# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Implementation of energy-dependent morphology estimator tool."""
import numpy as np
from gammapy.datasets import Datasets
from gammapy.modeling import Fit
from gammapy.modeling.models import FoVBackgroundModel, Models
from gammapy.modeling.selection import TestStatisticNested
from gammapy.stats.utils import ts_to_sigma
from .core import Estimator
__all__ = ["weighted_chi2_parameter", "EnergyDependentMorphologyEstimator"]
def weighted_chi2_parameter(results_edep, parameters=["sigma"]):
r"""Calculate the weighted chi-squared value for the parameters of interest.
The chi-squared parameter is defined as follows:
.. math::
\chi^2 = \sum_i \frac{(x_i - \bar{\mu})^2}{\sigma_i ^ 2}
where the :math:`x_i` and :math:`\sigma_i` are the value and error of the
parameter of interest, and the weighted mean is
.. math::
\bar{\mu} = \sum_i \frac{(x_i/ \sigma_i ^ 2)}{(1/\sigma_i ^ 2)}
result_edep : `dict`
Dictionary of results for the energy-dependent estimator.
parameters : list of str, optional
The model parameters to calculate the chi-squared value for.
Default is ["sigma"].
chi2_result : `dict`
Dictionary with the chi-squared values for the parameters of interest.
This chi-square should be utilised with caution as it does not take into
account any correlation between the parameters.
To properly utilise the chi-squared parameter one must ensure each of the parameters
are independent, which cannot be guaranteed in this use case.
chi2_value = []
df = []
for parameter in parameters:
values = results_edep[parameter][1:]
errors = results_edep[f"{parameter}_err"][1:]
weights = 1 / errors**2
avg = np.average(values, weights=weights)
chi2_value += [np.sum((values - avg) ** 2 / errors**2).to_value()]
df += [len(values) - 1]
significance = [ts_to_sigma(chi2_value[i], df[i]) for i in range(len(chi2_value))]
chi2_result = {}
chi2_result["parameter"] = parameters
chi2_result["chi2"] = chi2_value
chi2_result["df"] = df
chi2_result["significance"] = significance
return chi2_result
[docs]class EnergyDependentMorphologyEstimator(Estimator):
"""Test if there is any energy-dependent morphology in a map dataset for a given set of energy bins.
energy_edges : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
Energy edges for the energy-dependence test.
source : str or int
For which source in the model to compute the estimator.
fit : `~gammapy.modeling.Fit`, optional
Fit instance specifying the backend and fit options.
If None, the fit backend default is minuit.
Default is None.
tag = "EnergyDependentMorphologyEstimator"
def __init__(self, energy_edges, source=0, fit=None):
self.energy_edges = energy_edges
self.source = source
self.num_energy_bands = len(self.energy_edges) - 1
if fit is None:
fit = Fit()
self.fit = fit
def _slice_datasets(self, datasets):
"""Calculate a dataset for each energy slice.
datasets : `~gammapy.datasets.Datasets`
Input datasets to use.
slices_src : `~gammapy.datasets.Datasets`
Sliced datasets.
model = datasets.models[self.source]
filtered_names = [name for name in datasets.models.names if name != self.source]
other_models = Models()
for name in filtered_names:
slices_src = Datasets()
for i, (emin, emax) in enumerate(
zip(self.energy_edges[:-1], self.energy_edges[1:])
for dataset in datasets:
sliced_src = dataset.slice_by_energy(
emin, emax, name=f"{self.source}_{i}"
bkg_sliced_model = FoVBackgroundModel(dataset_name=sliced_src.name)
sliced_src.models = [
return slices_src
def _estimate_source_significance(self, datasets):
"""Estimate the significance of the source above the background.
datasets : `~gammapy.datasets.Datasets`
Input datasets to use.
result_bkg_src : `dict`
Dictionary with the results of the null hypothesis with no source, and alternative
hypothesis with the source added in. Entries are:
* "Emin" : the minimum energy of the energy band
* "Emax" : the maximum energy of the energy band
* "delta_ts" : difference in ts
* "df" : the degrees of freedom between null and alternative hypothesis
* "significance" : significance of the result
slices_src = self._slice_datasets(datasets)
# Norm is free and fit
test_results = []
for sliced in slices_src:
parameters = [
for param in sliced.models[
null_values = [0] + [
for param in sliced.models[
test = TestStatisticNested(
delta_ts_bkg_src = [_["ts"] for _ in test_results]
df_src = [
len(_["fit_results"].parameters.free_parameters.names) for _ in test_results
df_bkg = 1
df_bkg_src = df_src[0] - df_bkg
sigma_ts_bkg_src = ts_to_sigma(delta_ts_bkg_src, df=df_bkg_src)
# Prepare results dictionary for signal above background
result_bkg_src = {}
result_bkg_src["Emin"] = self.energy_edges[:-1]
result_bkg_src["Emax"] = self.energy_edges[1:]
result_bkg_src["delta_ts"] = delta_ts_bkg_src
result_bkg_src["df"] = [df_bkg_src] * self.num_energy_bands
result_bkg_src["significance"] = [elem for elem in sigma_ts_bkg_src]
return result_bkg_src
[docs] def estimate_energy_dependence(self, datasets):
"""Estimate the potential of energy-dependent morphology.
datasets : `~gammapy.datasets.Datasets`
Input datasets to use.
results : `dict`
Dictionary with results of the energy-dependence test. Entries are:
* "delta_ts" : difference in ts between fitting each energy band individually (sliced fit) and the joint fit
* "df" : the degrees of freedom between fitting each energy band individually (sliced fit) and the joint fit
* "result" : the results for the fitting each energy band individually (sliced fit) and the joint fit
model = datasets.models[self.source]
# Calculate the individually sliced components
slices_src = self._slice_datasets(datasets)
results_src = []
for sliced in slices_src:
results_src_total_stat = [result.total_stat for result in results_src]
free_x, free_y = np.shape(
[result.parameters.free_parameters.names for result in results_src]
df_src = free_x * free_y
# Calculate the joint fit
parameters = model.spatial_model.parameters.free_parameters.names
slice0 = slices_src[0]
for i, slice_j in enumerate(slices_src[1:]):
for param in parameters:
result_joint = self.fit.run(slices_src)
# Compare fit of individual energy slices to the results with joint fit
delta_ts_joint = result_joint.total_stat - np.sum(results_src_total_stat)
df_joint = len(slices_src.parameters.free_parameters.names)
df = df_src - df_joint
# Prepare results dictionary
joint_values = [result_joint.parameters[param].value for param in parameters]
joint_errors = [result_joint.parameters[param].error for param in parameters]
parameter_values = np.empty((len(parameters), self.num_energy_bands))
parameter_errors = np.empty((len(parameters), self.num_energy_bands))
for i in range(self.num_energy_bands):
parameter_values[:, i] = [
results_src[i].parameters[param].value for param in parameters
parameter_errors[:, i] = [
results_src[i].parameters[param].error for param in parameters
result = {}
result["Hypothesis"] = ["H0"] + ["H1"] * self.num_energy_bands
result["Emin"] = np.append(self.energy_edges[0], self.energy_edges[:-1])
result["Emax"] = np.append(self.energy_edges[-1], self.energy_edges[1:])
units = [result_joint.parameters[param].unit for param in parameters]
# Results for H0 in the first row and then H1 -- i.e. individual bands in other rows
for i in range(len(parameters)):
result[f"{parameters[i]}"] = np.append(
joint_values[i] * units[i], parameter_values[i] * units[i]
result[f"{parameters[i]}_err"] = np.append(
joint_errors[i] * units[i], parameter_errors[i] * units[i]
return dict(delta_ts=delta_ts_joint, df=df, result=result)
[docs] def run(self, datasets):
"""Run the energy-dependence estimator.
datasets : `~gammapy.datasets.Datasets`
Input datasets to use.
results : `dict`
Dictionary with the various energy-dependence estimation values.
if not isinstance(datasets, Datasets) or datasets.is_all_same_type is False:
raise ValueError("Unsupported datasets type.")
results = {}
results["energy_dependence"] = self.estimate_energy_dependence(datasets)
results["src_above_bkg"] = self._estimate_source_significance(datasets)
return results