# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.io import fits
import astropy.units as u
from .. import version
from ..utils.nddata import NDDataArray, BinnedDataAxis
from ..utils.scripts import make_path
from ..utils.fits import (
from ..data import EventList
__all__ = [
[docs]class CountsSpectrum(object):
"""Generic counts spectrum.
energy_lo : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
Lower bin edges of energy axis
energy_hi : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
Upper bin edges of energy axis
data : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, array-like
.. plot::
from gammapy.spectrum import CountsSpectrum
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
ebounds = np.logspace(0,1,11) * u.TeV
data = np.arange(10) * u.ct
spec = CountsSpectrum(
default_interp_kwargs = dict(bounds_error=False, method='nearest')
"""Default interpolation kwargs"""
def __init__(self, energy_lo, energy_hi, data=None, interp_kwargs=None):
axes = [BinnedDataAxis(energy_lo, energy_hi,
interpolation_mode='log', name='energy')]
# Set data unit to counts for coherence
if data is not None:
if isinstance(data, u.Quantity):
if data.unit.is_equivalent('ct'):
elif data.unit.is_equivalent(u.Unit('')):
data = data.value
raise ValueError('Invalid data unit {}'.format(data.unit))
data = u.Quantity(data, 'ct')
if interp_kwargs is None:
interp_kwargs = self.default_interp_kwargs
self.data = NDDataArray(axes=axes, data=data, interp_kwargs=interp_kwargs)
def energy(self):
return self.data.axis('energy')
[docs] @classmethod
def from_hdulist(cls, hdulist, hdu1='COUNTS', hdu2='EBOUNDS'):
"""Read OGIP format hdulist"""
counts_table = fits_table_to_table(hdulist[hdu1])
counts = counts_table['COUNTS'].data
ebounds = ebounds_to_energy_axis(hdulist[hdu2])
return cls(data=counts, energy_lo=ebounds.lower_bounds,
[docs] @classmethod
def read(cls, filename, hdu1='COUNTS', hdu2='EBOUNDS', **kwargs):
"""Read from file."""
filename = make_path(filename)
hdulist = fits.open(str(filename), **kwargs)
return cls.from_hdulist(hdulist, hdu1=hdu1, hdu2=hdu2)
except KeyError:
msg = 'File {} does not contain HDUs "{}"'.format(
filename, [hdu1, hdu2])
msg += '\n Available {}'.format([_.name for _ in hdulist])
raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def to_table(self):
"""Convert to `~astropy.table.Table`.
Data format specification: :ref:`gadf:ogip-pha`
channel = np.arange(self.energy.nbins, dtype=np.int16)
counts = np.array(self.data.data.value, dtype=np.int32)
names = ['CHANNEL', 'COUNTS']
meta = OrderedDict()
meta['name'] = 'COUNTS'
return Table([channel, counts], names=names, meta=meta)
[docs] def to_hdulist(self):
"""Convert to `~astropy.io.fits.HDUList`.
This adds an ``EBOUNDS`` extension to the ``BinTableHDU`` produced by
``to_table``, in order to store the energy axis
hdu = table_to_fits_table(self.to_table())
prim_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU()
ebounds = energy_axis_to_ebounds(self.energy.bins)
return fits.HDUList([prim_hdu, hdu, ebounds])
[docs] def write(self, filename, **kwargs):
"""Write to file."""
filename = make_path(filename)
self.to_hdulist().writeto(str(filename), **kwargs)
[docs] def fill(self, events):
"""Fill with list of events.
TODO: Move to `~gammapy.utils.nddata.NDDataArray`
events : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, `gammapy.data.EventList`,
List of event energies
if isinstance(events, EventList):
events = events.energy
energy = events.to(self.energy.unit)
binned_val = np.histogram(energy.value, self.energy.bins)[0]
self.data.data = binned_val * u.ct
def total_counts(self):
"""Total number of counts
return self.data.data.sum()
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None, energy_unit='TeV', show_poisson_errors=False,
show_energy=None, **kwargs):
"""Plot as data points.
kwargs are forwarded to `~matplotlib.pyplot.errorbar`
ax : `~matplotlib.axis` (optional)
Axis instance to be used for the plot
energy_unit : str, `~astropy.units.Unit`, optional
Unit of the energy axis
show_poisson_errors : bool, optional
Show poisson errors on the plot
show_energy : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional
Show energy, e.g. threshold, as vertical line
ax: `~matplotlib.axis`
Axis instance used for the plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax
counts = self.data.data.value
x = self.energy.nodes.to(energy_unit).value
bounds = self.energy.bins.to(energy_unit).value
xerr = [x - bounds[:-1], bounds[1:] - x]
yerr = np.sqrt(counts) if show_poisson_errors else 0
kwargs.setdefault('fmt', '')
ax.errorbar(x, counts, xerr=xerr, yerr=yerr, **kwargs)
if show_energy is not None:
ener_val = u.Quantity(show_energy).to(energy_unit).value
ax.vlines(ener_val, 0, 1.1 * max(self.data.data.value),
ax.set_xlabel('Energy [{}]'.format(energy_unit))
ax.set_ylim(0, 1.2 * max(self.data.data.value))
return ax
[docs] def plot_hist(self, ax=None, energy_unit='TeV', show_energy=None, **kwargs):
"""Plot as histogram.
kwargs are forwarded to `~matplotlib.pyplot.hist`
ax : `~matplotlib.axis` (optional)
Axis instance to be used for the plot
energy_unit : str, `~astropy.units.Unit`, optional
Unit of the energy axis
show_energy : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional
Show energy, e.g. threshold, as vertical line
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax
kwargs.setdefault('lw', 2)
kwargs.setdefault('histtype', 'step')
weights = self.data.data.value
bins = self.energy.bins.to(energy_unit).value
x = self.energy.nodes.to(energy_unit).value
ax.hist(x, bins=bins, weights=weights, **kwargs)
if show_energy is not None:
ener_val = u.Quantity(show_energy).to(energy_unit).value
ax.vlines(ener_val, 0, 1.1 * max(self.data.data.value),
ax.set_xlabel('Energy [{}]'.format(energy_unit))
return ax
[docs] def peek(self, figsize=(5, 10)):
"""Quick-look summary plots."""
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize)
return ax
[docs] def copy(self):
"""A deep copy of self."""
return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def rebin(self, parameter):
parameter, int
Number of bins to merge
rebinned_spectrum : `~gammapy.spectrum.CountsSpectrum`
Rebinned spectrum
if len(self.data.data) % parameter != 0:
raise ValueError("Invalid rebin parameter: {}, nbins: {}".format(
parameter, len(self.data.data)))
# Copy to keep attributes
retval = self.copy()
energy = retval.energy
energy.lo = energy.lo[0::parameter]
energy.hi = energy.hi[parameter - 1::parameter]
split_indices = np.arange(parameter, len(retval.data.data), parameter)
counts_grp = np.split(retval.data.data, split_indices)
counts_rebinned = np.sum(counts_grp, axis=1)
retval.data.data = counts_rebinned * u.ct
return retval
[docs]class PHACountsSpectrum(CountsSpectrum):
"""Counts spectrum corresponding to OGIP PHA format.
The ``bkg`` flag controls whether the PHA counts spectrum represents a
background estimate or not (this slightly affects the FITS header
information when writing to disk).
energy_lo : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
Lower bin edges of energy axis
energy_hi : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
Upper bin edges of energy axis
data : array-like, optional
quality : int, array-like, optional
Mask bins in safe energy range (1 = bad, 0 = good)
backscal : float, array-like, optional
Background scaling factor
areascal : float, array-like, optional
Area scaling factor
is_bkg : bool, optional
Background or soure spectrum, default: False
meta : dict, optional
Meta information, TODO: add link where possible meta info is listed
def __init__(self, energy_lo, energy_hi, data=None, quality=None,
backscal=None, areascal=None, is_bkg=False, meta=None):
super(PHACountsSpectrum, self).__init__(energy_lo, energy_hi, data)
if quality is None:
quality = np.zeros(self.energy.nbins, dtype='i2')
self.quality = quality
if backscal is None:
backscal = np.ones(self.energy.nbins)
self.backscal = backscal
if areascal is None:
areascal = np.ones(self.energy.nbins)
self.areascal = areascal
self.is_bkg = is_bkg
self.meta = meta or OrderedDict()
self.meta.setdefault('CREATOR', 'Gammapy {}'.format(version.version))
self.meta.setdefault('OBS_ID', 0)
def phafile(self):
"""PHA file associated with the observations"""
return 'pha_obs{}.fits'.format(self.obs_id)
def arffile(self):
"""ARF associated with the observations"""
return self.phafile.replace('pha', 'arf')
def rmffile(self):
"""RMF associated with the observations"""
return self.phafile.replace('pha', 'rmf')
def bkgfile(self):
"""Background PHA files associated with the observations"""
return self.phafile.replace('pha', 'bkg')
def obs_id(self):
return self.meta['OBS_ID']
def obs_id(self, val):
self.meta['OBS_ID'] = val
def livetime(self):
return self.meta['EXPOSURE'] * u.s
def livetime(self, val):
self.meta['EXPOSURE'] = val.to('s').value
def offset(self):
return self.meta['OFFSET'] * u.deg
def bins_in_safe_range(self):
"""Indices of bins within the energy thresholds"""
idx = np.where(np.array(self.quality) == 0)[0]
return idx
def counts_in_safe_range(self):
"""Counts with bins outside safe range set to 0"""
data = self.data.data.copy()
data[np.nonzero(self.quality)] = 0
return data
def lo_threshold(self):
"""Low energy threshold of the observation (lower bin edge)"""
idx = self.bins_in_safe_range[0]
return self.energy.lo[idx]
def lo_threshold(self, thres):
idx = np.where(self.energy.lo < thres)[0]
self.quality[idx] = 1
def hi_threshold(self):
"""High energy threshold of the observation (upper bin edge)"""
idx = self.bins_in_safe_range[-1]
return self.energy.hi[idx]
def hi_threshold(self, thres):
idx = np.where(self.energy.lo > thres)[0]
if len(idx) != 0:
idx = np.insert(idx, 0, idx[0] - 1)
self.quality[idx] = 1
[docs] def reset_thresholds(self):
"""Reset energy thresholds (i.e. declare all energy bins valid)"""
self.quality = np.zeros_like(self.quality)
[docs] def rebin(self, parameter):
See `~gammapy.spectrum.CountsSpectrum`.
This function treats the quality vector correctly
retval = super(PHACountsSpectrum, self).rebin(parameter)
split_indices = np.arange(parameter, len(self.data.data), parameter)
quality_grp = np.split(retval.quality, split_indices)
quality_summed = np.sum(quality_grp, axis=1)
# Exclude groups where not all bins are within the safe threshold
condition = (quality_summed == parameter)
quality_rebinned = np.where(condition,
retval.quality = np.array(quality_rebinned, dtype=int)
# if backscal is not the same in all channels cannot merge
if not np.isscalar(retval.backscal):
if not np.isclose(np.diff(retval.backscal), 0).all():
raise ValueError('Cannot merge energy dependent backscal')
retval.meta.backscal = retval.backscal[0] * np.ones(retval.energy.nbins)
return retval
def _backscal_array(self):
"""Helper function to always return backscal as an array"""
if np.isscalar(self.backscal):
return np.ones(self.energy.nbins) * self.backscal
return self.backscal
[docs] def to_table(self):
"""Convert to `~astropy.table.Table`."""
table = super(PHACountsSpectrum, self).to_table()
table['QUALITY'] = self.quality
table['BACKSCAL'] = self._backscal_array
table['AREASCAL'] = self.areascal
meta = OrderedDict()
meta['name'] = 'SPECTRUM'
meta['hduclass'] = 'OGIP'
meta['hduclas1'] = 'SPECTRUM'
meta['corrscal'] = ''
meta['chantype'] = 'PHA'
meta['detchans'] = self.energy.nbins
meta['filter'] = 'None'
meta['corrfile'] = ''
meta['poisserr'] = True
meta['hduclas3'] = 'COUNT'
meta['hduclas4'] = 'TYPE:1'
meta['lo_thres'] = self.lo_threshold.to("TeV").value
meta['hi_thres'] = self.hi_threshold.to("TeV").value
if not self.is_bkg:
if self.rmffile is not None:
meta['respfile'] = self.rmffile
meta['backfile'] = self.bkgfile
meta['ancrfile'] = self.arffile
meta['hduclas2'] = 'TOTAL'
meta['hduclas2'] = 'BKG'
table.meta = meta
return table
[docs] @classmethod
def from_hdulist(cls, hdulist, hdu1='SPECTRUM', hdu2='EBOUNDS'):
"""Create from `~astropy.io.fits.HDUList`."""
counts_table = fits_table_to_table(hdulist[hdu1])
ebounds = fits_table_to_table(hdulist[2])
emin = ebounds['E_MIN'].quantity
emax = ebounds['E_MAX'].quantity
kwargs = dict(
data=counts_table['COUNTS'] * u.ct,
if hdulist[1].header['HDUCLAS2'] == 'BKG':
kwargs['is_bkg'] = True
return cls(**kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod
def read(cls, filename, hdu1='SPECTRUM', hdu2='EBOUNDS', **kwargs):
"""Read from file."""
filename = make_path(filename)
hdulist = fits.open(str(filename), **kwargs)
return cls.from_hdulist(hdulist, hdu1=hdu1, hdu2=hdu2)
except KeyError:
msg = 'File {} does not contain HDUs "{}"'.format(
filename, [hdu1, hdu2])
msg += '\n Available {}'.format([_.name for _ in hdulist])
raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def to_sherpa(self, name):
"""Convert to `sherpa.astro.data.DataPHA`.
name : str
Instance name
from sherpa.utils import SherpaFloat
from sherpa.astro.data import DataPHA
table = self.to_table()
# Workaround to avoid https://github.com/sherpa/sherpa/issues/248
if np.isscalar(self.backscal):
backscal = self.backscal
backscal = self.backscal.copy()
if np.allclose(backscal.mean(), backscal):
backscal = backscal[0]
return DataPHA(
channel=(table['CHANNEL'].data + 1).astype(SherpaFloat),
[docs]class PHACountsSpectrumList(list):
"""List of `~gammapy.spectrum.PHACountsSpectrum` objects.
All spectra must have the same energy binning.
This represent the PHA type II data format.
See https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/heasarc/ofwg/docs/spectra/ogip_92_007/node8.html
[docs] def write(self, outdir, **kwargs):
"""Write to file"""
outdir = make_path(outdir)
self.to_hdulist().writeto(str(outdir), **kwargs)
[docs] def to_hdulist(self):
"""Convert to `~astropy.io.fits.HDUList`"""
prim_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU()
hdu = table_to_fits_table(self.to_table())
ebounds = energy_axis_to_ebounds(self[0].energy.bins)
return fits.HDUList([prim_hdu, hdu, ebounds])
[docs] def to_table(self):
"""Convert to `~astropy.table.Table`."""
is_bkg = self[0].is_bkg
nbins = self[0].energy.nbins
spec_num = np.empty([len(self), 1], dtype=np.int16)
channel = np.empty([len(self), nbins], dtype=np.int16)
counts = np.empty([len(self), nbins], dtype=np.int32)
quality = np.empty([len(self), nbins], dtype=np.int32)
backscal = np.empty([len(self), nbins], dtype=np.int32)
backfile = list()
for idx, pha in enumerate(self):
t = pha.to_table()
spec_num[idx] = pha.obs_id
channel[idx] = t['CHANNEL'].data
counts[idx] = t['COUNTS'].data
quality[idx] = t['QUALITY'].data
backscal[idx] = t['BACKSCAL'].data
meta = self[0].to_table().meta
meta['hduclas4'] = 'TYPE:II'
meta['ancrfile'] = 'arf.fits'
meta['respfile'] = 'rmf.fits'
data = [spec_num, channel, counts, quality, backscal]
table = Table(data, names=names, meta=meta)
if not is_bkg:
table['BACKFILE'] = backfile
return table
[docs] @classmethod
def read(cls, filename):
"""Read from file."""
filename = make_path(filename)
hdulist = fits.open(str(filename))
speclist = cls.from_hdulist(hdulist)
return speclist
[docs] @classmethod
def from_hdulist(cls, hdulist):
"""Create from `~astropy.io.fits.HDUList`."""
energy = ebounds_to_energy_axis(hdulist[2])
kwargs = dict(
if hdulist[1].header['HDUCLAS2'] == 'BKG':
kwargs['is_bkg'] = True
counts_table = fits_table_to_table(hdulist[1])
speclist = cls()
for row in counts_table:
kwargs['data'] = row['COUNTS'] * u.ct
kwargs['backscal'] = row['BACKSCAL']
kwargs['quality'] = row['QUALITY']
spec = PHACountsSpectrum(meta=dict(hdulist[1].header),
spec.obs_id = row['SPEC_NUM']
return speclist