Source code for gammapy.irf.background

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import logging
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.visualization import quantity_support
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
from gammapy.maps import MapAxes, MapAxis
from .core import IRF
from .io import gadf_is_pointlike

__all__ = ["Background3D", "Background2D"]

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class BackgroundIRF(IRF):
    """Background IRF base class"""

    default_interp_kwargs = dict(bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0, values_scale="log")
    """Default Interpolation kwargs to extrapolate."""

    def from_table(cls, table, format="gadf-dl3"):
        """Read from `~astropy.table.Table`.

        table : `~astropy.table.Table`
            Table with background data
        format : {"gadf-dl3"}
            Format specification

        bkg : `Background2D` or `Background2D`
            Background IRF class.
        # TODO: some of the existing background files have missing HDUCLAS keywords
        #  which are required to define the correct Gammapy axis names

        if "HDUCLAS2" not in table.meta:
            log.warning("Missing 'HDUCLAS2' keyword assuming 'BKG'")
            table = table.copy()
            table.meta["HDUCLAS2"] = "BKG"

        axes = MapAxes.from_table(table, format=format)[cls.required_axes]

        # TODO: spec says key should be "BKG", but there are files around
        #  (e.g. CTA 1DC) that use "BGD". For now we support both
        if "BKG" in table.colnames:
            bkg_name = "BKG"
        elif "BGD" in table.colnames:
            bkg_name = "BGD"
            raise ValueError("Invalid column names. Need 'BKG' or 'BGD'.")

        data = table[bkg_name].quantity[0].T

        if data.unit == "" or isinstance(data.unit, u.UnrecognizedUnit):
            data = u.Quantity(data.value, "s-1 MeV-1 sr-1", copy=False)
                "Invalid unit found in background table! Assuming (s-1 MeV-1 sr-1)"

        # TODO: The present HESS and CTA background fits files
        #  have a reverse order (lon, lat, E) than recommended in GADF(E, lat, lon)
        #  For now, we support both.

        if axes.shape == axes.shape[::-1]:
            log.error("Ambiguous axes order in Background fits files!")

        if np.shape(data) != axes.shape:
            log.debug("Transposing background table on read")
            data = data.transpose()

        return cls(
            fov_alignment=table.meta.get("FOVALIGN", "RADEC"),

[docs]class Background3D(BackgroundIRF): """Background 3D. Data format specification: :ref:`gadf:bkg_3d` Parameters ---------- axes : list of `MapAxis` or `MapAxes` object Required data axes: ["energy", "fov_lon", "fov_lat"] in the given order. data : `~np.ndarray` Data array. unit : str or `~astropy.units.Unit` Data unit usuually ``s^-1 MeV^-1 sr^-1`` meta : dict Meta data Examples -------- Here's an example you can use to learn about this class: >>> from gammapy.irf import Background3D >>> filename = '$GAMMAPY_DATA/cta-1dc/caldb/data/cta/1dc/bcf/South_z20_50h/irf_file.fits' >>> bkg_3d =, hdu='BACKGROUND') >>> print(bkg_3d) Background3D ------------ <BLANKLINE> axes : ['energy', 'fov_lon', 'fov_lat'] shape : (21, 36, 36) ndim : 3 unit : 1 / (MeV s sr) dtype : >f4 <BLANKLINE> """ tag = "bkg_3d" required_axes = ["energy", "fov_lon", "fov_lat"] default_unit = u.s**-1 * u.MeV**-1 ***-1
[docs] def to_2d(self): """Convert to `Background2D`. This takes the values at Y = 0 and X >= 0. """ # TODO: this is incorrect as it misses the Jacobian? idx_lon = self.axes["fov_lon"].coord_to_idx(0 * u.deg)[0] idx_lat = self.axes["fov_lat"].coord_to_idx(0 * u.deg)[0] data = self.quantity[:, idx_lon:, idx_lat].copy() offset = self.axes["fov_lon"].edges[idx_lon:] offset_axis = MapAxis.from_edges(offset, name="offset") return Background2D( axes=[self.axes["energy"], offset_axis], data=data.value, unit=data.unit )
[docs] def peek(self, figsize=(10, 8)): """Quick-look summary plots. Parameters ---------- figsize : tuple Size of the figure. """ return self.to_2d().peek(figsize)
[docs] def plot_at_energy( self, energy=None, add_cbar=True, ncols=3, figsize=None, **kwargs ): """Plot the background rate in Field of view coordinates at a given energy. Parameters ---------- energy : `~astropy.units.Quantity` list of Energy ax: `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Axis add_cbar : bool Add color bar? ncols : int Number of columns to plot **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to `~matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh`. """ n = len(energy) cols = min(ncols, n) rows = 1 + (n - 1) // cols width = 12 if figsize is None: figsize = (width, width * rows / cols) fig, axes = plt.subplots( ncols=cols, nrows=rows, figsize=figsize, gridspec_kw={"hspace": 0.2, "wspace": 0.3}, ) x = self.axes["fov_lat"].edges y = self.axes["fov_lon"].edges X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) for i, ee in enumerate(energy): if len(energy) == 1: ax = axes else: ax = axes.flat[i] bkg = self.evaluate(energy=ee) with quantity_support(): caxes = ax.pcolormesh(X, Y, bkg.squeeze(), **kwargs) self.axes["fov_lat"].format_plot_xaxis(ax) self.axes["fov_lon"].format_plot_yaxis(ax) ax.set_title(str(ee)) if add_cbar: label = f"Background [{bkg.unit}]" ax.figure.colorbar(caxes, ax=ax, label=label) row, col = np.unravel_index(i, shape=(rows, cols)) if col > 0: ax.set_ylabel("") if row < rows - 1: ax.set_xlabel("")
[docs]class Background2D(BackgroundIRF): """Background 2D. Data format specification: :ref:`gadf:bkg_2d` Parameters ---------- axes : list of `MapAxis` or `MapAxes` object Required data axes: ["energy", "offset"] in the given order. data : `~np.ndarray` Data array. unit : str or `~astropy.units.Unit` Data unit usually ``s^-1 MeV^-1 sr^-1`` meta : dict Meta data """ tag = "bkg_2d" required_axes = ["energy", "offset"] default_unit = u.s**-1 * u.MeV**-1 ***-1 default_interp_kwargs = dict(bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0) """Default Interpolation kwargs."""
[docs] def to_3d(self): """ "Convert to Background3D""" edges = np.concatenate( ( np.negative(self.axes["offset"].edges)[::-1][:-1], self.axes["offset"].edges, ) ) fov_lat = MapAxis.from_edges(edges=edges, name="fov_lat") fov_lon = MapAxis.from_edges(edges=edges, name="fov_lon") axes = MapAxes([self.axes["energy"], fov_lon, fov_lat]) coords = axes.get_coord() offset = np.sqrt(coords["fov_lat"] ** 2 + coords["fov_lon"] ** 2) data = self.evaluate(offset=offset, energy=coords["energy"]) return Background3D( axes=axes, data=data, )
[docs] def plot_at_energy(self, energy=None, ax=None, add_cbar=True, ncols=3, **kwargs): """Plot the background rate in Field of view coordinates at a given energy. Parameters ---------- energy : `~astropy.units.Quantity` list of Energy ax: `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Axis add_cbar : bool Add color bar? ncols : int Number of columns to plot **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to `~matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh`. """ bkg_3d = self.to_3d() bkg_3d.plot_at_energy(energy, ax, add_cbar, ncols, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None, add_cbar=True, **kwargs): """Plot energy offset dependence of the background model.""" ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax energy_axis, offset_axis = self.axes["energy"], self.axes["offset"] data = self.quantity.value kwargs.setdefault("cmap", "GnBu") kwargs.setdefault("edgecolors", "face") kwargs.setdefault("norm", LogNorm()) with quantity_support(): caxes = ax.pcolormesh( energy_axis.edges, offset_axis.edges, data.T, **kwargs ) energy_axis.format_plot_xaxis(ax=ax) offset_axis.format_plot_yaxis(ax=ax) if add_cbar: label = f"Background rate ({self.unit})" ax.figure.colorbar(caxes, ax=ax, label=label)
[docs] def plot_offset_dependence(self, ax=None, energy=None, **kwargs): """Plot background rate versus offset for a given energy. Parameters ---------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Axis energy : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Energy Returns ------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axis """ ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax if energy is None: energy_axis = self.axes["energy"] e_min, e_max = np.log10([[0, -1]]) energy = np.logspace(e_min, e_max, 4) * energy_axis.unit offset_axis = self.axes["offset"] for ee in energy: bkg = self.evaluate(, energy=ee) if np.isnan(bkg).all(): continue label = f"energy = {ee:.1f}" with quantity_support(): ax.plot(, bkg, label=label, **kwargs) offset_axis.format_plot_xaxis(ax=ax) ax.set_ylabel(f"Background rate ({ax.yaxis.units})") ax.set_yscale("log") ax.legend(loc="upper right") return ax
[docs] def plot_energy_dependence(self, ax=None, offset=None, **kwargs): """Plot background rate versus energy for a given offset. Parameters ---------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Axis offset : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Offset kwargs : dict Forwarded tp plt.plot() Returns ------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axis """ ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax if offset is None: offset_axis = self.axes["offset"] off_min, off_max =[[0, -1]] offset = np.linspace(off_min, off_max, 4) * offset_axis.unit energy_axis = self.axes["energy"] for off in offset: bkg = self.evaluate(offset=off, label = f"offset = {off:.2f}" with quantity_support(): ax.plot(, bkg, label=label, **kwargs) energy_axis.format_plot_xaxis(ax=ax) ax.set_yscale("log") ax.set_ylabel(f"Background rate ({ax.yaxis.units})") ax.legend(loc="best") return ax
[docs] def plot_spectrum(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot angle integrated background rate versus energy. Parameters ---------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Axis **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments forwarded to `~matplotib.pyplot.plot` Returns ------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axis """ ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax offset_axis = self.axes["offset"] energy_axis = self.axes["energy"] bkg = self.integral(offset=offset_axis.bounds[1], axis_name="offset") with quantity_support(): ax.plot(, bkg, label="integrated spectrum", **kwargs) energy_axis.format_plot_xaxis(ax=ax) ax.set_yscale("log") ax.set_ylabel(f"Background rate ({ax.yaxis.units})") ax.legend(loc="best") return ax
[docs] def peek(self, figsize=(10, 8)): """Quick-look summary plots.""" fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=figsize) self.plot(ax=axes[1][1]) self.plot_offset_dependence(ax=axes[0][0]) self.plot_energy_dependence(ax=axes[1][0]) self.plot_spectrum(ax=axes[0][1]) plt.tight_layout()