Source code for gammapy.makers.reduce

import logging
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
import gammapy.utils.parallel as parallel
from gammapy.datasets import Datasets, MapDataset, MapDatasetOnOff, SpectrumDataset
from .core import Maker
from .safe import SafeMaskMaker

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [

[docs]class DatasetsMaker(Maker, parallel.ParallelMixin): """Run makers in a chain Parameters ---------- makers : list of `Maker` objects Makers stack_datasets : bool If True stack into the reference dataset (see `run` method arguments). n_jobs : int Number of processes to run in parallel. Default is one, unless `~gammapy.utils.parallel.N_JOBS_DEFAULT` was modified. cutout_mode : {'trim', 'partial', 'strict'} Used only to cutout the reference `MapDataset` around each processed observation. Mode is an option for Cutout2D, for details see `~astropy.nddata.utils.Cutout2D`. Default is "trim". cutout_width : tuple of `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Angular sizes of the region in (lon, lat) in that specific order. If only one value is passed, a square region is extracted. If None it returns an error, except if the list of makers includes a `SafeMaskMaker` with the offset-max method defined. In that case it is set to two times `offset_max`. parallel_backend : {'multiprocessing', 'ray'} Which backend to use for multiprocessing. """ tag = "DatasetsMaker" def __init__( self, makers, stack_datasets=True, n_jobs=None, cutout_mode="trim", cutout_width=None, parallel_backend=None, ): self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.makers = makers self.cutout_mode = cutout_mode if cutout_width is not None: cutout_width = Angle(cutout_width) self.cutout_width = cutout_width self._apply_cutout = True if self.cutout_width is None: if self.offset_max is None: self._apply_cutout = False else: self.cutout_width = 2 * self.offset_max self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.parallel_backend = parallel_backend self.stack_datasets = stack_datasets self._datasets = [] self._error = False @property def offset_max(self): maker = self.safe_mask_maker if maker is not None and hasattr(maker, "offset_max"): return maker.offset_max @property def safe_mask_maker(self): for m in self.makers: if isinstance(m, SafeMaskMaker): return m
[docs] def make_dataset(self, dataset, observation): """Make single dataset. Parameters ---------- dataset : `~gammapy.datasets.MapDataset` Reference dataset observation : `Observation` Observation """ if self._apply_cutout: cutouts_kwargs = { "position": observation.get_pointing_icrs(observation.tmid).galactic, "width": self.cutout_width, "mode": self.cutout_mode, } dataset_obs = dataset.cutout( **cutouts_kwargs, ) else: dataset_obs = dataset.copy() if dataset.models is not None: models = dataset.models.copy() models.reassign(, dataset_obs.models = models"Computing dataset for observation {observation.obs_id}") for maker in self.makers:"Running {maker.tag}") dataset_obs =, observation=observation) return dataset_obs
[docs] def callback(self, dataset): if self.stack_datasets: if isinstance(self._dataset, MapDataset) and isinstance( dataset, MapDatasetOnOff ): dataset = dataset.to_map_dataset( self._dataset.stack(dataset) else: self._datasets.append(dataset)
[docs] def error_callback(self, dataset): # parallel run could cause a memory error with non-explicit message. self._error = True
[docs] def run(self, dataset, observations, datasets=None): """Run data reduction Parameters ---------- dataset : `~gammapy.datasets.MapDataset` Reference dataset (used only for stacking if datasets are provided) observations : `Observations` Observations datasets : `~gammapy.datasets.Datasets` Base datasets, if provided its length must be the same than the observations. Returns ------- datasets : `~gammapy.datasets.Datasets` Datasets """ if isinstance(dataset, MapDataset): # also valid for Spectrum as it inherits from MapDataset self._dataset = dataset else: raise TypeError("Invalid reference dataset.") if isinstance(dataset, SpectrumDataset): self._apply_cutout = False if datasets is not None: self._apply_cutout = False else: datasets = len(observations) * [dataset] n_jobs = min(self.n_jobs, len(observations)) parallel.run_multiprocessing( self.make_dataset, zip(datasets, observations), backend=self.parallel_backend, pool_kwargs=dict(processes=n_jobs), method="apply_async", method_kwargs=dict( callback=self.callback, error_callback=self.error_callback, ), task_name="Data reduction", ) if self._error: raise RuntimeError("Execution of a sub-process failed") if self.stack_datasets: return Datasets([self._dataset]) lookup = { d.meta_table["OBS_ID"][0]: idx for idx, d in enumerate(self._datasets) } return Datasets([self._datasets[lookup[obs.obs_id]] for obs in observations])