.. include:: ../../references.txt .. _visualization: Visualization ============= `gammapy.visualization` provides a few helper functions and classes to create publication-quality images. Colormaps --------- The following example shows how to plot images using colormaps that are commonly used in gamma-ray astronomy (`colormap_hess` and `colormap_milagro`). .. plot:: user-guide/visualization/colormap_example.py Survey panel plots ------------------ The `~gammapy.visualization.MapPanelPlotter` allows to split e.g. a galactic plane survey image with a large aspect ratio into multiple panels. Here is a short example: .. plot:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, Angle from gammapy.maps import Map from gammapy.data import EventList from gammapy.visualization import MapPanelPlotter skydir = SkyCoord("0d", "0d", frame="galactic") counts = Map.create(skydir=skydir, width=(180, 10), frame="galactic") events = EventList.read("$GAMMAPY_DATA/fermi_3fhl/fermi_3fhl_events_selected.fits.gz") counts.fill_events(events) smoothed = counts.smooth("0.1 deg") fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) xlim, ylim = Angle(["90d", "270d"]), Angle(["-5d", "5d"]) plotter = MapPanelPlotter(figure=fig, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, npanels=3) axes = plotter.plot(smoothed, vmax=10) plt.show()