.. _virtual-envs: Virtual Environments ==================== We recommend to create an isolated virtual environment for each version of Gammapy, so that you have full control over additional packages that you may use in your analysis. This will also help you on improving reproducibility within the user community. Conda Environments ------------------ For convenience we provide, for each stable release of Gammapy, a pre-defined conda environment file, so you can get additional useful packages together with Gammapy in a virtual isolated environment. First install `Miniconda `__ and then just execute the following commands in the terminal: .. code-block:: bash curl -O https://gammapy.org/download/install/gammapy-|release|-environment.yml conda env create -f gammapy-|release|-environment.yml .. note:: On Windows, you have to open up the conda environment file and delete the lines with ``sherpa`` and ``healpy``. Those are optional dependencies that currently aren't available on Windows. Once the environment has been created you can activate it using: .. code-block:: bash conda activate gammapy-|release| To create a new custom environment for your analysis with conda you can use: .. code-block:: bash conda env create -n my-gammapy-analysis And activate it: .. code-block:: bash conda activate my-gammapy-analysis After that you can install Gammapy using `conda` / `mamba` as well as other packages you may need. .. code-block:: bash conda install gammapy ipython jupyter To leave the environment, you may activate another one or just type: .. code-block:: bash conda deactivate If you want to remove an virtual environment again you can use the command below: .. code-block:: bash conda env remove -n my-gammapy-analysis It also recommended to create a custom `environment.yaml` file, which lists all the dependencies and additional packages you like to use explicitly. More detailed instructions on how to work with conda environments you can find in the `conda documentation `__. Venv Environments ----------------- You may prefer to create your virtual environments with Python `venv` command instead of using Anaconda. To create a virtual environment with `venv` (Python 3.5+ required) run the command: .. code-block:: bash python -m venv my-gammapy-analysis which will create one in a `my-gammapy-analysis` folder. To activate it: .. code-block:: bash ./my-gammapy-analysis/bin/activate After that you can install Gammapy using `pip` as well as other packages you may need. .. code-block:: bash pip install gammapy ipython jupyter To leave the environment, you may activate another one or just type: .. code-block:: bash deactivate More detailed instructions on how to work with virtual environments you can find in the `Python documentation `__.