# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""FITS utility functions.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
from astropy.io import fits
from astropy.table import Table
from .scripts import make_path
from .energy import EnergyBounds
__all__ = [
# TODO: decide what to call this class.
# Would `FITSFile` be better than `SmartHDUList`?
[docs]class SmartHDUList(object):
"""A FITS HDU list wrapper with some sugar.
This is a thin wrapper around `~astropy.io.fits.HDUList`,
with some conveniences built in.
hdu_list : `~astropy.io.fits.HDUList`
HDU list (stored in ``hdu_list`` attribute)
Opening a SmartHDUList calls `astropy.io.fits.open` to get a `~astropy.io.fits.HDUList`
object, and then stores it away in the ``hdu_list`` attribute:
>>> from gammapy.utils.fits import SmartHDUList
>>> hdus = SmartHDUList.open('$GAMMAPY_EXTRA/datasets/catalogs/fermi/gll_psch_v08.fit.gz')
>>> type(hdus.hdu_list)
So of course, you can do the usual things via ``hdus.hdu_list``:
>>> hdus.hdu_list.filename()
>>> hdus.hdu_list.info()
>>> [hdu.name for hdu in hdus.hdu_list]
In addition, for a `SmartHDUList`, it's easier to get the HDUs you want:
>>> hdus.get_hdu('Extended Sources') # by name
>>> hdus.get_hdu(2) # by index
>>> hdus.get_hdu(hdu_type='image') # first image (skip primary if empty)
>>> hdus.get_hdu(hdu_type='table') # first table
TODO: add more conveniences, e.g. to create HDU lists from lists of Gammapy
objects that can be serialised to FITS (e.g. SkyImage, SkyCube, EventList, ...)
def __init__(self, hdu_list):
self.hdu_list = hdu_list
[docs] @classmethod
def open(cls, filename, **kwargs):
"""Create from FITS file (`SmartHDUList`).
This calls `astropy.io.fits.open`, passing ``**kwargs``.
It reads the FITS headers, but not the data.
The ``filename`` is passed through `~gammapy.utils.scripts.make_path`,
which accepts strings or Path objects and does environment variable expansion.
filename : `str`
filename = str(make_path(filename))
hdu_list = fits.open(filename, **kwargs)
return cls(hdu_list)
[docs] def write(self, filename, **kwargs):
"""Write HDU list to FITS file.
This calls `astropy.io.fits.HDUList.writeto`, passing ``**kwargs``.
The ``filename`` is passed through `~gammapy.utils.scripts.make_path`,
which accepts strings or Path objects and does environment variable expansion.
filename : `str`
filename = str(make_path(filename))
self.hdu_list.writeto(filename, **kwargs)
def names(self):
"""List of HDU names (stripped, upper-case)."""
return [hdu.name.strip().upper() for hdu in self.hdu_list]
[docs] def get_hdu_index(self, hdu=None, hdu_type=None):
"""Get index of HDU with given name, number or type.
If ``hdu`` is given, tries to find an HDU of that given name or number.
Otherwise, if ``hdu_type`` is given, looks for the first suitable HDU.
Raises ``KeyError`` if no suitable HDU is found.
hdu : int or str
HDU number or name, passed to `astropy.io.fits.HDUList.index_of`.
hdu_type : {'primary', 'image' , 'table'}
Type of HDU to load
idx : int
HDU index
# For the external API, we want the argument name to be `hdu`
# But in this method, it's confusing because later we'll have
# actual HDU objects. So we rename here: `hdu` -> `hdu_key`
hdu_key = hdu
del hdu
if (hdu_key is None) and (hdu_type is None):
raise ValueError('Must give either `hdu` or `hdu_type`. Got `None` for both.')
# if (hdu_key is not None) and (hdu_type is not None):
# raise ValueError(
# 'Must give either `hdu` or `hdu_type`.'
# ' Got a value for both: hdu={} and hdu_type={}'
# ''.format(hdu_key, hdu_type)
# )
if hdu_key is not None:
idx = self.hdu_list.index_of(hdu_key)
# `HDUList.index_of` for integer input doesn't raise, just return
# the number unchanged. Here we want to raise an error in this case.
if not (0 <= idx < len(self.hdu_list)):
raise KeyError('HDU not found: hdu={}. Index out of range.'.format(hdu_key))
return idx
if hdu_type is not None:
for hdu_idx, hdu_object in enumerate(self.hdu_list):
if hdu_type == 'primary':
if isinstance(hdu_object, fits.PrimaryHDU):
return hdu_idx
elif hdu_type == 'image':
# The `hdu.shape` check is used to skip empty `PrimaryHDU`
# with no data. Those aren't very useful, now, are they?
if hdu_object.is_image and len(hdu_object.shape) > 0:
return hdu_idx
elif hdu_type == 'table':
if isinstance(hdu_object, fits.BinTableHDU):
return hdu_idx
raise ValueError('Invalid hdu_type={}'.format(hdu_type))
raise KeyError('HDU not found: hdu={}, hdu_type={}'.format(hdu_key, hdu_type))
[docs] def get_hdu(self, hdu=None, hdu_type=None):
"""Get HDU with given name, number or type.
This method simply calls ``get_hdu_index(hdu, hdu_type)``,
and if successful, returns the HDU for that given index.
index = self.get_hdu_index(hdu=hdu, hdu_type=hdu_type)
hdu = self.hdu_list[index]
return hdu
def split_filename_hduname(location):
"""Get one HDU for a given location.
location should be either a ``file_name`` or a file
and HDU name in the format ``file_name[hdu_name]``.
# TODO: Test all cases and give good exceptions / error messages
if '[' in location:
tokens = location.split('[')
file_name = tokens[0]
hdu_name = tokens[1][:-1] # split off ']' at the end
return fits.open(file_name)[hdu_name]
file_name = location
return fits.open(file_name)[0]
def fits_header_to_meta_dict(header):
"""Convert `astropy.io.fits.Header` to `~collections.OrderedDict`.
This is a lossy conversion, only key, value is stored
(and not e.g. comments for each FITS "card").
Also, "COMMENT" and "HISTORY" cards are completely removed.
meta = OrderedDict(header)
# Drop problematic header content, i.e. values of type
# `astropy.io.fits.header._HeaderCommentaryCards`
# Handling this well and preserving it is a bit complicated, see
# See https://github.com/astropy/astropy/blob/master/astropy/io/fits/connect.py
# for how `astropy.table.Table.read` does it
# and see https://github.com/gammapy/gammapy/issues/701
meta.pop('COMMENT', None)
meta.pop('HISTORY', None)
return meta
[docs]def table_to_fits_table(table, name=None):
"""Convert `~astropy.table.Table` to `astropy.io.fits.BinTableHDU`.
The name of the table can be stored in the Table meta information
under the ``name`` keyword.
Additional column information ``description`` and ``ucd`` can be stored
in the column.meta attribute and will be stored in the fits header.
table : `~astropy.table.Table`
hdu : `~astropy.io.fits.BinTableHDU`
Binary table HDU
# read name and drop it from the meta information, otherwise
# it would be stored as a header keyword in the BinTableHDU
if name is None:
if 'EXTNAME' in table.meta:
name = table.meta.pop('EXTNAME', None)
elif 'name' in table.meta:
name = table.meta.pop('name', None)
data = table.as_array()
header = fits.Header()
hdu = fits.BinTableHDU(data, header, name=name)
# Copy over column meta-data
for idx, colname in enumerate(table.colnames):
# fix the order of the keywords
hdu.header['TTYPE' + str(idx + 1)] = hdu.header.pop('TTYPE' + str(idx + 1))
hdu.header['TFORM' + str(idx + 1)] = hdu.header.pop('TFORM' + str(idx + 1))
if table[colname].unit is not None:
hdu.header['TUNIT' + str(idx + 1)] = table[colname].unit.to_string('fits')
description = table[colname].meta.get('description')
if description:
hdu.header['TCOMM' + str(idx + 1)] = description
ucd = table[colname].meta.get('ucd')
if ucd:
hdu.header['TUCD' + str(idx + 1)] = ucd
# TODO: this method works fine but the order of keywords in the table
# header is not logical: for instance, list of keywords with column
# units (TUNITi) is appended after the list of column keywords
# (TTYPEi, TFORMi), instead of in between.
# As a matter of fact, the units aren't yet in the header, but
# only when calling the write method and opening the output file.
# https://github.com/gammapy/gammapy/issues/298
return hdu
[docs]def fits_table_to_table(hdu):
"""Convert astropy table to binary table FITS format.
This is a generic method to convert a `~astropy.io.fits.BinTableHDU`
to `~astropy.table.Table`.
The name of the table is stored in the Table meta information
under the ``name`` keyword.
Additional column information ``description`` and ``ucd`` can will be
read from the header and stored in the column.meta attribute.
hdu : `~astropy.io.fits.BinTableHDU`
FITS bin table containing the astropy table columns
table : `~astropy.table.Table`
astropy table containing the desired columns
data = hdu.data
header = hdu.header
table = Table(data, meta=header)
# Copy over column meta-data
for idx, colname in enumerate(hdu.columns.names):
table[colname].unit = hdu.columns[colname].unit
description = table.meta.pop('TCOMM' + str(idx + 1), None)
table[colname].meta['description'] = description
ucd = table.meta.pop('TUCD' + str(idx + 1), None)
table[colname].meta['ucd'] = ucd
return table
[docs]def energy_axis_to_ebounds(energy):
"""Convert `~gammapy.utils.energy.EnergyBounds` to OGIP ``EBOUNDS`` extension.
See https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/heasarc/caldb/docs/memos/cal_gen_92_002/cal_gen_92_002.html#tth_sEc3.2
energy = EnergyBounds(energy)
table = Table()
table['CHANNEL'] = np.arange(energy.nbins, dtype=np.int16)
table['E_MIN'] = energy[:-1]
table['E_MAX'] = energy[1:]
hdu = table_to_fits_table(table)
header = hdu.header
header['EXTNAME'] = 'EBOUNDS', 'Name of this binary table extension'
header['TELESCOP'] = 'DUMMY', 'Mission/satellite name'
header['INSTRUME'] = 'DUMMY', 'Instrument/detector'
header['FILTER'] = 'None', 'Filter information'
header['CHANTYPE'] = 'PHA', 'Type of channels (PHA, PI etc)'
header['DETCHANS'] = energy.nbins, 'Total number of detector PHA channels'
header['HDUCLASS'] = 'OGIP', 'Organisation devising file format'
header['HDUCLAS1'] = 'RESPONSE', 'File relates to response of instrument'
header['HDUCLAS2'] = 'EBOUNDS', 'This is an EBOUNDS extension'
header['HDUVERS'] = '1.2.0', 'Version of file format'
return hdu
def ebounds_to_energy_axis(ebounds):
"""Convert ``EBOUNDS`` extension to `~gammapy.utils.energy.EnergyBounds`
table = fits_table_to_table(ebounds)
emin = table['E_MIN'].quantity
emax = table['E_MAX'].quantity
energy = np.append(emin.value, emax.value[-1]) * emin.unit
return EnergyBounds(energy)