Source code for gammapy.irf.edisp.kernel

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import numpy as np
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.units import Quantity
from astropy.visualization import quantity_support
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import PowerNorm
from gammapy.maps import MapAxis
from gammapy.maps.axes import UNIT_STRING_FORMAT
from gammapy.utils.scripts import make_path
from ..core import IRF

__all__ = ["EDispKernel"]

[docs]class EDispKernel(IRF): """Energy dispersion matrix. Data format specification: :ref:`gadf:ogip-rmf` Parameters ---------- energy_axis_true : `~gammapy.maps.MapAxis` True energy axis. Its name must be "energy_true" energy_axis : `~gammapy.maps.MapAxis` Reconstructed energy axis. Its name must be "energy" data : array_like 2-dim energy dispersion matrix Examples -------- Create a Gaussian energy dispersion matrix:: >>> from gammapy.maps import MapAxis >>> from gammapy.irf import EDispKernel >>> energy = MapAxis.from_energy_bounds(0.1,10,10, unit='TeV') >>> energy_true = MapAxis.from_energy_bounds(0.1,10,10, unit='TeV', name='energy_true') >>> edisp = EDispKernel.from_gauss( >>> energy_axis_true=energy_true, energy_axis=energy, sigma=0.1, bias=0 >>> ) Have a quick look: >>> print(edisp) EDispKernel ----------- <BLANKLINE> axes : ['energy_true', 'energy'] shape : (10, 10) ndim : 2 unit : dtype : float64 <BLANKLINE> >>> edisp.peek() """ tag = "edisp_kernel" required_axes = ["energy_true", "energy"] default_interp_kwargs = dict(bounds_error=False, fill_value=0, method="nearest") """Default Interpolation kwargs for `~IRF`. Fill zeros and do not interpolate""" @property def pdf_matrix(self): """Energy dispersion PDF matrix (`~numpy.ndarray`). Rows (first index): True Energy Columns (second index): Reco Energy """ return
[docs] def pdf_in_safe_range(self, lo_threshold, hi_threshold): """PDF matrix with bins outside threshold set to 0. Parameters ---------- lo_threshold : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Low reco energy threshold hi_threshold : `~astropy.units.Quantity` High reco energy threshold """ data = self.pdf_matrix.copy() energy = self.axes["energy"].edges if lo_threshold is None and hi_threshold is None: idx = slice(None) else: idx = (energy[:-1] < lo_threshold) | (energy[1:] > hi_threshold) data[:, idx] = 0 return data
[docs] def to_image(self, lo_threshold=None, hi_threshold=None): """Return a 2D edisp by summing the pdf matrix over the ereco axis. Parameters ---------- lo_threshold : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Low reco energy threshold hi_threshold : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional High reco energy threshold """ energy_axis = self.axes["energy"] lo_threshold = lo_threshold or energy_axis.edges[0] hi_threshold = hi_threshold or energy_axis.edges[-1] data = self.pdf_in_safe_range(lo_threshold, hi_threshold) return self.__class__( axes=self.axes.squash("energy"), data=np.sum(data, axis=1, keepdims=True), )
[docs] @classmethod def from_gauss(cls, energy_axis_true, energy_axis, sigma, bias, pdf_threshold=1e-6): """Create Gaussian energy dispersion matrix (`EnergyDispersion`). Calls :func:`gammapy.irf.EnergyDispersion2D.from_gauss` Parameters ---------- energy_axis_true : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Bin edges of true energy axis energy_axis : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Bin edges of reconstructed energy axis bias : float or `~numpy.ndarray` Center of Gaussian energy dispersion, bias sigma : float or `~numpy.ndarray` RMS width of Gaussian energy dispersion, resolution pdf_threshold : float, optional Zero suppression threshold Returns ------- edisp : `EDispKernel` Edisp kernel. """ from .core import EnergyDispersion2D migra_axis = MapAxis.from_bounds(1.0 / 3, 3, nbin=200, name="migra") # A dummy offset axis (need length 2 for interpolation to work) offset_axis = MapAxis.from_edges([0, 1, 2], unit="deg", name="offset") edisp = EnergyDispersion2D.from_gauss( energy_axis_true=energy_axis_true, migra_axis=migra_axis, offset_axis=offset_axis, sigma=sigma, bias=bias, pdf_threshold=pdf_threshold, ) return edisp.to_edisp_kernel([0], energy=energy_axis.edges )
[docs] @classmethod def from_diagonal_response(cls, energy_axis_true, energy_axis=None): """Create energy dispersion from a diagonal response, i.e. perfect energy resolution This creates the matrix corresponding to a perfect energy response. It contains ones where the energy_true center is inside the e_reco bin. It is a square diagonal matrix if energy_true = e_reco. This is useful in cases where code always applies an edisp, but you don't want it to do anything. Parameters ---------- energy_axis_true, energy_axis : `MapAxis` True and reconstructed energy axis Examples -------- If ``energy_true`` equals ``energy``, you get a diagonal matrix:: from gammapy.irf import EDispKernel from gammapy.maps import MapAxis energy_true_axis = MapAxis.from_energy_edges( [0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6] * u.TeV, name="energy_true" ) edisp = EDispKernel.from_diagonal_response(energy_true_axis) edisp.plot_matrix() Example with different energy binnings:: energy_true_axis = MapAxis.from_energy_edges( [0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6] * u.TeV, name="energy_true" ) energy_axis = MapAxis.from_energy_edges([2, 4, 6] * u.TeV) edisp = EDispKernel.from_diagonal_response(energy_true_axis, energy_axis) edisp.plot_matrix() """ from .map import get_overlap_fraction energy_axis_true.assert_name("energy_true") if energy_axis is None: energy_axis = energy_axis_true.copy(name="energy") data = get_overlap_fraction(energy_axis, energy_axis_true) return cls(axes=[energy_axis_true, energy_axis], data=data.value)
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdulist(cls, hdulist, hdu1="MATRIX", hdu2="EBOUNDS"): """Create `EnergyDispersion` object from ``. Parameters ---------- hdulist : `` HDU list with ``MATRIX`` and ``EBOUNDS`` extensions. hdu1 : str, optional HDU containing the energy dispersion matrix, default: MATRIX hdu2 : str, optional HDU containing the energy axis information, default, EBOUNDS """ matrix_hdu = hdulist[hdu1] ebounds_hdu = hdulist[hdu2] data = header = matrix_hdu.header pdf_matrix = np.zeros([len(data), header["DETCHANS"]], dtype=np.float64) for i, l in enumerate(data): if l.field("N_GRP"): m_start = 0 for k in range(l.field("N_GRP")): chan_min = l.field("F_CHAN")[k] chan_max = l.field("F_CHAN")[k] + l.field("N_CHAN")[k] pdf_matrix[i, chan_min:chan_max] = l.field("MATRIX")[ m_start : m_start + l.field("N_CHAN")[k] # noqa: E203 ] m_start += l.field("N_CHAN")[k] table = energy_axis = MapAxis.from_table(table, format="ogip") table = energy_axis_true = MapAxis.from_table(table, format="ogip-arf") return cls(axes=[energy_axis_true, energy_axis], data=pdf_matrix)
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, filename, hdu1="MATRIX", hdu2="EBOUNDS"): """Read from file. Parameters ---------- filename : `pathlib.Path`, str File to read hdu1 : str, optional HDU containing the energy dispersion matrix, default: MATRIX hdu2 : str, optional HDU containing the energy axis information, default, EBOUNDS """ with, memmap=False) as hdulist: return cls.from_hdulist(hdulist, hdu1=hdu1, hdu2=hdu2)
[docs] def to_hdulist(self, format="ogip", **kwargs): """Convert RMF to FITS HDU list format. Parameters ---------- format : {"ogip", "ogip-sherpa"} Format to use. Returns ------- hdulist : `` RMF in HDU list format. Notes ----- For more info on the RMF FITS file format see: """ # Cannot use table_to_fits here due to variable length array # format_arf = format.replace("ogip", "ogip-arf") table = self.to_table(format=format_arf) name = table.meta.pop("name") header = fits.Header() header.update(table.meta) cols = table.columns c0 = fits.Column( name=cols[0].name, format="E", array=cols[0], unit=str(cols[0].unit) ) c1 = fits.Column( name=cols[1].name, format="E", array=cols[1], unit=str(cols[1].unit) ) c2 = fits.Column(name=cols[2].name, format="I", array=cols[2]) c3 = fits.Column(name=cols[3].name, format="PI()", array=cols[3]) c4 = fits.Column(name=cols[4].name, format="PI()", array=cols[4]) c5 = fits.Column(name=cols[5].name, format="PE()", array=cols[5]) hdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns( [c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5], header=header, name=name ) ebounds_hdu = self.axes["energy"].to_table_hdu(format=format) prim_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU() return fits.HDUList([prim_hdu, hdu, ebounds_hdu])
[docs] def to_table(self, format="ogip"): """Convert to `~astropy.table.Table`. The output table is in the OGIP RMF format. # noqa: E501 Parameters ---------- format : {"ogip", "ogip-sherpa"} Format to use. Returns ------- table : `~astropy.table.Table` Matrix table """ table = self.axes["energy_true"].to_table(format=format) rows = self.pdf_matrix.shape[0] n_grp = [] f_chan = np.ndarray(dtype=object, shape=rows) n_chan = np.ndarray(dtype=object, shape=rows) matrix = np.ndarray(dtype=object, shape=rows) # Make RMF type matrix for idx, row in enumerate( pos = np.nonzero(row)[0] borders = np.where(np.diff(pos) != 1)[0] # add 1 to borders for correct behaviour of np.split groups = np.split(pos, borders + 1) n_grp_temp = len(groups) if len(groups) > 0 else 1 n_chan_temp = np.asarray([val.size for val in groups]) try: f_chan_temp = np.asarray([val[0] for val in groups]) except IndexError: f_chan_temp = np.zeros(1) n_grp.append(n_grp_temp) f_chan[idx] = f_chan_temp n_chan[idx] = n_chan_temp matrix[idx] = row[pos] n_grp = np.asarray(n_grp, dtype=np.int16) # Get total number of groups and channel subsets numgrp, numelt = 0, 0 for val, val2 in zip(n_grp, n_chan): numgrp += np.sum(val) numelt += np.sum(val2) table["N_GRP"] = n_grp table["F_CHAN"] = f_chan table["N_CHAN"] = n_chan table["MATRIX"] = matrix table.meta = { "name": "MATRIX", "chantype": "PHA", "hduclass": "OGIP", "hduclas1": "RESPONSE", "hduclas2": "RSP_MATRIX", "detchans": self.axes["energy"].nbin, "numgrp": numgrp, "numelt": numelt, "tlmin4": 0, } return table
[docs] def write(self, filename, format="ogip", **kwargs): """Write to file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename format : {"ogip", "ogip-sherpa"} Format to use. """ filename = str(make_path(filename)) self.to_hdulist(format=format).writeto(filename, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_resolution(self, energy_true): """Get energy resolution for a given true energy. The resolution is given as a percentage of the true energy Parameters ---------- energy_true : `~astropy.units.Quantity` True energy """ energy_axis_true = self.axes["energy_true"] var = self._get_variance(energy_true) idx_true = energy_axis_true.coord_to_idx(energy_true) energy_true_real =[idx_true] return np.sqrt(var) / energy_true_real
[docs] def get_bias(self, energy_true): r"""Get reconstruction bias for a given true energy. Bias is defined as .. math:: \frac{E_{reco}-E_{true}}{E_{true}} Parameters ---------- energy_true : `~astropy.units.Quantity` True energy """ energy_axis_true = self.axes["energy_true"] energy = self.get_mean(energy_true) idx_true = energy_axis_true.coord_to_idx(energy_true) energy_true_real =[idx_true] bias = (energy - energy_true_real) / energy_true_real return bias
[docs] def get_bias_energy(self, bias, energy_min=None, energy_max=None): """Find energy corresponding to a given bias. In case the solution is not unique, provide the ``energy_min`` or ``energy_max`` arguments to limit the solution to the given range. By default the peak energy of the bias is chosen as ``energy_min``. Parameters ---------- bias : float Bias value. energy_min : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Lower bracket value in case solution is not unique. energy_max : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Upper bracket value in case solution is not unique. Returns ------- bias_energy : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Reconstructed energy corresponding to the given bias. """ from gammapy.modeling.models import TemplateSpectralModel energy_true = self.axes["energy_true"].center values = self.get_bias(energy_true) if energy_min is None: # use the peak bias energy as default minimum energy_min = energy_true[np.nanargmax(values)] if energy_max is None: energy_max = energy_true[-1] bias_spectrum = TemplateSpectralModel(energy=energy_true, values=values) energy_true_bias = bias_spectrum.inverse( Quantity(bias), energy_min=energy_min, energy_max=energy_max ) if np.isnan(energy_true_bias[0]): energy_true_bias[0] = energy_min # return reconstructed energy return energy_true_bias * (1 + bias)
[docs] def get_mean(self, energy_true): """Get mean reconstructed energy for a given true energy.""" idx = self.axes["energy_true"].coord_to_idx(energy_true) pdf =[idx] # compute sum along reconstructed energy norm = np.sum(pdf, axis=-1) temp = np.sum(pdf * self.axes["energy"].center, axis=-1) with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): # corm can be zero mean = np.nan_to_num(temp / norm) return mean
def _get_variance(self, energy_true): """Get variance of log reconstructed energy.""" # evaluate the pdf at given true energies idx = self.axes["energy_true"].coord_to_idx(energy_true) pdf =[idx] # compute mean mean = self.get_mean(energy_true) # create array of reconstructed-energy nodes # for each given true energy value # (first axis is reconstructed energy) erec = self.axes["energy"].center erec = np.repeat(erec, max(np.sum(mean.shape), 1)).reshape( erec.shape + mean.shape ) # compute deviation from mean # (and move reconstructed energy axis to last axis) temp_ = (erec - mean) ** 2 temp = np.rollaxis(temp_, 1) # compute sum along reconstructed energy # axis to determine the variance norm = np.sum(pdf, axis=-1) var = np.sum(temp * pdf, axis=-1) return var / norm
[docs] def plot_matrix(self, ax=None, add_cbar=False, **kwargs): """Plot PDF matrix. Parameters ---------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Axis add_cbar : bool Add a colorbar to the plot. Returns ------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axis """ kwargs.setdefault("cmap", "GnBu") norm = PowerNorm(gamma=0.5, vmin=0, vmax=1) kwargs.setdefault("norm", norm) ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax energy_axis_true = self.axes["energy_true"] energy_axis = self.axes["energy"] with quantity_support(): caxes = ax.pcolormesh( energy_axis_true.edges, energy_axis.edges,, **kwargs ) if add_cbar: label = "Probability density (A.U.)" ax.figure.colorbar(caxes, ax=ax, label=label) energy_axis_true.format_plot_xaxis(ax=ax) energy_axis.format_plot_yaxis(ax=ax) return ax
[docs] def plot_bias(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot reconstruction bias. See `~gammapy.irf.EnergyDispersion.get_bias` method. Parameters ---------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Plot axis **kwargs : dict Kwyrow Returns ------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Plot axis """ ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax energy = self.axes["energy_true"].center bias = self.get_bias(energy) with quantity_support(): ax.plot(energy, bias, **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel( f"$E_\\mathrm{{True}}$ [{ax.yaxis.units.to_string(UNIT_STRING_FORMAT)}]" ) ax.set_ylabel( "($E_\\mathrm{{Reco}} - E_\\mathrm{{True}}) / E_\\mathrm{{True}}$" ) ax.set_xscale("log") return ax
[docs] def peek(self, figsize=(15, 5)): """Quick-look summary plots. Parameters ---------- figsize : tuple Size of the figure. """ fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=figsize) self.plot_bias(ax=axes[0]) self.plot_matrix(ax=axes[1]) plt.tight_layout()