Source code for

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import copy
from operator import le, lt
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table, vstack
from astropy.time import Time
from gammapy.utils.scripts import make_path
from gammapy.utils.time import TIME_REF_DEFAULT, time_ref_from_dict, time_ref_to_dict

__all__ = ["GTI"]

[docs]class GTI: """Good time intervals (GTI) `~astropy.table.Table`. Data format specification: :ref:`gadf:iact-gti` Note: at the moment dead-time and live-time is in the EVENTS header ... the GTI header just deals with observation times. Parameters ---------- table : `~astropy.table.Table` GTI table reference_time : `~astropy.time.Time` the reference time If None, use TIME_REF_DEFAULT. Default is None Examples -------- Load GTIs for a H.E.S.S. event list: >>> from import GTI >>> gti ='$GAMMAPY_DATA/hess-dl3-dr1//data/hess_dl3_dr1_obs_id_023523.fits.gz') >>> print(gti) GTI info: - Number of GTIs: 1 - Duration: 1687.0 s - Start: 123890826.0 s MET - Start: 2004-12-04T22:08:10.184 (time standard: TT) - Stop: 123892513.0 s MET - Stop: 2004-12-04T22:36:17.184 (time standard: TT) Load GTIs for a Fermi-LAT event list: >>> gti ="$GAMMAPY_DATA/fermi-3fhl-gc/fermi-3fhl-gc-events.fits.gz") >>> print(gti) GTI info: - Number of GTIs: 39042 - Duration: 183139597.9032163 s - Start: 239557417.49417615 s MET - Start: 2008-08-04T15:44:41.678 (time standard: TT) - Stop: 460250000.0 s MET - Stop: 2015-08-02T23:14:24.184 (time standard: TT) """ def __init__(self, table, reference_time=None): self.table = self._validate_table(table) if reference_time is None: reference_time = TIME_REF_DEFAULT self._time_ref = Time(reference_time) @staticmethod def _validate_table(table): """Checks that the input GTI fits the gammapy internal model.""" if not isinstance(table, Table): raise TypeError("GTI table is not an astropy Table.") colnames = ["START", "STOP"] if not set(colnames).issubset(table.colnames): raise ValueError("GTI table not correctly defined.") if len(table) == 0: return table for name in colnames: if not isinstance(table[name], Time): raise TypeError(f"Column {name} is not a Time object.") return table
[docs] def copy(self): return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, start, stop, reference_time=None): """Creates a GTI table from start and stop times. Parameters ---------- start : `~astropy.time.Time` or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Start times, if a quantity then w.r.t. reference time stop : `~astropy.time.Time` or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Stop times, if a quantity then w.r.t. reference time reference_time : `~astropy.time.Time` the reference time to use in GTI definition. If None, use TIME_REF_DEFAULT. Default is None """ if reference_time is None: reference_time = TIME_REF_DEFAULT reference_time = Time(reference_time) reference_time.format = "mjd" if not isinstance(start, Time): start = reference_time + u.Quantity(start) if not isinstance(stop, Time): stop = reference_time + u.Quantity(stop) table = Table({"START": np.atleast_1d(start), "STOP": np.atleast_1d(stop)}) return cls(table, reference_time=reference_time)
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, filename, hdu="GTI", format="gadf"): """Read from FITS file. Parameters ---------- filename : `pathlib.Path`, str Filename hdu : str hdu name. Default GTI. format: str Input format, currently only "gadf" is supported """ filename = make_path(filename) with, memmap=False) as hdulist: return cls.from_table_hdu(hdulist[hdu], format=format)
[docs] @classmethod def from_table_hdu(cls, table_hdu, format="gadf"): """Read from table HDU. Parameters ---------- table_hdu : `` table hdu format: str Input format, currently only "gadf" is supported """ if format != "gadf": raise ValueError(f'Only the "gadf" format supported, got {format}') table = time_ref = time_ref_from_dict(table.meta, format="mjd", scale="tt") # Check if TIMEUNIT keyword is present, otherwise assume seconds unit = table.meta.pop("TIMEUNIT", "s") start = u.Quantity(table["START"], unit) stop = u.Quantity(table["STOP"], unit) return cls.create(start, stop, time_ref)
[docs] def to_table_hdu(self, format="gadf"): """ Convert this GTI instance to a ``. Parameters ---------- format: str Output format, currently only "gadf" is supported Returns ------- hdu: `` GTI table converted to FITS representation """ if format != "gadf": raise ValueError(f'Only the "gadf" format supported, got {format}') # Don't impose the scale. GADF does not require it to be TT meta = time_ref_to_dict(self.time_ref, scale=self.time_ref.scale) start = self.time_start - self.time_ref stop = self.time_stop - self.time_ref table = Table({"START":"s"), "STOP":"s")}, meta=meta) return fits.BinTableHDU(table, name="GTI")
[docs] def write(self, filename, **kwargs): """Write to file. Parameters ---------- filename : str or `Path` File name to write to. """ hdu = self.to_table_hdu() hdulist = fits.HDUList([fits.PrimaryHDU(), hdu]) hdulist.writeto(make_path(filename), **kwargs)
def __str__(self): t_start_met = self.met_start[0] t_stop_met = self.met_stop[-1] t_start = self.time_start[0].fits t_stop = self.time_stop[-1].fits return ( "GTI info:\n" f"- Number of GTIs: {len(self.table)}\n" f"- Duration: {self.time_sum}\n" f"- Start: {t_start_met} MET\n" f"- Start: {t_start} (time standard: {self.time_start[-1].scale.upper()})\n" f"- Stop: {t_stop_met} MET\n" f"- Stop: {t_stop} (time standard: {self.time_stop[-1].scale.upper()})\n" ) @property def time_delta(self): """GTI durations in seconds (`~astropy.units.Quantity`).""" delta = self.time_stop - self.time_start return"s") @property def time_ref(self): """Time reference (`~astropy.time.Time`).""" return self._time_ref @property def time_sum(self): """Sum of GTIs in seconds (`~astropy.units.Quantity`).""" return self.time_delta.sum() @property def time_start(self): """GTI start times (`~astropy.time.Time`).""" return self.table["START"] @property def time_stop(self): """GTI end times (`~astropy.time.Time`).""" return self.table["STOP"] @property def met_start(self): """GTI start time difference with reference time in sec, MET (`~astropy.units.Quantity`).""" return (self.time_start - self.time_ref).to("s") @property def met_stop(self): """GTI start time difference with reference time in sec, MET (`~astropy.units.Quantity`).""" return (self.time_stop - self.time_ref).to("s") @property def time_intervals(self): """List of time intervals""" return [ (t_start, t_stop) for t_start, t_stop in zip(self.time_start, self.time_stop) ]
[docs] @classmethod def from_time_intervals(cls, time_intervals, reference_time=None): """From list of time intervals Parameters ---------- time_intervals : list of `~astropy.time.Time` objects Time intervals reference_time : `~astropy.time.Time` Reference time to use in GTI definition. Default is None. If None, use TIME_REF_DEFAULT. Returns ------- gti : `GTI` GTI table. """ start = Time([_[0] for _ in time_intervals]) stop = Time([_[1] for _ in time_intervals]) if reference_time is None: reference_time = TIME_REF_DEFAULT return cls.create(start, stop, reference_time)
[docs] def select_time(self, time_interval): """Select and crop GTIs in time interval. Parameters ---------- time_interval : `astropy.time.Time` Start and stop time for the selection. Returns ------- gti : `GTI` Copy of the GTI table with selection applied. """ interval_start, interval_stop = time_interval interval_start.format = self.time_start.format interval_stop.format = self.time_stop.format # get GTIs that fall within the time_interval mask = self.time_start < interval_stop mask &= self.time_stop > interval_start gti_within = self.table[mask] # crop the GTIs gti_within["START"] = np.clip( gti_within["START"], interval_start, interval_stop ) gti_within["STOP"] = np.clip(gti_within["STOP"], interval_start, interval_stop) return self.__class__(gti_within)
[docs] def stack(self, other): """Stack with another GTI in place. This simply changes the time reference of the second GTI table and stack the two tables. No logic is applied to the intervals. Parameters ---------- other : `` GTI to stack to self """ self.table = self._validate_table(vstack([self.table, other.table]))
[docs] @classmethod def from_stack(cls, gtis, **kwargs): """Stack (concatenate) list of GTIs. Calls `~astropy.table.vstack`. Parameters ---------- gtis : list of `GTI` List of good time intervals to stack **kwargs : dict Keywords passed on to `~astropy.table.vstack` Returns ------- gti : `GTI` Stacked good time intervals. """ tables = [_.table for _ in gtis] stacked_table = vstack(tables, **kwargs) return cls(stacked_table)
[docs] def union(self, overlap_ok=True, merge_equal=True): """Union of overlapping time intervals. Returns a new `` object. Parameters ---------- overlap_ok : bool Whether to raise an error when overlapping time bins are found. merge_equal : bool Whether to merge touching time bins e.g. ``(1, 2)`` and ``(2, 3)`` will result in ``(1, 3)``. """ # Algorithm to merge overlapping intervals is well-known, # see e.g. table = self.table.copy() table.sort("START") compare = lt if merge_equal else le # We use Python dict instead of astropy.table.Row objects, # because on some versions modifying Row entries doesn't behave as expected merged = [{"START": table[0]["START"], "STOP": table[0]["STOP"]}] for row in table[1:]: interval = {"START": row["START"], "STOP": row["STOP"]} if compare(merged[-1]["STOP"], interval["START"]): merged.append(interval) else: if not overlap_ok: raise ValueError("Overlapping time bins") merged[-1]["STOP"] = max(interval["STOP"], merged[-1]["STOP"]) merged = Table(rows=merged, names=["START", "STOP"], meta=self.table.meta) return self.__class__(merged, reference_time=self.time_ref)
[docs] def group_table(self, time_intervals, atol="1e-6 s"): """Compute the table with the info on the group to which belong each time interval. The t_start and t_stop are stored in MJD from a scale in "utc". Parameters ---------- time_intervals : list of `astropy.time.Time` Start and stop time for each interval to compute the LC atol : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Tolerance value for time comparison with different scale. Default 1e-6 sec. Returns ------- group_table : `~astropy.table.Table` Contains the grouping info. """ atol = u.Quantity(atol) group_table = Table( names=("group_idx", "time_min", "time_max", "bin_type"), dtype=("i8", "f8", "f8", "S10"), ) time_intervals_lowedges = Time( [time_interval[0] for time_interval in time_intervals] ) time_intervals_upedges = Time( [time_interval[1] for time_interval in time_intervals] ) for t_start, t_stop in zip(self.time_start, self.time_stop): mask1 = t_start >= time_intervals_lowedges - atol mask2 = t_stop <= time_intervals_upedges + atol mask = mask1 & mask2 if np.any(mask): group_index = np.where(mask)[0] bin_type = "" else: group_index = -1 if np.any(mask1): bin_type = "overflow" elif np.any(mask2): bin_type = "underflow" else: bin_type = "outflow" group_table.add_row( [group_index, t_start.utc.mjd, t_stop.utc.mjd, bin_type] ) return group_table