Source code for gammapy.maps.core

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import abc
import copy
import html
import inspect
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import repeat
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from import fits
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import gammapy.utils.parallel as parallel
from gammapy.utils.random import InverseCDFSampler, get_random_state
from gammapy.utils.scripts import make_path
from gammapy.utils.types import JsonQuantityDecoder
from gammapy.utils.units import energy_unit_format
from .axes import MapAxis
from .coord import MapCoord
from .geom import pix_tuple_to_idx

__all__ = ["Map"]

[docs]class Map(abc.ABC): """Abstract map class. This can represent WCS or HEALPix-based maps with 2 spatial dimensions and N non-spatial dimensions. Parameters ---------- geom : `~gammapy.maps.Geom` Geometry. data : `~numpy.ndarray` or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Data array. meta : `dict`, optional Dictionary to store metadata. Default is None. unit : str or `~astropy.units.Unit`, optional Data unit, ignored if data is a Quantity. Default is ''. """ tag = "map" def __init__(self, geom, data, meta=None, unit=""): self._geom = geom if isinstance(data, u.Quantity): self._unit = u.Unit(unit) self.quantity = data else: = data self._unit = u.Unit(unit) if meta is None: self.meta = {} else: self.meta = meta def _repr_html_(self): try: return self.to_html() except AttributeError: return f"<pre>{html.escape(str(self))}</pre>" def _init_copy(self, **kwargs): """Init map instance by copying missing init arguments from self.""" argnames = inspect.getfullargspec(self.__init__).args argnames.remove("self") argnames.remove("dtype") for arg in argnames: value = getattr(self, "_" + arg) if arg not in kwargs: kwargs[arg] = copy.deepcopy(value) return self.from_geom(**kwargs) @property def is_mask(self): """Whether map is a mask with boolean data type.""" return == bool @property def geom(self): """Map geometry as a `~gammapy.maps.Geom` object.""" return self._geom @property def data(self): """Data array as a `~numpy.ndarray` object.""" return self._data @data.setter def data(self, value): """Set data. Parameters ---------- value : array-like Data array. """ if np.isscalar(value): value = value * np.ones(self.geom.data_shape, dtype=type(value)) if isinstance(value, u.Quantity): raise TypeError("Map data must be a Numpy array. Set unit separately") if not value.shape == self.geom.data_shape: value = value.reshape(self.geom.data_shape) self._data = value @property def unit(self): """Map unit as an `~astropy.units.Unit` object.""" return self._unit @property def meta(self): """Map metadata as a `dict`.""" return self._meta @meta.setter def meta(self, val): self._meta = val @property def quantity(self): """Map data as a `~astropy.units.Quantity` object.""" return u.Quantity(, self.unit, copy=False) @quantity.setter def quantity(self, val): """Set data and unit. Parameters ---------- val : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Quantity. """ val = u.Quantity(val, copy=False) = val.value self._unit = val.unit
[docs] def rename_axes(self, names, new_names): """Rename the Map axes. Parameters ---------- names : str or list of str Names of the axes. new_names : str or list of str New names of the axes. The list must be of the same length as `names`). Returns ------- geom : `~Map` Map with renamed axes. """ geom = self.geom.rename_axes(names=names, new_names=new_names) return self._init_copy(geom=geom)
[docs] @staticmethod def create(**kwargs): """Create an empty map object. This method accepts generic options listed below, as well as options for `HpxMap` and `WcsMap` objects. For WCS-specific options, see `WcsMap.create`; for HPX-specific options, see `HpxMap.create`. Parameters ---------- frame : {"icrs", "galactic"} Coordinate system, either Galactic ("galactic") or Equatorial ("icrs"). map_type : {'wcs', 'wcs-sparse', 'hpx', 'hpx-sparse', 'region'} Map type. Selects the class that will be used to instantiate the map. Default is 'wcs'. binsz : float or `~numpy.ndarray` Pixel size in degrees. skydir : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Coordinate of the map center. axes : list List of `~MapAxis` objects for each non-spatial dimension. If None then the map will be a 2D image. dtype : str Data type, default is 'float32' unit : str or `~astropy.units.Unit` Data unit. meta : `dict` Dictionary to store metadata. region : `~regions.SkyRegion` Sky region used for the region map. Returns ------- map : `Map` Empty map object. """ from .hpx import HpxMap from .region import RegionNDMap from .wcs import WcsMap map_type = kwargs.setdefault("map_type", "wcs") if "wcs" in map_type.lower(): return WcsMap.create(**kwargs) elif "hpx" in map_type.lower(): return HpxMap.create(**kwargs) elif map_type == "region": _ = kwargs.pop("map_type") return RegionNDMap.create(**kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized map type: {map_type!r}")
[docs] @staticmethod def read( filename, hdu=None, hdu_bands=None, map_type="auto", format=None, colname=None, checksum=False, ): """Read a map from a FITS file. Parameters ---------- filename : str or `~pathlib.Path` Name of the FITS file. hdu : str, optional Name or index of the HDU with the map data. Default is None. hdu_bands : str, optional Name or index of the HDU with the BANDS table. If not defined this will be inferred from the FITS header of the map HDU. Default is None. map_type : {'auto', 'wcs', 'wcs-sparse', 'hpx', 'hpx-sparse', 'region'} Map type. Selects the class that will be used to instantiate the map. The map type should be consistent with the format of the input file. If map_type is 'auto' then an appropriate map type will be inferred from the input file. Default is 'auto'. colname : str, optional data column name to be used for HEALPix map. checksum : bool If True checks both DATASUM and CHECKSUM cards in the file headers. Default is False. Returns ------- map_out : `Map` Map object. """ with str(make_path(filename)), memmap=False, checksum=checksum ) as hdulist: return Map.from_hdulist( hdulist, hdu, hdu_bands, map_type, format=format, colname=colname )
[docs] @staticmethod def from_geom(geom, meta=None, data=None, unit="", dtype="float32"): """Generate an empty map from a `Geom` instance. Parameters ---------- geom : `Geom` Map geometry. meta : `dict`, optional Dictionary to store metadata. Default is None. data : `numpy.ndarray`, optional Data array. Default is None. unit : str or `~astropy.units.Unit` Data unit. dtype : str, optional Data type. Default is 'float32'. Returns ------- map_out : `Map` Map object. """ from .hpx import HpxGeom from .region import RegionGeom from .wcs import WcsGeom if isinstance(geom, HpxGeom): map_type = "hpx" elif isinstance(geom, WcsGeom): map_type = "wcs" elif isinstance(geom, RegionGeom): map_type = "region" else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized geom type.") cls_out = Map._get_map_cls(map_type) return cls_out(geom, data=data, meta=meta, unit=unit, dtype=dtype)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_hdulist( hdulist, hdu=None, hdu_bands=None, map_type="auto", format=None, colname=None ): """Create from a `` object. Parameters ---------- hdulist : `` HDU list containing HDUs for map data and bands. hdu : str, optional Name or index of the HDU with the map data. Default is None. hdu_bands : str, optional Name or index of the HDU with the BANDS table. Default is None. map_type : {"auto", "wcs", "hpx", "region"} Map type. Default is "auto". format : {'gadf', 'fgst-ccube', 'fgst-template'} FITS format convention. Default is None. colname : str, optional Data column name to be used for HEALPix map. Default is None. Returns ------- map_out : `Map` Map object. """ if map_type == "auto": map_type = Map._get_map_type(hdulist, hdu) cls_out = Map._get_map_cls(map_type) if map_type == "hpx": return cls_out.from_hdulist( hdulist, hdu=hdu, hdu_bands=hdu_bands, format=format, colname=colname ) else: return cls_out.from_hdulist( hdulist, hdu=hdu, hdu_bands=hdu_bands, format=format )
@staticmethod def _get_meta_from_header(header): """Load metadata from a FITS header.""" if "META" in header: return json.loads(header["META"], cls=JsonQuantityDecoder) else: return {} @staticmethod def _get_map_type(hdu_list, hdu_name): """Infer map type from a FITS HDU. Only read header, never data, to have good performance. """ if hdu_name is None: # Find the header of the first non-empty HDU header = hdu_list[0].header if header["NAXIS"] == 0: header = hdu_list[1].header else: header = hdu_list[hdu_name].header if ("PIXTYPE" in header) and (header["PIXTYPE"] == "HEALPIX"): return "hpx" elif "CTYPE1" in header: return "wcs" else: return "region" @staticmethod def _get_map_cls(map_type): """Get map class for a given `map_type` string. This should probably be a registry dict so that users can add supported map types to the `gammapy.maps` I/O (see e.g. the Astropy table format I/O registry), but that's non-trivial to implement without avoiding circular imports. """ if map_type == "wcs": from .wcs import WcsNDMap return WcsNDMap elif map_type == "wcs-sparse": raise NotImplementedError() elif map_type == "hpx": from .hpx import HpxNDMap return HpxNDMap elif map_type == "hpx-sparse": raise NotImplementedError() elif map_type == "region": from .region import RegionNDMap return RegionNDMap else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized map type: {map_type!r}")
[docs] def write(self, filename, overwrite=False, **kwargs): """Write to a FITS file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Output file name. overwrite : bool, optional Overwrite existing file. Default is False. hdu : str, optional Set the name of the image extension. By default, this will be set to 'SKYMAP' (for BINTABLE HDU) or 'PRIMARY' (for IMAGE HDU). hdu_bands : str, optional Set the name of the bands table extension. Default is 'BANDS'. format : str, optional FITS format convention. By default, files will be written to the gamma-astro-data-formats (GADF) format. This option can be used to write files that are compliant with format conventions required by specific software (e.g. the Fermi Science Tools). The following formats are supported: - "gadf" (default) - "fgst-ccube" - "fgst-ltcube" - "fgst-bexpcube" - "fgst-srcmap" - "fgst-template" - "fgst-srcmap-sparse" - "galprop" - "galprop2" sparse : bool, optional Sparsify the map by dropping pixels with zero amplitude. This option is only compatible with the 'gadf' format. checksum : bool, optional When True adds both DATASUM and CHECKSUM cards to the headers written to the file. Default is False. """ checksum = kwargs.pop("checksum", False) hdulist = self.to_hdulist(**kwargs) hdulist.writeto(make_path(filename), overwrite=overwrite, checksum=checksum)
[docs] def iter_by_axis(self, axis_name, keepdims=False): """Iterate over a given axis. Yields ------ map : `Map` Map iteration. See also -------- iter_by_image : iterate by image returning a map. """ axis = self.geom.axes[axis_name] for idx in range(axis.nbin): idx_axis = slice(idx, idx + 1) if keepdims else idx slices = {axis_name: idx_axis} yield self.slice_by_idx(slices=slices)
[docs] def iter_by_image(self, keepdims=False): """Iterate over image planes of a map. Parameters ---------- keepdims : bool, optional Keep dimensions. Default is False. Yields ------ map : `Map` Map iteration. See also -------- iter_by_image_data : iterate by image returning data and index. """ for idx in np.ndindex(self.geom.shape_axes): if keepdims: names = self.geom.axes.names slices = {name: slice(_, _ + 1) for name, _ in zip(names, idx)} yield self.slice_by_idx(slices=slices) else: yield self.get_image_by_idx(idx=idx)
[docs] def iter_by_image_data(self): """Iterate over image planes of the map. The image plane index is in data order, so that the data array can be indexed directly. Yields ------ (data, idx) : tuple Where ``data`` is a `numpy.ndarray` view of the image plane data, and ``idx`` is a tuple of int, the index of the image plane. See also -------- iter_by_image : iterate by image returning a map. """ for idx in np.ndindex(self.geom.shape_axes): yield[idx[::-1]], idx[::-1]
[docs] def iter_by_image_index(self): """Iterate over image planes of the map. The image plane index is in data order, so that the data array can be indexed directly. Yields ------ idx : tuple ``idx`` is a tuple of int, the index of the image plane. See also -------- iter_by_image : iterate by image returning a map. """ for idx in np.ndindex(self.geom.shape_axes): yield idx[::-1]
[docs] def coadd(self, map_in, weights=None): """Add the contents of ``map_in`` to this map. This method can be used to combine maps containing integral quantities (e.g. counts) or differential quantities if the maps have the same binning. Parameters ---------- map_in : `Map` Map to add. weights: `Map` or `~numpy.ndarray` The weight factors while adding. Default is None. """ if not self.unit.is_equivalent(map_in.unit): raise ValueError("Incompatible units") # TODO: Check whether geometries are aligned and if so sum the # data vectors directly if weights is not None: map_in = map_in * weights idx = map_in.geom.get_idx() coords = map_in.geom.get_coord() vals = u.Quantity(map_in.get_by_idx(idx), map_in.unit) self.fill_by_coord(coords, vals)
[docs] def pad(self, pad_width, axis_name=None, mode="constant", cval=0, method="linear"): """Pad the spatial dimensions of the map. Parameters ---------- pad_width : {sequence, array_like, int} Number of pixels padded to the edges of each axis. axis_name : str, optional Which axis to downsample. By default, spatial axes are padded. Default is None. mode : {'constant', 'edge', 'interp'} Padding mode. 'edge' pads with the closest edge value. 'constant' pads with a constant value. 'interp' pads with an extrapolated value. Default is 'constant'. cval : float, optional Padding value when `mode`='consant'. Default is 0. Returns ------- map : `Map` Padded map. """ if axis_name: if np.isscalar(pad_width): pad_width = (pad_width, pad_width) geom = self.geom.pad(pad_width=pad_width, axis_name=axis_name) idx = self.geom.axes.index_data(axis_name) pad_width_np = [(0, 0)] * pad_width_np[idx] = pad_width kwargs = {} if mode == "constant": kwargs["constant_values"] = cval data = np.pad(, pad_width=pad_width_np, mode=mode, **kwargs) return self.__class__( geom=geom, data=data, unit=self.unit, meta=self.meta.copy() ) return self._pad_spatial(pad_width, mode="constant", cval=cval)
@abc.abstractmethod def _pad_spatial(self, pad_width, mode="constant", cval=0, order=1): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def crop(self, crop_width): """Crop the spatial dimensions of the map. Parameters ---------- crop_width : {sequence, array_like, int} Number of pixels cropped from the edges of each axis. Defined analogously to ``pad_with`` from `numpy.pad`. Returns ------- map : `Map` Cropped map. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def downsample(self, factor, preserve_counts=True, axis_name=None): """Downsample the spatial dimension by a given factor. Parameters ---------- factor : int Downsampling factor. preserve_counts : bool, optional Preserve the integral over each bin. This should be set to True if the map is an integral quantity (e.g. counts) and False if the map is a differential quantity (e.g. intensity). Default is True. axis_name : str, optional Which axis to downsample. By default, spatial axes are downsampled. Default is None. Returns ------- map : `Map` Downsampled map. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def upsample(self, factor, order=0, preserve_counts=True, axis_name=None): """Upsample the spatial dimension by a given factor. Parameters ---------- factor : int Upsampling factor. order : int, optional Order of the interpolation used for upsampling. Default is 0. preserve_counts : bool, optional Preserve the integral over each bin. This should be true if the map is an integral quantity (e.g. counts) and false if the map is a differential quantity (e.g. intensity). Default is True. axis_name : str, optional Which axis to upsample. By default, spatial axes are upsampled. Default is None. Returns ------- map : `Map` Upsampled map. """ pass
[docs] def resample(self, geom, weights=None, preserve_counts=True): """Resample pixels to ``geom`` with given ``weights``. Parameters ---------- geom : `~gammapy.maps.Geom` Target Map geometry. weights : `~numpy.ndarray`, optional Weights vector. It must have same shape as the data of the map. If set to None, weights will be set to 1. Default is None. preserve_counts : bool, optional Preserve the integral over each bin. This should be true if the map is an integral quantity (e.g. counts) and false if the map is a differential quantity (e.g. intensity). Default is True. Returns ------- resampled_map : `Map` Resampled map. """ coords = self.geom.get_coord() idx = geom.coord_to_idx(coords) weights = 1 if weights is None else weights resampled = self._init_copy(data=None, geom=geom) resampled._resample_by_idx( idx, * weights, preserve_counts=preserve_counts ) return resampled
@abc.abstractmethod def _resample_by_idx(self, idx, weights=None, preserve_counts=False): """Resample pixels at ``idx`` with given ``weights``. Parameters ---------- idx : tuple Tuple of pixel index arrays for each dimension of the map. Tuple should be ordered as (I_lon, I_lat, I_0, ..., I_n) for WCS maps and (I_hpx, I_0, ..., I_n) for HEALPix maps. weights : `~numpy.ndarray`, optional Weights vector. If set to None, weights will be set to 1. Default is None. preserve_counts : bool, optional Preserve the integral over each bin. This should be true if the map is an integral quantity (e.g. counts) and false if the map is a differential quantity (e.g. intensity). Default is False. """ pass
[docs] def resample_axis(self, axis, weights=None, ufunc=np.add): """Resample map to a new axis by grouping and reducing smaller bins by a given function `ufunc`. By default, the map content are summed over the smaller bins. Other `numpy.ufunc` can be used, e.g. `numpy.logical_and` or `numpy.logical_or`. Parameters ---------- axis : `MapAxis` New map axis. weights : `Map`, optional Array to be used as weights. The spatial geometry must be equivalent to `other` and additional axes must be broadcastable. If set to None, weights will be set to 1. Default is None. ufunc : `~numpy.ufunc` Universal function to use to resample the axis. Default is `numpy.add`. Returns ------- map : `Map` Map with resampled axis. """ from .hpx import HpxGeom geom = self.geom.resample_axis(axis) axis_self = self.geom.axes[] axis_resampled = geom.axes[] # We don't use MapAxis.coord_to_idx because is does not behave as needed with boundaries coord = axis_resampled.edges.value edges = axis_self.edges.value indices = np.digitize(coord, edges) - 1 idx = self.geom.axes.index_data( weights = 1 if weights is None else if not isinstance(self.geom, HpxGeom): shape = self.geom._shape[:2] else: shape = (self.geom.data_shape[-1],) shape += tuple([ax.nbin if ax != axis else 1 for ax in self.geom.axes]) padded_array = np.append( * weights, np.zeros(shape[::-1]), axis=idx) slices = tuple([slice(0, _) for _ in geom.data_shape]) data = ufunc.reduceat(padded_array, indices=indices, axis=idx)[slices] return self._init_copy(data=data, geom=geom)
[docs] def slice_by_idx( self, slices, ): """Slice sub map from map object. Parameters ---------- slices : dict Dictionary of axes names and integers or `slice` object pairs. Contains one element for each non-spatial dimension. For integer indexing the corresponding axes is dropped from the map. Axes not specified in the dictionary are kept unchanged. Returns ------- map_out : `Map` Sliced map object. """ geom = self.geom.slice_by_idx(slices) slices = tuple([slices.get(, slice(None)) for ax in self.geom.axes]) data =[slices[::-1]] return self.__class__(geom=geom, data=data, unit=self.unit, meta=self.meta)
[docs] def get_image_by_coord(self, coords): """Return spatial map at the given axis coordinates. Parameters ---------- coords : tuple or dict Tuple should be ordered as (x_0, ..., x_n) where x_i are coordinates for non-spatial dimensions of the map. Dictionary should specify the axis names of the non-spatial axes such as {'axes0': x_0, ..., 'axesn': x_n}. Returns ------- map_out : `Map` Map with spatial dimensions only. See Also -------- get_image_by_idx, get_image_by_pix. Examples -------- :: import numpy as np from gammapy.maps import Map, MapAxis from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord from astropy import units as u # Define map axes energy_axis = MapAxis.from_edges( np.logspace(-1., 1., 4), unit='TeV', name='energy', ) time_axis = MapAxis.from_edges( np.linspace(0., 10, 20), unit='h', name='time', ) # Define map center skydir = SkyCoord(0, 0, frame='galactic', unit='deg') # Create map m_wcs = Map.create( map_type='wcs', binsz=0.02, skydir=skydir, width=10.0, axes=[energy_axis, time_axis], ) # Get image by coord tuple image = m_wcs.get_image_by_coord(('500 GeV', '1 h')) # Get image by coord dict with strings image = m_wcs.get_image_by_coord({'energy': '500 GeV', 'time': '1 h'}) # Get image by coord dict with quantities image = m_wcs.get_image_by_coord({'energy': 0.5 * u.TeV, 'time': 1 * u.h}) """ if isinstance(coords, tuple): coords = dict(zip(self.geom.axes.names, coords)) idx = self.geom.axes.coord_to_idx(coords) return self.get_image_by_idx(idx)
[docs] def get_image_by_pix(self, pix): """Return spatial map at the given axis pixel coordinates Parameters ---------- pix : tuple Tuple of scalar pixel coordinates for each non-spatial dimension of the map. Tuple should be ordered as (I_0, ..., I_n). Pixel coordinates can be either float or integer type. See Also -------- get_image_by_coord, get_image_by_idx. Returns ------- map_out : `Map` Map with spatial dimensions only. """ idx = self.geom.pix_to_idx(pix) return self.get_image_by_idx(idx)
[docs] def get_image_by_idx(self, idx): """Return spatial map at the given axis pixel indices. Parameters ---------- idx : tuple Tuple of scalar indices for each non-spatial dimension of the map. Tuple should be ordered as (I_0, ..., I_n). See Also -------- get_image_by_coord, get_image_by_pix. Returns ------- map_out : `Map` Map with spatial dimensions only. """ if len(idx) != len(self.geom.axes): raise ValueError("Tuple length must equal number of non-spatial dimensions") # Only support scalar indices per axis idx = tuple([int(_.item()) for _ in np.array(idx)]) geom = self.geom.to_image() data =[idx[::-1]] return self.__class__(geom=geom, data=data, unit=self.unit, meta=self.meta)
[docs] def get_by_coord(self, coords, fill_value=np.nan): """Return map values at the given map coordinates. Parameters ---------- coords : tuple or `~gammapy.maps.MapCoord` Coordinate arrays for each dimension of the map. Tuple should be ordered as (lon, lat, x_0, ..., x_n) where x_i are coordinates for non-spatial dimensions of the map. fill_value : float Value which is returned if the position is outside the projection footprint. Default is `numpy.nan`. Returns ------- vals : `~numpy.ndarray` Values of pixels in the map. `numpy.nan` is used to flag coordinates outside the map. """ pix = self.geom.coord_to_pix(coords=coords) vals = self.get_by_pix(pix, fill_value=fill_value) return vals
[docs] def get_by_pix(self, pix, fill_value=np.nan): """Return map values at the given pixel coordinates. Parameters ---------- pix : tuple Tuple of pixel index arrays for each dimension of the map. Tuple should be ordered as (I_lon, I_lat, I_0, ..., I_n) for WCS maps and (I_hpx, I_0, ..., I_n) for HEALPix maps. Pixel indices can be either float or integer type. fill_value : float Value which is returned if the position is outside the projection footprint. Default is `numpy.nan`. Returns ------- vals : `~numpy.ndarray` Array of pixel values. `numpy.nan` is used to flag coordinates outside the map. """ # FIXME: Support local indexing here? # FIXME: Support slicing? pix = np.broadcast_arrays(*pix) idx = self.geom.pix_to_idx(pix) vals = self.get_by_idx(idx) mask = self.geom.contains_pix(pix) if not mask.all(): vals = vals.astype(type(fill_value)) vals[~mask] = fill_value return vals
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_by_idx(self, idx): """Return map values at the given pixel indices. Parameters ---------- idx : tuple Tuple of pixel index arrays for each dimension of the map. Tuple should be ordered as (I_lon, I_lat, I_0, ..., I_n) for WCS maps and (I_hpx, I_0, ..., I_n) for HEALPix maps. Returns ------- vals : `~numpy.ndarray` Array of pixel values. `numpy.nan` is used to flag coordinates outside the map. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def interp_by_coord(self, coords, method="linear", fill_value=None): """Interpolate map values at the given map coordinates. Parameters ---------- coords : tuple or `~gammapy.maps.MapCoord` Coordinate arrays for each dimension of the map. Tuple should be ordered as (lon, lat, x_0, ..., x_n) where x_i are coordinates for non-spatial dimensions of the map. method : {"linear", "nearest"} Method to interpolate data values. Default is "linear". fill_value : float, optional The value to use for points outside the interpolation domain. If None, values outside the domain are extrapolated. Default is None. Returns ------- vals : `~numpy.ndarray` Interpolated pixel values. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def interp_by_pix(self, pix, method="linear", fill_value=None): """Interpolate map values at the given pixel coordinates. Parameters ---------- pix : tuple Tuple of pixel coordinate arrays for each dimension of the map. Tuple should be ordered as (p_lon, p_lat, p_0, ..., p_n) where p_i are pixel coordinates for non-spatial dimensions of the map. method : {"linear", "nearest"} Method to interpolate data values. Default is "linear". fill_value : float, optional The value to use for points outside the interpolation domain. If None, values outside the domain are extrapolated. Default is None. Returns ------- vals : `~numpy.ndarray` Interpolated pixel values. """ pass
[docs] def interp_to_geom(self, geom, preserve_counts=False, fill_value=0, **kwargs): """Interpolate map to input geometry. Parameters ---------- geom : `~gammapy.maps.Geom` Target Map geometry. preserve_counts : bool, optional Preserve the integral over each bin. This should be true if the map is an integral quantity (e.g. counts) and false if the map is a differential quantity (e.g. intensity). Default is False. fill_value : float, optional The value to use for points outside the interpolation domain. Default is 0. **kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to `Map.interp_by_coord`. Returns ------- interp_map : `Map` Interpolated Map. """ coords = geom.get_coord() map_copy = self.copy() if preserve_counts: if geom.ndim > 2 and geom.axes[0] != self.geom.axes[0]: raise ValueError( f"Energy axes do not match, expected: \n {self.geom.axes[0]}," f" but got: \n {geom.axes[0]}." ) /= map_copy.geom.solid_angle().to_value("deg2") if map_copy.is_mask: # TODO: check this NaN handling is needed data = map_copy.get_by_coord(coords) data = np.nan_to_num(data, nan=fill_value).astype(bool) else: data = map_copy.interp_by_coord(coords, fill_value=fill_value, **kwargs) if preserve_counts: data *= geom.solid_angle().to_value("deg2") return Map.from_geom(geom, data=data, unit=self.unit)
[docs] def reproject_to_geom(self, geom, preserve_counts=False, precision_factor=10): """Reproject map to input geometry. Parameters ---------- geom : `~gammapy.maps.Geom` Target Map geometry. preserve_counts : bool, optional Preserve the integral over each bin. This should be true if the map is an integral quantity (e.g. counts) and false if the map is a differential quantity (e.g. intensity). Default is False. precision_factor : int, optional Minimal factor between the bin size of the output map and the oversampled base map. Used only for the oversampling method. Default is 10. Returns ------- output_map : `Map` Reprojected Map. """ from .hpx import HpxGeom from .region import RegionGeom axes = [ax.copy() for ax in self.geom.axes] geom3d = geom.copy(axes=axes) if not geom.is_image: if geom.axes.names != geom3d.axes.names: raise ValueError("Axis names and order should be the same.") if geom.axes != geom3d.axes and ( isinstance(geom3d, HpxGeom) or isinstance(self.geom, HpxGeom) ): raise TypeError( "Reprojection to 3d geom with non-identical axes is not supported for HpxGeom. " "Reproject to 2d geom first and then use inter_to_geom method." ) if isinstance(geom3d, RegionGeom): base_factor = ( geom3d.to_wcs_geom().pixel_scales.min() / self.geom.pixel_scales.min() ) elif isinstance(self.geom, RegionGeom): base_factor = ( geom3d.pixel_scales.min() / self.geom.to_wcs_geom().pixel_scales.min() ) else: base_factor = geom3d.pixel_scales.min() / self.geom.pixel_scales.min() if base_factor >= precision_factor: input_map = self else: factor = precision_factor / base_factor if isinstance(self.geom, HpxGeom): factor = int(2 ** np.ceil(np.log(factor) / np.log(2))) else: factor = int(np.ceil(factor)) input_map = self.upsample(factor=factor, preserve_counts=preserve_counts) output_map = input_map.resample(geom3d, preserve_counts=preserve_counts) if not geom.is_image and geom.axes != geom3d.axes: for base_ax, target_ax in zip(geom3d.axes, geom.axes): base_factor = base_ax.bin_width.min() / target_ax.bin_width.min() if not base_factor >= precision_factor: factor = precision_factor / base_factor factor = int(np.ceil(factor)) output_map = output_map.upsample( factor=factor, preserve_counts=preserve_counts,, ) output_map = output_map.resample(geom, preserve_counts=preserve_counts) return output_map
[docs] def reproject_by_image( self, geom, preserve_counts=False, precision_factor=10, ): """Reproject each image of a ND map to input 2d geometry. For large maps this method is faster than `reproject_to_geom`. Parameters ---------- geom : `~gammapy.maps.Geom` Target slice geometry in 2D. preserve_counts : bool, optional Preserve the integral over each bin. This should be True if the map is an integral quantity (e.g. counts) and False if the map is a differential quantity (e.g. intensity). Default is False. precision_factor : int, optional Minimal factor between the bin size of the output map and the oversampled base map. Used only for the oversampling method. Default is 10. Returns ------- output_map : `Map` Reprojected Map. """ if not geom.is_image: raise TypeError("This method is only valid for 2d geom") output_map = Map.from_geom(geom.to_cube(self.geom.axes)) maps = parallel.run_multiprocessing( self._reproject_image, zip( self.iter_by_image(), repeat(geom), repeat(preserve_counts), repeat(precision_factor), ), task_name="Reprojection", ) for idx in np.ndindex(self.geom.shape_axes):[idx[0]] = maps[idx[0]].data return output_map
@staticmethod def _reproject_image(image, geom, preserve_counts, precision_factor): return image.reproject_to_geom( geom, precision_factor=precision_factor, preserve_counts=preserve_counts )
[docs] def fill_events(self, events, weights=None): """Fill the map from an `` object. Parameters ---------- events : `` Events to fill in the map with. weights : `~numpy.ndarray`, optional Weights vector. The weights vector must be of the same length as the events column length. If None, weights are set to 1. Default is None. """ self.fill_by_coord(events.map_coord(self.geom), weights=weights)
[docs] def fill_by_coord(self, coords, weights=None): """Fill pixels at ``coords`` with given ``weights``. Parameters ---------- coords : tuple or `~gammapy.maps.MapCoord` Coordinate arrays for each dimension of the map. Tuple should be ordered as (lon, lat, x_0, ..., x_n) where x_i are coordinates for non-spatial dimensions of the map. weights : `~numpy.ndarray`, optional Weights vector. If None, weights are set to 1. Default is None. """ idx = self.geom.coord_to_idx(coords) self.fill_by_idx(idx, weights=weights)
[docs] def fill_by_pix(self, pix, weights=None): """Fill pixels at ``pix`` with given ``weights``. Parameters ---------- pix : tuple Tuple of pixel index arrays for each dimension of the map. Tuple should be ordered as (I_lon, I_lat, I_0, ..., I_n) for WCS maps and (I_hpx, I_0, ..., I_n) for HEALPix maps. Pixel indices can be either float or integer type. Float indices will be rounded to the nearest integer. weights : `~numpy.ndarray`, optional Weights vector. If None, weights are set to 1. Default is None. """ idx = pix_tuple_to_idx(pix) return self.fill_by_idx(idx, weights=weights)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def fill_by_idx(self, idx, weights=None): """Fill pixels at ``idx`` with given ``weights``. Parameters ---------- idx : tuple Tuple of pixel index arrays for each dimension of the map. Tuple should be ordered as (I_lon, I_lat, I_0, ..., I_n) for WCS maps and (I_hpx, I_0, ..., I_n) for HEALPix maps. weights : `~numpy.ndarray`, optional Weights vector. If None, weights are set to 1. Default is None. """ pass
[docs] def set_by_coord(self, coords, vals): """Set pixels at ``coords`` with given ``vals``. Parameters ---------- coords : tuple or `~gammapy.maps.MapCoord` Coordinate arrays for each dimension of the map. Tuple should be ordered as (lon, lat, x_0, ..., x_n) where x_i are coordinates for non-spatial dimensions of the map. vals : `~numpy.ndarray` Values vector. """ idx = self.geom.coord_to_pix(coords) self.set_by_pix(idx, vals)
[docs] def set_by_pix(self, pix, vals): """Set pixels at ``pix`` with given ``vals``. Parameters ---------- pix : tuple Tuple of pixel index arrays for each dimension of the map. Tuple should be ordered as (I_lon, I_lat, I_0, ..., I_n) for WCS maps and (I_hpx, I_0, ..., I_n) for HEALPix maps. Pixel indices can be either float or integer type. Float indices will be rounded to the nearest integer. vals : `~numpy.ndarray` Values vector. """ idx = pix_tuple_to_idx(pix) return self.set_by_idx(idx, vals)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_by_idx(self, idx, vals): """Set pixels at ``idx`` with given ``vals``. Parameters ---------- idx : tuple Tuple of pixel index arrays for each dimension of the map. Tuple should be ordered as (I_lon, I_lat, I_0, ..., I_n) for WCS maps and (I_hpx, I_0, ..., I_n) for HEALPix maps. vals : `~numpy.ndarray` Values vector. """ pass
[docs] def plot_grid(self, figsize=None, ncols=3, **kwargs): """Plot map as a grid of subplots for non-spatial axes. Parameters ---------- figsize : tuple of int, optional Figsize to plot on. Default is None. ncols : int, optional Number of columns to plot. Default is 3. **kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to `WcsNDMap.plot`. Returns ------- axes : `~numpy.ndarray` of `~matplotlib.pyplot.Axes` Axes grid. """ if len(self.geom.axes) > 1: raise ValueError("Grid plotting is only supported for one non spatial axis") axis = self.geom.axes[0] cols = min(ncols, axis.nbin) rows = 1 + (axis.nbin - 1) // cols if figsize is None: width = 12 figsize = (width, width * rows / cols) if self.geom.is_hpx: wcs = self.geom.to_wcs_geom().wcs else: wcs = self.geom.wcs fig, axes = plt.subplots( ncols=cols, nrows=rows, subplot_kw={"projection": wcs}, figsize=figsize, gridspec_kw={"hspace": 0.1, "wspace": 0.1}, ) for idx in range(cols * rows): ax = axes.flat[idx] try: image = self.get_image_by_idx((idx,)) except IndexError: ax.set_visible(False) continue if image.geom.is_hpx: image_wcs = image.to_wcs( normalize=False, proj="AIT", oversample=2, ) else: image_wcs = image image_wcs.plot(ax=ax, **kwargs) if axis.node_type == "center": if == "energy" or == "energy_true": info = energy_unit_format([idx]) else: info = f"{[idx]:.1f}" elif axis.node_type == "label": info = f"{[idx]}" else: if == "energy" or == "energy_true": info = ( f"{energy_unit_format(axis.edges[idx])} - " f"{energy_unit_format(axis.edges[idx+1])}" ) else: info = f"{axis.edges_min[idx]:.1f} - {axis.edges_max[idx]:.1f} " ax.set_title(f"{} " + info) lon, lat = ax.coords[0], ax.coords[1] lon.set_ticks_position("b") lat.set_ticks_position("l") row, col = np.unravel_index(idx, shape=(rows, cols)) if col > 0: lat.set_ticklabel_visible(False) lat.set_axislabel("") if row < (rows - 1): lon.set_ticklabel_visible(False) lon.set_axislabel("") return axes
[docs] def plot_interactive(self, rc_params=None, **kwargs): """ Plot map with interactive widgets to explore the non-spatial axes. Parameters ---------- rc_params : dict, optional Passed to ``matplotlib.rc_context(rc=rc_params)`` to style the plot. Default is None. **kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to `WcsNDMap.plot`. Examples -------- You can try this out e.g. using a Fermi-LAT diffuse model cube with an energy axis:: from gammapy.maps import Map m ="$GAMMAPY_DATA/fermi_3fhl/gll_iem_v06_cutout.fits") m.plot_interactive(add_cbar=True, stretch="sqrt") If you would like to adjust the figure size you can use the ``rc_params`` argument:: rc_params = {'figure.figsize': (12, 6), 'font.size': 12} m.plot_interactive(rc_params=rc_params) """ import matplotlib as mpl from ipywidgets import RadioButtons, SelectionSlider from ipywidgets.widgets.interaction import fixed, interact if self.geom.is_image: raise TypeError("Use .plot() for 2D Maps") kwargs.setdefault("interpolation", "nearest") kwargs.setdefault("origin", "lower") kwargs.setdefault("cmap", "afmhot") rc_params = rc_params or {} stretch = kwargs.pop("stretch", "sqrt") interact_kwargs = {} for axis in self.geom.axes: if axis.node_type == "center": if == "energy" or == "energy_true": options = energy_unit_format( else: options = axis.as_plot_labels elif == "energy" or == "energy_true": E = energy_unit_format(axis.edges) options = [f"{E[i]} - {E[i+1]}" for i in range(len(E) - 1)] else: options = axis.as_plot_labels interact_kwargs[] = SelectionSlider( options=options, description=f"Select {}:", continuous_update=False, style={"description_width": "initial"}, layout={"width": "50%"}, ) interact_kwargs[ + "_options"] = fixed(options) interact_kwargs["stretch"] = RadioButtons( options=["linear", "sqrt", "log"], value=stretch, description="Select stretch:", style={"description_width": "initial"}, ) @interact(**interact_kwargs) def _plot_interactive(**ikwargs): idx = [ ikwargs[ + "_options"].index(ikwargs[]) for ax in self.geom.axes ] img = self.get_image_by_idx(idx) stretch = ikwargs["stretch"] with mpl.rc_context(rc=rc_params): img.plot(stretch=stretch, **kwargs)
[docs] def copy(self, **kwargs): """Copy map instance and overwrite given attributes, except for geometry. Parameters ---------- **kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments to overwrite in the map constructor. Returns ------- copy : `Map` Copied Map. """ if "geom" in kwargs: geom = kwargs["geom"] if not geom.data_shape == self.geom.data_shape: raise ValueError( "Can't copy and change data size of the map. " f" Current shape {self.geom.data_shape}," f" requested shape {geom.data_shape}" ) return self._init_copy(**kwargs)
[docs] def mask_nearest_position(self, position): """Given a sky coordinate return nearest valid position in the mask. If the mask contains additional axes, the mask is reduced over those axes. Parameters ---------- position : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Test position. Returns ------- position : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` The nearest position in the mask. """ if not self.geom.is_image: raise ValueError("Method only supported for 2D images") coords = self.geom.to_image().get_coord().skycoord separation = coords.separation(position) separation[] = np.inf idx = np.argmin(separation) return coords.flatten()[idx]
[docs] def sum_over_axes(self, axes_names=None, keepdims=True, weights=None): """Sum map values over all non-spatial axes. Parameters ---------- axes_names: list of str Names of the axis to reduce over. If None, all non-spatial axis will be summed over. Default is None. keepdims : bool, optional If this is set to true, the axes which are summed over are left in the map with a single bin. Default is True. weights : `Map`, optional Weights to be applied. The map should have the same geometry as this one. Default is None. Returns ------- map_out : `~Map` Map with non-spatial axes summed over. """ return self.reduce_over_axes( func=np.add, axes_names=axes_names, keepdims=keepdims, weights=weights )
[docs] def reduce_over_axes( self, func=np.add, keepdims=False, axes_names=None, weights=None ): """Reduce map over non-spatial axes. Parameters ---------- func : `~numpy.ufunc`, optional Function to use for reducing the data. Default is `numpy.add`. keepdims : bool, optional If this is set to true, the axes which are summed over are left in the map with a single bin. Default is False. axes_names: list, optional Names of axis to reduce over. If None, all non-spatial axis will be reduced. weights : `Map`, optional Weights to be applied. The map should have the same geometry as this one. Default is None. Returns ------- map_out : `~Map` Map with non-spatial axes reduced. """ if axes_names is None: axes_names = self.geom.axes.names map_out = self.copy() for axis_name in axes_names: map_out = map_out.reduce( axis_name, func=func, keepdims=keepdims, weights=weights ) return map_out
[docs] def reduce(self, axis_name, func=np.add, keepdims=False, weights=None): """Reduce map over a single non-spatial axis. Parameters ---------- axis_name: str The name of the axis to reduce over. func : `~numpy.ufunc`, optional Function to use for reducing the data. Default is `numpy.add`. keepdims : bool, optional If this is set to true, the axes which are summed over are left in the map with a single bin. Default is False. weights : `Map` Weights to be applied. The map should have the same geometry as this one. Default is None. Returns ------- map_out : `~Map` Map with the given non-spatial axes reduced. """ if keepdims: geom = self.geom.squash(axis_name=axis_name) else: geom = self.geom.drop(axis_name=axis_name) idx = self.geom.axes.index_data(axis_name) data = if weights is not None: data = data * weights data = func.reduce(data, axis=idx, keepdims=keepdims, where=~np.isnan(data)) return self._init_copy(geom=geom, data=data)
[docs] def cumsum(self, axis_name): """Compute cumulative sum along a given axis. Parameters ---------- axis_name : str Along which axis to sum. Returns ------- cumsum : `Map` Map with cumulative sum. """ axis = self.geom.axes[axis_name] axis_idx = self.geom.axes.index_data(axis_name) # TODO: the broadcasting should be done by, axis.bin_width etc. shape = [1] * len(self.geom.data_shape) shape[axis_idx] = -1 values = self.quantity * axis.bin_width.reshape(shape) if axis_name == "rad": # take Jacobian into account values = 2 * np.pi * * values data = np.insert(values.cumsum(axis=axis_idx), 0, 0, axis=axis_idx) axis_shifted = MapAxis.from_nodes( axis.edges,, interp=axis.interp ) axes = self.geom.axes.replace(axis_shifted) geom = self.geom.to_image().to_cube(axes) return self.__class__(geom=geom, data=data.value, unit=data.unit)
[docs] def integral(self, axis_name, coords, **kwargs): """Compute integral along a given axis. This method uses interpolation of the cumulative sum. Parameters ---------- axis_name : str Along which axis to integrate. coords : dict or `MapCoord` Map coordinates. **kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to `Map.interp_by_coord`. Returns ------- array : `~astropy.units.Quantity` 2D array with axes offset. """ cumsum = self.cumsum(axis_name=axis_name) cumsum = cumsum.pad(pad_width=1, axis_name=axis_name, mode="edge") return u.Quantity( cumsum.interp_by_coord(coords, **kwargs), cumsum.unit, copy=False )
[docs] def normalize(self, axis_name=None): """Normalise data in place along a given axis. Parameters ---------- axis_name : str, optional Along which axis to normalise. """ cumsum = self.cumsum(axis_name=axis_name).quantity with np.errstate(invalid="ignore", divide="ignore"): axis = self.geom.axes.index_data(axis_name=axis_name) normed = self.quantity / cumsum.max(axis=axis, keepdims=True) self.quantity = np.nan_to_num(normed)
[docs] @classmethod def from_stack(cls, maps, axis=None, axis_name=None): """Create Map from a list of images and a non-spatial axis. The image geometries must be aligned, except for the axis that is stacked. Parameters ---------- maps : list of `Map` objects List of maps. axis : `MapAxis`, optional If a `MapAxis` is provided the maps are stacked along the last data axis and the new axis is introduced. Default is None. axis_name : str, optional If an axis name is as string the given the maps are stacked along the given axis name. Returns ------- map : `Map` Map with additional non-spatial axis. """ geom = maps[0].geom if axis_name is None and axis is None: axis_name = geom.axes.names[-1] if axis_name: axis = MapAxis.from_stack(axes=[m.geom.axes[axis_name] for m in maps]) geom = geom.drop(axis_name=axis_name) data = [] for m in maps: if axis_name: m_geom = m.geom.drop(axis_name=axis_name) else: m_geom = m.geom if not m_geom == geom: raise ValueError(f"Image geometries not aligned: {m.geom} and {geom}") data.append(m.quantity.to_value(maps[0].unit)) return cls.from_geom( data=np.stack(data), geom=geom.to_cube(axes=[axis]), unit=maps[0].unit )
[docs] def split_by_axis(self, axis_name): """Split a Map along an axis into multiple maps. Parameters ---------- axis_name : str Name of the axis to split. Returns ------- maps : list A list of `~gammapy.maps.Map`. """ maps = [] axis = self.geom.axes[axis_name] for idx in range(axis.nbin): m = self.slice_by_idx({axis_name: idx}) maps.append(m) return maps
[docs] def to_cube(self, axes): """Append non-spatial axes to create a higher-dimensional Map. This will result in a Map with a new geometry with N+M dimensions where N is the number of current dimensions and M is the number of axes in the list. The data is reshaped onto this new geometry. Parameters ---------- axes : list Axes that will be appended to this Map. The axes should have only one bin. Returns ------- map : `~gammapy.maps.WcsNDMap` New map. """ for ax in axes: if ax.nbin > 1: raise ValueError(, "should have only one bin") geom = self.geom.to_cube(axes) data =,) * len(axes) + return self.from_geom(data=data, geom=geom, unit=self.unit)
[docs] def get_spectrum(self, region=None, func=np.nansum, weights=None): """Extract spectrum in a given region. The spectrum can be computed by summing (or, more generally, applying ``func``) along the spatial axes in each energy bin. This occurs only inside the ``region``, which by default is assumed to be the whole spatial extension of the map. Parameters ---------- region: `~regions.Region`, optional Region to extract the spectrum from. Pixel or sky regions are accepted. Default is None. func : `numpy.func`, optional Function to reduce the data. Default is `~numpy.nansum`. For a boolean Map, use `numpy.any` or `numpy.all`. Default is `numpy.nansum`. weights : `WcsNDMap`, optional Array to be used as weights. The geometry must be equivalent. Default is None. Returns ------- spectrum : `~gammapy.maps.RegionNDMap` Spectrum in the given region. """ if not self.geom.has_energy_axis: raise ValueError("Energy axis required") return self.to_region_nd_map(region=region, func=func, weights=weights)
[docs] def to_unit(self, unit): """Convert map to a different unit. Parameters ---------- unit : str or `~astropy.unit.Unit` New unit. Returns ------- map : `Map` Map with new unit and converted data. """ data = self.quantity.to_value(unit) return self.from_geom(self.geom, data=data, unit=unit)
[docs] def is_allclose(self, other, rtol_axes=1e-3, atol_axes=1e-6, **kwargs): """Compare two Maps for close equivalency. Parameters ---------- other : `gammapy.maps.Map` The Map to compare against. rtol_axes : float, optional Relative tolerance for the axes' comparison. Default is 1e-3. atol_axes : float, optional Absolute tolerance for the axes' comparison. Default is 1e-6. **kwargs : dict, optional Keywords passed to `~numpy.allclose`. Returns ------- is_allclose : bool Whether the Map is all close. """ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return TypeError(f"Cannot compare {type(self)} and {type(other)}") if != return False axes_eq = self.geom.axes.is_allclose( other.geom.axes, rtol=rtol_axes, atol=atol_axes ) data_eq = np.allclose(self.quantity, other.quantity, **kwargs) return axes_eq and data_eq
def __str__(self): geom = self.geom.__class__.__name__ axes = ["skycoord"] if self.geom.is_hpx else ["lon", "lat"] axes = axes + [ for _ in self.geom.axes] return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}\n\n" f"\tgeom : {geom} \n " f"\taxes : {axes}\n" f"\tshape : {self.geom.data_shape[::-1]}\n" f"\tndim : {self.geom.ndim}\n" f"\tunit : {self.unit}\n" f"\tdtype : {}\n" ) def _arithmetics(self, operator, other, copy): """Perform arithmetic on maps after checking geometry consistency.""" if isinstance(other, Map): if self.geom == other.geom: q = other.quantity else: raise ValueError("Map Arithmetic: Inconsistent geometries.") else: q = u.Quantity(other, copy=False) out = self.copy() if copy else self out.quantity = operator(out.quantity, q) return out def _boolean_arithmetics(self, operator, other, copy): """Perform arithmetic on maps after checking geometry consistency.""" if operator == np.logical_not: out = self.copy() = operator( return out if isinstance(other, Map): if self.geom == other.geom: other = else: raise ValueError("Map Arithmetic: Inconsistent geometries.") out = self.copy() if copy else self = operator(, other) return out def __add__(self, other): return self._arithmetics(np.add, other, copy=True) def __iadd__(self, other): return self._arithmetics(np.add, other, copy=False) def __sub__(self, other): return self._arithmetics(np.subtract, other, copy=True) def __isub__(self, other): return self._arithmetics(np.subtract, other, copy=False) def __mul__(self, other): return self._arithmetics(np.multiply, other, copy=True) def __imul__(self, other): return self._arithmetics(np.multiply, other, copy=False) def __truediv__(self, other): return self._arithmetics(np.true_divide, other, copy=True) def __itruediv__(self, other): return self._arithmetics(np.true_divide, other, copy=False) def __le__(self, other): return self._arithmetics(np.less_equal, other, copy=True) def __lt__(self, other): return self._arithmetics(np.less, other, copy=True) def __ge__(self, other): return self._arithmetics(np.greater_equal, other, copy=True) def __gt__(self, other): return self._arithmetics(np.greater, other, copy=True) def __eq__(self, other): return self._arithmetics(np.equal, other, copy=True) def __ne__(self, other): return self._arithmetics(np.not_equal, other, copy=True) def __and__(self, other): return self._boolean_arithmetics(np.logical_and, other, copy=True) def __or__(self, other): return self._boolean_arithmetics(np.logical_or, other, copy=True) def __invert__(self): return self._boolean_arithmetics(np.logical_not, None, copy=True) def __xor__(self, other): return self._boolean_arithmetics(np.logical_xor, other, copy=True) def __iand__(self, other): return self._boolean_arithmetics(np.logical_and, other, copy=False) def __ior__(self, other): return self._boolean_arithmetics(np.logical_or, other, copy=False) def __ixor__(self, other): return self._boolean_arithmetics(np.logical_xor, other, copy=False) def __array__(self): return
[docs] def sample_coord(self, n_events, random_state=0): """Sample position and energy of events. Parameters ---------- n_events : int Number of events to sample. random_state : {int, 'random-seed', 'global-rng', `~numpy.random.RandomState`} Defines random number generator initialisation. Passed to `~gammapy.utils.random.get_random_state`. Default is 0. Returns ------- coords : `~gammapy.maps.MapCoord` object. Sequence of coordinates and energies of the sampled events. """ random_state = get_random_state(random_state) sampler = InverseCDFSampler(, random_state=random_state) coords_pix = sampler.sample(n_events) coords = self.geom.pix_to_coord(coords_pix[::-1]) # TODO: pix_to_coord should return a MapCoord object cdict = OrderedDict(zip(self.geom.axes_names, coords)) return MapCoord.create(cdict, frame=self.geom.frame)
[docs] def reorder_axes(self, axes_names): """Return a new map re-ordering the non-spatial axes. Parameters ---------- axes_names : list of str The list of axes names in the required order. Returns ------- map : `~gammapy.maps.Map` The map with axes re-ordered. """ old_axes = self.geom.axes if not set(old_axes.names) == set(axes_names): raise ValueError(f"{old_axes.names} is not compatible with {axes_names}") new_axes = [old_axes[_] for _ in axes_names] new_geom = self.geom.to_image().to_cube(new_axes) old_indices = [old_axes.index_data(ax) for ax in axes_names] new_indices = [new_geom.axes.index_data(ax) for ax in axes_names] data = np.moveaxis(, old_indices, new_indices) return Map.from_geom(new_geom, data=data)
[docs] def dot(self, other): """Apply dot product with the input map. The input Map has to share a single MapAxis with the current Map. Because it has no spatial dimension, it must be a `~gammapy.maps.RegionNDMap`. Parameters ---------- other : `~gammapy.maps.RegionNDMap` Map to apply the dot product to. It must share a unique non-spatial MapAxis with the current Map. Returns ------- map : `~gammapy.maps.Map` Map with dot product applied. """ from .region import RegionNDMap if not isinstance(other, RegionNDMap): raise TypeError( f"Dot product can be applied to a RegionNDMap. Got {type(other)} instead." ) common_names = list( set(other.geom.axes.names).intersection(self.geom.axes.names) ) if len(common_names) == 0: raise ValueError( "Map geometries have no axis in common. Cannot apply dot product." ) elif len(common_names) > 1: raise ValueError( f"Map geometries have more than one axis in common: {common_names}." "Cannot apply dot product." ) axis_name = common_names[0] if self.geom.axes[axis_name] != other.geom.axes[axis_name]: raise ValueError( f"Axes {axis_name} are not equal. Cannot apply dot product." ) loc = self.geom.axes.index_data(axis_name) other_loc = other.geom.axes.index_data(axis_name) # move axes because numpy dot product is performed on last axis of a and second-to-last axis of b data = np.moveaxis(, loc, -1) if len(other.geom.axes) > 1: other_data = np.moveaxis([..., 0, 0], other_loc, -2) else: other_data =[..., 0, 0] data =, other_data) # prepare new axes with expected shape (i.e. common axis replaced by other's axes) index = self.geom.axes.index(axis_name) axes1 = self.geom.axes.drop(axis_name) inserted_axes = other.geom.axes.drop(axis_name) new_axes = axes1[:index] + inserted_axes + axes1[index:] # reorder axes to get the expected shape remaining_axes = np.arange(len(inserted_axes)) old_axes_pos = -1 - remaining_axes new_axes_pos = loc + remaining_axes[::-1] data = np.moveaxis(data, old_axes_pos, new_axes_pos) geom = self.geom.to_image().to_cube(new_axes) return self._init_copy(geom=geom, data=data)
def __matmul__(self, other): """Apply dot product with the input map. The input Map has to share a single MapAxis with the current Map. Because it has no spatial dimension, it must be a `~gammapy.maps.RegionNDMap`. """ return