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Source code for gammapy.image.models.shapes
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
Morphological models for astrophysical gamma-ray sources.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
from astropy.modeling import Parameter, ModelDefinitionError, Fittable2DModel
from astropy.modeling.models import Gaussian2D
from astropy.utils import lazyproperty
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from ..core import SkyImage
__all__ = [
# TODO: we need our own model, so that we can add in stuff like XML I/O
# Copy over the Astropy version and use that throughout Gammapy
# 'Gaussian2D',
[docs]class Delta2D(Fittable2DModel):
"""Two dimensional delta function .
This model can be used for a point source morphology.
amplitude : float
Peak value of the point source
x_0 : float
x position center of the point source
y_0 : float
y position center of the point source
Model formula:
.. math::
f(x, y) = \\cdot \\left \\{
A & : x = x_0 \\ \\mathrm{and} \\ y = y_0 \\\\
0 & : else
amplitude = Parameter('amplitude')
x_0 = Parameter('x_0')
y_0 = Parameter('y_0')
def __init__(self, amplitude, x_0, y_0, **constraints):
super(Delta2D, self).__init__(amplitude=amplitude, x_0=x_0,
y_0=y_0, **constraints)
[docs] @staticmethod
def evaluate(x, y, amplitude, x_0, y_0):
"""Two dimensional delta model function using a local rectangular pixel
_, grad_x = np.gradient(x)
grad_y, _ = np.gradient(y)
x_diff = np.abs((x - x_0) / grad_x)
y_diff = np.abs((y - y_0) / grad_y)
x_val =[x_diff < 1], [1 - x_diff], 0)
y_val =[y_diff < 1], [1 - y_diff], 0)
return x_val * y_val * amplitude
[docs]class Shell2D(Fittable2DModel):
"""Projected homogeneous radiating shell model.
This model can be used for a shell type SNR source morphology.
amplitude : float
Value of the integral of the shell function.
x_0 : float
x position center of the shell
y_0 : float
y position center of the shell
r_in : float
Inner radius of the shell
width : float
Width of the shell
r_out : float (optional)
Outer radius of the shell
normed : bool (True)
If set the amplitude parameter corresponds to the integral of the
function. If not set the 'amplitude' parameter corresponds to the
peak value of the function (value at :math:`r = r_{in}`).
Model formula with integral normalization:
.. math::
f(r) = A \\frac{3}{2 \\pi (r_{out}^3 - r_{in}^3)} \\cdot \\left \\{
\\sqrt{r_{out}^2 - r^2} - \\sqrt{r_{in}^2 - r^2} & : r < r_{in} \\\\
\\sqrt{r_{out}^2 - r^2} & : r_{in} \\leq r \\leq r_{out} \\\\
0 & : r > r_{out}
Model formula with peak normalization:
.. math::
f(r) = A \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{r_{out}^2 - r_{in}^2}} \\cdot \\left \\{
\\sqrt{r_{out}^2 - r^2} - \\sqrt{r_{in}^2 - r^2} & : r < r_{in} \\\\
\\sqrt{r_{out}^2 - r^2} & : r_{in} \\leq r \\leq r_{out} \\\\
0 & : r > r_{out}
With :math:`r_{out} = r_{in} + \\mathrm{width}`.
.. plot::
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from gammapy.image.models import Shell2D
shell = Shell2D(amplitude=100, x_0=25, y_0=25, r_in=10, width=5)
y, x = np.mgrid[0:50, 0:50]
plt.imshow(shell(x, y), origin='lower', interpolation='none')
plt.xlabel('x (pix)')
plt.ylabel('y (pix)')
plt.colorbar(label='Brightness (A.U.)')
amplitude = Parameter('amplitude')
x_0 = Parameter('x_0')
y_0 = Parameter('y_0')
r_in = Parameter('r_in')
width = Parameter('width')
def __init__(self, amplitude, x_0, y_0, r_in, width=None, r_out=None,
normed=True, **constraints):
if r_out is not None:
width = r_out - r_in
if r_out is None and width is None:
raise ModelDefinitionError("Either specify width or r_out.")
if not normed:
self.evaluate = self.evaluate_peak_norm
super(Shell2D, self).__init__(amplitude=amplitude, x_0=x_0,
y_0=y_0, r_in=r_in, width=width,
[docs] @staticmethod
def evaluate(x, y, amplitude, x_0, y_0, r_in, width):
"""Two dimensional Shell model function normed to integral"""
rr = (x - x_0) ** 2 + (y - y_0) ** 2
rr_in = r_in ** 2
rr_out = (r_in + width) ** 2
# Because evaluates on the whole rr array
# we have to catch the invalid value warnings
# Note: for r > r_out '' fills automatically zeros!
with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
values =[rr <= rr_in, rr <= rr_out],
[np.sqrt(rr_out - rr) - np.sqrt(rr_in - rr),
np.sqrt(rr_out - rr)])
return amplitude * values / (2 * np.pi / 3 *
(rr_out * (r_in + width) - rr_in * r_in))
[docs] @staticmethod
def evaluate_peak_norm(x, y, amplitude, x_0, y_0, r_in, width):
"""Two dimensional Shell model function normed to peak value"""
rr = (x - x_0) ** 2 + (y - y_0) ** 2
rr_in = r_in ** 2
rr_out = (r_in + width) ** 2
# Because evaluates on the whole rr array
# we have to catch the invalid value warnings
# Note: for r > r_out '' fills automatically zeros!
with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
values =[rr <= rr_in, rr <= rr_out],
[np.sqrt(rr_out - rr) - np.sqrt(rr_in - rr),
np.sqrt(rr_out - rr)])
return amplitude * values / np.sqrt(rr_out - rr_in)
def bounding_box(self):
Tuple defining the default ``bounding_box`` limits.
``((y_low, y_high), (x_low, x_high))``
r_out = self.r_in + self.width
return ((self.y_0 - r_out, self.y_0 + r_out),
(self.x_0 - r_out, self.x_0 + r_out))
[docs] def to_sherpa(self, name='default'):
"""Convert to a `~sherpa.models.ArithmeticModel`.
name : str, optional
Name of the sherpa model instance
from sherpa.astro.models import Shell2D
model = Shell2D(name=name)
model.xpos = self.x_0.value
model.ypos = self.y_0.value
model.ampl = self.amplitude.value
# Note: we checked, the Sherpa `r0` is our `r_in`.
model.r0 = self.r_in.value
model.width = self.width.value
return model
[docs]class Sphere2D(Fittable2DModel):
"""Projected homogeneous radiating sphere model.
This model can be used for a simple PWN source morphology.
amplitude : float
Value of the integral of the sphere function
x_0 : float
x position center of the sphere
y_0 : float
y position center of the sphere
r_0 : float
Radius of the sphere
normed : bool (True)
If set the amplitude parameter corresponds to the integral of the
function. If not set the 'amplitude' parameter corresponds to the
peak value of the function (value at :math:`r = 0`).
Model formula with integral normalization:
.. math::
f(r) = A \\frac{3}{4 \\pi r_0^3} \\cdot \\left \\{
\\sqrt{r_0^2 - r^2} & : r \\leq r_0 \\\\
0 & : r > r_0
Model formula with peak normalization:
.. math::
f(r) = A \\frac{1}{r_0} \\cdot \\left \\{
\\sqrt{r_0^2 - r^2} & : r \\leq r_0 \\\\
0 & : r > r_0
.. plot::
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from gammapy.image.models import Sphere2D
sphere = Sphere2D(amplitude=100, x_0=25, y_0=25, r_0=20)
y, x = np.mgrid[0:50, 0:50]
plt.imshow(sphere(x, y), origin='lower', interpolation='none')
plt.xlabel('x (pix)')
plt.ylabel('y (pix)')
plt.colorbar(label='Brightness (A.U.)')
amplitude = Parameter('amplitude')
x_0 = Parameter('x_0')
y_0 = Parameter('y_0')
r_0 = Parameter('r_0')
def __init__(self, amplitude, x_0, y_0, r_0, normed=True, **constraints):
if not normed:
self.evaluate = self.evaluate_peak_norm
super(Sphere2D, self).__init__(amplitude=amplitude, x_0=x_0,
y_0=y_0, r_0=r_0, **constraints)
[docs] @staticmethod
def evaluate(x, y, amplitude, x_0, y_0, r_0):
"""Two dimensional Sphere model function normed to integral"""
rr = (x - x_0) ** 2 + (y - y_0) ** 2
rr_0 = r_0 ** 2
# Because evaluates on the whole rr array
# we have to catch the invalid value warnings
with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
values =[rr <= rr_0, rr > rr_0], [2 * np.sqrt(rr_0 - rr), 0])
return amplitude * values / (4 / 3. * np.pi * rr_0 * r_0)
[docs] @staticmethod
def evaluate_peak_norm(x, y, amplitude, x_0, y_0, r_0):
"""Two dimensional Sphere model function normed to peak value"""
rr = (x - x_0) ** 2 + (y - y_0) ** 2
rr_0 = r_0 ** 2
# Because evaluates on the whole rr array
# we have to catch the invalid value warnings
with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
values =[rr <= rr_0, rr > rr_0], [np.sqrt(rr_0 - rr), 0])
return amplitude * values / r_0
def bounding_box(self):
Tuple defining the default ``bounding_box`` limits.
``((y_low, y_high), (x_low, x_high))``
return ((self.y_0 - self.r_0, self.y_0 + self.r_0),
(self.x_0 - self.r_0, self.x_0 + self.r_0))
[docs]class Template2D(Fittable2DModel):
"""Two dimensional table model.
amplitude : float
Amplitude of the template model.
amplitude = Parameter('amplitude')
def __init__(self, image, amplitude=1., frame='galactic', **constraints):
self.image = image
self.frame = frame
super(Template2D, self).__init__(amplitude=amplitude, **constraints)
def _interpolate_data(self):
"""Interpolate data using `~scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator`."""
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
# TODO: move e.g. to SkyImage.interpolate()
y = np.arange([0])
x = np.arange([1])
data_normed = /
data_normed /= self.image.solid_angle().to('deg2').value
f = RegularGridInterpolator((y, x), data_normed, fill_value=0,
def interpolate(y, x, method='linear'):
shape = y.shape
coords = np.column_stack([y.flat, x.flat])
val = f(coords, method=method)
return val.reshape(shape)
return interpolate
[docs] @classmethod
def read(cls, filename, **kwargs):
"""Read spatial template model from FITS image.
filename : str
Fits image filename.
template =, **kwargs)
return cls(template)
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, y, amplitude):
# TODO: don't hardcode Galactic frame!!!
coord = SkyCoord(x, y, frame='galactic', unit='deg')
x_pix, y_pix = self.image.wcs_skycoord_to_pixel(coord)
values = self._interpolate_data(y_pix, x_pix)
return amplitude * values
def bounding_box(self):
width = self.image.width.deg
height = self.image.height.deg
center =
x_0 ='180d').deg
y_0 =
return ((y_0 - height / 2, y_0 + height / 2),
(x_0 - width, x_0 + height / 2))
# TODO: change this to a model registry
morph_types = OrderedDict()
morph_types.__doc__ = """Spatial model registry (`~collections.OrderedDict`)."""
morph_types['delta2d'] = Delta2D
morph_types['gauss2d'] = Gaussian2D
morph_types['shell2d'] = Shell2D
morph_types['sphere2d'] = Sphere2D
morph_types['template2d'] = Template2D