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Source code for gammapy.spectrum.utils

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import numpy as np
from astropy.units import Quantity

__all__ = [

[docs]class LogEnergyAxis(object): """ Log energy axis. Defines a transformation between: * ``energy = 10 ** x`` * ``x = log10(energy)`` * ``pix`` in the range [0, ..., len(x)] via linear interpolation of the ``x`` array, e.g. ``pix=0`` corresponds to ``x[0]`` and ``pix=0.3`` is ``0.5 * (0.3 * x[0] + 0.7 * x[1])`` .. note:: The `specutils.Spectrum1DLookupWCS <>`__ class is similar (only that it doesn't include the ``log`` transformation and the API is different. Also see this Astropy feature request: Parameters ---------- energy : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Energy array mode : ['center', 'edges'] Whether the energy array represents the values at the center or edges of the pixels. """ def __init__(self, energy, mode='center'): from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator if mode == 'center': z = np.arange(len(energy)) elif mode == 'edges': z = np.arange(len(energy)) - 0.5 else: raise ValueError('Not a valid mode.') self.mode = mode self._eunit = energy.unit log_e = np.log(energy.value) kwargs = dict(bounds_error=False, fill_value=None, method='linear') self._z_to_log_e = RegularGridInterpolator((z,), log_e, **kwargs) self._log_e_to_z = RegularGridInterpolator((log_e,), z, **kwargs)
[docs] def wcs_world2pix(self, energy): """ Convert energy to pixel coordinates. Parameters ---------- energy : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Energy coordinate. """ log_e = np.log( log_e = np.atleast_1d(log_e) return self._log_e_to_z(log_e)
[docs] def wcs_pix2world(self, z): """ Convert pixel to energy coordinates. Parameters ---------- z : float Pixel coordinate """ z = np.atleast_1d(z) log_e = self._z_to_log_e(z) return np.exp(log_e) * self._eunit
[docs]class CountsPredictor(object): """Calculate number of predicted counts (``npred``). The true and reconstructed energy binning are inferred from the provided IRFs. Parameters ---------- model : `~gammapy.spectrum.models.SpectralModel` Spectral model aeff : `~gammapy.irf.EffectiveAreaTable` EffectiveArea edisp : `~gammapy.irf.EnergyDispersion`, optional EnergyDispersion livetime : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Observation duration (may be contained in aeff) e_true : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Desired energy axis of the prediced counts vector if no IRFs are given Examples -------- Calculate prediced counts in a desired reconstruced energy binning .. plot:: :include-source: from gammapy.irf import EnergyDispersion, EffectiveAreaTable from gammapy.spectrum import models, CountsPredictor import numpy as np import astropy.units as u import matplotlib.pyplot as plt e_true = np.logspace(-2,2.5,109) * u.TeV e_reco = np.logspace(-2,2,73) * u.TeV aeff = EffectiveAreaTable.from_parametrization(energy=e_true) edisp = EnergyDispersion.from_gauss(e_true=e_true, e_reco=e_reco, sigma=0.3, bias=0) model = models.PowerLaw(index=2.3, amplitude=2.5 * 1e-12 * u.Unit('cm-2 s-1 TeV-1'), reference=1*u.TeV) livetime = 1 * u.h predictor = CountsPredictor(model=model, aeff=aeff, edisp=edisp, livetime=livetime) predictor.npred.plot_hist() """ def __init__(self, model, aeff=None, edisp=None, livetime=None, e_true=None): self.model = model self.aeff = aeff self.edisp = edisp self.livetime = livetime self.e_true = e_true self.e_reco = None self.true_flux = None self.true_counts = None self.npred = None
[docs] def run(self): self.integrate_model() self.apply_aeff() self.apply_edisp()
[docs] def integrate_model(self): """Integrate model in true energy space""" if self.aeff is not None: # TODO: True energy is converted to model amplitude unit. See issue 869 ref_unit = None try: for unit in self.model.parameters['amplitude'].quantity.unit.bases: if unit.is_equivalent('eV'): ref_unit = unit except IndexError: ref_unit = 'TeV' self.e_true = else: if self.e_true is None: raise ValueError("No true energy binning given") self.true_flux = self.model.integral(emin=self.e_true[:-1], emax=self.e_true[1:], intervals=True)
[docs] def apply_aeff(self): if self.aeff is not None: cts = self.true_flux * if cts.unit.is_equivalent('s-1'): cts *= self.livetime else: cts = self.true_flux self.true_counts ='')
[docs] def apply_edisp(self): from . import CountsSpectrum if self.edisp is not None: cts = self.edisp.apply(self.true_counts) self.e_reco = self.edisp.e_reco.bins else: cts = self.true_counts self.e_reco = self.e_true self.npred = CountsSpectrum(data=cts, energy_lo=self.e_reco[:-1], energy_hi=self.e_reco[1:])
[docs]def integrate_spectrum(func, xmin, xmax, ndecade=100, intervals=False): """ Integrate 1d function using the log-log trapezoidal rule. If scalar values for xmin and xmax are passed an oversampled grid is generated using the ``ndecade`` keyword argument. If xmin and xmax arrays are passed, no oversampling is performed and the integral is computed in the provided grid. Parameters ---------- func : callable Function to integrate. xmin : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or array-like Integration range minimum xmax : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or array-like Integration range minimum ndecade : int, optional Number of grid points per decade used for the integration. Default : 100. intervals : bool, optional Return integrals in the grid not the sum, default: False """ is_quantity = False if isinstance(xmin, Quantity): unit = xmin.unit xmin = xmin.value xmax = is_quantity = True if np.isscalar(xmin): logmin = np.log10(xmin) logmax = np.log10(xmax) n = (logmax - logmin) * ndecade x = np.logspace(logmin, logmax, n) else: x = np.append(xmin, xmax[-1]) if is_quantity: x = x * unit y = func(x) val = _trapz_loglog(y, x, intervals=intervals) return val
# This function is copied over from # and slightly modified to allow use with the uncertainties package def _trapz_loglog(y, x, axis=-1, intervals=False): """ Integrate along the given axis using the composite trapezoidal rule in loglog space. Integrate `y` (`x`) along given axis in loglog space. Parameters ---------- y : array_like Input array to integrate. x : array_like, optional Independent variable to integrate over. axis : int, optional Specify the axis. intervals : bool, optional Return array of shape x not the total integral, default: False Returns ------- trapz : float Definite integral as approximated by trapezoidal rule in loglog space. """ log10 = np.log10 try: y_unit = y.unit y = y.value except AttributeError: y_unit = 1. try: x_unit = x.unit x = x.value except AttributeError: x_unit = 1. y = np.asanyarray(y) x = np.asanyarray(x) slice1 = [slice(None)] * y.ndim slice2 = [slice(None)] * y.ndim slice1[axis] = slice(None, -1) slice2[axis] = slice(1, None) # arrays with uncertainties contain objects if y.dtype == 'O': from uncertainties.unumpy import log10 # uncertainties.unumpy.log10 can't deal with tiny values see #, so we filter out the values # here. As the values are so small it doesn't affect the final result. # the sqrt is taken to create a margin, because of the later division # y[slice2] / y[slice1] valid = y > np.sqrt(np.finfo(float).tiny) x, y = x[valid], y[valid] if x.ndim == 1: shape = [1] * y.ndim shape[axis] = x.shape[0] x = x.reshape(shape) with np.errstate(invalid='ignore', divide='ignore'): # Compute the power law indices in each integration bin b = log10(y[slice2] / y[slice1]) / log10(x[slice2] / x[slice1]) # if local powerlaw index is -1, use \int 1/x = log(x); otherwise use normal # powerlaw integration trapzs = np.where( np.abs(b + 1.) > 1e-10, (y[slice1] * ( x[slice2] * (x[slice2] / x[slice1]) ** b - x[slice1])) / (b + 1), x[slice1] * y[slice1] * np.log(x[slice2] / x[slice1])) tozero = (y[slice1] == 0.) + (y[slice2] == 0.) + (x[slice1] == x[slice2]) trapzs[tozero] = 0. if intervals: return trapzs * x_unit * y_unit ret = np.add.reduce(trapzs, axis) * x_unit * y_unit return ret