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Source code for gammapy.spectrum.diffuse

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Diffuse emission spectra.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from astropy.units import Quantity

__all__ = ['diffuse_gamma_ray_flux']

def _power_law(E, N, k):
    E = Quantity(E, 'TeV')
    E0 = Quantity(1, 'TeV')
    N = Quantity(N, 'm^-2 s^-1 TeV^-1 sr^-1')
    flux = N * (E / E0) ** (-k)
    return flux

[docs]def diffuse_gamma_ray_flux(energy, component='isotropic'): """Diffuse gamma ray flux. TODO: describe available spectra. References: * 'isotropic': Parameters ---------- energy : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Gamma-ray energy component : {'isotropic', 'bubble', 'galactic_fermi2', 'galactic_fermi4'} Diffuse model component Returns ------- flux : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Gamma-ray flux in unit ``m^-2 s^-1 TeV^-1 sr^-1`` """ # flux = Quantity(1, 'm^-2 s^-1 TeV^-1 sr^-1') if component == 'isotropic': # TODO: fix! # Reference: abstract from this Fermi paper: # integral_flux = Quantity(1.03e-5, 'cm^-2 s^-1 sr^-1') gamma = 2.41 return _power_law(energy, 1, 2) elif component == 'bubble': raise NotImplementedError elif component == 'galactic_fermi2': raise NotImplementedError else: raise ValueError('Invalid argument for component: {}'.format(component))