.. include:: ../references.txt .. _gammapy_1p0p2_release: 1.0.2 (December 6th, 2023) -------------------------- Summary ~~~~~~~ - Released Dec 6th, 2023 - 16 contributors - 60 pull requests since v1.0.1 (not all listed below) This is the second bug-fix of the v1.0 maintenance. Several bugs and typos in the documentation are corrected. - The ``FluxProfileEstimator`` has been fixed so that the models attached to the dataset are properly taken into account. - A ``scale`` attribute has been added to ``TemporalModel`` classes to treat the ``t_ref`` parameter in a consistent manner via a ``TemporalModel.reference_time`` that converts the parameter (defined in mjd) in a proper ``~astropy.time.Time``. It avoids comparing inconsistent scales when evaluating temporal models. - The ``ExcessMapEstimator`` has been fixed to properly take into account the mask safe. - The ``wcs.array_shape`` definition in ``WcsGeom.create()`` was inconsistent with the ``WcsGeom`` shape. This is now fixed. - The offset calculation in ``Background2D.to_3d()`` has been modified to compute angular separation rather than cartesian distance. - The serialization of ``PiecewiseNormSpectralModel`` has been fixed to include interpolation attribute. Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Arnau Aguasca - Axel Donath - Kirsty Feijen - Claudio Galelli - Bruno Khélifi - Maximilian Linhoff - Simone Mender - Daniel Morcuende - Laura Olivera-Nieto - Fabio Pintore - Michael Punch - Maxime Regeard - Quentin Remy - Atreyee Sinha - Katrin Streil - Régis Terrier Pull Requests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This list is incomplete. - [#4937] Fix import of angular_separation for astropy 6 (Maximilian Linhoff) - [#4936] PiecewiseNormSpectralModel serialising interp (Katrin Streil) - [#4913] Fix NoOverlapError in SpatialModel.integrate_geom (Quentin Remy) - [#4876] Add missing @property on PointSpatialModel.is_energy_dependent (Quentin Remy) - [#4772] Fix plot spectrum function (Simone Mender) - [#4755] Separate units in pcolormesh (Régis Terrier) - [#4753] Removes size 1 array to scalar conversion deprecation warnings from numpy (Régis Terrier) - [#4728] Fixed offset calculation in Background2D.to_3d (Claudio Galelli) - [#4721] Exposing NormSpectralModels (Kirsty Feijen) - [#4681] Fix MapEvaluator for regions (Quentin Remy) - [#4677] Fix wcs.array_shape definition in WcsGeom.create (Quentin Remy) - [#4657] Fix the FluxProfileEstimator to take into account models (Quentin Remy) - [#4653] Fix points scaling in TemplateNDSpectralModel (Quentin Remy) - [#4631] Impose pydantic <2.0 (Régis Terrier) - [#4619] Correct TemporalModel.plot() unit issue. (Régis Terrier) - [#4593] Make geom_exposure optional in MapDatasetOnOff.from_geoms (Atreyee Sinha) - [#4578] Fix ExcessMapEstimator to account for mask safe (Quentin Remy) - [#4574] Fixing if statements in OGIPDatasetWriter (Maxime Regeard) - [#4524] Corrected kwargs docstring of plot_grid() (Maxime Regeard) - [#4520] Support Astropy 5.3 (Axel Donath) - [#4500] Fix SpectrumDatasetOnOff.stat_sum to support when counts_off is None (Kirsty Feijen) - [#4486] Scale handling in temporal models (Atreyee Sinha) - [#4453] Add scale in temporal model (Atreyee Sinha) - [#4435] Fix wrong ticks in `rad_max` plot (Simone Mender) - [#4412] LightCurveTemplateModel serialisation (Atreyee Sinha) - [#4397] Fix plot_spectrum_datasets_off_regions with too many regions (Bruno Khélifi) - [#4394] Obs filter live time (Maxime Regeard) - [#4393] Iminuit output (Bruno Khélifi) - [#4382] Fix error message in interp_to_geom() (Axel Donath) - [#4380] Adapt default offset for plotting point like IRFs (Atreyee Sinha)