Source code for gammapy.estimators.parameter

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import logging
import numpy as np
from gammapy.datasets import Datasets
from gammapy.datasets.actors import DatasetsActor
from gammapy.modeling import Fit
from .core import Estimator

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ParameterEstimator(Estimator): """Model parameter estimator. Estimates a model parameter for a group of datasets. Compute best fit value, symmetric and delta(TS) for a given null value. Additionally asymmetric errors as well as parameter upper limit and fit statistic profile can be estimated. Parameters ---------- n_sigma : int Sigma to use for asymmetric error computation. Default is 1. n_sigma_ul : int Sigma to use for upper limit computation. Default is 2. null_value : float Which null value to use for the parameter. selection_optional : list of str, optional Which additional quantities to estimate. Available options are: * "all": all the optional steps are executed. * "errn-errp": estimate asymmetric errors on parameter best fit value. * "ul": estimate upper limits. * "scan": estimate fit statistic profiles. Default is None so the optional steps are not executed. fit : `Fit` Fit instance specifying the backend and fit options. reoptimize : bool Re-optimize other free model parameters. Default is True. """ tag = "ParameterEstimator" _available_selection_optional = ["errn-errp", "ul", "scan"] def __init__( self, n_sigma=1, n_sigma_ul=2, null_value=1e-150, selection_optional=None, fit=None, reoptimize=True, ): self.n_sigma = n_sigma self.n_sigma_ul = n_sigma_ul self.null_value = null_value self.selection_optional = selection_optional if fit is None: fit = Fit() = fit self.reoptimize = reoptimize
[docs] def estimate_best_fit(self, datasets, parameter): """Estimate parameter asymmetric errors. Parameters ---------- datasets : `~gammapy.datasets.Datasets` Datasets. parameter : `Parameter` For which parameter to get the value. Returns ------- result : dict Dictionary with the various parameter estimation values. Entries are: * best fit parameter value. * "stat": best fit total stat. * "success": boolean flag for fit success. * parameter.name_err: covariance-based error estimate on parameter value. """ value, total_stat, success, error = np.nan, 0.0, False, np.nan if np.any(datasets.contributes_to_stat): result = value, error = parameter.value, parameter.error total_stat = result.optimize_result.total_stat success = result.success return { f"{}": value, "stat": total_stat, "success": success, f"{}_err": error * self.n_sigma, }
[docs] def estimate_ts(self, datasets, parameter): """Estimate parameter ts. Parameters ---------- datasets : `~gammapy.datasets.Datasets` Datasets. parameter : `Parameter` For which parameter to get the value. Returns ------- result : dict Dictionary with the test statistic of the best fit value compared to the null hypothesis. Entries are: * "ts" : fit statistic difference with null hypothesis. * "npred" : predicted number of counts per dataset. * "stat_null" : total stat corresponding to the null hypothesis """ npred = self.estimate_npred(datasets=datasets) if not np.any(datasets.contributes_to_stat): stat = np.nan npred["npred"][...] = np.nan else: stat = datasets.stat_sum() with datasets.parameters.restore_status(): # compute ts value parameter.value = self.null_value if self.reoptimize: parameter.frozen = True _ = ts = datasets.stat_sum() - stat stat_null = datasets.stat_sum() return {"ts": ts, "npred": npred["npred"], "stat_null": stat_null}
[docs] def estimate_errn_errp(self, datasets, parameter): """Estimate parameter asymmetric errors. Parameters ---------- datasets : `~gammapy.datasets.Datasets` Datasets. parameter : `Parameter` For which parameter to get the value. Returns ------- result : dict Dictionary with the parameter asymmetric errors. Entries are: * {}_errp : positive error on parameter value. * {}_errn : negative error on parameter value. """ if not np.any(datasets.contributes_to_stat): return { f"{}_errp": np.nan, f"{}_errn": np.nan, } res = datasets=datasets, parameter=parameter, sigma=self.n_sigma, reoptimize=self.reoptimize, ) return { f"{}_errp": res["errp"], f"{}_errn": res["errn"], }
[docs] def estimate_scan(self, datasets, parameter): """Estimate parameter statistic scan. Parameters ---------- datasets : `~gammapy.datasets.Datasets` The datasets used to estimate the model parameter. parameter : `~gammapy.modeling.Parameter` For which parameter to get the value. Returns ------- result : dict Dictionary with the parameter fit scan values. Entries are: * parameter.name_scan : parameter values scan. * "stat_scan" : fit statistic values scan. """ scan_values = parameter.scan_values if not np.any(datasets.contributes_to_stat): return { f"{}_scan": scan_values, "stat_scan": scan_values * np.nan, } profile = datasets=datasets, parameter=parameter, reoptimize=self.reoptimize ) return { f"{}_scan": scan_values, "stat_scan": profile["stat_scan"], }
[docs] def estimate_ul(self, datasets, parameter): """Estimate parameter ul. Parameters ---------- datasets : `~gammapy.datasets.Datasets` The datasets used to estimate the model parameter. parameter : `~gammapy.modeling.Parameter` For which parameter to get the value. Returns ------- result : dict Dictionary with the parameter upper limits. Entries are: * parameter.name_ul : upper limit on parameter value. """ if not np.any(datasets.contributes_to_stat): return {f"{}_ul": np.nan} res = datasets=datasets, parameter=parameter, sigma=self.n_sigma_ul, reoptimize=self.reoptimize, ) return {f"{}_ul": res["errp"] + parameter.value}
[docs] @staticmethod def estimate_counts(datasets): """Estimate counts for the flux point. Parameters ---------- datasets : Datasets Datasets. Returns ------- result : dict Dictionary with an array with one entry per dataset with the sum of the masked counts. """ counts = [] for dataset in datasets: mask = dataset.mask counts.append([mask].sum()) return {"counts": np.array(counts, dtype=int), "datasets": datasets.names}
[docs] @staticmethod def estimate_npred(datasets): """Estimate npred for the flux point. Parameters ---------- datasets : `~gammapy.datasets.Datasets` Datasets. Returns ------- result : dict Dictionary with an array with one entry per dataset with the sum of the masked npred. """ npred = [] for dataset in datasets: mask = dataset.mask npred.append(dataset.npred().data[mask].sum()) return {"npred": np.array(npred), "datasets": datasets.names}
[docs] def run(self, datasets, parameter): """Run the parameter estimator. Parameters ---------- datasets : `~gammapy.datasets.Datasets` The datasets used to estimate the model parameter. parameter : `str` or `~gammapy.modeling.Parameter` For which parameter to run the estimator. Returns ------- result : dict Dictionary with the various parameter estimation values. """ if not isinstance(datasets, DatasetsActor): datasets = Datasets(datasets) parameter = datasets.parameters[parameter] with datasets.parameters.restore_status(): if not self.reoptimize: datasets.parameters.freeze_all() parameter.frozen = False result = self.estimate_best_fit(datasets, parameter) result.update(self.estimate_ts(datasets, parameter)) if "errn-errp" in self.selection_optional: result.update(self.estimate_errn_errp(datasets, parameter)) if "ul" in self.selection_optional: result.update(self.estimate_ul(datasets, parameter)) if "scan" in self.selection_optional: result.update(self.estimate_scan(datasets, parameter)) result.update(self.estimate_counts(datasets)) return result