Source code for gammapy.datasets.fermi

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Fermi datasets.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from collections import OrderedDict
import warnings
from astropy import units as u
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table
from import download_file
from astropy.utils import lazyproperty
from .core import gammapy_extra
from import EventList
from ..cube import SkyCube
from ..cube.healpix import SkyCubeHealpix
from ..irf import EnergyDependentTablePSF
from ..utils.scripts import make_path
from ..spectrum.models import TableModel
from ..catalog.gammacat import NoDataAvailableError

__all__ = [

[docs]def fetch_fermi_diffuse_background_model(filename=''): """Fetch Fermi diffuse background model. Parameters ---------- filename : str Diffuse model file name Returns ------- filename : str Full local path name """ BASE_URL = '' url = BASE_URL + filename filename = download_file(url, cache=True) return filename
[docs]class FermiGalacticCenter(object): """Fermi high-energy data for the Galactic center region. For details, see this `README file <>`_. """ @staticmethod
[docs] def filenames(): """Dictionary of available file names.""" base_dir = gammapy_extra.dir / 'test_datasets/unbundled/fermi' result = OrderedDict() result['psf'] = str(base_dir / 'psf.fits') result['counts'] = str(base_dir / 'fermi_counts.fits.gz') result['diffuse_model'] = str(base_dir / 'gll_iem_v02_cutout.fits') result['exposure_cube'] = str(base_dir / 'fermi_exposure.fits.gz') return result
[docs] def counts(): """Counts image (``)""" filename = FermiGalacticCenter.filenames()['counts'] return[1]
[docs] def psf(): """PSF as `~gammapy.irf.EnergyDependentTablePSF`""" from ..irf import EnergyDependentTablePSF filename = FermiGalacticCenter.filenames()['psf'] return
[docs] def diffuse_model(): """Diffuse model (``)""" from ..cube import SkyCube filename = FermiGalacticCenter.filenames()['diffuse_model'] return, format='fermi-background')
[docs] def exposure_cube(): """Exposure cube (``)""" from ..cube import SkyCube filename = FermiGalacticCenter.filenames()['exposure_cube'] return, format='fermi-exposure')
[docs]class FermiVelaRegion(object): """Fermi high-energy data for the Vela region. For details, see `README file for FermiVelaRegion <>`_. """ @staticmethod
[docs] def filenames(): """Dictionary of available file names.""" base_dir = gammapy_extra.dir / 'datasets/vela_region' result = OrderedDict() result['counts_cube'] = str(base_dir / 'counts_vela.fits') result['exposure_cube'] = str(base_dir / 'exposure_vela.fits') result['background_image'] = str(base_dir / 'background_vela.fits') result['total_image'] = str(base_dir / 'total_vela.fits') result['diffuse_model'] = str(base_dir / 'gll_iem_v05_rev1_cutout.fits') result['events'] = str(base_dir / 'events_vela.fits') result['psf'] = str(base_dir / 'psf_vela.fits') result['livetime_cube'] = str(base_dir / 'livetime_vela.fits') return result
[docs] def counts_cube(): """Counts cube information (``). The HDU list contains: * Counts cube ``. * Energy bins ``. * MET bins ``. """ filename = FermiVelaRegion.filenames()['counts_cube'] return
[docs] def psf(): """Point spread function (`~gammapy.irf.EnergyDependentTablePSF`)""" from ..irf import EnergyDependentTablePSF filename = FermiVelaRegion.filenames()['psf'] return
[docs] def diffuse_model(): """Diffuse model (``)""" from ..cube import SkyCube filename = FermiVelaRegion.filenames()['diffuse_model'] return, format='fermi-background')
[docs] def background_image(): """Predicted background counts image (`~gammapy.image.SkyImage`). Based on the Fermi Diffuse model (see class docstring). """ from ..image import SkyImage filename = FermiVelaRegion.filenames()['background_image'] return
[docs] def predicted_image(): """Predicted total counts image (``). Based on the Fermi diffuse model (see class docstring) and Vela Point source model. """ filename = FermiVelaRegion.filenames()['total_image'] return[0]
[docs] def events(): """Events list information (``) The HDU list contains: - ``EVENTS`` table HDU - ``GTI`` table HDU """ filename = FermiVelaRegion.filenames()['events'] return
[docs] def exposure_cube(): """Exposure cube (``).""" from ..cube import SkyCube filename = FermiVelaRegion.filenames()['exposure_cube'] return, format='fermi-exposure')
[docs] def livetime_cube(): """Livetime cube (``).""" filename = FermiVelaRegion.filenames()['livetime_cube'] return
[docs]def load_lat_psf_performance(performance_file): """Loads Fermi-LAT TOTAL PSF performance data. These points are extracted by hand from: * `PSF_P7REP_SOURCE_V15 <>`_ * `PSF_P7SOURCEV6 <>`_ As such, a 10% error in the values should be assumed. Parameters ---------- performance_file : str Specify which PSF performance file to return. * ``P7REP_SOURCE_V15_68`` P7REP_SOURCE_V15, 68% containment * ``P7REP_SOURCE_V15_95`` P7REP_SOURCE_V15, 95% containment * ``P7SOURCEV6_68`` P7SOURCEV6, 68% containment * ``P7SOURCEV6_95`` P7SOURCEV6, 95% containment Returns ------- table : `~astropy.table.Table` Table of psf size (deg) for selected containment radius and IRF at energies (MeV). """ filename = gammapy_extra.filename('test_datasets/unbundled/fermi//fermi_irf_data.fits') hdus = perf_files = OrderedDict() perf_files['P7REP_SOURCE_V15_68'] = hdus[1] perf_files['P7REP_SOURCE_V15_95'] = hdus[4] perf_files['P7SOURCEV6_68'] = hdus[3] perf_files['P7SOURCEV6_95'] = hdus[2] hdu = perf_files[performance_file] table = Table( table.rename_column('col1', 'energy') table.rename_column('col2', 'containment_angle') table['energy'].unit = 'MeV' table['containment_angle'].unit = 'deg' return table
[docs]class FermiLATDataset(object): """Fermi dataset container class, with lazy data access. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename of the yaml file that specifies the data filenames. """ def __init__(self, filename): import yaml filename = make_path(filename) self._path = filename.parents[0].resolve() self.config = yaml.load(open(str(filename), 'r')) @property def name(self): """Name of the dataset""" return self.config['name']
[docs] def validate(self): raise NotImplementedError
@lazyproperty def filenames(self): """Absolute path filenames.""" filenames = OrderedDict() filenames_config = self.config['filenames'] # merge with base path for _ in filenames_config: filenames[_] = str(self._path / filenames_config[_]) filenames['galdiff'] = str(make_path('$FERMI_DIFFUSE_DIR/gll_iem_v06.fits')) return filenames @lazyproperty def exposure(self): """Exposure cube. Returns ------- cube : `~gammapy.cube.SkyCube` or `~gammapy.cube.SkyCubeHealpix` Exposure cube. """ filename = self.filenames['exposure'] try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") cube =, format='fermi-exposure') except (ValueError, KeyError): cube =, format='fermi-exposure') = 'exposure' # TODO: check why fixing the unit is needed = u.Quantity(, 'cm2 s') return cube @lazyproperty def counts(self): """Counts cube. Returns ------- cube : `~gammapy.cube.SkyCube` or `~gammapy.cube.SkyCubeHealpix` Counts cube """ try: filename = self.filenames['counts'] except KeyError: raise NoDataAvailableError('Counts cube not available.') try: cube =, format='fermi-counts') except ValueError: from ..cube.healpix import SkyCubeHealpix cube =, format='fermi-counts') = 'counts' return cube @lazyproperty def background(self): """Predicted total background counts (`~gammapy.cube.SkyCube`).""" try: filename = self.filenames['background'] except KeyError: raise NoDataAvailableError('Predicted background counts cube not available.') cube =, format='fermi-counts') = 'background' return cube @lazyproperty def galactic_diffuse(self): """Diffuse galactic model (`~gammapy.cube.SkyCube`).""" try: filename = self.filenames['galdiff'] cube =, format='fermi-background') = 'galactic diffuse' return cube except IOError: raise NoDataAvailableError('Fermi galactic diffuse model cube not available. ' 'Please set $FERMI_DIFFUSE_DIR environment variable') @lazyproperty def isotropic_diffuse(self): """Isotropic diffuse background model table. Returns ------- spectral_model : `~gammapy.spectrum.models.TableModel` Isotropic diffuse background model. """ table = self._read_iso_diffuse_table() background_isotropic = TableModel(table['Energy'].quantity, table['Flux'].quantity) return background_isotropic def _read_iso_diffuse_table(self): filename = self.filenames['isodiff'] table =, format='ascii') table.rename_column('col1', 'Energy') table['Energy'].unit = 'MeV' table.rename_column('col2', 'Flux') table['Flux'].unit = '1 / (cm2 MeV s sr)' table.rename_column('col3', 'Flux_Err') table['Flux_Err'].unit = '1 / (cm2 MeV s sr)' return table @property def events(self): """Event list (``).""" return['events']) @property def psf(self): """PSF (`~gammapy.irf.EnergyDependentTablePSF`).""" return['psf'])
[docs] def info(self): """Print summary info about the dataset.""" print(self)
def __str__(self): """Summary info string about the dataset.""" info = 'Fermi-LAT {name} dataset'.format( info += '\n' + len(info) * '=' + '\n' info += 'Filenames:\n' for name in sorted(self.config['filenames']): filename = self.config['filenames'][name] info += " {name:8s}: {filename}\n".format(name=name, filename=filename) return info