Source code for gammapy.irf.background

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from collections import OrderedDict
from astropy.table import Table
from import fits
import astropy.units as u
from ..utils.nddata import NDDataArray, BinnedDataAxis
from ..utils.scripts import make_path
from ..utils.fits import fits_table_to_table, table_to_fits_table
import numpy as np

__all__ = [

[docs]class Background3D(object): """Background 3D. Data format specification: :ref:`gadf:bkg_3d` Parameters ----------- energy_lo, energy_hi : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Energy binning detx_lo, detx_hi : `~astropy.units.Quantity` FOV coordinate X-axis binning dety_lo, dety_hi : `~astropy.units.Quantity` FOV coordinate Y-axis binning data : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Background rate (usually: ``s^-1 MeV^-1 sr^-1``) Examples -------- Here's an example you can use to learn about this class: >>> from gammapy.irf import Background3D >>> filename = '$GAMMAPY_EXTRA/datasets/cta-1dc/caldb/data/cta//1dc/bcf/South_z20_50h/irf_file.fits' >>> bkg_3d =, hdu='BACKGROUND') >>> print(bkg_3d) Background3D NDDataArray summary info energy : size = 21, min = 0.016 TeV, max = 158.489 TeV detx : size = 36, min = -5.833 deg, max = 5.833 deg dety : size = 36, min = -5.833 deg, max = 5.833 deg Data : size = 27216, min = 0.000 1 / (MeV s sr), max = 0.421 1 / (MeV s sr) """ default_interp_kwargs = dict(bounds_error=False, fill_value=None) """Default Interpolation kwargs for `~NDDataArray`. Extrapolate.""" def __init__(self, energy_lo, energy_hi, detx_lo, detx_hi, dety_lo, dety_hi, data, meta=None, interp_kwargs=None): if interp_kwargs is None: interp_kwargs = self.default_interp_kwargs axes = [ BinnedDataAxis( energy_lo, energy_hi, interpolation_mode='log', name='energy'), BinnedDataAxis( detx_lo, detx_hi, interpolation_mode='linear', name='detx'), BinnedDataAxis( dety_lo, dety_hi, interpolation_mode='linear', name='dety'), ] = NDDataArray(axes=axes, data=data, interp_kwargs=interp_kwargs) self.meta = OrderedDict(meta) if meta else OrderedDict() def __str__(self): ss = self.__class__.__name__ ss += '\n{}'.format( return ss
[docs] @classmethod def from_table(cls, table): """Read from `~astropy.table.Table`.""" # Spec says key should be "BKG", but there are files around # (e.g. CTA 1DC) that use "BGD". For now we support both if 'BKG' in table.colnames: bkg_name = 'BKG' elif 'BGD' in table.colnames: bkg_name = 'BGD' else: raise ValueError('Invalid column names. Need "BKG" or "BGD".') # Currently some files (e.g. CTA 1DC) contain unit in the FITS file # '1/s/MeV/sr', which is invalid ( try: astropy.unit.Unit('1/s/MeV/sr') # This should be corrected. # For now, we hard-code the unit here: data_unit = u.Unit('s-1 MeV-1 sr-1') return cls( energy_lo=table['ENERG_LO'].quantity[0], energy_hi=table['ENERG_HI'].quantity[0], detx_lo=table['DETX_LO'].quantity[0], detx_hi=table['DETX_HI'].quantity[0], dety_lo=table['DETY_LO'].quantity[0], dety_hi=table['DETY_HI'].quantity[0], data=table[bkg_name].data[0] * data_unit, meta=table.meta, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdulist(cls, hdulist, hdu='BACKGROUND'): """Create from ``.""" fits_table = hdulist[hdu] table = fits_table_to_table(fits_table) return cls.from_table(table)
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, filename, hdu='BACKGROUND'): """Read from file.""" filename = make_path(filename) hdulist = return cls.from_hdulist(hdulist, hdu=hdu)
[docs] def to_table(self): """Convert to `~astropy.table.Table`.""" meta = self.meta.copy() table = Table(meta=meta) table['DETX_LO'] ='detx').lo[np.newaxis] table['DETX_HI'] ='detx').hi[np.newaxis] table['DETY_LO'] ='dety').lo[np.newaxis] table['DETY_HI'] ='dety').hi[np.newaxis] table['ENERG_LO'] ='energy').lo[np.newaxis] table['ENERG_HI'] ='energy').hi[np.newaxis] table['BKG'] =[np.newaxis] return table
[docs] def to_fits(self, name='BACKGROUND'): """Convert to ``.""" return table_to_fits_table(self.to_table(), name)
[docs]class Background2D(object): """Background 2D. Data format specification: :ref:`gadf:bkg_2d` Parameters ----------- energy_lo, energy_hi : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Energy binning offset_lo, offset_hi : `~astropy.units.Quantity` FOV coordinate offset-axis binning data : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Background rate (usually: ``s^-1 MeV^-1 sr^-1``) """ default_interp_kwargs = dict(bounds_error=False, fill_value=None) """Default Interpolation kwargs for `~NDDataArray`. Extrapolate.""" def __init__(self, energy_lo, energy_hi, offset_lo, offset_hi, data, meta=None, interp_kwargs=None): if interp_kwargs is None: interp_kwargs = self.default_interp_kwargs axes = [ BinnedDataAxis( energy_lo, energy_hi, interpolation_mode='log', name='energy'), BinnedDataAxis( offset_lo, offset_hi, interpolation_mode='linear', name='offset'), ] = NDDataArray(axes=axes, data=data, interp_kwargs=interp_kwargs) self.meta = OrderedDict(meta) if meta else OrderedDict() def __str__(self): ss = self.__class__.__name__ ss += '\n{}'.format( return ss
[docs] @classmethod def from_table(cls, table): """Read from `~astropy.table.Table`.""" # Spec says key should be "BKG", but there are files around # (e.g. CTA 1DC) that use "BGD". For now we support both if 'BKG' in table.colnames: bkg_name = 'BKG' elif 'BGD' in table.colnames: bkg_name = 'BGD' else: raise ValueError('Invalid column names. Need "BKG" or "BGD".') # Currently some files (e.g. CTA 1DC) contain unit in the FITS file # '1/s/MeV/sr', which is invalid ( try: astropy.unit.Unit('1/s/MeV/sr') # This should be corrected. # For now, we hard-code the unit here: data_unit = u.Unit('s-1 MeV-1 sr-1') return cls( energy_lo=table['ENERG_LO'].quantity[0], energy_hi=table['ENERG_HI'].quantity[0], offset_lo=table['THETA_LO'].quantity[0], offset_hi=table['THETA_HI'].quantity[0], data=table[bkg_name].data[0] * data_unit, meta=table.meta, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdulist(cls, hdulist, hdu='BACKGROUND'): """Create from ``.""" fits_table = hdulist[hdu] table = fits_table_to_table(fits_table) return cls.from_table(table)
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, filename, hdu='BACKGROUND'): """Read from file.""" filename = make_path(filename) hdulist = return cls.from_hdulist(hdulist, hdu=hdu)
[docs] def to_table(self): """Convert to `~astropy.table.Table`.""" meta = self.meta.copy() table = Table(meta=meta) table['THETA_LO'] ='offset').lo[np.newaxis] table['THETA_HI'] ='offset').hi[np.newaxis] table['ENERG_LO'] ='energy').lo[np.newaxis] table['ENERG_HI'] ='energy').hi[np.newaxis] table['BKG'] =[np.newaxis] return table
[docs] def to_fits(self, name='BACKGROUND'): """Convert to ``.""" return table_to_fits_table(self.to_table(), name)
[docs] def evaluate(self, fov_offset, fov_phi=None, energy_reco=None, **kwargs): """ Evaluate the `Background2D` at a given offset and energy. Parameters ---------- fov_offset : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Offset in the FOV fov_phi: `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Azimuth angle in the FOV. Not used for this class since the background model is radially symmetric energy_reco : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Reconstructed energy kwargs : dict option for interpolation for `~scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator` Returns ------- array : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Interpolated values, axis order is the same as for the NDData array """ if energy_reco is None: energy_reco ='energy').nodes array =, energy=energy_reco, **kwargs) return array