.. _irf-bkg: Background ========== as a function of reconstructed energy and detector coordinates (:ref:`gadf:bkg_3d`) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The `~gammapy.irf.Background3D` class represents a background rate per solid angle as a function of reconstructed energy and detector coordinates Its format specifications are available in :ref:`gadf:bkg_3d`. This is the format in which IACT DL3 background rates are usually provided, as an example: .. plot:: user-guide/irf/plot_bkg_3d.py :include-source: as a function of reconstructed energy and offset angle, radially symmetric (:ref:`gadf:bkg_2d`) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The `~gammapy.irf.Background2D` class represents a background rate per solid angle as a function reconstructed energy and offset angle from the field of view center. Its format specifications are available in :ref:`gadf:bkg_2d`. You can produce a radially-symmetric background from a list of DL3 observations devoid of gamma-ray signal using the tutorial in `background_model.html `__