Source code for gammapy.datasets.simulate

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Simulate observations."""
import html
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, SkyOffsetFrame
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.time import Time
from gammapy import __version__
from import EventList, observatory_locations
from gammapy.maps import MapAxis, MapCoord, RegionNDMap, TimeMapAxis
from gammapy.modeling.models import (
from gammapy.utils.fits import earth_location_to_dict
from gammapy.utils.random import get_random_state
from .map import create_map_dataset_from_observation

__all__ = ["MapDatasetEventSampler", "ObservationEventSampler"]

[docs]class MapDatasetEventSampler: """Sample events from a map dataset. Parameters ---------- random_state : {int, 'random-seed', 'global-rng', `~numpy.random.RandomState`}, optional Defines random number generator initialisation via the `~gammapy.utils.random.get_random_state` function. oversample_energy_factor : int, optional Defines an oversampling factor for the energies; it is used only when sampling an energy-dependent time-varying source. t_delta : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Time interval used to sample the time-dependent source. keep_mc_id : bool, optional Flag to tag sampled events from a given model with a Montecarlo identifier. Default is True. If set to False, no identifier will be assigned. n_event_bunch : int Size of events bunches to sample. If None, sample all events in memory. Default is 10000. """ def __init__( self, random_state="random-seed", oversample_energy_factor=10, t_delta=0.5 * u.s, keep_mc_id=True, n_event_bunch=10000, ): self.random_state = get_random_state(random_state) self.oversample_energy_factor = oversample_energy_factor self.t_delta = t_delta self.keep_mc_id = keep_mc_id self.n_event_bunch = n_event_bunch def _repr_html_(self): try: return self.to_html() except AttributeError: return f"<pre>{html.escape(str(self))}</pre>" def _make_table(self, coords, time_ref): """Create a table for sampled events. Parameters ---------- coords : `~gammapy.maps.MapCoord` Coordinates of the sampled events. time_ref : `~astropy.time.Time` Reference time of the event list. Returns ------- table : `~astropy.table.Table` Table of the sampled events. """ table = Table() try: energy = coords["energy_true"] except KeyError: energy = coords["energy"] table["TIME"] = (coords["time"] - time_ref).to("s") table["ENERGY_TRUE"] = energy table["RA_TRUE"] ="deg") table["DEC_TRUE"] ="deg") return table def _evaluate_timevar_source( self, dataset, model, ): """Calculate Npred for a given `dataset.model` by evaluating it on a region geometry. Parameters ---------- dataset : `~gammapy.datasets.MapDataset` Map dataset. model : `~gammapy.modeling.models.SkyModel` Sky model instance. Returns ------- npred : `~gammapy.maps.RegionNDMap` Npred map. """ energy_true = dataset.edisp.edisp_map.geom.axes["energy_true"] energy_new = energy_true.upsample(self.oversample_energy_factor) position = model.spatial_model.position region_exposure = dataset.exposure.to_region_nd_map(position) time_axis_eval = TimeMapAxis.from_gti_bounds( gti=dataset.gti, t_delta=self.t_delta ) time_min, time_max = time_axis_eval.time_bounds time_axis = MapAxis.from_bounds( time_min.mjd * u.d, time_max.mjd * u.d, nbin=time_axis_eval.nbin, name="time", ) temp_eval = model.temporal_model.evaluate( time_axis_eval.time_mid, ) norm = model.spectral_model( if temp_eval.unit.is_equivalent(norm.unit): flux_diff = * norm.value[:, None] else: flux_diff = temp_eval * norm[:, None] flux_inte = flux_diff * energy_new.bin_width[:, None] flux_pred = RegionNDMap.create( region=position, axes=[time_axis, energy_new], data=np.array(flux_inte), unit=flux_inte.unit, ) mapcoord = flux_pred.geom.get_coord(sparse=True) mapcoord["energy_true"] =[:, None, None, None] flux_values = flux_pred.interp_by_coord(mapcoord) * flux_pred.unit data = flux_values * region_exposure.quantity[:, None, :, :] data /= time_axis.nbin / self.oversample_energy_factor npred = RegionNDMap.create( region=position, axes=[time_axis, energy_true], data=data.to_value(""), ) return npred def _sample_coord_time_energy(self, dataset, model): """Sample model components of a source with time-dependent spectrum. Parameters ---------- dataset : `~gammapy.datasets.MapDataset` Map dataset. model : `~gammapy.modeling.models.SkyModel` Sky model instance. Returns ------- table : `~astropy.table.Table` Table of sampled events. """ if not isinstance(model.spatial_model, PointSpatialModel): raise TypeError( f"Event sampler expects PointSpatialModel for a time varying source. Got {model.spatial_model} instead." ) if not isinstance(model.spectral_model, ConstantSpectralModel): raise TypeError( f"Event sampler expects ConstantSpectralModel for a time varying source. Got {model.spectral_model} instead." ) npred = self._evaluate_timevar_source(dataset, model=model) data =[np.isfinite(] try: n_events = self.random_state.poisson(np.sum(data)) except ValueError: raise ValueError( f"The number of predicted events for the model {} is too large. No event sampling will be performed for this model!" ) coords = npred.sample_coord(n_events=n_events, random_state=self.random_state) coords["time"] = Time(coords["time"], format="mjd", scale="tt") table = self._make_table(coords, dataset.gti.time_ref) return table def _sample_coord_time(self, npred, temporal_model, gti): """Sample model components of a time-varying source. Parameters ---------- npred : `~gammapy.dataset.MapDataset` Npred map. temporal_model : `~gammapy.modeling.models\ Temporal model of the source. gti : `` GTI of the dataset. Returns ------- table : `~astropy.table.Table` Table of sampled events. """ data =[np.isfinite(] n_events = self.random_state.poisson(np.sum(data)) coords = npred.sample_coord(n_events=n_events, random_state=self.random_state) time_start, time_stop, time_ref = (gti.time_start, gti.time_stop, gti.time_ref) coords["time"] = temporal_model.sample_time( n_events=n_events, t_min=time_start, t_max=time_stop, random_state=self.random_state, t_delta=self.t_delta, ) table = self._make_table(coords, time_ref) return table
[docs] def sample_sources(self, dataset): """Sample source model components. Parameters ---------- dataset : `~gammapy.datasets.MapDataset` Map dataset. Returns ------- events : `` Event list. """ events_all = EventList(Table()) for idx, evaluator in enumerate(dataset.evaluators.values()): if evaluator.needs_update: evaluator.update( dataset.exposure, dataset.psf, dataset.edisp, dataset._geom, dataset.mask, ) if not evaluator.contributes: continue if evaluator.model.temporal_model is None: temporal_model = ConstantTemporalModel() else: temporal_model = evaluator.model.temporal_model if temporal_model.is_energy_dependent: table = self._sample_coord_time_energy(dataset, evaluator.model) else: flux = evaluator.compute_flux() npred = evaluator.apply_exposure(flux) table = self._sample_coord_time(npred, temporal_model, dataset.gti) if self.keep_mc_id: if len(table) == 0: mcid = table.Column(name="MC_ID", length=0, dtype=int) table.add_column(mcid) table["MC_ID"] = idx + 1 table.meta["MID{:05d}".format(idx + 1)] = idx + 1 table.meta["MMN{:05d}".format(idx + 1)] = events_all.stack(EventList(table)) return events_all
[docs] def sample_background(self, dataset): """Sample background. Parameters ---------- dataset : `~gammapy.datasets.MapDataset` Map dataset. Returns ------- events : `` Background events. """ table = Table() if dataset.background: background = dataset.npred_background() temporal_model = ConstantTemporalModel() table = self._sample_coord_time(background, temporal_model, dataset.gti) table["ENERGY"] = table["ENERGY_TRUE"] table["RA"] = table["RA_TRUE"] table["DEC"] = table["DEC_TRUE"] if self.keep_mc_id: table["MC_ID"] = 0 table.meta["MID{:05d}".format(0)] = 0 table.meta["MMN{:05d}".format(0)] = return EventList(table)
[docs] def sample_edisp(self, edisp_map, events): """Sample energy dispersion map. Parameters ---------- edisp_map : `~gammapy.irf.EDispMap` Energy dispersion map. events : `` Event list with the true energies. Returns ------- events : `` Event list with reconstructed energy column. """ coord = MapCoord( { "lon": events.table["RA_TRUE"].quantity, "lat": events.table["DEC_TRUE"].quantity, "energy_true": events.table["ENERGY_TRUE"].quantity, }, frame="icrs", ) coords_reco = edisp_map.sample_coord( coord, self.random_state, self.n_event_bunch ) events.table["ENERGY"] = coords_reco["energy"] return events
[docs] def sample_psf(self, psf_map, events): """Sample PSF map. Parameters ---------- psf_map : `~gammapy.irf.PSFMap` PSF map. events : `` Event list. Returns ------- events : `` Event list with reconstructed position columns. """ coord = MapCoord( { "lon": events.table["RA_TRUE"].quantity, "lat": events.table["DEC_TRUE"].quantity, "energy_true": events.table["ENERGY_TRUE"].quantity, }, frame="icrs", ) coords_reco = psf_map.sample_coord(coord, self.random_state, self.n_event_bunch) events.table["RA"] = coords_reco["lon"] * u.deg events.table["DEC"] = coords_reco["lat"] * u.deg return events
[docs] @staticmethod def event_det_coords(observation, events): """Add columns of detector coordinates (DETX-DETY) to the event list. Parameters ---------- observation : `` In memory observation. events : `` Event list. Returns ------- events : `` Event list with columns of event detector coordinates. """ sky_coord = SkyCoord(events.table["RA"], events.table["DEC"], frame="icrs") frame = SkyOffsetFrame(origin=observation.get_pointing_icrs(observation.tmid)) pseudo_fov_coord = sky_coord.transform_to(frame) events.table["DETX"] = pseudo_fov_coord.lon events.table["DETY"] = return events
[docs] @staticmethod def event_list_meta(dataset, observation, keep_mc_id=True): """Event list meta info. Please, note that this function will be updated in the future. Parameters ---------- dataset : `~gammapy.datasets.MapDataset` Map dataset. observation : `` In memory observation. keep_mc_id : bool Flag to tag sampled events from a given model with a Montecarlo identifier. Default is True. If set to False, no identifier will be assigned. Returns ------- meta : dict Meta dictionary. """ # See: # noqa: E501 meta = {} meta["HDUCLAS1"] = "EVENTS" meta["EXTNAME"] = "EVENTS" meta[ "HDUDOC" ] = "" meta["HDUVERS"] = "0.2" meta["HDUCLASS"] = "GADF" meta["OBS_ID"] = observation.obs_id meta["TSTART"] = (observation.tstart - dataset.gti.time_ref).to_value("s") meta["TSTOP"] = (observation.tstop - dataset.gti.time_ref).to_value("s") meta["ONTIME"] ="s").value meta["LIVETIME"] ="s").value meta["DEADC"] = 1 - observation.observation_dead_time_fraction fixed_icrs = observation.pointing.fixed_icrs meta["RA_PNT"] = fixed_icrs.ra.deg meta["DEC_PNT"] = fixed_icrs.dec.deg meta["EQUINOX"] = "J2000" meta["RADECSYS"] = "icrs" meta["CREATOR"] = "Gammapy {}".format(__version__) meta["EUNIT"] = "TeV" meta["EVTVER"] = "" meta["OBSERVER"] = "Gammapy user" meta["DSTYP1"] = "TIME" meta["DSUNI1"] = "s" meta["DSVAL1"] = "TABLE" meta["DSREF1"] = ":GTI" meta["DSTYP2"] = "ENERGY" meta["DSUNI2"] = "TeV" meta[ "DSVAL2" ] = f'{dataset._geom.axes["energy"].edges.min().value}:{dataset._geom.axes["energy"].edges.max().value}' # noqa: E501 meta["DSTYP3"] = "POS(RA,DEC) " offset_max = np.max(dataset._geom.width).to_value("deg") meta[ "DSVAL3" ] = f"CIRCLE({fixed_icrs.ra.deg},{fixed_icrs.dec.deg},{offset_max})" # noqa: E501 meta["DSUNI3"] = "deg " meta["NDSKEYS"] = " 3 " # get first non background model component for model in dataset.models: if model is not dataset.background_model: break else: model = None if model: meta["OBJECT"] = meta["RA_OBJ"] = model.position.icrs.ra.deg meta["DEC_OBJ"] = model.position.icrs.dec.deg meta["TELAPSE"] ="s").value meta["MJDREFI"] = int(dataset.gti.time_ref.mjd) meta["MJDREFF"] = dataset.gti.time_ref.mjd % 1 meta["TIMEUNIT"] = "s" meta["TIMESYS"] = dataset.gti.time_ref.scale meta["TIMEREF"] = "LOCAL" meta["DATE-OBS"] = dataset.gti.time_start.isot[0][0:10] meta["DATE-END"] = dataset.gti.time_stop.isot[0][0:10] meta["CONV_DEP"] = 0 meta["CONV_RA"] = 0 meta["CONV_DEC"] = 0 if keep_mc_id: meta["NMCIDS"] = len(dataset.models) # Necessary for DataStore, but they should be ALT and AZ instead! telescope = observation.aeff.meta["TELESCOP"] instrument = observation.aeff.meta["INSTRUME"] loc = observation.observatory_earth_location if loc is None: if telescope == "CTA": if instrument == "Southern Array": loc = observatory_locations["cta_south"] elif instrument == "Northern Array": loc = observatory_locations["cta_north"] else: loc = observatory_locations["cta_south"] else: loc = observatory_locations[telescope.lower()] meta.update(earth_location_to_dict(loc)) # this is not really correct but maybe OK for now coord_altaz = observation.pointing.get_altaz(dataset.gti.time_start, loc) meta["ALT_PNT"] = coord_altaz.alt.deg[0] meta["AZ_PNT"] =[0] # TO DO: these keywords should be taken from the IRF of the dataset meta["ORIGIN"] = "Gammapy" meta["TELESCOP"] = observation.aeff.meta["TELESCOP"] meta["INSTRUME"] = observation.aeff.meta["INSTRUME"] meta["N_TELS"] = "" meta["TELLIST"] = "" meta["CREATED"] = meta["OBS_MODE"] = "POINTING" meta["EV_CLASS"] = "" return meta
[docs] def run(self, dataset, observation=None): """Run the event sampler, applying IRF corrections. Parameters ---------- dataset : `~gammapy.datasets.MapDataset` Map dataset. observation : ``, optional In memory observation. Default is None. Returns ------- events : `` Event list. """ events_src = self.sample_sources(dataset) if len(events_src.table) > 0: if dataset.psf: events_src = self.sample_psf(dataset.psf, events_src) else: events_src.table["RA"] = events_src.table["RA_TRUE"] events_src.table["DEC"] = events_src.table["DEC_TRUE"] if dataset.edisp: events_src = self.sample_edisp(dataset.edisp, events_src) else: events_src.table["ENERGY"] = events_src.table["ENERGY_TRUE"] events_bkg = self.sample_background(dataset) events = EventList.from_stack([events_bkg, events_src]) events.table["EVENT_ID"] = np.arange(len(events.table)) if observation is not None: events = self.event_det_coords(observation, events) events.table.meta.update( self.event_list_meta(dataset, observation, self.keep_mc_id) ) geom = dataset._geom selection = geom.contains(events.map_coord(geom)) return events.select_row_subset(selection)
[docs]class ObservationEventSampler(MapDatasetEventSampler): """ Sample event lists for a given observation and signal models. Signal events are sampled from the predicted counts distribution given by the product of the sky models and the expected exposure. They are then folded with the instrument response functions. To improve performance, IRFs are evaluated on a pre-defined binning, not at each individual event energy / coordinate. Parameters ---------- random_state : {int, 'random-seed', 'global-rng', `~numpy.random.RandomState`}, optional Defines random number generator initialisation via the `~gammapy.utils.random.get_random_state` function. oversample_energy_factor : int, optional Defines an oversampling factor for the energies; it is used only when sampling an energy-dependent time-varying source. Default is 10. t_delta : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Time interval used to sample the time-dependent source. Default is 0.5 s. keep_mc_id : bool, optional Flag to tag sampled events from a given model with a Montecarlo identifier. Default is True. If set to False, no identifier will be assigned. n_event_bunch : int Size of events bunches to sample. If None, sample all events in memory. Default is 10000. dataset_kwargs : dict, optional Arguments passed to `~gammapy.datasets.create_map_dataset_from_observation()` """ def __init__( self, random_state="random-seed", oversample_energy_factor=10, t_delta=0.5 * u.s, keep_mc_id=True, n_event_bunch=10000, dataset_kwargs=None, ): self.dataset_kwargs = dataset_kwargs self.random_state = get_random_state(random_state) self.oversample_energy_factor = oversample_energy_factor self.t_delta = t_delta self.n_event_bunch = n_event_bunch self.keep_mc_id = keep_mc_id
[docs] def run(self, observation, models=None, dataset_name=None): """Sample events for given observation and signal models. The signal distribution is sampled from the given models in true coordinates and energy. The true quantities are then folded with the IRFs to obtain the observable quantities. Parameters ---------- observation : `` Observation to be simulated. models : `~gammapy.modeling.Models`, optional Models to simulate. Can be None to only sample background events. Default is None. dataset_name : str, optional If `models` contains one or multiple `FoVBackgroundModel` it should match the `dataset_name` of the background model to use. Default is None. Returns ------- observation : `` A copy of the input observation with event list filled. """ dataset = create_map_dataset_from_observation( observation, models, dataset_name, **self.dataset_kwargs ) events = super().run(dataset, observation) observation = deepcopy(observation) observation._events = events return observation