Source code for gammapy.maps.hpx.geom

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Utilities for dealing with HEALPix projections and mappings."""
import copy
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from import fits
from astropy.units import Quantity
from gammapy.utils.array import is_power2
from ..axes import MapAxes
from ..coord import MapCoord, skycoord_to_lonlat
from ..geom import Geom, pix_tuple_to_idx
from ..utils import INVALID_INDEX, coordsys_to_frame, frame_to_coordsys
from .io import HPX_FITS_CONVENTIONS, HpxConv
from .utils import (

# Not sure if we should expose this in the docs or not:
__all__ = ["HpxGeom"]

[docs]class HpxGeom(Geom): """Geometry class for HEALPix maps. This class performs mapping between partial-sky indices (pixel number within a HEALPix region) and all-sky indices (pixel number within an all-sky HEALPix map). Multi-band HEALPix geometries use a global indexing scheme that assigns a unique pixel number based on the all-sky index and band index. In the single-band case the global index is the same as the HEALPix index. By default, the constructor will return an all-sky map. Partial-sky maps can be defined with the ``region`` argument. Parameters ---------- nside : `~numpy.ndarray` HEALPix NSIDE parameter, the total number of pixels is 12*nside*nside. For multi-dimensional maps one can pass either a single ``nside`` value or a vector of ``nside`` values defining the pixel size for each image plane. If ``nside`` is not a scalar then its dimensionality should match that of the non-spatial axes. If nest is True, ``nside`` must be a power of 2, less than 2**30. nest : bool Indexing scheme. If True, "NESTED" scheme. If False, "RING" scheme. frame : {"icrs", "galactic"} Coordinate system. Default is "icrs". region : str or tuple Spatial geometry for partial-sky maps. If None, the map will encompass the whole sky. String input will be parsed according to HPX_REG header keyword conventions. Tuple input can be used to define an explicit list of pixels encompassed by the geometry. axes : list Axes for non-spatial dimensions. """ is_hpx = True is_region = False def __init__(self, nside, nest=True, frame="icrs", region=None, axes=None): from healpy.pixelfunc import check_nside check_nside(nside, nest=nest) self._nside = np.array(nside, ndmin=1) self._axes = MapAxes.from_default(axes, n_spatial_axes=1) if self.nside.size > 1 and self.nside.shape != self.shape_axes: raise ValueError( "Wrong dimensionality for nside. nside must " "be a scalar or have a dimensionality consistent " "with the axes argument." ) self._frame = frame self._nest = nest self._ipix = None self._region = region self._create_lookup(region) self._npix = self._npix * np.ones(self.shape_axes, dtype=int) def _create_lookup(self, region): """Create local-to-global pixel lookup table.""" if isinstance(region, str): ipix = [ self.get_index_list(nside, self._nest, region) for nside in self._nside.flat ] self._ipix = [ ravel_hpx_index((p, i * np.ones_like(p)), np.ravel(self.npix_max)) for i, p in enumerate(ipix) ] self._region = region self._indxschm = "EXPLICIT" self._npix = np.array([len(t) for t in self._ipix]) if self.nside.ndim > 1: self._npix = self._npix.reshape(self.nside.shape) self._ipix = np.concatenate(self._ipix) elif isinstance(region, tuple): region = [np.asarray(t) for t in region] m = np.any(np.stack([t >= 0 for t in region]), axis=0) region = [t[m] for t in region] self._ipix = ravel_hpx_index(region, self.npix_max) self._ipix = np.unique(self._ipix) region = unravel_hpx_index(self._ipix, self.npix_max) self._region = "explicit" self._indxschm = "EXPLICIT" if len(region) == 1: self._npix = np.array([len(region[0])]) else: self._npix = np.zeros(self.shape_axes, dtype=int) idx = np.ravel_multi_index(region[1:], self.shape_axes) cnt = np.unique(idx, return_counts=True) self._npix.flat[cnt[0]] = cnt[1] elif region is None: self._region = None self._indxschm = "IMPLICIT" self._npix = self.npix_max else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid region string: {region!r}")
[docs] def local_to_global(self, idx_local): """Compute a global index (all-sky) from a local (partial-sky) index. Parameters ---------- idx_local : tuple A tuple of pixel indices with local HEALPix pixel indices. Returns ------- idx_global : tuple A tuple of pixel index vectors with global HEALPix pixel indices. """ if self._ipix is None: return idx_local if self.nside.size > 1: idx = ravel_hpx_index(idx_local, self._npix) else: idx_tmp = tuple( [idx_local[0]] + [np.zeros(t.shape, dtype=int) for t in idx_local[1:]] ) idx = ravel_hpx_index(idx_tmp, self._npix) idx_global = unravel_hpx_index(self._ipix[idx], self.npix_max) return idx_global[:1] + tuple(idx_local[1:])
[docs] def global_to_local(self, idx_global, ravel=False): """Compute global (all-sky) index from a local (partial-sky) index. Parameters ---------- idx_global : tuple A tuple of pixel indices with global HEALPix pixel indices. ravel : bool, optional Return a raveled index. Default is False. Returns ------- idx_local : tuple A tuple of pixel indices with local HEALPix pixel indices. """ if ( isinstance(idx_global, int) or (isinstance(idx_global, tuple) and isinstance(idx_global[0], int)) or isinstance(idx_global, np.ndarray) ): idx_global = unravel_hpx_index(np.array(idx_global, ndmin=1), self.npix_max) if self.nside.size == 1: idx = np.array(idx_global[0], ndmin=1) else: idx = ravel_hpx_index(idx_global, self.npix_max) if self._ipix is not None: retval = np.full(idx.size, -1, "i") m = np.isin(idx.flat, self._ipix) retval[m] = np.searchsorted(self._ipix, idx.flat[m]) retval = retval.reshape(idx.shape) else: retval = idx if self.nside.size == 1: idx_local = tuple([retval] + list(idx_global[1:])) else: idx_local = unravel_hpx_index(retval, self._npix) m = np.any(np.stack([t == for t in idx_local]), axis=0) for i, t in enumerate(idx_local): idx_local[i][m] = if not ravel: return idx_local else: return ravel_hpx_index(idx_local, self.npix)
[docs] def cutout(self, position, width, **kwargs): """Create a cutout around a given position. Parameters ---------- position : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Center position of the cutout region. width : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Diameter of the circular cutout region. Returns ------- cutout : `~gammapy.maps.WcsNDMap` Cutout map. """ if not self.is_regular: raise ValueError("Can only do a cutout from a regular map.") width = u.Quantity(width, "deg").value return self.create( nside=self.nside, nest=self.nest, width=width, skydir=position, frame=self.frame, axes=self.axes, )
[docs] def coord_to_pix(self, coords): import healpy as hp coords = MapCoord.create( coords, frame=self.frame, axis_names=self.axes.names ).broadcasted theta, phi = coords.theta, coords.phi if self.axes: idxs = self.axes.coord_to_idx(coords, clip=True) bins = self.axes.coord_to_pix(coords) # FIXME: Figure out how to handle coordinates out of # bounds of non-spatial dimensions if self.nside.size > 1: nside = self.nside[tuple(idxs)] else: nside = self.nside m = ~np.isfinite(theta) theta[m] = 0.0 phi[m] = 0.0 pix = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=self.nest) pix = tuple([pix]) + bins if np.any(m): for p in pix: p[m] = else: pix = (hp.ang2pix(self.nside, theta, phi, nest=self.nest),) return pix
[docs] def pix_to_coord(self, pix): import healpy as hp if self.axes: bins = [] vals = [] for i, ax in enumerate(self.axes): bins += [pix[1 + i]] vals += [ax.pix_to_coord(pix[1 + i])] idxs = pix_tuple_to_idx(bins) if self.nside.size > 1: nside = self.nside[idxs] else: nside = self.nside ipix = np.round(pix[0]).astype(int) m = ipix == ipix[m] = 0 theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, ipix, nest=self.nest) coords = [np.degrees(phi), np.degrees(np.pi / 2.0 - theta)] coords = tuple(coords + vals) if np.any(m): for c in coords: c[m] = INVALID_INDEX.float else: ipix = np.round(pix[0]).astype(int) theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(self.nside, ipix, nest=self.nest) coords = (np.degrees(phi), np.degrees(np.pi / 2.0 - theta)) return coords
[docs] def pix_to_idx(self, pix, clip=False): # FIXME: Look for better method to clip HPX indices # TODO: copy idx to avoid modifying input pix? # pix_tuple_to_idx seems to always make a copy!? idx = pix_tuple_to_idx(pix) idx_local = self.global_to_local(idx) for i, _ in enumerate(idx): if clip: if i > 0: np.clip(idx[i], 0, self.axes[i - 1].nbin - 1, out=idx[i]) else: np.clip(idx[i], 0, None, out=idx[i]) else: if i > 0: mask = (idx[i] < 0) | (idx[i] >= self.axes[i - 1].nbin) np.putmask(idx[i], mask, -1) else: mask = (idx_local[i] < 0) | (idx[i] < 0) np.putmask(idx[i], mask, -1) return tuple(idx)
@property def axes(self): """List of non-spatial axes.""" return self._axes @property def axes_names(self): """All axes names.""" return ["skycoord"] + self.axes.names @property def shape_axes(self): """Shape of non-spatial axes.""" return self.axes.shape @property def data_shape(self): """Shape of the `~numpy.ndarray` matching this geometry.""" npix_shape = tuple([np.max(self.npix)]) return (npix_shape + self.axes.shape)[::-1] @property def data_shape_axes(self): """Shape of data of the non-spatial axes and unit spatial axes.""" return self.axes.shape[::-1] + (1,) @property def ndim(self): """Number of dimensions as an integer.""" return len(self._axes) + 2 @property def ordering(self): """HEALPix ordering ('NESTED' or 'RING').""" return "NESTED" if self.nest else "RING" @property def nside(self): """NSIDE in each band.""" return self._nside @property def order(self): """The order in each band (``NSIDE = 2 ** ORDER``). Set to -1 for bands with NSIDE that is not a power of 2. """ return nside_to_order(self.nside) @property def nest(self): """Whether HEALPix order is nested as a boolean.""" return self._nest @property def npix(self): """Number of pixels in each band. For partial-sky geometries this can be less than the number of pixels for the band NSIDE. """ return self._npix @property def npix_max(self): """Maximum number of pixels.""" maxpix = 12 * self.nside**2 return maxpix * np.ones(self.shape_axes, dtype=int) @property def frame(self): return self._frame @property def projection(self): """Map projection.""" return "HPX" @property def region(self): """Region string.""" return self._region @property def is_allsky(self): """Flag for all-sky maps.""" return self._region is None @property def is_regular(self): """Flag identifying whether this geometry is regular in non-spatial dimensions. False for multi-resolution or irregular geometries. If True, all image planes have the same pixel geometry. """ if self.nside.size > 1 or self.region == "explicit": return False else: return True @property def center_coord(self): """Map coordinates of the center of the geometry as a tuple.""" lon, lat, frame = skycoord_to_lonlat(self.center_skydir) return tuple([lon, lat]) + self.axes.center_coord @property def center_pix(self): """Pixel coordinates of the center of the geometry as a tuple.""" return self.coord_to_pix(self.center_coord) @property def center_skydir(self): """Sky coordinate of the center of the geometry. Returns ------- center : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Center position. """ # TODO: simplify import healpy as hp if self.is_allsky: lon, lat = 0.0, 0.0 elif self.region == "explicit": idx = unravel_hpx_index(self._ipix, self.npix_max) nside = self._get_nside(idx) vec = hp.pix2vec(nside, idx[0], nest=self.nest) vec = np.array([np.mean(t) for t in vec]) lonlat = hp.vec2ang(vec, lonlat=True) lon, lat = lonlat[0], lonlat[1] else: tokens = parse_hpxregion(self.region) if tokens[0] in ["DISK", "DISK_INC"]: lon, lat = float(tokens[1]), float(tokens[2]) elif tokens[0] == "HPX_PIXEL": nside_pix = int(tokens[2]) ipix_pix = int(tokens[3]) if tokens[1] == "NESTED": nest_pix = True elif tokens[1] == "RING": nest_pix = False else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid ordering scheme: {tokens[1]!r}") theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside_pix, ipix_pix, nest_pix) lat = np.degrees((np.pi / 2) - theta) lon = np.degrees(phi) return SkyCoord(lon, lat, frame=self.frame, unit="deg") @property def pixel_scales(self): self.angle_ = """Pixel scale. Returns ------- angle: `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` """ return get_pix_size_from_nside(self.nside) * u.deg
[docs] def interp_weights(self, coords, idxs=None): """Get interpolation weights for given coordinates. Parameters ---------- coords : `MapCoord` or dict Input coordinates. idxs : `~numpy.ndarray`, optional Indices for non-spatial axes. Default is None. Returns ------- weights : `~numpy.ndarray` Interpolation weights. """ import healpy as hp coords = MapCoord.create(coords, frame=self.frame).broadcasted if idxs is None: idxs = self.coord_to_idx(coords, clip=True)[1:] theta, phi = coords.theta, coords.phi m = ~np.isfinite(theta) theta[m] = 0 phi[m] = 0 if not self.is_regular: nside = self.nside[tuple(idxs)] else: nside = self.nside pix, wts = hp.get_interp_weights(nside, theta, phi, nest=self.nest) wts[:, m] = 0 pix[:, m] = if not self.is_regular: pix_local = [self.global_to_local([pix] + list(idxs))[0]] else: pix_local = [self.global_to_local(pix, ravel=True)] # If a pixel lies outside of the geometry set its index to the center pixel m = pix_local[0] == if m.any(): coords_ctr = [coords.lon,] coords_ctr += [ax.pix_to_coord(t) for ax, t in zip(self.axes, idxs)] idx_ctr = self.coord_to_idx(coords_ctr) idx_ctr = self.global_to_local(idx_ctr) pix_local[0][m] = (idx_ctr[0] * np.ones(pix.shape, dtype=int))[m] pix_local += [np.broadcast_to(t, pix_local[0].shape) for t in idxs] return pix_local, wts
@property def ipix(self): """HEALPix pixel and band indices for every pixel in the map.""" return self.get_idx()
[docs] def is_aligned(self, other): """Check if HEALPix geoms and extra axes are aligned. Parameters ---------- other : `HpxGeom` Other geometry. Returns ------- aligned : bool Whether geometries are aligned. """ for axis, otheraxis in zip(self.axes, other.axes): if axis != otheraxis: return False if not self.nside == other.nside: return False elif not self.frame == other.frame: return False elif not self.nest == other.nest: return False else: return True
[docs] def to_nside(self, nside): """Upgrade or downgrade the resolution to a given NSIDE. Parameters ---------- nside : int HEALPix NSIDE parameter. Returns ------- geom : `~HpxGeom` A HEALPix geometry object. """ if not self.is_regular: raise ValueError("Upgrade and degrade only implemented for standard maps") axes = copy.deepcopy(self.axes) return self.__class__( nside=nside, nest=self.nest, frame=self.frame, region=self.region, axes=axes )
[docs] def to_binsz(self, binsz): """Change pixel size of the geometry. Parameters ---------- binsz : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` New pixel size. A float is assumed to be in degree. Returns ------- geom : `WcsGeom` Geometry with new pixel size. """ binsz = u.Quantity(binsz, "deg").value if self.is_allsky: return self.create( binsz=binsz, frame=self.frame, axes=copy.deepcopy(self.axes), ) else: return self.create( skydir=self.center_skydir, binsz=binsz, width=self.width.to_value("deg"), frame=self.frame, axes=copy.deepcopy(self.axes), )
[docs] def separation(self, center): """Compute sky separation with respect to a given center. Parameters ---------- center : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Center position. Returns ------- separation : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Separation angle array (1D). """ coord = self.to_image().get_coord() return center.separation(coord.skycoord)
[docs] def to_swapped(self): """Geometry copy with swapped ORDERING (NEST->RING or vice versa). Returns ------- geom : `~HpxGeom` A HEALPix geometry object. """ axes = copy.deepcopy(self.axes) return self.__class__( self.nside, not self.nest, frame=self.frame, region=self.region, axes=axes, )
[docs] def to_image(self): return self.__class__( np.max(self.nside), self.nest, frame=self.frame, region=self.region )
[docs] def to_cube(self, axes): axes = copy.deepcopy(self.axes) + axes return self.__class__( np.max(self.nside), self.nest, frame=self.frame, region=self.region, axes=axes, )
def _get_neighbors(self, idx): import healpy as hp nside = self._get_nside(idx) idx_nb = (hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, idx[0], nest=self.nest),) idx_nb += tuple([t[None, ...] * np.ones_like(idx_nb[0]) for t in idx[1:]]) return idx_nb def _pad_spatial(self, pad_width): if self.is_allsky: raise ValueError("Cannot pad an all-sky map.") idx = self.get_idx(flat=True) idx_r = ravel_hpx_index(idx, self.npix_max) # TODO: Pre-filter indices to find those close to the edge idx_nb = self._get_neighbors(idx) idx_nb = ravel_hpx_index(idx_nb, self.npix_max) for _ in range(pad_width): mask_edge = np.isin(idx_nb, idx_r, invert=True) idx_edge = idx_nb[mask_edge] idx_edge = np.unique(idx_edge) idx_r = np.sort(np.concatenate((idx_r, idx_edge))) idx_nb = unravel_hpx_index(idx_edge, self.npix_max) idx_nb = self._get_neighbors(idx_nb) idx_nb = ravel_hpx_index(idx_nb, self.npix_max) idx = unravel_hpx_index(idx_r, self.npix_max) return self.__class__( self.nside.copy(), self.nest, frame=self.frame, region=idx, axes=copy.deepcopy(self.axes), )
[docs] def crop(self, crop_width): if self.is_allsky: raise ValueError("Cannot crop an all-sky map.") idx = self.get_idx(flat=True) idx_r = ravel_hpx_index(idx, self.npix_max) # TODO: Pre-filter indices to find those close to the edge idx_nb = self._get_neighbors(idx) idx_nb = ravel_hpx_index(idx_nb, self.npix_max) for _ in range(crop_width): # Mask of pixels that have at least one neighbor not # contained in the geometry mask_edge = np.any(np.isin(idx_nb, idx_r, invert=True), axis=0) idx_r = idx_r[~mask_edge] idx_nb = idx_nb[:, ~mask_edge] idx = unravel_hpx_index(idx_r, self.npix_max) return self.__class__( self.nside.copy(), self.nest, frame=self.frame, region=idx, axes=copy.deepcopy(self.axes), )
[docs] def upsample(self, factor): if not is_power2(factor): raise ValueError("Upsample factor must be a power of 2.") if self.is_allsky: return self.__class__( self.nside * factor, self.nest, frame=self.frame, region=self.region, axes=copy.deepcopy(self.axes), ) idx = list(self.get_idx(flat=True)) nside = self._get_nside(idx) idx_new = get_subpixels(idx[0], nside, nside * factor, nest=self.nest) for i in range(1, len(idx)): idx[i] = idx[i][..., None] * np.ones(idx_new.shape, dtype=int) idx[0] = idx_new return self.__class__( self.nside * factor, self.nest, frame=self.frame, region=tuple(idx), axes=copy.deepcopy(self.axes), )
[docs] def downsample(self, factor, axis_name=None): if not is_power2(factor): raise ValueError("Downsample factor must be a power of 2.") if axis_name is not None: raise ValueError("Currently the only valid axis name is None.") if self.is_allsky: return self.__class__( self.nside // factor, self.nest, frame=self.frame, region=self.region, axes=copy.deepcopy(self.axes), ) idx = list(self.get_idx(flat=True)) nside = self._get_nside(idx) idx_new = get_superpixels(idx[0], nside, nside // factor, nest=self.nest) idx[0] = idx_new return self.__class__( self.nside // factor, self.nest, frame=self.frame, region=tuple(idx), axes=copy.deepcopy(self.axes), )
[docs] @classmethod def create( cls, nside=None, binsz=None, nest=True, frame="icrs", region=None, axes=None, skydir=None, width=None, ): """Create an HpxGeom object. Parameters ---------- nside : int or `~numpy.ndarray`, optional HEALPix NSIDE parameter. This parameter sets the size of the spatial pixels in the map. If nest is True, ``nside`` must be a power of 2, less than 2**30. Default is None. binsz : float or `~numpy.ndarray`, optional Approximate pixel size in degrees. An ``nside`` will be chosen that corresponds to a pixel size closest to this value. This option is superseded by ``nside``. Default is None. nest : bool, optional Indexing scheme. If True, "NESTED" scheme. If False, "RING" scheme. Default is True. frame : {"icrs", "galactic"} Coordinate system, either Galactic ("galactic") or Equatorial ("icrs"). Default is "icrs". region : str, optional HEALPix region string. Allows for partial-sky maps. Default is None. axes : list, optional List of axes for non-spatial dimensions. Default is None. skydir : tuple or `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`, optional Sky position of map center. Can be either a SkyCoord object or a tuple of longitude and latitude in deg in the coordinate system of the map. Default is None. width : float, optional Diameter of the map in degrees. If set the map will encompass all pixels within a circular region centered on ``skydir``. Default is None. Returns ------- geom : `~HpxGeom` A HEALPix geometry object. Examples -------- >>> from gammapy.maps import HpxGeom, MapAxis >>> axis = MapAxis.from_bounds(0,1,2) >>> geom = HpxGeom.create(nside=16) # doctest: +SKIP >>> geom = HpxGeom.create(binsz=0.1, width=10.0) # doctest: +SKIP >>> geom = HpxGeom.create(nside=64, width=10.0, axes=[axis]) # doctest: +SKIP >>> geom = HpxGeom.create(nside=[32,64], width=10.0, axes=[axis]) # doctest: +SKIP """ if nside is None and binsz is None: raise ValueError("Either nside or binsz must be defined.") if nside is None and binsz is not None: nside = get_nside_from_pix_size(binsz) if skydir is None: lon, lat = (0.0, 0.0) elif isinstance(skydir, tuple): lon, lat = skydir elif isinstance(skydir, SkyCoord): lon, lat, frame = skycoord_to_lonlat(skydir, frame=frame) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid type for skydir: {type(skydir)!r}") if region is None and width is not None: region = f"DISK({lon},{lat},{width/2})" return cls(nside, nest=nest, frame=frame, region=region, axes=axes)
[docs] @classmethod def from_header(cls, header, hdu_bands=None, format=None): """Create an HPX object from a FITS header. Parameters ---------- header : `` The FITS header. hdu_bands : ``, optional The BANDS table HDU. Default is None. format : str, optional FITS convention. Default is None. If None the format is guessed. The following formats are supported: - "gadf" - "fgst-ccube" - "fgst-ltcube" - "fgst-bexpcube" - "fgst-srcmap" - "fgst-template" - "fgst-srcmap-sparse" - "galprop" - "galprop2" - "healpy" Returns ------- hpx : `~HpxGeom` HEALPix geometry. """ if format is None: format = HpxConv.identify_hpx_format(header) conv = HPX_FITS_CONVENTIONS[format] axes = MapAxes.from_table_hdu(hdu_bands, format=format) if header["PIXTYPE"] != "HEALPIX": raise ValueError( f"Invalid header PIXTYPE: {header['PIXTYPE']} (must be HEALPIX)" ) if header["ORDERING"] == "RING": nest = False elif header["ORDERING"] == "NESTED": nest = True else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid header ORDERING: {header['ORDERING']} (must be RING or NESTED)" ) if hdu_bands is not None and "NSIDE" in hdu_bands.columns.names: nside ="NSIDE").reshape(axes.shape).astype(int) elif "NSIDE" in header: nside = header["NSIDE"] elif "ORDER" in header: nside = 2 ** header["ORDER"] else: raise ValueError("Failed to extract NSIDE or ORDER.") try: frame = coordsys_to_frame(header[conv.frame]) except KeyError: frame = header.get("COORDSYS", "icrs") try: region = header["HPX_REG"] except KeyError: try: region = header["HPXREGION"] except KeyError: region = None return cls(nside, nest, frame=frame, region=region, axes=axes)
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdu(cls, hdu, hdu_bands=None): """Create an HPX object from a BinTable HDU. Parameters ---------- hdu : `` The FITS HDU. hdu_bands : ``, optional The BANDS table HDU. Default is None. Returns ------- hpx : `~HpxGeom` HEALPix geometry. """ # FIXME: Need correct handling of IMPLICIT and EXPLICIT maps # if HPX region is not defined then geometry is defined by # the set of all pixels in the table if "HPX_REG" not in hdu.header: pix = ("PIX"),"CHANNEL")) else: pix = None return cls.from_header(hdu.header, hdu_bands=hdu_bands, pix=pix)
[docs] def to_header(self, format="gadf", **kwargs): """Build and return FITS header for this HEALPix map.""" header = fits.Header() format = kwargs.get("format", HPX_FITS_CONVENTIONS[format]) # FIXME: For some sparse maps we may want to allow EXPLICIT # with an empty region string indxschm = kwargs.get("indxschm", None) if indxschm is None: if self._region is None: indxschm = "IMPLICIT" elif self.is_regular == 1: indxschm = "EXPLICIT" else: indxschm = "LOCAL" if "FGST" in format.convname.upper(): header["TELESCOP"] = "GLAST" header["INSTRUME"] = "LAT" header[format.frame] = frame_to_coordsys(self.frame) header["PIXTYPE"] = "HEALPIX" header["ORDERING"] = self.ordering header["INDXSCHM"] = indxschm header["ORDER"] = np.max(self.order) header["NSIDE"] = np.max(self.nside) header["FIRSTPIX"] = 0 header["LASTPIX"] = np.max(self.npix_max) - 1 header["HPX_CONV"] = format.convname.upper() if self.frame == "icrs": header["EQUINOX"] = (2000.0, "Equinox of RA & DEC specifications") if self.region: header["HPX_REG"] = self._region return header
def _make_bands_cols(self): cols = [] if self.nside.size > 1: cols += [fits.Column("NSIDE", "I", array=np.ravel(self.nside))] return cols
[docs] @staticmethod def get_index_list(nside, nest, region): """Get list of pixels indices for all the pixels in a region. Parameters ---------- nside : int HEALPix NSIDE parameter. nest : bool Indexing scheme. If True, "NESTED" scheme. If False, "RING" scheme. region : str HEALPix region string. Returns ------- ilist : `~numpy.ndarray` List of pixel indices. """ import healpy as hp # TODO: this should return something more friendly than a tuple # e.g. a namedtuple or a dict tokens = parse_hpxregion(region) reg_type = tokens[0] if reg_type == "DISK": lon, lat = float(tokens[1]), float(tokens[2]) radius = np.radians(float(tokens[3])) vec = coords_to_vec(lon, lat)[0] ilist = hp.query_disc(nside, vec, radius, inclusive=False, nest=nest) elif reg_type == "DISK_INC": lon, lat = float(tokens[1]), float(tokens[2]) radius = np.radians(float(tokens[3])) vec = coords_to_vec(lon, lat)[0] fact = int(tokens[4]) ilist = hp.query_disc( nside, vec, radius, inclusive=True, nest=nest, fact=fact ) elif reg_type == "HPX_PIXEL": nside_pix = int(tokens[2]) if tokens[1] == "NESTED": ipix_ring = hp.nest2ring(nside_pix, int(tokens[3])) elif tokens[1] == "RING": ipix_ring = int(tokens[3]) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid ordering scheme: {tokens[1]!r}") ilist = match_hpx_pix(nside, nest, nside_pix, ipix_ring) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid region type: {reg_type!r}") return ilist
@property def width(self): """Width of the map.""" # TODO: simplify import healpy as hp if self.is_allsky: width = 180.0 elif self.region == "explicit": idx = unravel_hpx_index(self._ipix, self.npix_max) nside = self._get_nside(idx) ang = hp.pix2ang(nside, idx[0], nest=self.nest, lonlat=True) dirs = SkyCoord(ang[0], ang[1], unit="deg", frame=self.frame) width = np.max(dirs.separation(self.center_skydir)) else: tokens = parse_hpxregion(self.region) if tokens[0] in {"DISK", "DISK_INC"}: width = float(tokens[3]) elif tokens[0] == "HPX_PIXEL": pix_size = get_pix_size_from_nside(int(tokens[2])) width = 2.0 * pix_size return u.Quantity(width, "deg") def _get_nside(self, idx): if self.nside.size > 1: return self.nside[tuple(idx[1:])] else: return self.nside
[docs] def to_wcs_geom(self, proj="AIT", oversample=2, width_pix=None): """Make a WCS projection appropriate for this HEALPix pixelization. Parameters ---------- proj : str, optional Projection type of WCS geometry. Default is "AIT". oversample : float, optional Oversampling factor for WCS map. This will be the approximate ratio of the width of a HEALPix pixel to a WCS pixel. If this parameter is None then the width will be set from ``width_pix``. Default is 2. width_pix : int, optional Width of the WCS geometry in pixels. The pixel size will be set to the number of pixels satisfying ``oversample`` or ``width_pix`` whichever is smaller. If this parameter is None then the width will be set from ``oversample``. Default is None. Returns ------- wcs : `~gammapy.maps.WcsGeom` WCS geometry. """ from gammapy.maps import WcsGeom pix_size = get_pix_size_from_nside(self.nside) binsz = np.min(pix_size) / oversample width = 2.0 * self.width.to_value("deg") + np.max(pix_size) if width_pix is not None and int(width / binsz) > width_pix: binsz = width / width_pix if width > 90.0: width = min(360.0, width), min(180.0, width) axes = copy.deepcopy(self.axes) return WcsGeom.create( width=width, binsz=binsz, frame=self.frame, axes=axes, skydir=self.center_skydir, proj=proj, )
[docs] def to_wcs_tiles(self, nside_tiles=4, margin="0 deg"): """Create WCS tiles geometries from HPX geometry with given nside. The HEALPix geom is divide into superpixels defined by ``nside_tiles``, which are then represented by a WCS geometry using a tangential projection. The number of WCS tiles is given by the number of pixels for the given ``nside_tiles``. Parameters ---------- nside_tiles : int, optional HEALPix NSIDE parameter for super pixel tiles. Default is 4. margin : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Width margin of the WCS tile. Default is "0 deg". Returns ------- wcs_tiles : list List of WCS tile geometries. """ import healpy as hp from gammapy.maps import WcsGeom margin = u.Quantity(margin) if nside_tiles >= self.nside: raise ValueError(f"nside_tiles must be < {self.nside}") if not self.is_allsky: raise ValueError("to_wcs_tiles() is only supported for all sky geoms") binsz = np.degrees(hp.nside2resol(self.nside)) * u.deg hpx = self.to_image().to_nside(nside=nside_tiles) wcs_tiles = [] for pix in range(int(hpx.npix[0])): skydir = hpx.pix_to_coord([pix]) vtx = hp.boundaries(nside=hpx.nside.item(), pix=pix, nest=hpx.nest, step=1) lon, lat = hp.vec2ang(vtx.T, lonlat=True) boundaries = SkyCoord(lon * u.deg, lat * u.deg, frame=hpx.frame) # Compute maximum separation between all pairs of boundaries and take it # as width width = boundaries.separation(boundaries[:, np.newaxis]).max() wcs_tile_geom = WcsGeom.create( skydir=(float(skydir[0].item()), float(skydir[1].item())), width=width + margin, binsz=binsz, frame=hpx.frame, proj="TAN", axes=self.axes, ) wcs_tiles.append(wcs_tile_geom) return wcs_tiles
[docs] def get_idx( self, idx=None, local=False, flat=False, sparse=False, mode="center", axis_name=None, ): # TODO: simplify this!!! if idx is not None and np.any(np.array(idx) >= np.array(self.shape_axes)): raise ValueError(f"Image index out of range: {idx!r}") # Regular all- and partial-sky maps if self.is_regular: pix = [np.arange(np.max(self._npix))] if idx is None: for ax in self.axes: if mode == "edges" and == axis_name: pix += [np.arange(-0.5, ax.nbin, dtype=float)] else: pix += [np.arange(ax.nbin, dtype=int)] else: pix += [t for t in idx] pix = np.meshgrid(*pix[::-1], indexing="ij", sparse=sparse)[::-1] pix = self.local_to_global(pix) # Non-regular all-sky elif self.is_allsky and not self.is_regular: shape = (np.max(self.npix),) if idx is None: shape = shape + self.shape_axes else: shape = shape + (1,) * len(self.axes) pix = [np.full(shape, -1, dtype=int) for i in range(1 + len(self.axes))] for idx_img in np.ndindex(self.shape_axes): if idx is not None and idx_img != idx: continue npix = self._npix[idx_img] if idx is None: s_img = (slice(0, npix),) + idx_img else: s_img = (slice(0, npix),) + (0,) * len(self.axes) pix[0][s_img] = np.arange(self._npix[idx_img]) for j in range(len(self.axes)): pix[j + 1][s_img] = idx_img[j] pix = [p.T for p in pix] # Explicit pixel indices else: if idx is not None: npix_sum = np.concatenate(([0], np.cumsum(self._npix))) idx_ravel = np.ravel_multi_index(idx, self.shape_axes) s = slice(npix_sum[idx_ravel], npix_sum[idx_ravel + 1]) else: s = slice(None) pix_flat = unravel_hpx_index(self._ipix[s], self.npix_max) shape = (np.max(self.npix),) if idx is None: shape = shape + self.shape_axes else: shape = shape + (1,) * len(self.axes) pix = [np.full(shape, -1, dtype=int) for _ in range(1 + len(self.axes))] for idx_img in np.ndindex(self.shape_axes): if idx is not None and idx_img != idx: continue npix = int(self._npix[idx_img].item()) if idx is None: s_img = (slice(0, npix),) + idx_img else: s_img = (slice(0, npix),) + (0,) * len(self.axes) if self.axes: m = np.all( np.stack([pix_flat[i + 1] == t for i, t in enumerate(idx_img)]), axis=0, ) pix[0][s_img] = pix_flat[0][m] else: pix[0][s_img] = pix_flat[0] for j in range(len(self.axes)): pix[j + 1][s_img] = idx_img[j] pix = [p.T for p in pix] if local: pix = self.global_to_local(pix) if flat: pix = tuple([p[p !=] for p in pix]) return pix
[docs] def region_mask(self, regions): """Create a mask from a given list of regions. The mask is filled such that a pixel inside the region is filled with "True". To invert the mask, e.g. to create a mask with exclusion regions the tilde (~) operator can be used (see example below). Parameters ---------- regions : str, `~regions.Region` or list of `~regions.Region` Region or list of regions (pixel or sky regions accepted). A region can be defined as a string ind DS9 format as well. See for details. Returns ------- mask_map : `~gammapy.maps.WcsNDMap` of boolean type Boolean region mask. """ from gammapy.maps import Map, RegionGeom if not self.is_regular: raise ValueError("Multi-resolution maps not supported yet") # TODO: use spatial coordinates only... geom = RegionGeom.from_regions(regions) coords = self.get_coord() mask = geom.contains(coords) return Map.from_geom(self, data=mask)
[docs] def get_coord( self, idx=None, flat=False, sparse=False, mode="center", axis_name=None ): if mode == "edges" and axis_name is None: raise ValueError("Mode 'edges' requires axis name to be defined") pix = self.get_idx( idx=idx, flat=flat, sparse=sparse, mode=mode, axis_name=axis_name ) data = self.pix_to_coord(pix) coords = MapCoord.create( data=data, frame=self.frame, axis_names=self.axes.names ) return coords
[docs] def contains(self, coords): idx = self.coord_to_idx(coords) return np.all(np.stack([t != for t in idx]), axis=0)
[docs] def solid_angle(self): """Solid angle array as a `~astropy.units.Quantity` in ``sr``. The array has the same dimensionality as ``map.nside`` as all pixels have the same solid angle. """ import healpy as hp return Quantity(hp.nside2pixarea(self.nside), "sr")
def __str__(self): lon, lat =, return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}\n\n" f"\taxes : {self.axes_names}\n" f"\tshape : {self.data_shape[::-1]}\n" f"\tndim : {self.ndim}\n" f"\tnside : {self.nside[0]}\n" f"\tnested : {self.nest}\n" f"\tframe : {self.frame}\n" f"\tprojection : {self.projection}\n" f"\tcenter : {lon:.1f} deg, {lat:.1f} deg\n" )
[docs] def is_allclose(self, other, rtol_axes=1e-6, atol_axes=1e-6): """Compare two data IRFs for equivalency. Parameters ---------- other : `HpxGeom` Geometry to compare against. rtol_axes : float, optional Relative tolerance for axes comparison. Default is 1e-6. atol_axes : float, optional Relative tolerance for axes comparison. Default is 1e-6. Returns ------- is_allclose : bool Whether the geometry is all close. """ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return TypeError(f"Cannot compare {type(self)} and {type(other)}") if self.is_allsky and not other.is_allsky: return False if self.data_shape != other.data_shape: return False axes_eq = self.axes.is_allclose(other.axes, rtol=rtol_axes, atol=atol_axes) hpx_eq = ( self.nside == other.nside and self.frame == other.frame and self.order == other.order and self.nest == other.nest ) return axes_eq and hpx_eq
def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.is_allclose(other=other) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)