Source code for gammapy.utils.interpolation

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Interpolation utilities."""
import html
from itertools import compress
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate
from astropy import units as u

__all__ = [

INTERPOLATION_ORDER = {None: 0, "nearest": 0, "linear": 1, "quadratic": 2, "cubic": 3}

[docs]class ScaledRegularGridInterpolator: """Thin wrapper around `scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator`. The values are scaled before the interpolation and back-scaled after the interpolation. Dimensions of length 1 are ignored in the interpolation of the data. Parameters ---------- points : tuple of `~numpy.ndarray` or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Tuple of points passed to `RegularGridInterpolator`. values : `~numpy.ndarray` Values passed to `RegularGridInterpolator`. points_scale : tuple of str Interpolation scale used for the points. values_scale : {'lin', 'log', 'sqrt'} Interpolation scaling applied to values. If the values vary over many magnitudes a 'log' scaling is recommended. axis : int or None Axis along which to interpolate. method : {"linear", "nearest"} Default interpolation method. Can be overwritten when calling the `ScaledRegularGridInterpolator`. **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to `RegularGridInterpolator`. """ def __init__( self, points, values, points_scale=None, values_scale="lin", extrapolate=True, axis=None, **kwargs, ): if points_scale is None: points_scale = ["lin"] * len(points) self.scale_points = [interpolation_scale(scale) for scale in points_scale] self.scale = interpolation_scale(values_scale) self.axis = axis self._include_dimensions = [len(p) > 1 for p in points] values_scaled = self.scale(values) points_scaled = self._scale_points(points=points) if extrapolate: kwargs.setdefault("bounds_error", False) kwargs.setdefault("fill_value", None) method = kwargs.get("method", None) if not np.any(self._include_dimensions): if method != "nearest": raise ValueError( "Interpolating scalar values requires using " "method='nearest' explicitly." ) if np.any(self._include_dimensions): values_scaled = np.squeeze(values_scaled) if axis is None: self._interpolate = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator( points=points_scaled, values=values_scaled, **kwargs ) else: self._interpolate = scipy.interpolate.interp1d( points_scaled[0], values_scaled, axis=axis ) def _repr_html_(self): try: return self.to_html() except AttributeError: return f"<pre>{html.escape(str(self))}</pre>" def _scale_points(self, points): points_scaled = [scale(p) for p, scale in zip(points, self.scale_points)] if np.any(self._include_dimensions): points_scaled = compress(points_scaled, self._include_dimensions) return tuple(points_scaled)
[docs] def __call__(self, points, method=None, clip=True, **kwargs): """Interpolate data points. Parameters ---------- points : tuple of `~numpy.ndarray` or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Tuple of coordinate arrays of the form (x_1, x_2, x_3, ...). Arrays are broadcast internally. method : {None, "linear", "nearest"} Linear or nearest neighbour interpolation. Default is None, which is `method` defined on init. clip : bool Clip values at zero after interpolation. """ points = self._scale_points(points=points) if self.axis is None: points = np.broadcast_arrays(*points) points_interp = np.stack([_.flat for _ in points]).T values = self._interpolate(points_interp, method, **kwargs) values = self.scale.inverse(values.reshape(points[0].shape)) else: values = self._interpolate(points[0]) values = self.scale.inverse(values) if clip: values = np.clip(values, 0, np.inf) return values
[docs]def interpolation_scale(scale="lin"): """Interpolation scaling. Parameters ---------- scale : {"lin", "log", "sqrt"} Choose interpolation scaling. """ if scale in ["lin", "linear"]: return LinearScale() elif scale == "log": return LogScale() elif scale == "sqrt": return SqrtScale() elif scale == "stat-profile": return StatProfileScale() elif isinstance(scale, InterpolationScale): return scale else: raise ValueError(f"Not a valid value scaling mode: '{scale}'.")
class InterpolationScale: """Interpolation scale base class.""" def __call__(self, values): if hasattr(self, "_unit"): values = u.Quantity(values, copy=False).to_value(self._unit) else: if isinstance(values, u.Quantity): self._unit = values.unit values = values.value return self._scale(values) def _repr_html_(self): try: return self.to_html() except AttributeError: return f"<pre>{html.escape(str(self))}</pre>" def inverse(self, values): values = self._inverse(values) if hasattr(self, "_unit"): return u.Quantity(values, self._unit, copy=False) else: return values class LogScale(InterpolationScale): """Logarithmic scaling.""" tiny = np.finfo(np.float32).tiny def _scale(self, values): values = np.clip(values, self.tiny, np.inf) return np.log(values) @classmethod def _inverse(cls, values): output = np.exp(values) return np.where(abs(output) - cls.tiny <= cls.tiny, 0, output) class SqrtScale(InterpolationScale): """Square root scaling.""" @staticmethod def _scale(values): sign = np.sign(values) return sign * np.sqrt(sign * values) @classmethod def _inverse(cls, values): return np.power(values, 2) class StatProfileScale(InterpolationScale): """Square root profile scaling.""" def __init__(self, axis=0): self.axis = axis def _scale(self, values): values = np.sign(np.gradient(values, axis=self.axis)) * values sign = np.sign(values) return sign * np.sqrt(sign * values) @classmethod def _inverse(cls, values): return np.power(values, 2) class LinearScale(InterpolationScale): """Linear scaling.""" @staticmethod def _scale(values): return values @classmethod def _inverse(cls, values): return values
[docs]def interpolate_profile(x, y, interp_scale="sqrt"): """Helper function to interpolate one-dimensional profiles. Parameters ---------- x : `~numpy.ndarray` Array of x values. y : `~numpy.ndarray` Array of y values. interp_scale : {"sqrt", "lin"} Interpolation scale applied to the profile. If the profile is of parabolic shape, a "sqrt" scaling is recommended. In other cases or for fine sampled profiles a "lin" can also be used. Default is "sqrt". Returns ------- interp : `interp1d` Interpolator. """ method_dict = {"sqrt": "quadratic", "lin": "linear"} return scipy.interpolate.interp1d(x, y, kind=method_dict[interp_scale])