# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import logging
import numpy as np
from astropy.io import fits
from astropy.units import Quantity
from astropy.coordinates import Angle, SkyCoord
from astropy.convolution.utils import discretize_oversample_2D
from ..image.models import Gauss2DPDF
from ..utils.array import array_stats_str
from ..utils.energy import Energy
__all__ = [
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Default PSF spline keyword arguments
# TODO: test and document
[docs]class TablePSF(object):
r"""Radially-symmetric table PSF.
This PSF represents a :math:`PSF(r)=dP / d\Omega(r)`
spline interpolation curve for a given set of offset :math:`r`
and :math:`PSF` points.
Uses `scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline`.
rad : `~astropy.units.Quantity` with angle units
Offset wrt source position
dp_domega : `~astropy.units.Quantity` with sr^-1 units
PSF value array
spline_kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments passed to `~scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline`
* This PSF class works well for model PSFs of arbitrary shape (represented by a table),
but might give unstable results if the PSF has noise.
E.g. if ``dp_domega`` was estimated from histograms of real or simulated event data
with finite statistics, it will have noise and it is your responsibility
to check that the interpolating spline is reasonable.
* To customize the spline, pass keyword arguments to `~scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline`
in ``spline_kwargs``. E.g. passing ``dict(k=1)`` changes from the default cubic to
linear interpolation.
* TODO: evaluate spline for ``(log(rad), log(PSF))`` for numerical stability?
* TODO: merge morphology.theta class functionality with this class.
* TODO: add FITS I/O methods
* TODO: add ``normalize`` argument to ``__init__`` with default ``True``?
* TODO: ``__call__`` doesn't show up in the html API docs, but it should:
def __init__(self, rad, dp_domega, spline_kwargs=DEFAULT_PSF_SPLINE_KWARGS):
self._rad = Angle(rad).to('radian')
self._dp_domega = Quantity(dp_domega).to('sr^-1')
assert self._rad.ndim == self._dp_domega.ndim == 1
assert self._rad.shape == self._dp_domega.shape
# Store input arrays as quantities in default internal units
self._dp_dr = (2 * np.pi * self._rad * self._dp_domega).to('radian^-1')
self._spline_kwargs = spline_kwargs
[docs] @classmethod
def from_shape(cls, shape, width, rad):
"""Make TablePSF objects with commonly used shapes.
This function is mostly useful for examples and testing.
shape : {'disk', 'gauss'}
PSF shape.
width : `~astropy.units.Quantity` with angle units
PSF width angle (radius for disk, sigma for Gauss).
rad : `~astropy.units.Quantity` with angle units
Offset angle
psf : `TablePSF`
Table PSF
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from astropy.coordinates import Angle
>>> from gammapy.irf import TablePSF
>>> TablePSF.from_shape(shape='gauss', width='0.2 deg',
... rad=Angle(np.linspace(0, 0.7, 100), 'deg'))
width = Angle(width)
rad = Angle(rad)
if shape == 'disk':
amplitude = 1 / (np.pi * width.radian ** 2)
psf_value = np.where(rad < width, amplitude, 0)
elif shape == 'gauss':
gauss2d_pdf = Gauss2DPDF(sigma=width.radian)
psf_value = gauss2d_pdf(rad.radian)
raise ValueError('Invalid shape: {}'.format(shape))
psf_value = Quantity(psf_value, 'sr^-1')
return cls(rad, psf_value)
[docs] def info(self):
"""Print basic info."""
ss = array_stats_str(self._rad.degree, 'offset')
ss += 'integral = {}\n'.format(self.integral())
for containment in [50, 68, 80, 95]:
radius = self.containment_radius(0.01 * containment)
ss += ('containment radius {} deg for {}%\n'
.format(radius.degree, containment))
return ss
# TODO: remove because it's not flexible enough?
[docs] def __call__(self, lon, lat):
"""Evaluate PSF at a 2D position.
The PSF is centered on ``(0, 0)``.
lon, lat : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`
Longitude / latitude position
psf_value : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
PSF value
center = SkyCoord(0, 0, unit='radian')
point = SkyCoord(lon, lat)
rad = center.separation(point)
return self.evaluate(rad)
[docs] def kernel(self, reference, rad_max, normalize=True,
Make a 2-dimensional kernel image.
The kernel image is evaluated on a cartesian grid defined by the
reference sky image.
reference : `~gammapy.image.SkyImage` or `~gammapy.cube.SkyCube`
Reference sky image or sky cube defining the spatial grid.
rad_max : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`
Radial size of the kernel
normalize : bool
Whether to normalize the kernel.
kernel : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
Kernel 2D image of Quantities
from ..cube import SkyCube
rad_max = Angle(rad_max)
if isinstance(reference, SkyCube):
reference = reference.sky_image_ref
pixel_size = reference.wcs_pixel_scale()[0]
def _model(x, y):
"""Model in the appropriate format for discretize_model."""
rad = np.sqrt(x * x + y * y) * pixel_size
return self.evaluate(rad)
npix = int(rad_max.radian / pixel_size.radian)
pix_range = (-npix, npix + 1)
kernel = discretize_oversample_2D(_model, x_range=pix_range, y_range=pix_range,
if normalize:
kernel = kernel / kernel.sum()
return kernel
[docs] def evaluate(self, rad, quantity='dp_domega'):
r"""Evaluate PSF.
The following PSF quantities are available:
* 'dp_domega': PDF per 2-dim solid angle :math:`\Omega` in sr^-1
.. math:: \frac{dP}{d\Omega}
* 'dp_dr': PDF per 1-dim offset :math:`r` in radian^-1
.. math:: \frac{dP}{dr} = 2 \pi r \frac{dP}{d\Omega}
rad : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`
Offset wrt source position
quantity : {'dp_domega', 'dp_dr'}
Which PSF quantity?
psf_value : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
PSF value
rad = Angle(rad)
shape = rad.shape
x = np.array(rad.radian).flat
if quantity == 'dp_domega':
y = self._dp_domega_spline(x)
unit = 'sr^-1'
elif quantity == 'dp_dr':
y = self._dp_dr_spline(x)
unit = 'radian^-1'
ss = 'Invalid quantity: {}\n'.format(quantity)
ss += "Choose one of: 'dp_domega', 'dp_dr'"
raise ValueError(ss)
y = np.clip(a=y, a_min=0, a_max=None)
return Quantity(y, unit).reshape(shape)
[docs] def integral(self, rad_min=None, rad_max=None):
"""Compute PSF integral, aka containment fraction.
rad_min, rad_max : `~astropy.units.Quantity` with angle units
Offset angle range
integral : float
PSF integral
if rad_min is None:
rad_min = self._rad[0]
rad_min = Angle(rad_min)
if rad_max is None:
rad_max = self._rad[-1]
rad_max = Angle(rad_max)
rad_min = self._rad_clip(rad_min)
rad_max = self._rad_clip(rad_max)
cdf_min = self._cdf_spline(rad_min)
cdf_max = self._cdf_spline(rad_max)
return cdf_max - cdf_min
[docs] def containment_radius(self, fraction):
"""Containment radius.
fraction : array_like
Containment fraction (range 0 .. 1)
rad : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`
Containment radius angle
rad = self._ppf_spline(fraction)
return Angle(rad, 'radian').to('deg')
[docs] def normalize(self):
"""Normalize PSF to unit integral.
Computes the total PSF integral via the :math:`dP / dr` spline
and then divides the :math:`dP / dr` array.
integral = self.integral()
self._dp_dr /= integral
# Don't divide by 0
EPS = 1e-6
rad = np.clip(self._rad.radian, EPS, None)
rad = Quantity(rad, 'radian')
self._dp_domega = self._dp_dr / (2 * np.pi * rad)
[docs] def broaden(self, factor, normalize=True):
r"""Broaden PSF by scaling the offset array.
For a broadening factor :math:`f` and the offset
array :math:`r`, the offset array scaled
in the following way:
.. math::
r_{new} = f \times r_{old}
\frac{dP}{dr}(r_{new}) = \frac{dP}{dr}(r_{old})
factor : float
Broadening factor
normalize : bool
Normalize PSF after broadening
self._rad *= factor
# We define broadening such that self._dp_domega remains the same
# so we only have to re-compute self._dp_dr and the slines here.
self._dp_dr = (2 * np.pi * self._rad * self._dp_domega).to('radian^-1')
if normalize:
[docs] def plot_psf_vs_rad(self, ax=None, quantity='dp_domega', **kwargs):
"""Plot PSF vs radius.
TODO: describe PSF ``quantity`` argument in a central place and link to it from here.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax
x = self._rad.to('deg')
y = self.evaluate(self._rad, quantity)
ax.plot(x.value, y.value, **kwargs)
ax.set_xlabel('Radius ({})'.format(x.unit))
ax.set_ylabel('PSF ({})'.format(y.unit))
def _compute_splines(self, spline_kwargs=DEFAULT_PSF_SPLINE_KWARGS):
"""Compute two splines representing the PSF.
* `_dp_domega_spline` is used to evaluate the 2D PSF.
* `_dp_dr_spline` is not really needed for most applications,
but is available via `eval`.
* `_cdf_spline` is used to compute integral and for normalisation.
* `_ppf_spline` is used to compute containment radii.
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
# Compute spline and normalize.
x, y = self._rad.value, self._dp_domega.value
self._dp_domega_spline = UnivariateSpline(x, y, **spline_kwargs)
x, y = self._rad.value, self._dp_dr.value
self._dp_dr_spline = UnivariateSpline(x, y, **spline_kwargs)
# We use the terminology for scipy.stats distributions
# http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/tutorial/stats.html#common-methods
# cdf = "cumulative distribution function"
self._cdf_spline = self._dp_dr_spline.antiderivative()
# ppf = "percent point function" (inverse of cdf)
# Here's a discussion on methods to compute the ppf
# http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/scipy-user/2010-May/025237.html
y = self._rad.value
x = self.integral(Angle(0, 'rad'), self._rad)
# Since scipy 1.0 the UnivariateSpline requires that x is strictly increasing
# So only keep nodes where this is the case (and always keep the first one):
x, idx = np.unique(x, return_index=True)
y = y[idx]
# Dummy values, for cases where one really doesn't have a valid PSF.
if len(x) < 4:
x = [0, 1, 2, 3]
y = [0, 0, 0, 0]
self._ppf_spline = UnivariateSpline(x, y, **spline_kwargs)
def _rad_clip(self, rad):
"""Clip to radius support range, because spline extrapolation is unstable."""
rad = Angle(rad, 'radian').radian
rad = np.clip(rad, 0, self._rad[-1].radian)
return rad
[docs]class EnergyDependentTablePSF(object):
"""Energy-dependent radially-symmetric table PSF (``gtpsf`` format).
TODO: add references and explanations.
energy : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
Energy (1-dim)
rad : `~astropy.units.Quantity` with angle units
Offset angle wrt source position (1-dim)
exposure : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
Exposure (1-dim)
psf_value : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
PSF (2-dim with axes: psf[energy_index, offset_index]
def __init__(self, energy, rad, exposure=None, psf_value=None):
self.energy = Quantity(energy).to('GeV')
self.rad = Quantity(rad).to('radian')
if exposure is None:
self.exposure = Quantity(np.ones(len(energy)), 'cm^2 s')
self.exposure = Quantity(exposure).to('cm^2 s')
if psf_value is None:
self.psf_value = Quantity(np.zeros(len(energy), len(rad)), 'sr^-1')
self.psf_value = Quantity(psf_value).to('sr^-1')
# Cache for TablePSF at each energy ... only computed when needed
self._table_psf_cache = [None] * len(self.energy)
def __str__(self):
ss = 'EnergyDependentTablePSF\n'
ss += '-----------------------\n'
ss += '\nAxis info:\n'
ss += ' ' + array_stats_str(self.rad.to('deg'), 'rad')
ss += ' ' + array_stats_str(self.energy, 'energy')
# ss += ' ' + array_stats_str(self.exposure, 'exposure')
# ss += 'integral = {}\n'.format(self.integral())
ss += '\nContainment info:\n'
# Print some example containment radii
fractions = [0.68, 0.95]
energies = Quantity([10, 100], 'GeV')
for fraction in fractions:
rads = self.containment_radius(energies=energies, fraction=fraction)
for energy, rad in zip(energies, rads):
ss += ' ' + '{}% containment radius at {:3.0f}: {:.2f}\n'.format(100 * fraction, energy, rad)
return ss
[docs] @classmethod
def from_fits(cls, hdu_list):
"""Create `EnergyDependentTablePSF` from ``gtpsf`` format HDU list.
hdu_list : `~astropy.io.fits.HDUList`
HDU list with ``THETA`` and ``PSF`` extensions.
rad = Angle(hdu_list['THETA'].data['Theta'], 'deg')
energy = Quantity(hdu_list['PSF'].data['Energy'], 'MeV')
exposure = Quantity(hdu_list['PSF'].data['Exposure'], 'cm^2 s')
psf_value = Quantity(hdu_list['PSF'].data['PSF'], 'sr^-1')
return cls(energy, rad, exposure, psf_value)
[docs] def to_fits(self):
"""Convert to FITS HDU list format.
hdu_list : `~astropy.io.fits.HDUList`
PSF in HDU list format.
# TODO: write HEADER keywords as gtpsf
data = self.rad
theta_hdu = fits.BinTableHDU(data=data, name='Theta')
data = [self.energy, self.exposure, self.psf_value]
psf_hdu = fits.BinTableHDU(data=data, name='PSF')
hdu_list = fits.HDUList([theta_hdu, psf_hdu])
return hdu_list
[docs] @classmethod
def read(cls, filename):
"""Create `EnergyDependentTablePSF` from ``gtpsf``-format FITS file.
filename : str
File name
hdu_list = fits.open(filename)
return cls.from_fits(hdu_list)
[docs] def write(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Write to FITS file.
Calls `~astropy.io.fits.HDUList.writeto`, forwarding all arguments.
self.to_fits().writeto(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def evaluate(self, energy=None, rad=None, interp_kwargs=None):
"""Evaluate the PSF at a given energy and offset
energy : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
energy value
rad : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`
Offset wrt source position
interp_kwargs : dict
option for interpolation for `~scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator`
values : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
Interpolated value
if interp_kwargs is None:
interp_kwargs = dict(bounds_error=False, fill_value=None)
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
if energy is None:
energy = self.energy
if rad is None:
rad = self.rad
energy = Energy(energy).to('TeV')
rad = Angle(rad).to('deg')
energy_bin = self.energy.to('TeV')
rad_bin = self.rad.to('deg')
points = (energy_bin, rad_bin)
interpolator = RegularGridInterpolator(points, self.psf_value, **interp_kwargs)
energy_grid, rad_grid = np.meshgrid(energy.value, rad.value, indexing='ij')
shape = energy_grid.shape
pix_coords = np.column_stack([energy_grid.flat, rad_grid.flat])
data_interp = interpolator(pix_coords)
return Quantity(data_interp.reshape(shape), self.psf_value.unit)
[docs] def table_psf_at_energy(self, energy, interp_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
"""Evaluate the `EnergyOffsetArray` at one given energy.
energy : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
interp_kwargs : dict
Option for interpolation for `~scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator`
table : `~astropy.table.Table`
Table with two columns: offset, value
psf_value = self.evaluate(energy, None, interp_kwargs)[0, :]
table_psf = TablePSF(self.rad, psf_value, **kwargs)
return table_psf
[docs] def kernels(self, cube, rad_max, **kwargs):
Make a set of 2D kernel images, representing the PSF at different energies.
The kernel image is evaluated on the spatial and energy grid defined by
the reference sky cube.
cube : `~gammapy.cube.SkyCube`
Reference sky cube.
rad_max `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`
PSF kernel size
kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments passed to `EnergyDependentTablePSF.table_psf_in_energy_band()`.
kernels : list of `~numpy.ndarray`
List of 2D convolution kernels.
energies = cube.energies(mode='edges')
kernels = []
for emin, emax in zip(energies[:-1], energies[1:]):
energy_band = Quantity([emin, emax])
psf = self.table_psf_in_energy_band(energy_band, **kwargs)
kernel = psf.kernel(cube.sky_image_ref, rad_max=rad_max)
except ValueError:
kernel = np.nan * np.ones((1, 1)) # Dummy, means "no kernel available"
return kernels
[docs] def table_psf_in_energy_band(self, energy_band, spectral_index=2,
spectrum=None, **kwargs):
"""Average PSF in a given energy band.
Expected counts in sub energy bands given the given exposure
and spectrum are used as weights.
energy_band : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
Energy band
spectral_index : float
Power law spectral index (used if spectrum=None).
spectrum : callable
Spectrum (callable with energy as parameter).
psf : `TablePSF`
Table PSF
if spectrum is None:
def spectrum(energy):
return (energy / energy_band[0]) ** (-spectral_index)
# TODO: warn if `energy_band` is outside available data.
energy_idx_min, energy_idx_max = self._energy_index(energy_band)
# TODO: improve this, probably by evaluating the PSF (i.e. interpolating in energy) onto a new energy grid
# This is a bit of a hack, but makes sure that a PSF is given, by forcing at least one slice:
if energy_idx_max - energy_idx_min < 2:
# log.warning('Dubious case of PSF energy binning')
# Note that below always range stop of `energy_idx_max - 1` is used!
# That's why we put +2 here to make sure we have at least one bin.
energy_idx_max = max(energy_idx_min + 2, energy_idx_max)
# Make sure we don't step out of the energy array (doesn't help much)
energy_idx_max = min(energy_idx_max, len(self.energy))
# TODO: extract this into a utility function `npred_weighted_mean()`
# Compute weights for energy bins
weights = np.zeros_like(self.energy.value, dtype=np.float64)
for idx in range(energy_idx_min, energy_idx_max - 1):
energy_min = self.energy[idx]
energy_max = self.energy[idx + 1]
exposure = self.exposure[idx]
flux = spectrum(energy_min)
weights[idx] = (exposure * flux * (energy_max - energy_min)).value
# Normalize weights to sum to 1
weights = weights / weights.sum()
# Compute weighted PSF value array
total_psf_value = np.zeros_like(self._get_1d_psf_values(0), dtype=np.float64)
for idx in range(energy_idx_min, energy_idx_max - 1):
psf_value = self._get_1d_psf_values(idx)
total_psf_value += weights[idx] * psf_value
# TODO: add version that returns `total_psf_value` without
# making a `TablePSF`.
return TablePSF(self.rad, total_psf_value, **kwargs)
[docs] def containment_radius(self, energies, fraction, interp_kwargs=None):
"""Containment radius.
energies : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
fraction : float
Containment fraction in %
rad : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
Containment radius in deg
# TODO: figure out if there's a more efficient implementation to support
# arrays of energy
energies = np.atleast_1d(energies)
psfs = [self.table_psf_at_energy(energy, interp_kwargs) for energy in energies]
rad = [psf.containment_radius(fraction) for psf in psfs]
return Quantity(rad)
[docs] def integral(self, energy, rad_min, rad_max):
"""Containment fraction.
energy : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
rad_min, rad_max : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`
fraction : array_like
Containment fraction (in range 0 .. 1)
# TODO: useless at the moment ... support array inputs or remove!
psf = self.table_psf_at_energy(energy)
return psf.integral(rad_min, rad_max)
[docs] def info(self):
"""Print basic info"""
[docs] def plot_psf_vs_rad(self, energies=[1e4, 1e5, 1e6]):
"""Plot PSF vs radius.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4))
for energy in energies:
energy_index = self._energy_index(energy)
psf = self.psf_value[energy_index, :]
label = '{} GeV'.format(1e-3 * energy)
x = np.hstack([-self.rad[::-1], self.rad])
y = 1e-6 * np.hstack([psf[::-1], psf])
plt.plot(x, y, lw=2, label=label)
# plt.semilogy()
# plt.loglog()
plt.xlim(-0.2, 0.5)
plt.xlabel('Offset (deg)')
plt.ylabel('PSF (1e-6 sr^-1)')
[docs] def plot_containment_vs_energy(self, ax=None, fractions=[0.63, 0.8, 0.95], **kwargs):
"""Plot containment versus energy."""
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax
energy = Energy.equal_log_spacing(
self.energy.min(), self.energy.max(), 10)
for fraction in fractions:
rad = self.containment_radius(energy, fraction)
label = '{:.1f}% Containment'.format(100 * fraction)
ax.plot(energy.value, rad.value, label=label, **kwargs)
ax.set_xlabel('Energy (GeV)')
ax.set_ylabel('Containment radius (deg)')
[docs] def plot_exposure_vs_energy(self):
"""Plot exposure versus energy."""
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.figure(figsize=(4, 3))
plt.plot(self.energy, self.exposure, color='black', lw=3)
plt.xlabel('Energy (MeV)')
plt.ylabel('Exposure (cm^2 s)')
plt.xlim(1e4 / 1.3, 1.3 * 1e6)
plt.ylim(0, 1.5e11)
def _energy_index(self, energy):
"""Find energy array index.
# TODO: test with array input
return np.searchsorted(self.energy, energy)
def _get_1d_psf_values(self, energy_index):
"""Get 1-dim PSF value array.
energy_index : int
Energy index
psf_values : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
PSF value array
psf_values = self.psf_value[energy_index, :].flatten().copy()
where_are_NaNs = np.isnan(psf_values)
# When the PSF Table is not filled (with nan), the psf estimation at a given energy crashes
psf_values[where_are_NaNs] = 0
return psf_values
def _get_1d_table_psf(self, energy_index, **kwargs):
"""Get 1-dim TablePSF (cached).
energy_index : int
Energy index
table_psf : `TablePSF`
Table PSF
# TODO: support array_like `energy_index` here?
if self._table_psf_cache[energy_index] is None:
psf_value = self._get_1d_psf_values(energy_index)
table_psf = TablePSF(self.rad, psf_value, **kwargs)
self._table_psf_cache[energy_index] = table_psf
return self._table_psf_cache[energy_index]