.. include:: ../../references.txt

.. _pig-019:

PIG 19 - Gammapy package structure follow up

* Author: Axel Donath, RĂ©gis Terrier
* Created: Jan 16, 2020
* Accepted: Feb 24, 2020
* Status: accepted
* Discussion: `GH 2720`_


Following the proposal in :ref:`pig-016` the subpackages ``gammapy.image``
and ``gammapy.background`` were removed and a new ``gammapy.modeling``
sub-package was introduced. These changes followed the general idea
of rather giving up the separation between 1D, 2D and 3D analysis
use-cases and instead structuring the package by concept. In this
sense ``gammapy.modeling`` now contains all models, including base
classes (``Model``) a container classes (``SkyModels``), a registry
object ``MODELS`` and many sub-classes. A previous step in this
direction was made by introducing the ``gammapy.maps`` sub-package
which resolved the distinction between the 2D and 3D data structures
and replaced it with a general ND map structure. The outlook in :ref:`pig-016`
already proposed the possibility to make further changes to the package
structure leading in the same direction. This PIG now proposes these
changes in more detail, especially introducing new ``gammapy.datasets``,
``gammapy.makers`` and ``gammapy.estimators`` sub-packages. This
restructuring of the package will also reflect the general API and data
analysis workflow in a better way.


Introduce gammapy.datasets
The ``Dataset`` abstraction is now the central data container for any
likelihood based analysis in Gammapy. It includes a base-class (``Dataset``)
a container class (``Datasets``) and many specific implementations
such as the ``MapDataset``, ``SpectrumDataset`` or ``FluxPointsDataset``.
Currently the different sub-classes are implemented in different
sub-packages ``gammapy.cube``, ``gammapy.spectrum`` while the base and
container class are defined in ``gammapy.modeling``, where also a
dataset registry is defined.

This scattered implementation of the sub-classes seems non-intuitive
and leads to practical problems such as circular imports. Currently the
dataset registry (defined in ``gammapy.modeling.serialize``) imports
from ``gammapy.spectrum`` and ``gammapy.cube``, while the latter
sub-modules import the ``Dataset`` base class from ``gammapy.modeling``.
Another minor problem occurs in documentation, where there is no obvious
place to document the concept of a dataset.

For this reason we propose to introduce a ``gammapy.datasets`` sub-package
and move the base class, the container class, the registry, existing
implementations of sub-classes and I/O related functionality there.

Introduce gammapy.makers
In the past year we introduced a configurable and flexible ``Maker`` system
for data reduction in gammapy, currently implemented in ``gammapy.spectrum``
and ``gammapy.cube``. A common ``SafeMaskMaker`` is implemented in ``gammapy.cube``
but used for spectral data reduction as well. The documentation is currently split
between ``gammapy.cube`` and ``gammapy.spectrum`` and partly duplicated in
multiple tutorials. While already being in use, the system is not yet fully developed.
A common ``Maker`` base class, a container class such as ``Makers`` and a ``MAKERS``
registry is still missing.

In analogy to the datasets we propose to introduce a ``gammapy.makers`` sub-package
as a common namespace for all data-reduction related functionality. This gives
again an obvious place to define a common API using base classes and defining
registry and container class as well. All existing ``Maker`` classes should
be moved there. Later a common base class, a registry and a container class
as well as common configuration and serialisation handling can be moved there.

Introduce gammapy.estimators
Gammapy already defines a number of ``Estimator`` classes. In general an
estimator can be seen as a higher level maker class, taking a dataset
on input and computing derived outputs from it, mostly based on likelihood
fits. This includes spectral points, lightcurves, significance maps etc.
Again those classes are split among multiple sub-packages, such as
``gammapy.spectrum``, ``gammapy.time``, ``gammapy.detect`` and ``gammapy.maps``.

The existing estimator classes can be mainly divided into two groups;

- Flux estimators such as the ``LightCurveEstimator`` and ``FluxPointsEstimator``
  where the output is a table like object.

- Map estimators such as the ``TSMapEstimator`` or the ``ASmoothEstimator``
  where the output is a ``Map`` or dict of ``Map`` object.

No clear API definition via a common base class, nor a registry for such
estimators exists. Already now there is code duplication between the
``LightCurveEstimator`` and ``FluxPointsEstimator``, which could be
resolved by a common ``FluxEstimator`` base class (see `GH 2555`_).

For this reason we propose to introduce a ``gammapy.estimators`` sub-package
to group all existing estimator classes into the same namespace. This
provides the possibility in future to define a common API via base classes,
introducing general higher level estimators and a common configuration

Introduce gammapy.visualization
To group plotting and data visualisation related functionality in a single
namespace we propose to introduce ``gammapy.visualization``. The model of
a separate sub-package for plotting was adopted by many other large
astronomical python packages, such as `astropy`_, `sunpy`_, `ctapipe`_
and `sherpa`_. So far the plotting functionality in Gammapy is limited
and mostly attached to data objects such as datasets, maps and irfs.
Introducing ``gammapy.visualization`` would be a possibility to
maintain plotting related code independently and move existing functionality
such as ``MapPanelPlotter`` or ``colormap_hess`` etc. to a common namespace.

Resolve gammapy.detect
If we introduce ``gammapy.estimators`` and the  ``TSMapEstimator``,
``LiMaMapEstimator``, ``ASmoothMapEstimator`` and ``KernelBackgroundMapEstimator``
have been moved the ``gammapy.detect`` package can be resolved.

Minor changes
In addition we propose to move the ``PSFKernel``, ``EDispMap`` and ``PSFMap``
classes to ``gammapy.irf``. Those classes represent a "reduced" IRF and are
therefore similar to the existing ``EnergyDependentTablePSF`` or ``TablePSF``

An alternative approach could be to introduce a ``gammapy.core``
sub-package that contains all base-classes, container classes
and registries. For each sub-package an ``subpackage/plotting.py`` file,
could be introduced where plotting related functionality lives.

Once the functionality on data reduction, datasets and estimators has been
removed to the corresponding sub-packages, the ``gammapy.cube`` and ``gammapy.spectrum``
packages can possibly be resolved.

This PIG received only little feedback, but there was general agreement
in `GH 2720`_ on the introduction of the ``gammapy.datasets`` and ``gammapy.makers``
sub-packages as well as the location of irf maps. Those changes will be
introduced first. There was some concern about the ``gammapy.estimators`` sub-package.
For this reason the implementation of this will be delayed and can be re-discussed
at the next Gammapy coding sprint in person. A final review announced on the Gammapy
and CC mailing list did not yield any additional comments. Therefore the PIG
was accepted on Feb 24, 2020.

.. _GH 2720: https://github.com/gammapy/gammapy/pull/2720
.. _GH 2555: https://github.com/gammapy/gammapy/issues/2555
.. _ctapipe: https://github.com/cta-observatory/ctapipe
.. _sunpy: https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy