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Source code for gammapy.background.off_data_background_maker

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import logging
import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table, vstack
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.table import join as table_join
from import ObservationTable, ObservationGroupAxis, ObservationGroups
from .models import FOVCubeBackgroundModel
from .models import EnergyOffsetBackgroundModel
from import EnergyBounds
from ..utils.nddata import sqrt_space

__all__ = [

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class OffDataBackgroundMaker(object): """OffDataBackgroundMaker class. Class that will select an OFF list run from a Data list and then group this runlist in group. Then for each group, it will compute the background rate model in 3D *(X, Y, energy)* or 2D *(energy, offset)* via the class `~gammapy.background.FOVCubeBackgroundModel` (3D) or `~gammapy.background.EnergyOffsetBackgroundModel` (2D). Parameters ---------- data_store : `` Data for the background model outdir : str directory where will go the output run_list : str filename where is store the OFF run list obs_table : `` observation table of the OFF run List used for the background modelling require GROUP_ID column ntot_group : int Number of group excluded_sources : `~astropy.table.Table` Table of excluded sources. Required columns: RA, DEC, Radius """ def __init__(self, data_store, outdir=None, run_list=None, obs_table=None, ntot_group=None, excluded_sources=None): self.data_store = data_store if not run_list: self.run_list = "run.lis" else: self.run_list = run_list if not outdir: self.outdir = "out" else: self.outdir = outdir self.obs_table = obs_table self.excluded_sources = excluded_sources self.obs_table_grouped_filename = self.outdir + '/obs.fits' self.group_table_filename = self.outdir + '/group-def.fits' self.models3D = dict() self.models2D = dict() self.ntot_group = ntot_group
[docs] def define_obs_table(self): """Make an obs table for the OFF runs list. This table is created from the obs table of all the runs Returns ------- table : `~astropy.table.Table` observation table of the OFF run List """ table =, format='ascii.csv') obs_table = self.data_store.obs_table table = table_join(table, obs_table) return table
[docs] def select_observations(self, selection, n_obs_max=None): """Make off run list for background models. * selection='offplane' is all runs where - Observation is available here - abs(GLAT) > 5 (i.e. not in the Galactic plane) * selection='all' -- all available observations Parameters ---------- selection : {'offplane', 'all'} Observation selection method. n_obs_max : int, None Maximum number of observations (useful for quick testing) """ if selection == 'offplane': obs_table = self.data_store.obs_table[:n_obs_max] min_glat = 5 mask = np.abs(obs_table['GLAT']) > min_glat obs_table = obs_table[mask] obs_table = obs_table[['OBS_ID']] elif selection == 'all': obs_table = self.data_store.obs_table[:n_obs_max] obs_table = obs_table[['OBS_ID']] else: raise ValueError('Invalid selection: {}'.format(selection))'Writing {}'.format(self.run_list)) obs_table.write(self.run_list, format='ascii.csv')
[docs] def group_observations(self): """Group the background observation list. For now we'll just use the zenith binning from HAP. """ obs_table = self.define_obs_table() # Define observation groups axes = [ObservationGroupAxis('ZEN_PNT', [0, 49, 90], fmt='edges')] obs_groups = ObservationGroups(axes) # Apply observation grouping obs_table = obs_groups.apply(obs_table) # Store the results filename = self.obs_table_grouped_filename'Writing {}'.format(filename)) obs_table.write(str(filename), overwrite=True) self.obs_table = obs_table filename = self.group_table_filename'Writing {}'.format(filename)) obs_groups.obs_groups_table.write(str(filename), overwrite=True) self.ntot_group = obs_groups.n_groups
[docs] def make_model(self, modeltype, ebounds=None, offset=None): """Make background models. Create the list of background model (`~gammapy.background.FOVCubeBackgroundModel` (3D) or `~gammapy.background.EnergyOffsetBackgroundModel` (2D)) for each group Parameters ---------- modeltype : {'3D', '2D'} Type of the background modelisation ebounds : `` Energy bounds vector (1D) offset : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Offset vector (1D) """ groups = sorted(np.unique(self.obs_table['GROUP_ID']))'Groups: {}'.format(groups)) for group in groups: # Get observations in the group idx = np.where(self.obs_table['GROUP_ID'] == group)[0] obs_table_group = self.obs_table[idx] obs_ids = list(obs_table_group['OBS_ID'])'Processing group {} with {} observations'.format(group, len(obs_table_group))) # Build the model if modeltype == "3D": model = FOVCubeBackgroundModel.define_cube_binning(obs_table_group, method='default') model.fill_obs(obs_table_group, self.data_store) model.smooth() model.compute_rate() self.models3D[str(group)] = model elif modeltype == "2D": if not ebounds: ebounds = EnergyBounds.equal_log_spacing(0.1, 100, 15, 'TeV') if not offset: offset = sqrt_space(start=0, stop=2.5, num=100) * u.deg model = EnergyOffsetBackgroundModel(ebounds, offset) model.fill_obs(obs_ids=obs_ids, data_store=self.data_store, excluded_sources=self.excluded_sources) model.compute_rate() self.models2D[str(group)] = model else: raise ValueError("Invalid model type: {}".format(modeltype))
[docs] @staticmethod def filename(modeltype, group_id, smooth=False): """Filename for a given ``modeltype`` and ``group_id``. Parameters ---------- modeltype : {'3D', '2D'} Type of the background modelisation group_id : int number of the background model group smooth : bool True if you want to use the smooth bkg model """ if smooth: return 'smooth_background_{}_group_{:03d}_table.fits.gz'.format(modeltype, group_id) else: return 'background_{}_group_{:03d}_table.fits.gz'.format(modeltype, group_id)
[docs] def save_model(self, modeltype, ngroup, smooth=False): """Save model to fits for one group. Parameters ---------- modeltype : {'3D', '2D'} Type of the background modelisation ngroup : int Groups ID """ filename = self.outdir + "/" + self.filename(modeltype, ngroup, smooth) if modeltype == "3D": if str(ngroup) in self.models3D.keys(): self.models3D[str(ngroup)].write(str(filename), format='table', overwrite=True) else:"No run in the group {}".format(ngroup)) if modeltype == "2D": if str(ngroup) in self.models2D.keys(): self.models2D[str(ngroup)].write(str(filename), overwrite=True) else:"No run in the group {}".format(ngroup))
[docs] def save_models(self, modeltype, smooth=False): """Save model to fits for all the groups. Parameters ---------- modeltype : {'3D', '2D'} Type of the background modelisation """ for ngroup in range(self.ntot_group): self.save_model(modeltype, ngroup, smooth)
[docs] def smooth_models(self, modeltype): """Smooth the bkg model for each group. Parameters ---------- modeltype : {'3D', '2D'} Type of the background modelisation """ for ngroup in range(self.ntot_group): self.smooth_model(modeltype, ngroup)
[docs] def smooth_model(self, modeltype, ngroup): """Smooth the bkg model for one group. Parameters ---------- modeltype : {'3D', '2D'} Type of the background modelisation ngroup : int Groups ID """ if modeltype == "3D": if str(ngroup) in self.models3D.keys(): self.models3D[str(ngroup)].smooth() else:"No run in the band {}".format(ngroup)) if modeltype == "2D": if str(ngroup) in self.models2D.keys(): self.models2D[str(ngroup)].smooth() else:"No run in the band {}".format(ngroup))
[docs] def make_bkg_index_table(self, data_store, modeltype, out_dir_background_model=None, filename_obs_group_table=None, smooth=False): """Make background model index table. Parameters ---------- data_store : `` `DataStore` for the runs for which ones we want to compute a background model modeltype : {'3D', '2D'} Type of the background modelisation out_dir_background_model : str directory where are located the backgrounds models for each group filename_obs_group_table : str name of the file containing the `~astropy.table.Table` with the group infos smooth : bool True if you want to use the smooth bkg model Returns ------- index_table_bkg : `~astropy.table.Table` Index hdu table only for the background in order to associate a bkg model for each observation """ obs_table = data_store.obs_table if not filename_obs_group_table: filename_obs_group_table = self.group_table_filename if not out_dir_background_model: out_dir_background_model = data_store.hdu_table.meta["BASE_DIR"] table_group = axes = ObservationGroups.table_to_axes(table_group) groups = ObservationGroups(axes) obs_table = ObservationTable(obs_table) obs_table = groups.apply(obs_table) data = [] for obs in obs_table: try: group_id = obs['GROUP_ID'] except IndexError: log.warning('Found no GROUP_ID for {}'.format(obs["OBS_ID"])) continue row = dict() row["OBS_ID"] = obs["OBS_ID"] row["HDU_TYPE"] = "bkg" row["FILE_DIR"] = str(out_dir_background_model) row["FILE_NAME"] = self.filename(modeltype, group_id, smooth) if modeltype == "2D": row["HDU_NAME"] = "bkg_2d" row["HDU_CLASS"] = "bkg_2d" elif modeltype == '3D': row["HDU_NAME"] = "bkg_3d" row["HDU_CLASS"] = "bkg_3d" else: raise ValueError('Invalid modeltype: {}'.format(modeltype)) data.append(row) index_table_bkg = Table(data) return index_table_bkg
[docs] def make_total_index_table(self, data_store, modeltype, out_dir_background_model=None, filename_obs_group_table=None, smooth=False): """Create a hdu-index table with a row containing the link to the background model for each observation. Parameters ---------- data_store : `` `DataStore` for the runs for which ones we want to compute a background model modeltype : {'3D', '2D'} Type of the background modelisation out_dir_background_model : str directory where are located the backgrounds models for each group filename_obs_group_table : str name of the file containing the `~astropy.table.Table` with the group infos smooth : bool True if you want to use the smooth bkg model Returns ------- index_table_new : `~astropy.table.Table` Index hdu table with a background row """ index_table_bkg = self.make_bkg_index_table(data_store, modeltype, out_dir_background_model, filename_obs_group_table, smooth) index_bkg = np.where(data_store.hdu_table["HDU_CLASS"] == "bkg_3d")[0].tolist() data_store.hdu_table.remove_rows(index_bkg) index_table_new = vstack([data_store.hdu_table, index_table_bkg]) return index_table_new