Source code for gammapy.irf.energy_dispersion

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import numpy as np
from import fits
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
from astropy.units import Quantity
from astropy.table import Table
from import EnergyBounds, Energy
from ..utils.scripts import make_path
from ..utils.nddata import NDDataArray, BinnedDataAxis
from ..utils.fits import energy_axis_to_ebounds, fits_table_to_table

__all__ = [

[docs]class EnergyDispersion(object): """Energy dispersion matrix. see :ref:`gadf:ogip-rmf` Parameters ---------- e_true_lo : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Lower bin edges of true energy axis e_true_hi : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Upper bin edges of true energy axis e_reco_lo : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Lower bin edges of reconstruced energy axis e_reco_hi : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Upper bin edges of reconstruced energy axis data : array_like 2-dim energy dispersion matrix """ default_interp_kwargs = dict(bounds_error=False, fill_value=0, method='nearest') """Default Interpolation kwargs for `~NDDataArray`. Fill zeros and do not interpolate""" def __init__(self, e_true_lo, e_true_hi, e_reco_lo, e_reco_hi, data, interp_kwargs=None, meta=None): if interp_kwargs is None: interp_kwargs = self.default_interp_kwargs axes = [ BinnedDataAxis(e_true_lo, e_true_hi, interpolation_mode='log', name='e_true'), BinnedDataAxis(e_reco_lo, e_reco_hi, interpolation_mode='log', name='e_reco') ] = NDDataArray(axes=axes, data=data, interp_kwargs=interp_kwargs) if meta is not None: self.meta = Bunch(meta) def __str__(self): ss = self.__class__.__name__ ss += '\n{}'.format( return ss
[docs] def apply(self, data, e_reco=None, e_true=None): """Apply energy dispersion. Computes the matrix product of ``data`` (which typically is model flux or counts in true energy bins) with the energy dispersion matrix. Parameters ---------- data : array_like 1-dim data array. Returns ------- convolved_data : array 1-dim data array after multiplication with the energy dispersion matrix """ if len(data) != self.e_true.nbins: raise ValueError("Input size {} does not match true energy axis {}".format( len(data), len(true_nodes))) return,
@property def e_reco(self): return'e_reco') @property def e_true(self): return'e_true') @property def pdf_matrix(self): """PDF matrix `~numpy.ndarray` Rows (first index): True Energy Columns (second index): Reco Energy """ return
[docs] def pdf_in_safe_range(self, lo_threshold, hi_threshold): """PDF matrix with bins outside threshold set to 0 Parameters ---------- lo_threshold : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Low reco energy threshold hi_threshold : `~astropy.units.Quantity` High reco energy threshold """ data = self.pdf_matrix.copy() idx = np.where((self.e_reco.lo < lo_threshold) | (self.e_reco.hi > hi_threshold)) data[:, idx] = 0 return data
[docs] def from_gauss(cls, e_true, e_reco, sigma=0.2, pdf_threshold=1e-6): """Create Gaussian `EnergyDispersion` matrix. The output matrix will be Gaussian in log(e_true / e_reco) TODO: extend to have a vector of bias various true energies. TODO: extend to have vector of resolution for various true energies. TODO: give formula: Gaussian in log(e_reco) TODO: add option to add poisson noise Parameters ---------- e_true : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, `~gammapy.utils.nddata.BinnedDataAxis` Bin edges of true energy axis e_reco : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, `~gammapy.utils.nddata.BinnedDataAxis` Bin edges of reconstructed energy axis sigma : float, optional RMS width of Gaussian energy dispersion, resolution pdf_threshold : float, optional Zero suppression threshold """ from scipy.special import erf e_reco = EnergyBounds(e_reco) e_true = EnergyBounds(e_true) # erf does not work with Quantities reco ='TeV').value true ='TeV').value migra_min = np.log10(reco[:-1] / true[:, np.newaxis]) migra_max = np.log10(reco[1:] / true[:, np.newaxis]) pdf = .5 * (erf(migra_max / (np.sqrt(2.) * sigma)) - erf(migra_min / (np.sqrt(2.) * sigma))) pdf[np.where(pdf < pdf_threshold)] = 0 e_lo, e_hi = (e_true[:-1], e_true[1:]) ereco_lo, ereco_hi = (e_reco[:-1], e_reco[1:]) return cls(e_true_lo=e_lo, e_true_hi=e_hi, e_reco_lo=ereco_lo, e_reco_hi=ereco_hi, data=pdf)
[docs] def from_hdulist(cls, hdulist, hdu1='MATRIX', hdu2='EBOUNDS'): """Create `EnergyDispersion` object from ``. Parameters ---------- hdulist : `` HDU list with ``MATRIX`` and ``EBOUNDS`` extensions. hdu1 : str, optional HDU containing the energy dispersion matrix, default: MATRIX hdu2 : str, optional HDU containing the energy axis information, default, EBOUNDS """ matrix_hdu = hdulist[hdu1] ebounds_hdu = hdulist[hdu2] data = header = matrix_hdu.header pdf_matrix = np.zeros([len(data), header['DETCHANS']], dtype=np.float64) for i, l in enumerate(data): if l.field('N_GRP'): m_start = 0 for k in range(l.field('N_GRP')): pdf_matrix[i, l.field('F_CHAN')[k]: l.field( 'F_CHAN')[k] + l.field('N_CHAN')[k]] = l.field( 'MATRIX')[m_start:m_start + l.field('N_CHAN')[k]] m_start += l.field('N_CHAN')[k] e_reco = EnergyBounds.from_ebounds(ebounds_hdu) e_true = EnergyBounds.from_rmf_matrix(matrix_hdu) return cls(e_true_lo=e_true.lower_bounds, e_true_hi=e_true.upper_bounds, e_reco_lo=e_reco.lower_bounds, e_reco_hi=e_reco.upper_bounds, data=pdf_matrix)
[docs] def read(cls, filename, hdu1='MATRIX', hdu2='EBOUNDS', **kwargs): """Read from file Parameters ---------- filename : `~gammapy.extern.pathlib.Path`, str File to read hdu1 : str, optional HDU containing the energy dispersion matrix, default: MATRIX hdu2 : str, optional HDU containing the energy axis information, default, EBOUNDS """ filename = make_path(filename) hdulist =, **kwargs) try: return cls.from_hdulist(hdulist, hdu1=hdu1, hdu2=hdu2) except KeyError: msg = 'File {} contains no HDU "{}"'.format(filename, hdu) msg += '\n Available {}'.format([ for _ in hdulist]) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def to_hdulist(self, **kwargs): """ Convert RM to FITS HDU list format. Parameters ---------- header : `` Header to be written in the fits file. energy_unit : str Unit in which the energy is written in the HDU list Returns ------- hdulist : `` RMF in HDU list format. Notes ----- For more info on the RMF FITS file format see: """ # Cannot use table_to_fits here due to variable length array # table = self.to_table() name = table.meta.pop('name') header = fits.Header() header.update(table.meta) cols = table.columns c0 = fits.Column(name=cols[0].name, format='E', array=cols[0], unit='{}'.format(cols[0].unit)) c1 = fits.Column(name=cols[1].name, format='E', array=cols[1], unit='{}'.format(cols[1].unit)) c2 = fits.Column(name=cols[2].name, format='I', array=cols[2]) c3 = fits.Column(name=cols[3].name, format='PI()', array=cols[3]) c4 = fits.Column(name=cols[4].name, format='PI()', array=cols[4]) c5 = fits.Column(name=cols[5].name, format='PE()', array=cols[5]) hdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns([c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5], header=header, name=name) ebounds = energy_axis_to_ebounds(self.e_reco.bins) prim_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU() return fits.HDUList([prim_hdu, hdu, ebounds])
[docs] def to_table(self): """Convert to `~astropy.table.Table`. The output table is in the OGIP RMF format. """ table = Table() rows = self.pdf_matrix.shape[0] n_grp = [] f_chan = np.ndarray(dtype=np.object, shape=rows) n_chan = np.ndarray(dtype=np.object, shape=rows) matrix = np.ndarray(dtype=np.object, shape=rows) # Make RMF type matrix for i, row in enumerate( subsets = 1 pos = np.nonzero(row)[0] borders = np.where(np.diff(pos) != 1)[0] # add 1 to borders for correct behaviour of np.split groups = np.asarray(np.split(pos, borders + 1)) n_grp_temp = groups.shape[0] if groups.size > 0 else 1 n_chan_temp = np.asarray([val.size for val in groups]) try: f_chan_temp = np.asarray([val[0] for val in groups]) except(IndexError): f_chan_temp = np.zeros(1) n_grp.append(n_grp_temp) f_chan[i] = f_chan_temp n_chan[i] = n_chan_temp matrix[i] = row[pos] table['ENERG_LO'] = self.e_true.lo table['ENERG_HI'] = self.e_true.hi table['N_GRP'] = np.asarray(n_grp, dtype=np.int16) table['F_CHAN'] = f_chan table['N_CHAN'] = n_chan table['MATRIX'] = matrix # Get total number of groups and channel subsets numgrp, numelt = 0, 0 for val, val2 in zip(table['N_GRP'], table['N_CHAN']): numgrp += np.sum(val) numelt += np.sum(val2) meta = dict(name='MATRIX', chantype='PHA', hduclass='OGIP', hduclas1='RESPONSE', hduclas2='RSP_MATRIX', detchans=self.e_reco.nbins, numgrp=numgrp, numelt=numelt, tlmin4=0, ) table.meta = meta return table
[docs] def write(self, filename, **kwargs): filename = make_path(filename) self.to_hdulist().writeto(str(filename), **kwargs)
[docs] def get_resolution(self, e_true): """Get energy resolution for a given true energy Resolution is the 1 sigma containment of the energy dispersion PDF. Parameters ---------- e_true : `~astropy.units.Quantity` True energy """ # Variance is 2nd moment of PDF pdf = mean = self._get_mean(e_true) temp = (self.e_reco._interp_nodes() - mean) ** 2 var = np.sum(temp * pdf) return np.sqrt(var)
[docs] def get_bias(self, e_true): r"""Get reconstruction bias for a given true energy Bias is defined as .. math:: \frac{E_{reco}-E_{true}}{E_{true}} Parameters ---------- e_true : `~astropy.units.Quantity` True energy """ mean = self._get_mean(e_true) e_reco = (10 ** mean) * self.e_reco.unit bias = (e_true - e_reco) / e_true return bias
def _get_mean(self, e_true): r"""Get mean log reconstructed energy """ # Reconstructed energy is 1st moment of PDF pdf = norm = np.sum(pdf) temp = np.sum(pdf * self.e_reco._interp_nodes()) return temp / norm def _extent(self): """Extent (x0, x1, y0, y1) for plotting (4x float) x stands for true energy and y for reconstructed energy """ x = self.e_true.bins[[0, -1]].value y = self.e_reco.bins[[0, -1]].value return x[0], x[1], y[0], y[1]
[docs] def plot_matrix(self, ax=None, show_energy=None, add_cbar=False, **kwargs): """ Plot PDF matrix. Parameters ---------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Axis show_energy : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Show energy, e.g. threshold, as vertical line add_cbar : bool Add a colorbar to the plot. Returns ------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axis """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import PowerNorm kwargs.setdefault('cmap', 'GnBu') norm = PowerNorm(gamma=0.5) kwargs.setdefault('norm', norm) ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax e_true = self.e_true.bins e_reco = self.e_reco.bins x = e_true.value y = e_reco.value z = self.pdf_matrix caxes = ax.pcolormesh(x, y, z.T, **kwargs) if show_energy is not None: ener_val = Quantity(show_energy).to(self.reco_energy.unit).value ax.hlines(ener_val, 0, 200200, linestyles='dashed') if add_cbar: label = 'Probability density (A.U.)' cbar = ax.figure.colorbar(caxes, ax=ax, label=label) ax.set_xlabel('True energy ({unit})'.format(unit=e_true.unit)) ax.set_ylabel('Reco energy ({unit})'.format(unit=e_reco.unit)) ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xlim(x.min(), x.max()) ax.set_ylim(y.min(), y.max()) return ax
[docs] def plot_bias(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot reconstruction bias. see :func:`~gammapy.irf.EnergyDispersion.get_bias` Parameters ---------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Axis """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax x ='TeV').value y = self.get_bias(self.e_true.nodes) ax.plot(x, y, **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel('True energy [TeV]') ax.set_ylabel(r'(E_{true} - E_{reco} / E_{true})') ax.set_xscale('log') return ax
[docs] def to_sherpa(self, name): """Return `` Parameters ---------- name : str Instance name """ from import DataRMF from sherpa.utils import SherpaInt, SherpaUInt, SherpaFloat # Need to modify RMF data # see table = self.to_table() n_grp = table['N_GRP'].data.astype(SherpaUInt) f_chan = table['F_CHAN'].data f_chan = np.concatenate([row for row in f_chan]).astype(SherpaUInt) n_chan = table['N_CHAN'].data n_chan = np.concatenate([row for row in n_chan]).astype(SherpaUInt) matrix = table['MATRIX'].data good = n_grp > 0 matrix = matrix[good] matrix = np.concatenate([row for row in matrix]) matrix = matrix.astype(SherpaFloat) # TODO: Not sure if we need this if statement if f_chan.ndim > 1 and n_chan.ndim > 1: f_chan = [] n_chan = [] for grp, fch, nch, in izip(n_grp, f_chan, n_chan): for i in xrange(grp): f_chan.append(fch[i]) n_chan.append(nch[i]) f_chan = numpy.asarray(f_chan, SherpaUInt) n_chan = numpy.asarray(n_chan, SherpaUInt) else: if len(n_grp) == len(f_chan): good = n_grp > 0 f_chan = f_chan[good] n_chan = n_chan[good] kwargs = dict( name=name, energ_lo=table['ENERG_LO']'keV').value.astype(SherpaFloat), energ_hi=table['ENERG_HI']'keV').value.astype(SherpaFloat), matrix=matrix, n_grp=n_grp, n_chan=n_chan, f_chan=f_chan, detchans=self.e_reco.nbins,'keV').value,'keV').value, offset=0, ) return DataRMF(**kwargs)
[docs]class EnergyDispersion2D(object): """Offset-dependent energy dispersion matrix. See :ref:`gadf:edisp_2d` Parameters ---------- e_true_lo : `~astropy.units.Quantity` True energy axis lower bounds e_true_hi : `~astropy.units.Quantity` True energy axis upper bounds migra_lo : `~numpy.ndarray`, list Migration axis lower bounds migra_hi : `~numpy.ndarray`, list Migration axis upper bounds offset_lo : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Offset axis lower bounds offset_hi : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Offset axis upper bounds data : `~numpy.ndarray` PDF matrix Examples -------- Read energy dispersion from disk and create RMF matrix >>> from gammapy.irf import EnergyDispersion2D >>> from import EnergyBounds >>> filename = '$GAMMAPY_EXTRA/test_datasets/irf/hess/pa/hess_edisp_2d_023523.fits.gz' >>> edisp =, hdu='ENERGY DISPERSION') >>> print(edisp) EnergyDispersion2D NDDataArray summary info e_true : size = 15, min = 0.125 TeV, max = 80.000 TeV migra : size = 100, min = 0.051, max = 10.051 offset : size = 6, min = 0.125 deg, max = 2.500 deg Data : size = 9000, min = 0.000, max = 3.405 >>> e_axis = EnergyBounds.equal_log_spacing(0.1,20,60, 'TeV') >>> offset = '1.2 deg' >>> rmf = edisp.to_energy_dispersion(offset=offset, e_reco=e_axis, e_true=e_axis) >>> print(rmf) EnergyDispersion NDDataArray summary info e_true : size = 60, min = 0.105 TeV, max = 19.136 TeV e_reco : size = 60, min = 0.105 TeV, max = 19.136 TeV Data : size = 3600, min = 0.000, max = 0.266 """ default_interp_kwargs = dict(bounds_error=False, fill_value=None) """Default Interpolation kwargs for `~gammapy.utils.nddata.NDDataArray`. Extrapolate.""" def __init__(self, e_true_lo, e_true_hi, migra_lo, migra_hi, offset_lo, offset_hi, data, interp_kwargs=None): if interp_kwargs is None: interp_kwargs = self.default_interp_kwargs axes = [ BinnedDataAxis(e_true_lo, e_true_hi, interpolation_mode='log', name='e_true'), BinnedDataAxis(migra_lo, migra_hi, interpolation_mode='linear', name='migra'), BinnedDataAxis(offset_lo, offset_hi, interpolation_mode='linear', name='offset') ] = NDDataArray(axes=axes, data=data, interp_kwargs=interp_kwargs) @property def e_true(self): """True energy axis""" return'e_true') @property def migra(self): """Energy migration axis""" return'migra') @property def offset(self): """Offset axis""" return'offset') @classmethod
[docs] def from_gauss(cls, e_true, migra, bias, sigma, offset): """Create Gaussian `EnergyDispersion2D` matrix. The output matrix will be Gaussian in (e_true / e_reco). bias and sigma should be either floats or arrays of same dimension than e_true. Note that, the output matrix is flat in offset. Parameters ---------- e_true : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, `~gammapy.utils.nddata.BinnedDataAxis` Bin edges of true energy axis migra : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, `~gammapy.utils.nddata.BinnedDataAxis` Bin edges of migra axis bias : float or `~np.array` Center of Gaussian energy dispersion, bias sigma : float or `~np.array` RMS width of Gaussian energy dispersion, resolution offset : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, `~gammapy.utils.nddata.BinnedDataAxis`, optional Bin edges of offset """ from scipy.special import erf e_true = EnergyBounds(e_true) # erf does not work with Quantities true ='TeV').value true2d, migra2d = np.meshgrid(true, migra) migra2d_lo = migra2d[:-1, :] migra2d_hi = migra2d[1:, :] pdf = .5 * (erf((migra2d_hi - bias) / (np.sqrt(2.) * sigma)) - erf((migra2d_lo - bias) / (np.sqrt(2.) * sigma))) pdf_array = pdf.T[:, :, np.newaxis] * np.ones(len(offset) - 1) return cls(e_true[:-1], e_true[1:], migra[:-1], migra[1:], offset[:-1], offset[1:], pdf_array)
[docs] def from_table(cls, table): """Create from `~astropy.table.Table` """ e_lo = table['ETRUE_LO'].quantity.squeeze() e_hi = table['ETRUE_HI'].quantity.squeeze() o_lo = table['THETA_LO'].quantity.squeeze() o_hi = table['THETA_HI'].quantity.squeeze() m_lo = table['MIGRA_LO'].quantity.squeeze() m_hi = table['MIGRA_HI'].quantity.squeeze() matrix = table['MATRIX'].squeeze().transpose() return cls(e_true_lo=e_lo, e_true_hi=e_hi, offset_lo=o_lo, offset_hi=o_hi, migra_lo=m_lo, migra_hi=m_hi, data=matrix)
[docs] def from_hdulist(cls, hdulist, hdu='edisp_2d'): hdu = hdulist[hdu] table = fits_table_to_table(hdu) return cls.from_table(table)
[docs] def read(cls, filename, hdu='edisp_2d'): """Read from FITS file. Parameters ---------- filename : str File name """ filename = make_path(filename) hdulist = return cls.from_hdulist(hdulist, hdu)
[docs] def to_energy_dispersion(self, offset, e_true=None, e_reco=None): """Detector response R(Delta E_reco, Delta E_true) Probability to reconstruct an energy in a given true energy band in a given reconstructed energy band Parameters ---------- offset : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Offset e_true : ``, None True energy axis e_reco : `` Reconstructed energy axis Returns ------- edisp : `~gammapy.irf.EnergyDispersion` Energy disperion matrix """ offset = Angle(offset) e_true = self.e_true.bins if e_true is None else e_true e_reco = self.e_true.bins if e_reco is None else e_reco e_true = EnergyBounds(e_true) e_reco = EnergyBounds(e_reco) rm = [] for energy in e_true.log_centers: vec = self.get_response(offset=offset, e_true=energy, e_reco=e_reco) rm.append(vec) rm = np.asarray(rm) e_lo, e_hi = (e_true[:-1], e_true[1:]) ereco_lo, ereco_hi = (e_reco[:-1], e_reco[1:]) return EnergyDispersion(e_true_lo=e_lo, e_true_hi=e_hi, e_reco_lo=ereco_lo, e_reco_hi=ereco_hi, data=rm)
[docs] def get_response(self, offset, e_true, e_reco=None, migra_step=5e-3): """Detector response R(Delta E_reco, E_true) Probability to reconstruct a given true energy in a given reconstructed energy band. In each reco bin, you integrate with a riemann sum over the default migra bin of your analysis. Parameters ---------- e_true : `` True energy e_reco : ``, None Reconstructed energy axis offset : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Offset mig_step : float Integration step in migration Returns ------- rv : `~numpy.ndarray` Redistribution vector """ e_true = Energy(e_true) # Default: e_reco nodes = migra nodes * e_true nodes if e_reco is None: e_reco = EnergyBounds.from_lower_and_upper_bounds( self.migra.lo * e_true, self.migra.hi * e_true) migra = self.migra.nodes # Translate given e_reco binning to migra at bin center else: e_reco = EnergyBounds(e_reco) center = e_reco.log_centers migra = center / e_true # migration value of e_reco bounds migra_e_reco = e_reco / e_true # Define a vector of migration with mig_step step mrec_min = self.migra.lo[0] mrec_max = self.migra.hi[-1] mig_array = np.arange(mrec_min, mrec_max, migra_step) # Compute energy dispersion probability dP/dm for each element of migration array vals =, e_true=e_true, migra=mig_array) # Compute normalized cumulative sum to prepare integration tmp = np.nan_to_num(np.cumsum(vals) / np.sum(vals)) # Determine positions (bin indices) of e_reco bounds in migration array pos_mig = np.digitize(migra_e_reco, mig_array) - 1 # We ensure that no negative values are found pos_mig = np.maximum(pos_mig, 0) # We compute the difference between 2 successive bounds in e_reco # to get integral over reco energy bin integral = np.diff(tmp[pos_mig]) return integral
[docs] def plot_migration(self, ax=None, offset=None, e_true=None, migra=None, **kwargs): """Plot energy dispersion for given offset and true energy. Parameters ---------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Axis offset : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`, optional Offset e_true : ``, optional True energy migra : `~numpy.array`, list, optional Migration nodes Returns ------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axis """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax if offset is None: offset = Angle([1], 'deg') else: offset = np.atleast_1d(Angle(offset)) if e_true is None: e_true = Energy([0.1, 1, 10], 'TeV') else: e_true = np.atleast_1d(Energy(e_true)) migra = self.migra.nodes if migra is None else migra for ener in e_true: for off in offset: disp =, e_true=ener, migra=migra) label = 'offset = {0:.1f}\nenergy = {1:.1f}'.format(off, ener) ax.plot(migra, disp, label=label, **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel('E_Reco / E_True') ax.set_ylabel('Probability density') ax.legend(loc='upper left') return ax
[docs] def plot_bias(self, ax=None, offset=None, add_cbar=False, **kwargs): """Plot migration as a function of true energy for a given offset Parameters ---------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Axis offset : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`, optional Offset add_cbar : bool Add a colorbar to the plot. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to `~matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh`. Returns ------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axis """ from matplotlib.colors import PowerNorm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt kwargs.setdefault('cmap', 'GnBu') kwargs.setdefault('norm', PowerNorm(gamma=0.5)) ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax if offset is None: offset = Angle([1], 'deg') e_true = self.e_true.bins migra = self.migra.bins x = e_true.value y = migra.value z =, e_true=e_true, migra=migra) caxes = ax.pcolormesh(x, y, z.T, **kwargs) if add_cbar: label = 'Probability density (A.U.)' cbar = ax.figure.colorbar(caxes, ax=ax, label=label) ax.semilogx() ax.set_xlabel('Energy ({unit})'.format(unit=e_true.unit)) ax.set_ylabel('E_Reco / E_true') ax.set_xlim(x.min(), x.max()) ax.set_ylim(y.min(), y.max()) return ax
[docs] def peek(self, figsize=(15, 5)): """Quick-look summary plots. Parameters ---------- figsize : (float, float) Size of the resulting plot """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=figsize) self.plot_bias(ax=axes[0]) self.plot_migration(ax=axes[1]) edisp = self.to_energy_dispersion(offset='1 deg') edisp.plot_matrix(ax=axes[2]) plt.tight_layout()
def __str__(self): ss = self.__class__.__name__ ss += '\n{}'.format( return ss