Source code for gammapy.utils.testing

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Utilities for testing"""
import os
import sys
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose
import astropy
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.utils.introspection import minversion
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

__all__ = [

ASTROPY_LT_5_3 = minversion(astropy, "")

# Cache for `requires_dependency`
_requires_dependency_cache = {}

[docs]def requires_dependency(name): """Decorator to declare required dependencies for tests. Examples -------- :: from gammapy.utils.testing import requires_dependency @requires_dependency('scipy') def test_using_scipy(): import scipy ... """ import pytest if name in _requires_dependency_cache: skip_it = _requires_dependency_cache[name] else: try: __import__(name) skip_it = False except ImportError: skip_it = True _requires_dependency_cache[name] = skip_it reason = f"Missing dependency: {name}" return pytest.mark.skipif(skip_it, reason=reason)
def has_data(name): """Is a certain set of data available?""" if name == "gammapy-extra": return "GAMMAPY_EXTRA" in os.environ elif name == "gammapy-data": return "GAMMAPY_DATA" in os.environ elif name == "gamma-cat": return "GAMMA_CAT" in os.environ elif name == "fermi-lat": return "GAMMAPY_FERMI_LAT_DATA" in os.environ else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid name: {name}")
[docs]def requires_data(name="gammapy-data"): """Decorator to declare required data for tests. Examples -------- :: from gammapy.utils.testing import requires_data @requires_data() def test_using_data_files(): filename = "$GAMMAPY_DATA/..." ... """ import pytest if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError( "You must call @requires_data with a name (str). " "Usually this: @requires_data()" ) skip_it = not has_data(name) reason = f"Missing data: {name}" return pytest.mark.skipif(skip_it, reason=reason)
def run_cli(cli, args, exit_code=0): """Run Click command line tool. Thin wrapper around `click.testing.CliRunner` that prints info to stderr if the command fails. Parameters ---------- cli : click.Command Click command args : list of str Argument list exit_code : int Expected exit code of the command Returns ------- result : `click.testing.Result` Result """ from click.testing import CliRunner result = CliRunner().invoke(cli, args, catch_exceptions=False) if result.exit_code != exit_code: sys.stderr.write("Exit code mismatch!\n") sys.stderr.write("Output:\n") sys.stderr.write(result.output) return result
[docs]def assert_skycoord_allclose(actual, desired): """Assert all-close for `astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` objects. - Frames can be different, aren't checked at the moment. """ assert isinstance(actual, SkyCoord) assert isinstance(desired, SkyCoord) assert_allclose(, assert_allclose(,
[docs]def assert_time_allclose(actual, desired, atol=1e-3): """Assert all-close for `astropy.time.Time` objects. atol is absolute tolerance in seconds. """ assert isinstance(actual, Time) assert isinstance(desired, Time) assert actual.scale == desired.scale assert actual.format == desired.format dt = actual - desired assert_allclose(dt.sec, 0, rtol=0, atol=atol)
[docs]def assert_quantity_allclose(actual, desired, rtol=1.0e-7, atol=None, **kwargs): """Assert all-close for `astropy.units.Quantity` objects. Requires that ``unit`` is identical, not just that quantities are allclose taking different units into account. We prefer this kind of assert for testing, since units should only change on purpose, so this tests more behaviour. """ # TODO: change this later to explicitly check units are the same! # assert actual.unit == desired.unit args = _unquantify_allclose_arguments(actual, desired, rtol, atol) assert_allclose(*args, **kwargs)
def _unquantify_allclose_arguments(actual, desired, rtol, atol): actual = u.Quantity(actual, subok=True, copy=False) desired = u.Quantity(desired, subok=True, copy=False) try: desired = except u.UnitsError: raise u.UnitsError( "Units for 'desired' ({}) and 'actual' ({}) " "are not convertible".format(desired.unit, actual.unit) ) if atol is None: # by default, we assume an absolute tolerance of 0 atol = u.Quantity(0) else: atol = u.Quantity(atol, subok=True, copy=False) try: atol = except u.UnitsError: raise u.UnitsError( "Units for 'atol' ({}) and 'actual' ({}) " "are not convertible".format(atol.unit, actual.unit) ) rtol = u.Quantity(rtol, subok=True, copy=False) try: rtol = except Exception: raise u.UnitsError("`rtol` should be dimensionless") return actual.value, desired.value, rtol.value, atol.value
[docs]def mpl_plot_check(): """Matplotlib plotting test context manager. It create a new figure on __enter__ and calls savefig for the current figure in __exit__. This will trigger a render of the Figure, which can sometimes raise errors if there is a problem. This is writing to an in-memory byte buffer, i.e. is faster than writing to disk. """ from io import BytesIO class MPLPlotCheck: def __enter__(self): plt.figure() def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): plt.savefig(BytesIO(), format="png") plt.close() return MPLPlotCheck()
[docs]class Checker: """Base class for checker classes in Gammapy."""
[docs] def run(self, checks="all"): if checks == "all": checks = self.CHECKS.keys() unknown_checks = sorted(set(checks).difference(self.CHECKS.keys())) if unknown_checks: raise ValueError(f"Unknown checks: {unknown_checks!r}") for check in checks: method = getattr(self, self.CHECKS[check]) yield from method()
UNIT_REPLACEMENTS_ASTROPY_5_3 = { "cm2 s TeV": "TeV s cm2", "1 / (cm2 s)": "1 / (s cm2)", "erg / (cm2 s)": "erg / (s cm2)", } def modify_unit_order_astropy_5_3(expected_str): """Modify unit order for tests with astropy >= 5.3""" if ASTROPY_LT_5_3: for old, new in UNIT_REPLACEMENTS_ASTROPY_5_3.items(): expected_str = expected_str.replace(old, new) return expected_str