Source code for gammapy.catalog.gammacat

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
Gammacat open TeV source catalog.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
import functools
import logging
import numpy as np
from ..extern import six
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
from astropy.modeling.models import Gaussian2D
from ..utils.modeling import SourceModel, SourceLibrary, UnknownModelError
from ..utils.scripts import make_path
from ..spectrum import FluxPoints
from ..spectrum.models import PowerLaw, PowerLaw2, ExponentialCutoffPowerLaw
from ..image.models import Shell2D, Delta2D
from .core import SourceCatalog, SourceCatalogObject

__all__ = [

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class NoDataAvailableError(LookupError):
    """Generic error used in Gammapy, when some data isn't available.

class GammaCatNotFoundError(OSError):
    """The gammapy-cat repo is not available.

    You have to set the GAMMA_CAT environment variable so that it's found.

[docs]class SourceCatalogObjectGammaCat(SourceCatalogObject): """One object from the gamma-cat source catalog. Catalog is represented by `~gammapy.catalog.SourceCatalogGammaCat`. """ _source_name_key = 'common_name' _source_index_key = 'catalog_row_index' def __str__(self): return
[docs] def info(self, info='all'): """Info string. Parameters ---------- info : {'all', 'basic', 'position, 'model'} Comma separated list of options """ if info == 'all': info = 'basic,position,model' ss = '' ops = info.split(',') if 'basic' in ops: ss += self._info_basic() if 'position' in ops: ss += self._info_position() if 'model' in ops: ss += self._info_morph() ss += self._info_spectral_fit() ss += self._info_spectral_points() return ss
def _info_basic(self): """Print basic info.""" d = ss = '\n*** Basic info ***\n\n' ss += 'Catalog row index (zero-based) : {}\n'.format(d['catalog_row_index']) ss += '{:<15s} : {}\n'.format('Common name', d['common_name']) # ss += '{:<15s} : {}\n'.format('Gamma names', d['gamma_names']) # ss += '{:<15s} : {}\n'.format('Fermi names', d['fermi_names']) # ss += '{:<15s} : {}\n'.format('Other names', d['other_names']) def get_nonentry_keys(keys): vals = [d[_].strip() for _ in keys] return ','.join([_ for _ in vals if _ != '']) keys = ['gamma_names', 'fermi_names', 'other_names'] other_names = get_nonentry_keys(keys) ss += '{:<15s} : {}\n'.format('Other names', other_names) ss += '{:<15s} : {}\n'.format('Location', d['where']) ss += '{:<15s} : {}\n'.format('Class', d['classes']) ss += '\n{:<15s} : {}\n'.format('TeVCat ID', d['tevcat_id']) ss += '{:<15s} : {}\n'.format('TeVCat 2 ID', d['tevcat2_id']) ss += '{:<15s} : {}\n'.format('TeVCat name', d['tevcat_name']) ss += '\n{:<15s} : {}\n'.format('TGeVCat ID', d['tgevcat_id']) ss += '{:<15s} : {}\n'.format('TGeVCat name', d['tgevcat_name']) ss += '\n{:<15s} : {}\n'.format('Discoverer', d['discoverer']) ss += '{:<15s} : {}\n'.format('Discovery date', d['discovery_date']) ss += '{:<15s} : {}\n'.format('Seen by', d['seen_by']) ss += '{:<15s} : {}\n'.format('Reference', d['reference_id']) return ss def _info_position(self): """Print position info.""" d = ss = '\n*** Position info ***\n\n' ss += 'SIMBAD:\n' ss += '{:<20s} : {:.3f}\n'.format('RA', d['ra']) ss += '{:<20s} : {:.3f}\n'.format('DEC', d['dec']) ss += '{:<20s} : {:.3f}\n'.format('GLON', d['glon']) ss += '{:<20s} : {:.3f}\n'.format('GLAT', d['glat']) ss += '\nMeasurement:\n' ss += '{:<20s} : {:.3f}\n'.format('RA', d['pos_ra']) ss += '{:<20s} : {:.3f}\n'.format('DEC', d['pos_dec']) ss += '{:<20s} : {:.3f}\n'.format('GLON', d['pos_glon']) ss += '{:<20s} : {:.3f}\n'.format('GLAT', d['pos_glat']) ss += '{:<20s} : {:.3f}\n'.format('Position error', d['pos_err']) return ss def _info_morph(self): """Print morphology info.""" ss = '\n*** Morphology info ***\n\n' d = ss += '{:<25s} : {}\n'.format('Morphology model type', d['morph_type']) # TODO: change to morphology model dependent printout # (see spectra printout and `spatial_model` property) ss += '{:<25s} : {:.3f}\n'.format('Sigma', d['morph_sigma']) ss += '{:<25s} : {:.3f}\n'.format('Sigma error', d['morph_sigma_err']) ss += '{:<25s} : {:.3f}\n'.format('Sigma2', d['morph_sigma2']) ss += '{:<25s} : {:.3f}\n'.format('Sigma2 error', d['morph_sigma2_err']) ss += '{:<25s} : {:.3f}\n'.format('Position angle', d['morph_pa']) ss += '{:<25s} : {:.3f}\n'.format('Position angle error', d['morph_pa_err']) ss += '{:<25s} : {}\n'.format('Position angle frame', d['morph_pa_frame']) return ss def _info_spectral_fit(self): """Print spectral info.""" d = ss = '\n*** Spectral info ***\n\n' ss += '{:<15s} : {:.3f}\n'.format('Significance', d['significance']) ss += '{:<15s} : {:.3f}\n'.format('Livetime', d['livetime']) spec_type = d['spec_type'] ss += '\n{:<15s} : {}\n'.format('Spectrum type', spec_type) # Spectral model parameters if spec_type == 'pl': ss += '{:<15s} : {:.3} +- {:.3} (stat) +- {:.3} (sys) {}\n'.format( 'norm', d['spec_pl_norm'].value, d['spec_pl_norm_err'].value, d['spec_pl_norm_err_sys'].value, 'cm-2 s-1 TeV-1') ss += '{:<15s} : {:.3} +- {:.3} (stat) +- {:.3} (sys)\n'.format( 'index', d['spec_pl_index'], d['spec_pl_index_err'], d['spec_pl_index_err_sys']) ss += '{:<15s} : {:.3}\n'.format('reference', d['spec_pl_e_ref']) elif spec_type == 'pl2': ss += '{:<15s} : {:.3} +- {:.3} (stat) +- {:.3} (sys) {}\n'.format( 'flux', d['spec_pl2_flux'].value, d['spec_pl2_flux_err'].value, d['spec_pl2_flux_err_sys'].value, 'cm-2 s-1') ss += '{:<15s} : {:.3} +- {:.3} (stat)\n'.format( 'index', d['spec_pl2_index'], d['spec_pl2_index_err'], d['spec_pl2_index_err_sys']) ss += '{:<15s} : {:.3}\n'.format('e_min', d['spec_pl2_e_min']) ss += '{:<15s} : {:.3}\n'.format('e_max', d['spec_pl2_e_max']) elif spec_type == 'ecpl': ss += '{:<15s} : {:.3g} +- {:.3g} (stat) +- {:.03g} (sys) {}\n'.format( 'norm', d['spec_ecpl_norm'].value, d['spec_ecpl_norm_err'].value, d['spec_ecpl_norm_err_sys'].value, 'cm-2 s-1 TeV-1') ss += '{:<15s} : {:.3} +- {:.3} (stat) +- {:.3} (sys)\n'.format( 'index', d['spec_ecpl_index'], d['spec_ecpl_index_err'], d['spec_ecpl_index_err_sys']) ss += '{:<15s} : {:.3} +- {:.3} (stat) +- {:.3} (stat) {}\n'.format( 'e_cut', d['spec_ecpl_e_cut'].value, d['spec_ecpl_e_cut_err'].value, d['spec_ecpl_e_cut_err_sys'].value, 'TeV') ss += '{:<15s} : {:.3}\n'.format('reference', d['spec_ecpl_e_ref']) else: # raise ValueError('Spectral model printout not implemented: {}'.format(spec)) ss += '\nSpectral model printout not yet implemented.\n' ss += '\n{:<20s} : ({:.3}, {:.3}) TeV\n'.format( 'Energy range', d['spec_erange_min'].value, d['spec_erange_max'].value) ss += '{:<20s} : {:.3}\n'.format('theta', d['spec_theta']) ss += '\n\nDerived fluxes:\n' ss += '{:<30s} : {:.3} +- {:.3} (stat) {}\n'.format( 'Spectral model norm (1 TeV)', d['spec_dnde_1TeV'].value, d['spec_dnde_1TeV_err'].value, 'cm-2 s-1 TeV-1') ss += '{:<30s} : {:.3} +- {:.3} (stat) {}\n'.format( 'Integrated flux (>1 TeV)', d['spec_flux_1TeV'].value, d['spec_flux_1TeV_err'].value, 'cm-2 s-1') ss += '{:<30s} : {:.3f} +- {:.3f} {}\n'.format( 'Integrated flux (>1 TeV)', d['spec_flux_1TeV_crab'], d['spec_flux_1TeV_crab_err'], '(% Crab)') ss += '{:<30s} : {:.3} +- {:.3} (stat) {}\n'.format( 'Integrated flux (1-10 TeV)', d['spec_eflux_1TeV_10TeV'].value, d['spec_eflux_1TeV_10TeV_err'].value, 'erg cm-2 s-1') return ss def _info_spectral_points(self): """Print spectral points info.""" d = ss = '\n*** Spectral points ***\n\n' ss += '{:<25s} : {}\n'.format('SED reference id', d['sed_reference_id']) ss += '{:<25s} : {}\n'.format('Number of spectral points', d['sed_n_points']) ss += '{:<25s} : {}\n\n'.format('Number of upper limits', d['sed_n_ul']) try: lines = self._flux_points_table_formatted.pformat(max_width=-1, max_lines=-1) ss += '\n'.join(lines) except NoDataAvailableError: ss += '\nNo spectral points available for this source.' return ss + '\n' @property def spectral_model(self): """Source spectral model (`~gammapy.spectrum.models.SpectralModel`). Parameter errors are statistical errors only. """ data = spec_type = data['spec_type'] pars, errs = {}, {} if spec_type == 'pl': model_class = PowerLaw pars['amplitude'] = data['spec_pl_norm'] errs['amplitude'] = data['spec_pl_norm_err'] pars['index'] = data['spec_pl_index'] * u.Unit('') errs['index'] = data['spec_pl_index_err'] * u.Unit('') pars['reference'] = data['spec_pl_e_ref'] elif spec_type == 'pl2': model_class = PowerLaw2 pars['amplitude'] = data['spec_pl2_flux'] errs['amplitude'] = data['spec_pl2_flux_err'] pars['index'] = data['spec_pl2_index'] * u.Unit('') errs['index'] = data['spec_pl2_index_err'] * u.Unit('') pars['emin'] = data['spec_pl2_e_min'] e_max = data['spec_pl2_e_max'] DEFAULT_E_MAX = u.Quantity(1e5, 'TeV') if np.isnan(e_max.value): e_max = DEFAULT_E_MAX pars['emax'] = e_max elif spec_type == 'ecpl': model_class = ExponentialCutoffPowerLaw pars['amplitude'] = data['spec_ecpl_norm'] errs['amplitude'] = data['spec_ecpl_norm_err'] pars['index'] = data['spec_ecpl_index'] * u.Unit('') errs['index'] = data['spec_ecpl_index_err'] * u.Unit('') pars['lambda_'] = 1. / data['spec_ecpl_e_cut'] errs['lambda_'] = data['spec_ecpl_e_cut_err'] / data['spec_ecpl_e_cut'] ** 2 pars['reference'] = data['spec_ecpl_e_ref'] else: raise ValueError('Invalid spec_type: {}'.format(spec_type)) model = model_class(**pars) model.parameters.set_parameter_errors(errs) return model
[docs] def spatial_model(self, emin=1 * u.TeV, emax=10 * u.TeV): """Source spatial model.""" d = flux = self.spectral_model.integral(emin, emax) morph_type = d['morph_type'] pars = {} glon = Angle(d['glon']).wrap_at('180d') glat = Angle(d['glat']).wrap_at('180d') if morph_type == 'gauss': pars['x_mean'] = glon.value pars['y_mean'] = glat.value pars['x_stddev'] = d['morph_sigma'].value pars['y_stddev'] = d['morph_sigma'].value if not np.isnan(d['morph_sigma2']): pars['y_stddev'] = d['morph_sigma2'].value if not np.isnan(d['morph_pa']): # TODO: handle reference frame for rotation angle pars['theta'] = Angle(d['morph_pa'], 'deg').rad ampl ='cm-2 s-1').value pars['amplitude'] = ampl * 1 / (2 * np.pi * pars['x_stddev'] * pars['y_stddev']) return Gaussian2D(**pars) elif morph_type == 'shell': pars['amplitude'] ='cm-2 s-1').value pars['x_0'] = glon.value pars['y_0'] = glat.value pars['r_in'] = d['morph_sigma'].value * 0.8 pars['width'] = 0.2 * d['morph_sigma'].value return Shell2D(**pars) elif morph_type == 'point': pars['amplitude'] ='cm-2 s-1').value pars['x_0'] = glon.value pars['y_0'] = glat.value return Delta2D(**pars) elif morph_type == 'none': raise NoDataAvailableError('No spatial model available: {}'.format( else: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown spatial model: {!r}'.format(morph_type))
def _add_source_meta(self, table): """Copy over some info to table.meta""" d = m = table.meta m['origin'] = 'Data from gamma-cat' m['source_id'] = d['source_id'] m['common_name'] = d['common_name'] m['reference_id'] = d['reference_id'] @property def _flux_points_table_formatted(self): """Returns formatted version of self.flux_points.table""" table = self.flux_points.table.copy() table['e_ref'].format = '.3f' flux_cols = ['dnde', 'dnde_errn', 'dnde_errp', 'dnde_err'] for _ in set(table.colnames) & set(flux_cols): table[_].format = '.3e' return table @property def flux_points(self): """Differential flux points (`~gammapy.spectrum.FluxPoints`).""" d = table = Table() table.meta['SED_TYPE'] = 'dnde' self._add_source_meta(table) valid = np.isfinite(d['sed_e_ref'].value) if valid.sum() == 0: raise NoDataAvailableError('No flux points available: {}'.format( table['e_ref'] = d['sed_e_ref'] table['e_min'] = d['sed_e_min'] table['e_max'] = d['sed_e_max'] table['dnde'] = d['sed_dnde'] table['dnde_err'] = d['sed_dnde_err'] table['dnde_errn'] = d['sed_dnde_errn'] table['dnde_errp'] = d['sed_dnde_errp'] table['dnde_ul'] = d['sed_dnde_ul'] # Only keep rows that actually contain information table = table[valid] # Only keep columns that actually contain information def _del_nan_col(table, colname): if np.isfinite(table[colname]).sum() == 0: del table[colname] for colname in table.colnames: _del_nan_col(table, colname) return FluxPoints(table) @property def is_pointlike(self): """ Source is pointlike. """ return['morph_type'] == 'point'
[docs]class SourceCatalogGammaCat(SourceCatalog): """Gammacat open TeV source catalog. See: One source is represented by `~gammapy.catalog.SourceCatalogObjectGammaCat`. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the gamma-cat fits file. Examples -------- Load the catalog data: >>> from gammapy.catalog import SourceCatalogGammaCat >>> cat = SourceCatalogGammaCat() Access a source by name: >>> source = cat['Vela Junior'] Access source spectral data and plot it: >>> source.spectral_model.plot() >>> source.spectral_model.plot_error() >>> source.flux_points.plot() """ name = 'gamma-cat' description = 'An open catalog of gamma-ray sources' source_object_class = SourceCatalogObjectGammaCat def __init__(self, filename='$GAMMA_CAT/output/gammacat.fits.gz'): filename = str(make_path(filename)) table =, hdu=1) self.filename = filename source_name_key = 'common_name' source_name_alias = ('other_names', 'gamma_names') super(SourceCatalogGammaCat, self).__init__( table=table, source_name_key=source_name_key, source_name_alias=source_name_alias, )
[docs] def to_source_library(self): """Convert to a `~gammapy.utils.modeling.SourceLibrary`. TODO: add an option whether to skip or raise on missing models or data. """ source_list = [] for source_idx in range(len(self.table)): source = self[source_idx] try: source_model = SourceModel.from_gammacat(source) except NoDataAvailableError: log.warning('Skipping source {} (missing data in gamma-cat)'.format( continue except UnknownModelError: log.warning('Skipping source {} (model not defined in gammapy)'.format( continue source_list.append(source_model) return SourceLibrary(source_list=source_list)
[docs]class GammaCatDataCollection(object): """Data store for gamma-cat. Gives access to all data from . Holds a `GammaCatResourceIndex` to locate resources, but also more info about gamma-cat, as well as methods to create Gammapy objects (spectral models, flux points, lightcurves) from the datasets. """ def __init__(self, data_index): self.data_index = data_index
[docs] @classmethod def from_index_file(cls, filename='$GAMMA_CAT/docs/data/gammacat-datasets.json'): """Create from index file.""" filename = str(make_path(filename)) # TODO: make a list of `GammaCatResource`, as well as a dict by ``resource_id`` for lookup! data_index = load_json(filename) return cls(data_index=data_index)
[docs] def info(self): """Print some info.""" ss = 'version = {}'.format(self.data_index['info']['version']) return ss
[docs]@functools.total_ordering class GammaCatResource(object): """Reference for a single resource in gamma-cat. This can be considered an implementation detail, used to assign ``global_id`` and to load resources. TODO: explain how ``global_id``, ``type`` and ``location`` work. Uses the Python ``hash`` function on the tuple ``(source_id, reference_id, file_id)`` Parameters ---------- source_id : int Gamma-cat source ID reference_id : str Gamma-cat reference ID (usually the ADS paper bibcode) file_id : int File ID (a counter for cases with multiple measurements per reference / source) (use integer -1 if missing) type : str Resource type (use string 'none' if missing) location : str Resource location (use string 'none' if missing) Examples -------- >>> from gammapy.catalog.gammacat import GammaCatResource >>> resource = GammaCatResource(source_id=42, reference_id='2010A&A...516A..62A', file_id=2) >>> resource GammaCatResource(source_id=42, reference_id='2010A&A...516A..62A', file_id=2, type='none', location='none') """ _NA_FILL = dict(file_id=-1, type='none', location='none') def __init__(self, source_id, reference_id, file_id=-1, type='none', location='none'): self.source_id = int(source_id) self.reference_id = six.text_type(reference_id) self.file_id = int(file_id) self.type = six.text_type(type) self.location = six.text_type(location) @property def global_id(self): """Globally unique (within gamma-cat) resource ID (str). (see class docstring for explanation and example). """ return '|'.join((str(self.source_id), self.reference_id, str(self.file_id), self.type)) def __repr__(self): fmt = '{}(source_id={!r}, reference_id={!r}, file_id={!r}, type={!r}, location={!r})' return fmt.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.source_id, str(self.reference_id), self.file_id, str(self.type), str(self.location)) def __eq__(self, other): return self.to_namedtuple() == other.to_namedtuple() def __lt__(self, other): return self.to_namedtuple() < other.to_namedtuple()
[docs] def to_namedtuple(self): """Convert to `collections.namedtuple`.""" d = self.to_dict() return namedtuple('GammaCatResourceNamedTuple', d.keys())(**d)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert to `collections.OrderedDict`.""" data = OrderedDict() data['source_id'] = self.source_id data['reference_id'] = self.reference_id data['file_id'] = self.file_id data['type'] = self.type data['location'] = self.location return data
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data): """Create from dict.""" return cls( source_id=data['source_id'], reference_id=data['reference_id'], file_id=data.get('file_id', cls._NA_FILL['file_id']), type=data.get('type', cls._NA_FILL['type']), location=data.get('location', cls._NA_FILL['location']) )
[docs]class GammaCatResourceIndex(object): """Resource index for gamma-cat. Parameters ---------- resources : list List of `GammaCatResource` objects """ def __init__(self, resources): self.resources = resources def __repr__(self): return '{}(n_resources={})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, len(self.resources)) def __eq__(self, other): if len(self.resources) != len(other.resources): return False return all(a == b for (a, b) in zip(self.resources, other.resources)) @property def unique_source_ids(self): """Sorted list of unique source IDs (`list(int)`).""" return sorted(set([resource.source_id for resource in self.resources])) @property def unique_reference_ids(self): """Sorted list of unique source IDs (`list(str)`).""" return sorted(set([resource.reference_id for resource in self.resources])) @property def global_ids(self): """List of global resource IDs (`list(str)`). In original order, not sorted. """ return [resource.global_id for resource in self.resources]
[docs] def sort(self): """Return a sorted copy (leave self unchanged).""" return self.__class__(sorted(self.resources))
[docs] def to_list(self): """Convert to list of dict.""" return [resource.to_dict() for resource in self.resources]
[docs] @classmethod def from_list(cls, data): """Create from list of dicts.""" return cls([GammaCatResource.from_dict(_) for _ in data])
[docs] def to_table(self): """Convert to `~astropy.table.Table`.""" rows = self.to_list() return Table(rows=rows, names=list(rows[0].keys()))
[docs] @classmethod def from_table(cls, table): """Create from `~astropy.table.Table`.""" resources = [] for row in table: data = OrderedDict((k, row[k]) for k in table.colnames) resources.append(GammaCatResource.from_dict(data)) return cls(resources=resources)
[docs] def to_pandas(self): """Convert to `pandas.DataFrame`.""" # This is inefficient. Could implement direct conversion if needed. table = self.to_table() return table.to_pandas()
[docs] @classmethod def from_pandas(cls, dataframe): """Create from `pandas.DataFrame`.""" table = Table.from_pandas(dataframe) return cls.from_table(table)
[docs] def query(self, *args, **kwargs): """Query to select subset of resources. Calls `pandas.DataFrame.query` and passes arguments to that method. Examples -------- >>> resource_index = GammaCatResourceIndex(...) >>> resource_index2 = resource_index.query('type == "sed" and source_id == 42') """ df = self.to_pandas() df2 = df.query(*args, **kwargs) return self.from_pandas(df2)