Source code for gammapy.maps.coord

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import copy
import html
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord

__all__ = ["MapCoord"]

def skycoord_to_lonlat(skycoord, frame=None):
    """Convert SkyCoord to lon, lat, frame.

    lon : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Longitude in degrees.
    lat : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Latitude in degrees.
    if frame:
        skycoord = skycoord.transform_to(frame)


[docs]class MapCoord: """Represents a sequence of n-dimensional map coordinates. Contains coordinates for 2 spatial dimensions and an arbitrary number of additional non-spatial dimensions. For further information see :ref:`mapcoord`. Parameters ---------- data : `dict` of `~numpy.ndarray` Dictionary of coordinate arrays. frame : {None, "icrs", "galactic"} Spatial coordinate system. If None then the coordinate system will be set to the native coordinate system of the geometry. Default is None. match_by_name : bool, optional Match coordinates to axes by name. If False, coordinates will be matched by index. Default is True. """ def __init__(self, data, frame=None, match_by_name=True): if "lon" not in data or "lat" not in data: raise ValueError("data dictionary must contain axes named 'lon' and 'lat'.") self._data = {k: np.atleast_1d(v) for k, v in data.items()} self._frame = frame self._match_by_name = match_by_name def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, str): return self._data[key] else: return list(self._data.values())[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): # TODO: check for broadcastability? self._data[key] = value def __iter__(self): return iter(self._data.values()) def _repr_html_(self): try: return self.to_html() except AttributeError: return f"<pre>{html.escape(str(self))}</pre>" @property def ndim(self): """Number of dimensions.""" return len(self._data) @property def axis_names(self): """Names of axes.""" return list(self._data.keys()) @property def shape(self): """Coordinate array shape.""" arrays = [_ for _ in self._data.values()] return np.broadcast(*arrays).shape @property def size(self): """Product of all shape elements.""" return @property def lon(self): """Longitude coordinate in degrees.""" return self._data["lon"] @property def lat(self): """Latitude coordinate in degrees.""" return self._data["lat"] @property def theta(self): """Theta co-latitude angle in radians.""" theta = u.Quantity(, unit="deg", copy=False).to_value("rad") return np.pi / 2.0 - theta @property def phi(self): """Phi longitude angle in radians.""" phi = u.Quantity(self.lon, unit="deg", copy=False).to_value("rad") return phi @property def frame(self): """Coordinate system as a string.""" return self._frame @property def match_by_name(self): """Boolean flag: axis lookup by name return True or by index return False.""" return self._match_by_name @property def skycoord(self): """Coordinate object as a `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`.""" return SkyCoord(self.lon,, unit="deg", frame=self.frame) @classmethod def _from_lonlat(cls, coords, frame=None, axis_names=None): """Create a `~MapCoord` from a tuple of coordinate vectors. The first two elements of the tuple should be longitude and latitude in degrees. Parameters ---------- coords : tuple Tuple of `~numpy.ndarray`. frame : {"icrs", "galactic", None} Set the coordinate system for longitude and latitude. If None, longitude and latitude will be assumed to be in the coordinate system native to a given map geometry. Default is None. axis_names : list of str, optional Axis names to use. Returns ------- coord : `~MapCoord` A coordinates object. """ if axis_names is None: axis_names = [f"axis{idx}" for idx in range(len(coords) - 2)] if isinstance(coords, (list, tuple)): coords_dict = {"lon": coords[0], "lat": coords[1]} for name, c in zip(axis_names, coords[2:]): coords_dict[name] = c else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized input type.") return cls(coords_dict, frame=frame, match_by_name=False) @classmethod def _from_tuple(cls, coords, frame=None, axis_names=None): """Create from a tuple of coordinate vectors.""" if isinstance(coords[0], (list, np.ndarray)) or np.isscalar(coords[0]): return cls._from_lonlat(coords, frame=frame, axis_names=axis_names) elif isinstance(coords[0], SkyCoord): lon, lat, frame = skycoord_to_lonlat(coords[0], frame=frame) coords = (lon, lat) + coords[1:] return cls._from_lonlat(coords, frame=frame, axis_names=axis_names) else: raise TypeError(f"Type not supported: {type(coords)!r}") @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, coords, frame=None): """Create from a dictionary of coordinate vectors.""" if "lon" in coords and "lat" in coords: return cls(coords, frame=frame) elif "skycoord" in coords: lon, lat, frame = skycoord_to_lonlat(coords["skycoord"], frame=frame) coords_dict = {"lon": lon, "lat": lat} for k, v in coords.items(): if k == "skycoord": continue coords_dict[k] = v return cls(coords_dict, frame=frame) else: raise ValueError("coords dict must contain 'lon'/'lat' or 'skycoord'.")
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, data, frame=None, axis_names=None): """Create a new `~MapCoord` object. This method can be used to create either unnamed (with tuple input) or named (via dict input) axes. Parameters ---------- data : tuple, dict, `~gammapy.maps.MapCoord` or `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Object containing coordinate arrays. frame : {"icrs", "galactic", None} Set the coordinate system for longitude and latitude. If None longitude and latitude will be assumed to be in the coordinate system native to a given map geometry. Default is None. axis_names : list of str, optional Axis names uses if a tuple is provided. Default is None. Examples -------- >>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord >>> from gammapy.maps import MapCoord >>> lon, lat = [1, 2], [2, 3] >>> skycoord = SkyCoord(lon, lat, unit='deg') >>> energy = [1000] >>> c = MapCoord.create((lon,lat)) >>> c = MapCoord.create((skycoord,)) >>> c = MapCoord.create((lon,lat,energy)) >>> c = MapCoord.create(dict(lon=lon,lat=lat)) >>> c = MapCoord.create(dict(lon=lon,lat=lat,energy=energy)) >>> c = MapCoord.create(dict(skycoord=skycoord,energy=energy)) """ if isinstance(data, cls): if data.frame is None or frame == data.frame: return data else: return data.to_frame(frame) elif isinstance(data, dict): return cls._from_dict(data, frame=frame) elif isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): return cls._from_tuple(data, frame=frame, axis_names=axis_names) elif isinstance(data, SkyCoord): return cls._from_tuple((data,), frame=frame, axis_names=axis_names) else: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported input type: {type(data)!r}")
[docs] def to_frame(self, frame): """Convert to a different coordinate frame. Parameters ---------- frame : {"icrs", "galactic"} Coordinate system, either Galactic ("galactic") or Equatorial ("icrs"). Returns ------- coords : `~MapCoord` A coordinates object. """ if frame == self.frame: return copy.deepcopy(self) else: lon, lat, frame = skycoord_to_lonlat(self.skycoord, frame=frame) data = copy.deepcopy(self._data) if isinstance(self.lon, u.Quantity): lon = u.Quantity(lon, unit="deg", copy=False) if isinstance(self.lon, u.Quantity): lat = u.Quantity(lat, unit="deg", copy=False) data["lon"] = lon data["lat"] = lat return self.__class__(data, frame, self._match_by_name)
[docs] def apply_mask(self, mask): """Return a masked copy of this coordinate object. Parameters ---------- mask : `~numpy.ndarray` Boolean mask. Returns ------- coords : `~MapCoord` A coordinates object. """ try: data = {k: v[mask] for k, v in self._data.items()} except IndexError: data = {} for name, coord in self._data.items(): if name in ["lon", "lat"]: data[name] = np.squeeze(coord)[mask] else: data[name] = np.squeeze(coord, axis=-1) return self.__class__(data, self.frame, self._match_by_name)
@property def flat(self): """Return flattened, valid coordinates.""" coords = self.broadcasted is_finite = np.isfinite(coords[0]) return coords.apply_mask(is_finite) @property def broadcasted(self): """Return broadcasted coordinates.""" vals = np.broadcast_arrays(*self._data.values(), subok=True) data = dict(zip(self._data.keys(), vals)) return self.__class__( data=data, frame=self.frame, match_by_name=self._match_by_name )
[docs] def copy(self): """Copy `MapCoord` object.""" return copy.deepcopy(self)
def __str__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}\n\n" f"\taxes : {list(self._data.keys())}\n" f"\tshape : {self.shape[::-1]}\n" f"\tndim : {self.ndim}\n" f"\tframe : {self.frame}\n" )