Source code for gammapy.background.models

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Background models."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import numpy as np
from astropy.coordinates import Angle, SkyCoord
from import fits
from astropy.modeling.models import Gaussian1D
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.units import Quantity
from import EventList
from import EnergyBounds
from .energy_offset_array import EnergyOffsetArray
from .fov_cube import _make_bin_edges_array, FOVCube

__all__ = [

DEFAULT_SPLINE_KWARGS = dict(k=1, s=0)

def _add_column_and_sort_table(sources, pointing_position):
    """Sort the table and add the column separation (offset from the source) and phi (position angle from the source).

    sources : `~astropy.table.Table`
            Table of excluded sources.
    pointing_position : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`
            Coordinates of the pointing position

    sources : `~astropy.table.Table`
        given sources table sorted with extra column "separation" and "phi"
    sources = sources.copy()
    source_pos = SkyCoord(sources["RA"], sources["DEC"], unit="deg")
    sources["separation"] = pointing_position.separation(source_pos)
    sources["phi"] = pointing_position.position_angle(source_pos)
    return sources

def _compute_pie_fraction(sources, pointing_position, fov_radius):
    """Compute the fraction of the pie over a circle.

    sources : `~astropy.table.Table`
        Table of excluded sources.
        Required columns: RA, DEC, Radius
    pointing_position : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`
        Coordinates of the pointing position
    fov_radius : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`
        Field of view radius

    pie fraction : float
        If 0: nothing is excluded
    sources = _add_column_and_sort_table(sources, pointing_position)
    radius = Angle(sources["Radius"])[0]
    separation = Angle(sources["separation"])[0]
    if separation > fov_radius:
        return 0
        return (2 * np.arctan(radius / separation) / (2 * np.pi)).value

def _select_events_outside_pie(sources, events, pointing_position, fov_radius):
    """Table row indices of events outside the pie.

    sources : `~astropy.table.Table`
        Table of excluded sources.
        Required columns: RA, DEC, Radius
    events : ``
        List of events for one observation
    pointing_position : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`
        Coordinates of the pointing position
    fov_radius : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`
        Field of view radius

    idx : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Table row indices of the events that are outside the pie
    sources = _add_column_and_sort_table(sources, pointing_position)
    radius = Angle(sources["Radius"])[0]
    phi = Angle(sources["phi"])[0]
    separation = Angle(sources["separation"])[0]
    if separation > fov_radius:
        return np.arange(len(events.table))
        phi_min = phi - np.arctan(radius / separation)
        phi_max = phi + np.arctan(radius / separation)
        phi_events = pointing_position.position_angle(events.radec)
        if > 360:
            phi_max = phi_max - Angle(360, "deg")
            idx = np.where((phi_events > phi_max) & (phi_events < phi_min))
            idx = np.where((phi_events > phi_max) | (phi_events < phi_min))

        return idx[0]

def _poisson_gauss_smooth(counts, bkg):
    """Adaptive Poisson method to compute the smoothing kernel width from the available counts.

    counts : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Count histogram 1D in offset
    bkg : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Count histogram 1D in offset

    bkg_smooth : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Count histogram 1D in offset
    from scipy.ndimage import convolve
    Nev = np.sum(counts)
    Np = len(counts)

    # Number of pixels per sigma of the kernel gaussian to have more than 150 events/sigma
    Npix_sigma = (150 / Nev) * Np

    # For high statistic, we impose a minimum of 4pixel/sigma
    Npix_sigma = np.maximum(Npix_sigma, 4)

    # For very low statistic, we impose a maximum lenght of the kernel equal of the number of bin
    # in the counts histogram
    Npix_sigma = np.minimum(Npix_sigma, Np / 6)

    # kernel gaussian define between -3 and 3 sigma
    x = np.linspace(-3, 3, 6 * Npix_sigma)
    kernel = np.exp(-0.5 * x ** 2)
    bkg_smooth = convolve(bkg, kernel / np.sum(kernel), mode="reflect")
    return bkg_smooth

[docs]class GaussianBand2D(object): """Gaussian band model. This 2-dimensional model is Gaussian in ``y`` for a given ``x``, and the Gaussian parameters can vary in ``x``. One application of this model is the diffuse emission along the Galactic plane, i.e. ``x = GLON`` and ``y = GLAT``. Parameters ---------- table : `~astropy.table.Table` Table of Gaussian parameters. ``x``, ``amplitude``, ``mean``, ``stddev``. spline_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to `~scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline` """ def __init__(self, table, spline_kwargs=DEFAULT_SPLINE_KWARGS): from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline self.table = table glon = Angle(self.table['GLON']).wrap_at('180d') splines, units = {}, {} for column in table.colnames: y = self.table[column].quantity spline = UnivariateSpline(, y.value, **spline_kwargs) splines[column] = spline units[column] = y.unit self._splines = splines self._units = units def _interpolate_parameter(self, parname, glon): glon = glon.wrap_at('180d') y = self._splines[parname]( return y * self._units[parname]
[docs] def peak_brightness(self, glon): """Peak brightness at a given longitude. Parameters ---------- glon : `~astropy.coordinates.Longitude` Galactic Longitude. """ return self._interpolate_parameter('Surface_Brightness', glon)
[docs] def peak_brightness_error(self, glon): """Peak brightness error at a given longitude. Parameters ---------- glon : `~astropy.coordinates.Longitude` or `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Galactic Longitude. """ return self._interpolate_parameter('Surface_Brightness_Err', glon)
[docs] def width(self, glon): """Width at a given longitude. Parameters ---------- glon : `~astropy.coordinates.Longitude` or `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Galactic Longitude. """ return self._interpolate_parameter('Width', glon)
[docs] def width_error(self, glon): """Width error at a given longitude. Parameters ---------- glon : `~astropy.coordinates.Longitude` or `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Galactic Longitude. """ return self._interpolate_parameter('Width_Err', glon)
[docs] def peak_latitude(self, glon): """Peak position at a given longitude. Parameters ---------- glon : `~astropy.coordinates.Longitude` or `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Galactic Longitude. """ return self._interpolate_parameter('GLAT', glon)
[docs] def peak_latitude_error(self, glon): """Peak position error at a given longitude. Parameters ---------- glon : `~astropy.coordinates.Longitude` or `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Galactic Longitude. """ return self._interpolate_parameter('GLAT_Err', glon)
[docs] def evaluate(self, position): """Evaluate model at a given position. Parameters ---------- position : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Position on the sky. """ glon, glat = position.galactic.l, position.galactic.b width = self.width(glon) amplitude = self.peak_brightness(glon) mean = self.peak_latitude(glon) return Gaussian1D.evaluate(glat, amplitude=amplitude, mean=mean, stddev=width)
[docs]class FOVCubeBackgroundModel(object): """Field of view (FOV) cube background model. Container class for cube background model *(X, Y, energy)*. *(X, Y)* are detector coordinates (a.k.a. nominal system coordinates). This class defines 3 cubes of type `~gammapy.background.FOVCube`: - **counts_cube**: to store the counts (a.k.a. events) that participate in the model creation. - **livetime_cube**: to store the livetime correction. - **background_cube**: to store the background model. The class defines methods to define the binning, fill and smooth of the background cube models. Parameters ---------- counts_cube : `~gammapy.background.FOVCube`, optional FOVCube to store counts. livetime_cube : `~gammapy.background.FOVCube`, optional FOVCube to store livetime correction. background_cube : `~gammapy.background.FOVCube`, optional FOVCube to store background model. """ def __init__(self, counts_cube=None, livetime_cube=None, background_cube=None): self.counts_cube = counts_cube self.livetime_cube = livetime_cube self.background_cube = background_cube
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, filename, format='table'): """Read cube background model from fits file. Several input formats are accepted, depending on the value of the **format** parameter: * table (default and preferred format): all 3 cubes as `` of `` * image (alternative format): bg cube saved as ``, with the energy binning stored as `` The counts and livetime cubes are optional. This method calls ``, forwarding all arguments. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of file with the cube. format : str, optional Format of the cube to read. Returns ------- bg_cube_model : `~gammapy.background.FOVCubeBackgroundModel` FOVCube background model object. """ try: counts_cube =, format, scheme='bg_counts_cube') livetime_cube =, format, scheme='bg_livetime_cube') except: # no counts/livetime cube found: read only bg cube counts_cube = FOVCube() livetime_cube = FOVCube() background_cube =, format, scheme='bg_cube') return cls(counts_cube=counts_cube, livetime_cube=livetime_cube, background_cube=background_cube)
[docs] def write(self, outfile, format='table', **kwargs): """Write cube to FITS file. Several output formats are accepted, depending on the value of the **format** parameter: * table (default and preferred format): all 3 cubes as `` of `` * image (alternative format): bg cube saved as ``, with the energy binning stored as `` The counts and livetime cubes are optional. This method calls ``, forwarding the **kwargs** arguments. Parameters ---------- outfile : str Name of file to write. format : str, optional Format of the cube to write. kwargs Extra arguments for the corresponding `` ``writeto`` method. """ if (( == 0) or ( == 0)): # empty envets/livetime cube: save only bg cube self.background_cube.write(outfile, format, **kwargs) else: if format == 'table': hdu_list = fits.HDUList([fits.PrimaryHDU(), # empty primary HDU self.counts_cube.to_fits_table(), self.livetime_cube.to_fits_table(), self.background_cube.to_fits_table()]) hdu_list.writeto(outfile, **kwargs) elif format == 'image': # save only bg cube: DS9 understands only one (primary) HDU self.background_cube.write(outfile, format, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError("Invalid format {}.".format(format))
[docs] @classmethod def set_cube_binning(cls, detx_edges, dety_edges, energy_edges): """Set cube binning from function parameters. Parameters ---------- detx_edges : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Spatial bin edges vector (low and high) for the cubes. X coordinate. dety_edges : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Spatial bin edges vector (low and high) for the cubes. Y coordinate. energy_edges : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Energy bin edges vector (low and high) for the cubes. Returns ------- bg_cube_model : `~gammapy.background.FOVCubeBackgroundModel` FOVCube background model object. """ empty_cube_data = np.zeros((len(energy_edges) - 1, len(dety_edges) - 1, len(detx_edges) - 1)) counts_cube = FOVCube(coordx_edges=detx_edges, coordy_edges=dety_edges, energy_edges=energy_edges, data=Quantity(empty_cube_data, ''), # counts scheme='bg_counts_cube') livetime_cube = FOVCube(coordx_edges=detx_edges, coordy_edges=dety_edges, energy_edges=energy_edges, data=Quantity(empty_cube_data, 'second'), scheme='bg_livetime_cube') background_cube = FOVCube(coordx_edges=detx_edges, coordy_edges=dety_edges, energy_edges=energy_edges, data=Quantity(empty_cube_data, '1 / (s TeV sr)'), scheme='bg_cube') return cls(counts_cube=counts_cube, livetime_cube=livetime_cube, background_cube=background_cube)
[docs] @classmethod def define_cube_binning(cls, observation_table, method='default'): """Define cube binning (E, Y, X). The shape of the cube (number of bins on each axis) depends on the number of observations. The binning is slightly altered in case a different method as the *default* one is used. In the *michi* method: * Minimum energy (i.e. lower boundary of cube energy binning) is equal to minimum energy threshold of all observations in the group. Parameters ---------- observation_table : `` Observation list to use for the *michi* binning. data_dir : str Data directory method : {'default', 'michi'}, optional Bg cube model calculation method to apply. Returns ------- bg_cube_model : `~gammapy.background.FOVCubeBackgroundModel` FOVCube background model object. """ # define cube binning shape n_ebins = 20 n_ybins = 60 n_xbins = 60 n_obs = len(observation_table) if n_obs < 100: minus_bins = int(n_obs / 10) - 10 n_ebins += minus_bins n_ybins += 4 * minus_bins n_xbins += 4 * minus_bins bg_cube_shape = (n_ebins, n_ybins, n_xbins) # define cube edges energy_min = Quantity(0.1, 'TeV') energy_max = Quantity(100, 'TeV') dety_min = Angle(-0.07, 'radian').to('deg') dety_max = Angle(0.07, 'radian').to('deg') detx_min = Angle(-0.07, 'radian').to('deg') detx_max = Angle(0.07, 'radian').to('deg') # TODO: the bin min/max edges should depend on # the experiment/observatory. # or at least they should be read as parameters # The values here are good for H.E.S.S. # energy bins (logarithmic) log_delta_energy = (np.log(energy_max.value) - np.log(energy_min.value)) / bg_cube_shape[0] energy_edges = np.exp(np.arange(bg_cube_shape[0] + 1) * log_delta_energy + np.log(energy_min.value)) energy_edges = Quantity(energy_edges, energy_min.unit) # TODO: this function should be reviewed/re-written, when # the following PR is completed: # # spatial bins (linear) delta_y = (dety_max - dety_min) / bg_cube_shape[1] dety_edges = np.arange(bg_cube_shape[1] + 1) * delta_y + dety_min delta_x = (detx_max - detx_min) / bg_cube_shape[2] detx_edges = np.arange(bg_cube_shape[2] + 1) * delta_x + detx_min return cls.set_cube_binning(detx_edges, dety_edges, energy_edges)
[docs] def fill_obs(self, observation_table, data_store): """Fill events and compute corresponding livetime. Get data files corresponding to the observation list, histogram the counts and the livetime and fill the corresponding cube containers. Parameters ---------- observation_table : `` Observation list to use for the histogramming. data_store : `` Data store """ for obs in observation_table: events = data_store.obs(obs_id=obs['OBS_ID']).events # TODO: filter out (mask) possible sources in the data # for now, the observation table should not contain any # run at or near an existing source self.counts_cube.fill_events([events]) += events.observation_live_time_duration
[docs] def smooth(self): """Smooth background cube model. Smooth method: 1. slice model in energy bins: 1 image per energy bin 2. calculate integral of the image 3. determine times to smooth (N) depending on number of entries (counts) used to fill the cube 4. smooth image N times with root TH2::Smooth default smoothing kernel: **k5a** .. code:: python k5a = [ [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 2, 2, 2, 0 ], [ 1, 2, 5, 2, 1 ], [ 0, 2, 2, 2, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ] ] Reference: 5. scale with the cocient of the old integral div by the new integral 6. fill the values of the image back in the cube """ from scipy import ndimage # integral of original images integral_images = self.background_cube.integral_images # number of times to smooth n_counts = if n_counts >= 1.e6: n_smooth = 3 elif (n_counts < 1.e6) and (n_counts >= 1.e5): n_smooth = 4 else: n_smooth = 5 # smooth images # define smoothing kernel as k5a in root: # kernel = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 2, 2, 2, 0], [1, 2, 5, 2, 1], [0, 2, 2, 2, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0]]) # loop over energy bins (i.e. images) for i_energy in np.arange(len(self.background_cube.energy_edges) - 1): # loop over number of times to smooth for i_smooth in np.arange(n_smooth): data =[i_energy] image_smooth = ndimage.convolve(data, kernel) # overwrite bg image with smoothed bg image[i_energy] = Quantity(image_smooth, # integral of smooth images integral_images_smooth = self.background_cube.integral_images # scale images to preserve original integrals # loop over energy bins (i.e. images) for i_energy in np.arange(len(self.background_cube.energy_edges) - 1):[i_energy] *= (integral_images / integral_images_smooth)[i_energy]
[docs] def compute_rate(self): """Compute background_cube from count_cube and livetime_cube.""" bg_rate = / bg_rate /= self.counts_cube.bin_volume # bg_rate.set_zero_level() # import IPython; IPython.embed() bg_rate ='1 / (MeV sr s)') = bg_rate
[docs]class EnergyOffsetBackgroundModel(object): """EnergyOffsetArray background model. Container class for `EnergyOffsetArray` background model *(energy, offset)*. This class defines 3 `EnergyOffsetArray` of type `~gammapy.background.EnergyOffsetArray` Parameters ---------- energy : `` energy bin vector offset : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` offset bin vector counts : `~numpy.ndarray`, optional data array (2D): store counts. livetime : `~numpy.ndarray`, optional data array (2D): store livetime correction bg_rate : `~numpy.ndarray`, optional data array (2D): store background model counts_err : `~numpy.ndarray`, optional data array (2D): store errors on the counts. bg_rate_err : `~numpy.ndarray`, optional data array (2D): store errors on the background model """ def __init__(self, energy, offset, counts=None, livetime=None, bg_rate=None, counts_err=None, bg_rate_err=None): self.counts = EnergyOffsetArray(energy, offset, counts, data_err=counts_err) self.livetime = EnergyOffsetArray(energy, offset, livetime, "s") self.bg_rate = EnergyOffsetArray(energy, offset, bg_rate, "MeV-1 sr-1 s-1", data_err=bg_rate_err)
[docs] def write(self, filename, **kwargs): """Write to FITS file. Parameters ---------- filename : str File name """ self.to_table().write(filename, format='fits', **kwargs)
[docs] def to_table(self): """Convert to `~astropy.table.Table`. Returns ------- table : `~astropy.table.Table` Table containing the `EnergyOffsetBackgroundModel`: counts, livetime and bg_rate """ table = Table() table['THETA_LO'] = Quantity([self.counts.offset[:-1]], unit=self.counts.offset.unit) table['THETA_HI'] = Quantity([self.counts.offset[1:]], unit=self.counts.offset.unit) table['ENERG_LO'] = Quantity([[:-1]], table['ENERG_HI'] = Quantity([[1:]], table['counts'] = self.counts.to_table()['data'] if self.counts.data_err is not None: table['counts_err'] = self.counts.to_table()['data_err'] table['livetime'] = self.livetime.to_table()['data'] table['bkg'] = self.bg_rate.to_table()['data'] if self.bg_rate.data_err is not None: table['bkg_err'] = self.bg_rate.to_table()['data_err'] table.meta['HDUNAME'] = "bkg_2d" return table
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, filename): """Create from FITS file. Parameters ---------- filename : str File name """ table = return cls.from_table(table)
[docs] @classmethod def from_table(cls, table): """Create from `~astropy.table.Table`.""" offset_edges = _make_bin_edges_array(table['THETA_LO'].squeeze(), table['THETA_HI'].squeeze()) offset_edges = Angle(offset_edges, table['THETA_LO'].unit) energy_edges = _make_bin_edges_array(table['ENERG_LO'].squeeze(), table['ENERG_HI'].squeeze()) energy_edges = EnergyBounds(energy_edges, table['ENERG_LO'].unit) counts = Quantity(table['counts'].squeeze(), table['counts'].unit) if "counts_err" in table.colnames: counts_err = Quantity(table['counts_err'].squeeze(), table['counts_err'].unit) else: counts_err = None livetime = Quantity(table['livetime'].squeeze(), table['livetime'].unit) bg_rate = Quantity(table['bkg'].squeeze(), table['bkg'].unit) if "bkg_err" in table.colnames: bg_rate_err = Quantity(table['bkg_err'].squeeze(), table['bkg_err'].unit) else: bg_rate_err = None return cls(energy_edges, offset_edges, counts, livetime, bg_rate, counts_err=counts_err, bg_rate_err=bg_rate_err)
[docs] def fill_obs(self, obs_ids, data_store, excluded_sources=None, fov_radius=Angle(2.5, "deg")): """Fill events and compute corresponding livetime. Get data files corresponding to the observation list, histogram the counts and the livetime and fill the corresponding cube containers. Parameters ---------- obs_ids : list List of observation IDs data_store : `` Data store excluded_sources : `~astropy.table.Table` Table of excluded sources. Required columns: RA, DEC, Radius fov_radius : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Field of view radius """ for obs_id in obs_ids: obs = data_store.obs(obs_id=obs_id) events = if excluded_sources: pie_fraction = _compute_pie_fraction(excluded_sources, events.pointing_radec, fov_radius) idx = _select_events_outside_pie(excluded_sources, events, events.pointing_radec, fov_radius) events = EventList(events.table[idx]) else: pie_fraction = 0 self.counts.fill_events([events]) += obs.observation_live_time_duration * (1 - pie_fraction)
[docs] def compute_rate(self): """Compute background rate cube from count_cube and livetime_cube.""" bg_rate = / bg_rate /= self.counts.bin_volume bg_rate ='MeV-1 sr-1 s-1') = bg_rate self.bg_rate.data_err = (np.sqrt( / (self.counts.bin_volume * 'MeV-1 sr-1 s-1')
[docs] def smooth(self): """Smooth the bkg rate with a gaussian 1D kernel. Calling this method modifies the ``bg_rate`` data member, replacing it with a smoothed version. This method uses an adaptive Poisson method to compute the smoothing Kernel width from the available counts (see code and inline comments for details). """ for idx_energy in range(len( - 1): counts =[idx_energy, :] bkg =[idx_energy, :] n_events = np.sum(counts).value # For zero counts, the background rate is zero and smoothing would not change it. # For speed we're skipping the smoothing in that case if n_events > 0: acceptance_convolve = _poisson_gauss_smooth(counts, bkg)[idx_energy, :] = Quantity(acceptance_convolve,