.. _quickstart-setup: Recommended Setup ----------------- We recommend using :ref:`virtual environments `, to do so execute the following commands in the terminal: .. substitution-code-block:: console curl -O https://gammapy.org/download/install/gammapy-|release|-environment.yml conda env create -f gammapy-|release|-environment.yml .. note:: On Windows, you have to open up the conda environment file and delete the lines with ``sherpa`` and ``healpy``. Those are optional dependencies that currently aren't available on Windows. .. note:: To avoid some installation issues, sherpa is not part of the environment file provided. You can nevertheless install `sherpa` in your environment using `python -m pip install sherpa`. The best way to get started and learn Gammapy are the :ref:`tutorials`. You can download the Gammapy tutorial notebooks and the example datasets. The total size to download is ~180 MB. Select the location where you want to install the datasets and proceed with the following commands: .. substitution-code-block:: console conda activate gammapy-|release| gammapy download notebooks gammapy download datasets conda env config vars set GAMMAPY_DATA=$PWD/gammapy-datasets/|release| conda activate gammapy-|release| The last conda commands will define the environment variable within the conda environment. Conversely, you might want to define the ``$GAMMAPY_DATA`` environment variable directly in your shell with: .. substitution-code-block:: console export GAMMAPY_DATA=$PWD/gammapy-datasets/|release| .. note:: If you are not using the ``bash`` shell, handling of shell environment variables might be different, e.g. in some shells the command to use is ``set`` or something else instead of ``export``, and also the profile setup file will be different. On Windows, you should set the ``GAMMAPY_DATA`` environment variable in the "Environment Variables" settings dialog, as explained e.g. `here `__. Jupyter ------- Once you have activated your gammapy environment you can start a notebook server by executing:: cd notebooks jupyter notebook Another option is to utilise the ipykernel functionality of Jupyter Notebook, which allows you to choose a kernel from a predefined list. To add kernels to the list, use the following command lines: .. substitution-code-block:: console conda activate gammapy-|release| python -m ipykernel install --user --name gammapy-|release| --display-name "gammapy-|release|" To make use of it, simply choose it as your kernel when launching `jupyter lab` or `jupyter notebook`. If you are new to conda, Python and Jupyter, it is recommended to also read the :ref:`using-gammapy` guide. If you encounter any issues you can check the :ref:`troubleshoot` guide.