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class gammapy.spectrum.SpectrumObservationStacker(obs_list)[source]

Bases: object

Stack observations in a SpectrumObservationList.

The stacking of j observations is implemented as follows. k and l denote a bin in reconstructed and true energy, respectively.

ϵjk={1,if bin k is inside the energy thresholds0,otherwise¯nonk=jnonjkϵjk¯noffk=jnoffjkϵjk¯αk=¯bonk¯boffk¯bonk=1¯boffk=1jαjknoffjkϵjk¯noff

Please refer to the IRFStacker for the description of how the IRFs are stacked.


obs_list : SpectrumObservationList

Observations to stack


>>> from gammapy.spectrum import SpectrumObservationList, SpectrumObservationStacker
>>> obs_list ='$GAMMAPY_EXTRA/datasets/hess-crab4_pha')
>>> obs_stacker = SpectrumObservationStacker(obs_list)
>>> print(obs_stacker.stacked_obs)
*** Observation summary report ***
Observation Id: [23523-23592]
Livetime: 0.879 h
On events: 279
Off events: 108
Alpha: 0.037
Bkg events in On region: 3.96
Excess: 275.04
Excess / Background: 69.40
Gamma rate: 0.14 1 / min
Bkg rate: 0.00 1 / min
Sigma: 37.60
energy range: 681292069.06 keV - 87992254356.91 keV

Methods Summary

run() Run all steps in the correct order.
setup_counts_vectors() Add correct attributes to stacked counts vectors.
stack_aeff() Stack effective areas (weighted by livetime).
stack_backscal() Stack backscal for on and off vector.
stack_counts_spectrum(counts_spectrum_list) Stack PHACountsSpectrum.
stack_counts_vectors() Stack on and off vectors.
stack_edisp() Stack energy dispersion (weighted by exposure).
stack_obs() Create stacked SpectrumObservation
stack_off_vector() Stack the off count vector.
stack_on_vector() Stack the on count vector.

Methods Documentation


Run all steps in the correct order.


Add correct attributes to stacked counts vectors.


Stack effective areas (weighted by livetime).

Calls gammapy.irf.IRFStacker.stack_aeff.


Stack backscal for on and off vector.

static stack_counts_spectrum(counts_spectrum_list)[source]

Stack PHACountsSpectrum.

  • Bins outside the safe energy range are set to 0
  • Attributes are set to None.
  • The quality vector of the observations are combined with a logical or, such that the low (high) threshold of the stacked obs is the minimum low (maximum high) threshold of the observation list to be stacked.

Stack on and off vectors.


Stack energy dispersion (weighted by exposure).

Calls stack_edisp


Create stacked SpectrumObservation


Stack the off count vector.


Stack the on count vector.