted counts on the measured ones outside an exclusion mask. This technique is recommended for 3D analysis, in particular when stacking `Datasets`. Gammapy provides the `~gammapy.makers.FoVBackgroundMaker`. The latter creates a `~gammapy.modeling.models.FoVBackgroundModel` which combines the `background` predicted number of counts and a `~gammapy.modeling.models.NormSpectralModel` which allows to renormalize the background cube, and possibly to change its spectral distribution. By default, only the `norm` parameter of a `~gammapy.modeling.models.PowerLaWNormSpectralModel` is left free. If needed the spectral parameters can be unfrozen. .. testcode:: from gammapy.makers import MapDatasetMaker, FoVBackgroundMaker, SafeMaskMaker from gammapy.datasets import MapDataset from gammapy.data import DataStore from gammapy.maps import MapAxis, WcsGeom, Map from regions import CircleSkyRegion from astropy import units as u data_store = DataStore.from_dir("$GAMMAPY_DATA/hess-dl3-dr1") observations = data_store.get_observations([23592, 23559]) energy_axis = MapAxis.from_energy_bounds("0.5 TeV", "10 TeV", nbin=5) energy_axis_true = MapAxis.from_energy_bounds("0.3 TeV", "20 TeV", nbin=20, name="energy_true") geom = WcsGeom.create(skydir=(83.63, 22.01), axes=[energy_axis], width=5, binsz=0.02) stacked = MapDataset.create(geom, energy_axis_true=energy_axis_true) maker = MapDatasetMaker() safe_mask_maker = SafeMaskMaker( methods=["aeff-default", "offset-max"], offset_max="2.5 deg" ) circle = CircleSkyRegion(center=geom.center_skydir, radius=0.2 * u.deg) exclusion_mask = geom.region_mask([circle], inside=False) fov_bkg_maker = FoVBackgroundMaker(method="fit", exclusion_mask=exclusion_mask) for obs in observations: dataset = maker.run(stacked, obs) dataset = safe_mask_maker.run(dataset, obs) dataset = fov_bkg_maker.run(dataset) stacked.stack(dataset) The following notebooks shows examples using `~gammapy.makers.FoVBackgroundMaker` to perform 3D data extraction and fitting: .. nbgallery:: ../tutorials/starting/analysis_2.ipynb ../tutorials/analysis/3D/analysis_3d.ipynb