.. include:: ../references.txt
.. _getting-started:
Getting started
.. toctree::
There are various ways for users to install Gammapy. **We recommend setting up a virtual
environment using either conda or mamba.** Here are two methods to quickly install Gammapy.
.. grid:: 1 2 2 2
:gutter: 2
.. grid-item-card:: Working with conda?
Gammapy can be installed with `Anaconda `__:
.. code-block:: bash
conda install -c conda-forge gammapy
.. grid-item-card:: Prefer pip?
Gammapy can be installed via pip from `PyPI `__.
.. code-block:: bash
pip install gammapy
.. grid-item-card:: In-depth instructions?
:columns: 12
Update existing version? Working with virtual environments? Installing a specific version? Check the advanced
installation page.
.. button-ref:: installation
:ref-type: ref
:color: secondary
Learn more
.. include:: quickstart.rst
Tutorials Overview
.. accordion-header::
:id: collapseOne
:title: How to access gamma-ray data
:link: ../tutorials/data/cta.html
Gammapy can read and access data from multiple gamma-ray instruments. Data from
Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes, such as `CTAO`_, `H.E.S.S.`_, `MAGIC`_
and `VERITAS`_, is typically accessed from the **event list data level**, called "DL3".
This is most easily done using the `~gammapy.data.DataStore` class. In addition data
can also be accessed from the **level of binned events and pre-reduced instrument response functions**,
so called "DL4". This is typically the case for `Fermi-LAT`_ data or data from
Water Cherenkov Observatories. This data can be read directly using the
`~gammapy.maps.Map` and `~gammapy.irf.core.IRFMap` classes.
:bdg-link-primary:`CTAO data tutorial <../tutorials/data/cta.html>`
:bdg-link-primary:`HESS data tutorial <../tutorials/data/hess.html>`
:bdg-link-primary:`Fermi-LAT data tutorial <../tutorials/data/fermi_lat.html>`
.. accordion-footer::
.. accordion-header::
:id: collapseTwo
:title: How to compute a 1D spectrum
:link: ../tutorials/analysis-1d/spectral_analysis.html
Gammapy lets you create a 1D spectrum by defining an analysis region in
the sky and energy binning using `~gammapy.maps.RegionGeom` object.
The **events and instrument response are binned** into `~gammapy.maps.RegionNDMap`
and `~gammapy.irf.IRFMap` objects. In addition you can choose to estimate
the background from data using e.g. a **reflected regions method**.
Flux points can be computed using the `~gammapy.estimators.FluxPointsEstimator`.
.. image:: ../_static/1d-analysis-image.png
:width: 100%
:bdg-link-primary:`1D analysis tutorial <../tutorials/analysis-1d/spectral_analysis.html>`
:bdg-link-primary:`1D analysis tutorial with point-like IRFs <../tutorials/analysis-1d/spectral_analysis_rad_max.html>`
:bdg-link-primary:`1D analysis tutorial of extended sources <../tutorials/analysis-1d/extended_source_spectral_analysis.html>`
.. accordion-footer::
.. accordion-header::
:id: collapseThree
:title: How to compute a 2D image
:link: ../tutorials/index.html#d-image
Gammapy treats 2D maps as 3D cubes with one bin in energy. Computation
of 2D images can be done following a 3D analysis with one bin with a
fixed spectral index, or following the classical ring background estimation.
.. image:: ../_static/2d-analysis-image.png
:width: 100%
:bdg-link-primary:`2D analysis tutorial <../tutorials/analysis-2d/modeling_2D.html>`
:bdg-link-primary:`2D analysis tutorial with ring background <../tutorials/analysis-2d/ring_background.html>`
.. accordion-footer::
.. accordion-header::
:id: collapseFour
:title: How to compute a 3D cube
:link: ../tutorials/analysis-3d/analysis_3d.html
Gammapy lets you perform a combined spectral and spatial analysis as well.
This is sometimes called in jargon a "cube analysis". Based on the 3D data reduction
Gammapy can also simulate events. Flux points can be computed using the
.. image:: ../_static/3d-analysis-image.png
:width: 100%
:bdg-link-primary:`3D analysis tutorial <../tutorials/analysis-3d/analysis_3d.html>`
:bdg-link-primary:`3D analysis tutorial with event sampling <../tutorials/analysis-3d/event_sampling.html>`
.. accordion-footer::
.. accordion-header::
:id: collapseFive
:title: How to compute a lightcurve
:link: ../tutorials/analysis-time/light_curve.html
Gammapy allows you to compute light curves in various ways. Light curves
can be computed for a **1D or 3D analysis scenario** (see above) by either
grouping or splitting the DL3 data into multiple time intervals. Grouping
mutiple observations allows for computing e.g. a **monthly or nightly light curves**,
while splitting of a single observation allows to compute **light curves for flares**.
You can also compute light curves in multiple energy bands. In all cases the light
curve is computed using the `~gammapy.estimators.LightCurveEstimator`.
:bdg-link-primary:`Light curve tutorial <../tutorials/analysis-time/light_curve.html>`
:bdg-link-primary:`Light curve tutorial for flares <../tutorials/analysis-time/light_curve_flare.html>`
.. accordion-footer::
.. accordion-header::
:id: collapseSix
:title: How to combine data from multiple instruments
:link: ../tutorials/analysis-3d/analysis_mwl.html
Gammapy offers the possibility to **combine data from multiple instruments**
in a "joint-likelihood" fit. This can be done at **multiple data levels** and
independent dimensionality of the data. Gammapy can handle 1D and 3D datasets
at the same time and can also include e.g. flux points in a combined likelihood fit.
:bdg-link-primary:`Combined 1D / 3D analysis tutorial <../tutorials/analysis-3d/analysis_mwl.html>`
:bdg-link-primary:`SED fitting tutorial <../tutorials/analysis-1d/sed_fitting.html>`
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