.. _gammapy_0p6_release: 0.6 (Apr 28, 2017) ------------------ Summary ~~~~~~~ - Released Apr 28, 2017 - 14 contributors (5 new) - 5 months of work - 147 pull requests (not all listed below) What's new? ~~~~~~~~~~~ - Release and installation - Until now, we had a roughly bi-yearly release cycle for Gammapy. Starting now, we will make stable releases more often, to ship features and fixes to Gammapy users more quickly. - Gammapy 0.6 requires Python 2.7 or 3.4+, Numpy 1.8+, Scipy 0.15+, Astropy 1.3+, Sherpa 4.9.0+ . Most things will still work with older Astropy and Sherpa, but we dropped testing for older versions from our continuous integration. - Gammapy is now available via Macports, a package manager for Mac OS (``port install py35-gammapy``) - Documentation - Added many tutorials as Jupyter notebooks (linked to from the docs front-page) - Misc docs improvements and new getting started notebooks - For CTA - Better support for CTA IRFs - A notebook showing how to analyse some simulated CTA data (preliminary files from first data challenge) - Better support and documentation for CTA will be the focus of the next release (0.7). - For Fermi-LAT - Introduced a reference dataset: https://github.com/gammapy/gammapy-fermi-lat-data - Added convenience class to work with Fermi-LAT datasets - gammapy.catalog - Add support for gamma-cat, an open data collection and source catalog for gamma-ray astronomy (https://github.com/gammapy/gamma-cat) - Access to more Fermi-LAT catalogs (1FHL, 2FHL, 3FHL) - gammapy.spectrum - Better flux point class - Add flux point SED fitter - EBL-absorbed spectral models - Improved spectrum simulation class - gammapy.image - Add image radial and box profiles - Add adaptive ring background estimation - Add adaptive image smooth algorithm - gammapy.cube - Add prototype for 3D analysis of IACT data (work in progress) - gammapy.time - Add prototype lightcurve estimator for IACT data (work in progress) - gammapy.irf - Many IRF classes now rewritten to use the generic ``NDDataArray`` and axis classes - Better handling of energy dispersion - gammapy.utils - Add gammapy.utils.modeling (work in progress) - Add gammapy.utils.sherpa (generic interface to sherpa for fitting, with models and likelihood function defined in Gammapy) (work in progress) - Many small bugfixes and improvements throughout the codebase and documentation Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Arjun Voruganti (new) - Arpit Gogia (new) - Axel Donath - Brigitta Sipocz - Bruno Khelifi (new) - Christoph Deil - Dirk Lennarz - Fabio Acero (new) - Johannes King - Julien Lefaucheur - Lars Mohrmann (new) - Léa Jouvin - Nachiketa Chakraborty - Régis Terrier - Zé Vinícius (new) Pull requests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This list is incomplete. Small improvements and bug fixes are not listed here. See the complete `Gammapy 0.6 merged pull requests list on GitHub `__. - [#1006] Add possibility to skip runs based on alpha in SpectrumExtraction (Johannes King) - [#1002] Containment correction in SpectrumObservation via AREASCAL (Johannes King) - [#1001] Add SpectrumAnalysisIACT (Johannes King) - [#997] Add compute_chisq method to lightcurve class (Nachiketa Chakraborty) - [#994] Improve Gammapy installation docs (Christoph Deil) - [#988] Add spectral model absorbed by EBL that can be fit (Julien Lefaucheur) - [#985] Improve error methods on spectral models (Axel Donath) - [#979] Add flux point fitter class (Axel Donath) - [#976] Fixes to Galactic population simulation (Christoph Deil) - [#975] Add PLSuperExpCutoff3FGL spectral model (Axel Donath) - [#966] Remove SkyMask (merge with SkyImage) (Christoph Deil) - [#950] Add light curve computation (Julien Lefaucheur) - [#933] Change IRF plotting from imshow to pcolormesh (Axel Donath) - [#932] Change NDDataArray default_interp_kwargs to extrapolate (Johannes King) - [#919] Fix Double plot issue in notebooks and improve events.peek() (Fabio Acero) - [#911] Improve EnergyDispersion2D get_response and tests (Régis Terrier) - [#906] Fix catalog getitem to work with numpy int index (Zé Vinícius) - [#898] Add printout for 3FGL catalog objects (Arjun Voruganti) - [#893] Add Fermi-LAT 3FGL catalog object lightcurve property (Arpit Gogia) - [#888] Improve CTA IRF and simulation classes (point-like analysis) (Julien Lefaucheur) - [#885] Improve spectral model uncertainty handling (Axel Donath) - [#884] Improve BinnedDataAxis handling of lo / hi binning (Johannes King) - [#883] Improve spectrum docs page (Johannes King) - [#881] Add support for observations with different energy binning in SpectrumFit (Lars Mohrmann) - [#875] Add CTA spectrum simulation example (Julien Lefaucheur) - [#872] Add SED type e2dnde to FluxPoints (Johannes King) - [#871] Add Parameter class to SpectralModel (Johannes King) - [#870] Clean up docstrings in background sub-package (Arpit Gogia) - [#868] Add Fermi-LAT 3FHL catalogue (Julien Lefaucheur) - [#865] Add Fermi basic image estimator (Axel Donath) - [#864] Improve edisp.apply to support different true energy axes (Johannes King) - [#859] Remove old image_profile function (Axel Donath) - [#858] Fix Fermi catalog flux point upper limits (Axel Donath) - [#855] Add Fermi-LAT 1FHL catalogue (Julien Lefaucheur) - [#854] Add Fermi-LAT dataset class (Axel Donath) - [#851] Write Macports install docs (Christoph Deil) - [#847] Fix Sherpa spectrum OGIP file issue (Régis Terrier and Johannes King) - [#842] Add AbsorbedSpectralModel and improve CTA IRF class (Julien Lefaucheur) - [#840] Fix energy binning issue in cube pipe (Léa Jouvin) - [#837] Fix containment fraction issue for table PSF (Léa Jouvin) - [#836] Fix spectrum observation write issue (Léa Jouvin) - [#835] Add image profile estimator class (Axel Donath) - [#834] Bump to require Astropy v1.3 (Christoph Deil) - [#833] Add image profile class (Axel Donath) - [#832] Improve NDDataArray (use composition, not inheritance) (Johannes King) - [#831] Add CTA Sensitivity class and plot improvements (Julien Lefaucheur) - [#830] Add gammapy.utils.modeling and GammaCat to XML (Christoph Deil) - [#827] Add energy dispersion for 3D spectral analysis (Léa Jouvin) - [#826] Add sky cube computation for IACT data (Léa Jouvin) - [#825] Update astropy-helpers to v1.3 (Brigitta Sipocz) - [#824] Add XSPEC table absorption model to spectral table model (Julien Lefaucheur) - [#820] Add morphology models for gamma-cat sources (Axel Donath) - [#816] Add class to access CTA point-like responses (Julien Lefaucheur) - [#814] Remove old flux point classes (Axel Donath) - [#813] Improve Feldman Cousins code (Dirk Lennarz) - [#812] Improve differential flux point computation code (Axel Donath) - [#811] Adapt catalogs to new flux point class (Axel Donath) - [#810] Add new flux point class (Axel Donath) - [#798] Add Fvar variability measure for light curves (Nachiketa Chakraborty) - [#796] Improve LogEnergyAxis object (Axel Donath) - [#797] Improve WStat implementation (Johannes King) - [#793] Add GammaCat source catalog (Axel Donath) - [#791] Misc fixes to spectrum fitting code (Johannes King) - [#784] Improve SkyCube exposure computation (Léa Jouvin)