Source code for

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import copy
import html
import inspect
import itertools
import logging
import warnings
from itertools import zip_longest
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from import fits
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.units import Quantity
from astropy.utils import lazyproperty
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from gammapy.utils.deprecation import GammapyDeprecationWarning
from gammapy.utils.fits import LazyFitsData, earth_location_to_dict
from gammapy.utils.metadata import CreatorMetaData, TargetMetaData, TimeInfoMetaData
from gammapy.utils.scripts import make_path
from gammapy.utils.testing import Checker
from gammapy.utils.time import time_ref_to_dict, time_relative_to_ref
from .event_list import EventList, EventListChecker
from .filters import ObservationFilter
from .gti import GTI
from .metadata import ObservationMetaData
from .pointing import FixedPointingInfo

__all__ = ["Observation", "Observations"]

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Observation: """In-memory observation. Parameters ---------- obs_id : int, optional Observation id. Default is None aeff : `~gammapy.irf.EffectiveAreaTable2D`, optional Effective area. Default is None. edisp : `~gammapy.irf.EnergyDispersion2D`, optional Energy dispersion. Default is None. psf : `~gammapy.irf.PSF3D`, optional Point spread function. Default is None. bkg : `~gammapy.irf.Background3D`, optional Background rate model. Default is None. rad_max : `~gammapy.irf.RadMax2D`, optional Only for point-like IRFs: RAD_MAX table (energy dependent RAD_MAX) For a fixed RAD_MAX, create a RadMax2D with a single bin. Default is None. gti : ``, optional Table with GTI start and stop time. Default is None. events : ``, optional Event list. Default is None. obs_filter : `ObservationFilter`, optional Observation filter. Default is None. pointing : ``, optional Pointing information. Default is None. location : `~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation`, optional Earth location of the observatory. Default is None. """ aeff = LazyFitsData(cache=False) edisp = LazyFitsData(cache=False) psf = LazyFitsData(cache=False) _bkg = LazyFitsData(cache=False) _rad_max = LazyFitsData(cache=True) _events = LazyFitsData(cache=False) _gti = LazyFitsData(cache=True) _pointing = LazyFitsData(cache=True) def __init__( self, obs_id=None, meta=None, gti=None, aeff=None, edisp=None, psf=None, bkg=None, rad_max=None, events=None, obs_filter=None, pointing=None, location=None, ): self.obs_id = obs_id self.aeff = aeff self.edisp = edisp self.psf = psf self._bkg = bkg self._rad_max = rad_max self._gti = gti self._events = events self._pointing = pointing self._location = location # this is part of the meta or is it data? self.obs_filter = obs_filter or ObservationFilter() self._meta = meta def _repr_html_(self): try: return self.to_html() except AttributeError: return f"<pre>{html.escape(str(self))}</pre>" @property def bkg(self): """Background of the observation.""" from gammapy.irf import FoVAlignment bkg = self._bkg # used for backward compatibility of old HESS data try: if ( bkg and self._meta and self._meta.optional and self._meta.optional["CREATOR"] == "SASH FITS::EventListWriter" and self._meta.optional["HDUVERS"] == "0.2" ): bkg._fov_alignment = FoVAlignment.REVERSE_LON_RADEC except KeyError: pass return bkg @bkg.setter def bkg(self, value): self._bkg = value @property def meta(self): """Return metadata container.""" if self._meta is None and self._meta = ObservationMetaData.from_header( return self._meta @property def rad_max(self): """Rad max IRF. None if not available.""" # prevent circular import from gammapy.irf import RadMax2D if self._rad_max is not None: return self._rad_max # load once to avoid trigger lazy loading it three times aeff = self.aeff if aeff is not None and aeff.is_pointlike: self._rad_max = RadMax2D.from_irf(aeff) return self._rad_max edisp = self.edisp if edisp is not None and edisp.is_pointlike: self._rad_max = RadMax2D.from_irf(self.edisp) return self._rad_max @property def available_hdus(self): """Which HDUs are available.""" available_hdus = [] keys = ["_events", "_gti", "aeff", "edisp", "psf", "_bkg", "_rad_max"] hdus = ["events", "gti", "aeff", "edisp", "psf", "bkg", "rad_max"] for key, hdu in zip(keys, hdus): available = self.__dict__.get(key, False) available_hdu = self.__dict__.get(f"_{hdu}_hdu", False) available_hdu_ = self.__dict__.get(f"_{key}_hdu", False) if available or available_hdu or available_hdu_: available_hdus.append(hdu) return available_hdus @property def available_irfs(self): """Which IRFs are available.""" return [_ for _ in self.available_hdus if _ not in ["events", "gti"]] @property def events(self): """Event list of the observation as an ``.""" events = self.obs_filter.filter_events(self._events) return events @events.setter def events(self, value): if not isinstance(value, EventList): raise TypeError(f"events must be an EventList instance, got: {type(value)}") self._events = value @property def gti(self): """GTI of the observation as a ``.""" gti = self.obs_filter.filter_gti(self._gti) return gti @staticmethod def _get_obs_info( pointing, deadtime_fraction, time_start, time_stop, reference_time, location ): """Create observation information dictionary from in memory data.""" obs_info = { "DEADC": 1 - deadtime_fraction, } if isinstance(pointing, SkyCoord): obs_info["RA_PNT"] = pointing.icrs.ra.deg obs_info["DEC_PNT"] = pointing.icrs.dec.deg obs_info.update(time_ref_to_dict(reference_time)) obs_info["TSTART"] = time_relative_to_ref(time_start, obs_info).to_value(u.s) obs_info["TSTOP"] = time_relative_to_ref(time_stop, obs_info).to_value(u.s) if location is not None: obs_info.update(earth_location_to_dict(location)) return obs_info
[docs] @classmethod def create( cls, pointing, location=None, obs_id=0, livetime=None, tstart=None, tstop=None, irfs=None, deadtime_fraction=0.0, reference_time=Time("2000-01-01 00:00:00"), ): """Create an observation. User must either provide the livetime, or the start and stop times. Parameters ---------- pointing : `` or `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Pointing information. location : `~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation`, optional Earth location of the observatory. Default is None. obs_id : int, optional Observation ID as identifier. Default is 0. livetime : ~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Livetime exposure of the simulated observation. Default is None. tstart : `~astropy.time.Time` or `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Start time of observation as `~astropy.time.Time` or duration relative to `reference_time`. Default is None. tstop : `astropy.time.Time` or `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Stop time of observation as `~astropy.time.Time` or duration relative to `reference_time`. Default is None. irfs : dict, optional IRFs used for simulating the observation: `bkg`, `aeff`, `psf`, `edisp`, `rad_max`. Default is None. deadtime_fraction : float, optional Deadtime fraction. Default is 0. reference_time : `~astropy.time.Time`, optional the reference time to use in GTI definition. Default is `~astropy.time.Time("2000-01-01 00:00:00")`. Returns ------- obs : `` Observation. """ if tstart is None: tstart = reference_time.copy() if tstop is None: tstop = tstart + Quantity(livetime) gti = GTI.create(tstart, tstop, reference_time=reference_time) obs_info = cls._get_obs_info( pointing=pointing, deadtime_fraction=deadtime_fraction, time_start=gti.time_start[0], time_stop=gti.time_stop[0], reference_time=reference_time, location=location, ) time_info = TimeInfoMetaData( time_start=gti.time_start[0], time_stop=gti.time_stop[-1], reference_time=reference_time, ) meta = ObservationMetaData( deadtime_fraction=deadtime_fraction, location=location, time_info=time_info, creation=CreatorMetaData(), target=TargetMetaData(), ) if not isinstance(pointing, FixedPointingInfo): warnings.warn( "Pointing will be required to be provided as FixedPointingInfo", GammapyDeprecationWarning, ) pointing = FixedPointingInfo.from_fits_header(obs_info) return cls( obs_id=obs_id, meta=meta, gti=gti, aeff=irfs.get("aeff"), bkg=irfs.get("bkg"), edisp=irfs.get("edisp"), psf=irfs.get("psf"), rad_max=irfs.get("rad_max"), pointing=pointing, location=location, )
@property def tstart(self): """Observation start time as a `~astropy.time.Time` object.""" return self.gti.time_start[0] @property def tstop(self): """Observation stop time as a `~astropy.time.Time` object.""" return self.gti.time_stop[0] @property def tmid(self): """Midpoint between start and stop time as a `~astropy.time.Time` object.""" return self.tstart + 0.5 * (self.tstop - self.tstart) @property def observation_time_duration(self): """Observation time duration in seconds as a `~astropy.units.Quantity`. The wall time, including dead-time. """ return self.gti.time_sum @property def observation_live_time_duration(self): """Live-time duration in seconds as a `~astropy.units.Quantity`. The dead-time-corrected observation time. Computed as ``t_live = t_observation * (1 - f_dead)`` where ``f_dead`` is the dead-time fraction. """ return ( self.observation_time_duration * (1 - self.observation_dead_time_fraction) * self.obs_filter.livetime_fraction ) @property def observation_dead_time_fraction(self): """Dead-time fraction (float). Defined as dead-time over observation time. Dead-time is defined as the time during the observation where the detector didn't record events: The dead-time fraction is used in the live-time computation, which in turn is used in the exposure and flux computation. """ return self.meta.deadtime_fraction @property def pointing(self): """Get the pointing for the observation as a `` object.""" if self._pointing is None: self._pointing = FixedPointingInfo.from_fits_header( return self._pointing
[docs] def get_pointing_altaz(self, time): """Get the pointing in alt-az for given time.""" return self.pointing.get_altaz(time, self.observatory_earth_location)
[docs] def get_pointing_icrs(self, time): """Get the pointing in ICRS for given time.""" return self.pointing.get_icrs(time, self.observatory_earth_location)
@property def observatory_earth_location(self): """Observatory location as an `~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation` object.""" if self._location is None: return self.meta.location return self._location @lazyproperty def target_radec(self): """Target RA / DEC sky coordinates as a `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` object.""" return def __str__(self): pointing = self.get_pointing_icrs(self.tmid) ra = pointing.ra.deg dec = pointing.dec.deg pointing = f"{ra:.1f} deg, {dec:.1f} deg\n" # TODO: Which target was observed? # TODO: print info about available HDUs for this observation ... return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}\n\n" f"\tobs id : {self.obs_id} \n " f"\ttstart : {self.tstart.mjd:.2f}\n" f"\ttstop : {self.tstop.mjd:.2f}\n" f"\tduration : {self.observation_time_duration:.2f}\n" f"\tpointing (icrs) : {pointing}\n" f"\tdeadtime fraction : {self.observation_dead_time_fraction:.1%}\n" )
[docs] def check(self, checks="all"): """Run checks. This is a generator that yields a list of dictionary. """ checker = ObservationChecker(self) return
[docs] def peek(self, figsize=(15, 10)): """Quick-look plots in a few panels. Parameters ---------- figsize : tuple, optional Figure size. Default is (15, 10). """ plottable_hds = ["events", "aeff", "psf", "edisp", "bkg", "rad_max"] plot_hdus = list(set(plottable_hds) & set(self.available_hdus)) plot_hdus.sort() n_irfs = len(plot_hdus) nrows = n_irfs // 2 ncols = 2 + n_irfs % 2 fig, axes = plt.subplots( nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=figsize, gridspec_kw={"wspace": 0.3, "hspace": 0.3}, ) for idx, (ax, name) in enumerate(zip_longest(axes.flat, plot_hdus)): if name == "aeff": self.aeff.plot(ax=ax) ax.set_title("Effective area") if name == "bkg": bkg = self.bkg if not bkg.has_offset_axis: bkg = bkg.to_2d() bkg.plot(ax=ax) ax.set_title("Background rate") if name == "psf": self.psf.plot_containment_radius_vs_energy(ax=ax) ax.set_title("Point spread function") if name == "edisp": self.edisp.plot_bias(ax=ax, add_cbar=True) ax.set_title("Energy dispersion") if name == "rad_max": self.rad_max.plot_rad_max_vs_energy(ax=ax) ax.set_title("Rad max") if name == "events": m = ax.remove() ax = fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, idx + 1, projection=m.geom.wcs) m.plot(ax=ax, stretch="sqrt", vmin=0, add_cbar=True) ax.set_title("Events") if name is None: ax.set_visible(False)
[docs] def select_time(self, time_interval): """Select a time interval of the observation. Parameters ---------- time_interval : `astropy.time.Time` Start and stop time of the selected time interval. For now, we only support a single time interval. Returns ------- new_obs : `` A new observation instance of the specified time interval. """ new_obs_filter = self.obs_filter.copy() new_obs_filter.time_filter = time_interval obs = copy.deepcopy(self) obs.obs_filter = new_obs_filter return obs
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, event_file, irf_file=None, checksum=False): """Create an Observation from a Event List and an (optional) IRF file. Parameters ---------- event_file : str or `~pathlib.Path` Path to the FITS file containing the event list and the GTI. irf_file : str or `~pathlib.Path`, optional Path to the FITS file containing the IRF components. Default is None. If None, the IRFs will be read from the event file. checksum : bool If True checks both DATASUM and CHECKSUM cards in the file headers. Default is False. Returns ------- observation : `` Observation with the events and the IRF read from the file. """ from import load_irf_dict_from_file events =, checksum=checksum) gti =, checksum=checksum) irf_file = irf_file if irf_file is not None else event_file irf_dict = load_irf_dict_from_file(irf_file) obs_info = events.table.meta meta = ObservationMetaData.from_header(obs_info) return cls( events=events, gti=gti, obs_id=meta.obs_info.obs_id, pointing=FixedPointingInfo.from_fits_header(obs_info), meta=meta, location=meta.location, **irf_dict, )
[docs] def write( self, path, overwrite=False, format="gadf", include_irfs=True, checksum=False ): """ Write this observation into `~pathlib.Path` using the specified format. Parameters ---------- path : str or `~pathlib.Path` Path for the output file. overwrite : bool, optional Overwrite existing file. Default is False. format : {"gadf"} Output format, currently only "gadf" is supported. Default is "gadf". include_irfs : bool, optional Whether to include irf components in the output file. Default is True. checksum : bool, optional When True adds both DATASUM and CHECKSUM cards to the headers written to the file. Default is False. """ if format != "gadf": raise ValueError(f'Only the "gadf" format is supported, got {format}') path = make_path(path) primary = fits.PrimaryHDU() primary.header.update(self.meta.creation.to_header(format)) hdul = fits.HDUList([primary]) events = if events is not None: events_hdu = events.to_table_hdu(format=format) events_hdu.header.update( self.pointing.to_fits_header(time_ref=events.time_ref) ) hdul.append(events_hdu) gti = self.gti if gti is not None: hdul.append(gti.to_table_hdu(format=format)) if include_irfs: for irf_name in self.available_irfs: irf = getattr(self, irf_name) if irf is not None: hdul.append(irf.to_table_hdu(format="gadf-dl3")) hdul.writeto(path, overwrite=overwrite, checksum=checksum)
[docs] def copy(self, in_memory=False, **kwargs): """Copy observation. Overwriting `Observation` arguments requires the ``in_memory`` argument to be true. Parameters ---------- in_memory : bool, optional Copy observation in memory. Default is False. **kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to `Observation`. Examples -------- >>> from import Observation >>> obs ="$GAMMAPY_DATA/hess-dl3-dr1/data/hess_dl3_dr1_obs_id_020136.fits.gz") >>> obs_copy = obs.copy(in_memory=True, obs_id=1234) >>> print(obs_copy) # doctest: +SKIP Returns ------- obs : `Observation` Copied observation. """ if in_memory: argnames = inspect.getfullargspec(self.__init__).args # TODO: remove once obs_info is removed from the list of arguments in __init__ argnames.remove("self") for name in argnames: if name == "location": attr = "observatory_earth_location" else: attr = name value = getattr(self, attr) kwargs.setdefault(name, copy.deepcopy(value)) return self.__class__(**kwargs) if kwargs: raise ValueError("Overwriting arguments requires to set 'in_memory=True'") return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] class Observations( """Container class that holds a list of observations. Parameters ---------- observations : list A list of ``. """ def __init__(self, observations=None): self._observations = [] if observations is None: observations = [] for obs in observations: self.append(obs) def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, (list, np.ndarray)) and all( isinstance(x, str) for x in item ): return self.__class__([self._observations[self.index(_)] for _ in item]) elif isinstance(item, (slice, list, np.ndarray)): return self.__class__(list(np.array(self._observations)[item])) else: return self._observations[self.index(item)] def __delitem__(self, key): del self._observations[self.index(key)] def __setitem__(self, key, obs): if isinstance(obs, Observation): if obs in self: log.warning( f"Observation with obs_id {obs.obs_id} already belongs to Observations." ) self._observations[self.index(key)] = obs else: raise TypeError(f"Invalid type: {type(obs)!r}")
[docs] def insert(self, idx, obs): if isinstance(obs, Observation): if obs in self: log.warning( f"Observation with obs_id {obs.obs_id} already belongs to Observations." ) self._observations.insert(idx, obs) else: raise TypeError(f"Invalid type: {type(obs)!r}")
def __len__(self): return len(self._observations) def __str__(self): s = self.__class__.__name__ + "\n" s += "Number of observations: {}\n".format(len(self)) for obs in self: s += str(obs) return s
[docs] def index(self, key): if isinstance(key, (int, slice)): return key elif isinstance(key, str): return self.ids.index(key) elif isinstance(key, Observation): return self._observations.index(key) else: raise TypeError(f"Invalid type: {type(key)!r}")
@property def ids(self): """List of observation IDs (`list`).""" return [str(obs.obs_id) for obs in self]
[docs] def select_time(self, time_intervals): """Select a time interval of the observations. Parameters ---------- time_intervals : `astropy.time.Time` or list of `astropy.time.Time` List of start and stop time of the time intervals or one time interval. Returns ------- new_observations : `` A new Observations instance of the specified time intervals. """ new_obs_list = [] if isinstance(time_intervals, Time): time_intervals = [time_intervals] for time_interval in time_intervals: for obs in self: if (obs.tstart < time_interval[1]) & (obs.tstop > time_interval[0]): new_obs = obs.select_time(time_interval) new_obs_list.append(new_obs) return self.__class__(new_obs_list)
def _ipython_key_completions_(self): return self.ids
[docs] def group_by_label(self, labels): """Split observations in multiple groups of observations. Parameters ---------- labels : list or `numpy.ndarray` Array of group labels. Returns ------- obs_clusters : dict of `` Dictionary of Observations instance, one instance for each group. """ obs_groups = {} for label in np.unique(labels): observations = self.__class__( [obs for k, obs in enumerate(self) if labels[k] == label] ) obs_groups[f"group_{label}"] = observations return obs_groups
[docs] @classmethod def from_stack(cls, observations_list): # TODO : Do more check when stacking observations when we have metadata. """Create a new `Observations` instance by concatenating a list of `Observations` objects. Parameters ---------- observations_list : list of `` The list of `Observations` to stack. Returns ------- observations : `` The `Observations` object resulting from stacking all the `Observations` in `observation_list`. """ obs = itertools.chain(*observations_list) return cls(list(obs))
[docs] def in_memory_generator(self): """A generator that iterates over observation. Yield an in memory copy of the observation.""" for obs in self: obs_copy = obs.copy(in_memory=True) yield obs_copy
class ObservationChecker(Checker): """Check an observation. Checks data format and a bit about the content. """ CHECKS = { "events": "check_events", "gti": "check_gti", "aeff": "check_aeff", "edisp": "check_edisp", "psf": "check_psf", } def __init__(self, observation): self.observation = observation def _record(self, level="info", msg=None): return {"level": level, "obs_id": self.observation.obs_id, "msg": msg} def check_events(self): yield self._record(level="debug", msg="Starting events check") try: events = except Exception: yield self._record(level="warning", msg="Loading events failed") return yield from EventListChecker(events).run() # TODO: split this out into a GTIChecker def check_gti(self): yield self._record(level="debug", msg="Starting gti check") try: gti = self.observation.gti except Exception: yield self._record(level="warning", msg="Loading GTI failed") return if len(gti.table) == 0: yield self._record(level="error", msg="GTI table has zero rows") columns_required = ["START", "STOP"] for name in columns_required: if name not in gti.table.colnames: yield self._record(level="error", msg=f"Missing table column: {name!r}") # TODO: Check that header keywords agree with table entries # TSTART, TSTOP, MJDREFI, MJDREFF # Check that START and STOP times are consecutive # times = np.ravel(self.table['START'], self.table['STOP']) # # TODO: not sure this is correct ... add test with a multi-gti table from Fermi. # if not np.all(np.diff(times) >= 0): # yield 'GTIs are not consecutive or sorted.' # TODO: add reference times for all instruments and check for this # Use TELESCOP header key to check which instrument it is. def _check_times(self): """Check if various times are consistent. The headers and tables of the FITS EVENTS and GTI extension contain various observation and event time information. """ # # telescope_met_refs = { "FERMI": Time("2001-01-01T00:00:00"), "HESS": Time("2001-01-01T00:00:00"), } meta = self.dset.event_list.table.meta telescope = meta["TELESCOP"] if telescope in telescope_met_refs.keys(): dt = self.time_ref - telescope_met_refs[telescope] if dt > self.accuracy["time"]: yield self._record( level="error", msg="Reference time incorrect for telescope" ) def check_aeff(self): yield self._record(level="debug", msg="Starting aeff check") try: aeff = self.observation.aeff except Exception: yield self._record(level="warning", msg="Loading aeff failed") return # Check that thresholds are meaningful for aeff if ( "LO_THRES" in aeff.meta and "HI_THRES" in aeff.meta and aeff.meta["LO_THRES"] >= aeff.meta["HI_THRES"] ): yield self._record( level="error", msg="LO_THRES >= HI_THRES in effective area meta data" ) # Check that data isn't all null if np.max( <= 0: yield self._record( level="error", msg="maximum entry of effective area is <= 0" ) def check_edisp(self): yield self._record(level="debug", msg="Starting edisp check") try: edisp = self.observation.edisp except Exception: yield self._record(level="warning", msg="Loading edisp failed") return # Check that data isn't all null if np.max( <= 0: yield self._record(level="error", msg="maximum entry of edisp is <= 0") def check_psf(self): yield self._record(level="debug", msg="Starting psf check") try: self.observation.psf except Exception: yield self._record(level="warning", msg="Loading psf failed") return