Source code for gammapy.spectrum.crab

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Published Crab nebula reference spectra.

The Crab is often used as a standard candle in gamma-ray astronomy.
Statements like "this source has a flux of 10 % Crab" or
"our sensitivity is 2 % Crab" are common.

Here we provide a reference of what the Crab flux actually is according
to several publications:

* 'HEGRA' :
* 'HESS PL' and 'HESS ECPL' :
* 'Meyer' :, Appendix D
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from .models import PowerLaw, ExponentialCutoffPowerLaw, SpectralModel
from ..utils.modeling import ParameterList, Parameter

__all__ = [

# HESS publication: 2006A&A...457..899A
#'int_flux' = 2.26e-11
hess_pl = {'amplitude': 3.45e-11 * u.Unit('1 / (cm2 s TeV)'),
           'index': 2.63,
           'reference' : 1 * u.TeV}

# Note that for ecpl, the diff_flux is not
# the differential flux at 1 TeV, that you
# get by multiplying with exp(-e / cutoff)
# int_flux: 2.27e-11
hess_ecpl = {'amplitude': 3.76e-11 * u.Unit('1 / (cm2 s TeV)'),
             'index': 2.39,
             'lambda_': 1 / (14.3 * u.TeV),
             'reference': 1 * u.TeV}

# HEGRA publication : 2004ApJ...614..897A
# int_flux': 1.75e-11
hegra = {'amplitude': 2.83e-11 * u.Unit('1 / (cm2 s TeV)'),
         'index': 2.62,
         'reference': 1 * u.TeV}

# Meyer et al. publication: 2010arXiv1008.4524M
# diff_flux and index were calculated numerically
# by hand at 1 TeV as a finite differene
meyer = {'diff_flux': 3.3457e-11 * u.Unit('1 / (cm2 s TeV)'),
         'index': 2.5362,
         'int_flux': 2.0744e-11}

#TODO: make this a general LogPolynomial spectral model
class MeyerCrabModel(SpectralModel):
    Log polynomial model as used by 2010arXiv1008.4524M.
    def __init__(self):
        coefficients = np.array([-0.00449161, 0, 0.0473174, -0.179475,
                                 -0.53616, -10.2708])
        self.parameters = ParameterList([
            Parameter('coefficients', coefficients)

    def evaluate(energy, coefficients):
        polynomial = np.poly1d(coefficients)
        log_energy = np.log10('TeV').value)
        log_flux = polynomial(log_energy)
        flux = np.power(10, log_flux) * u.Unit('erg / (cm2 s)')
        return flux / energy ** 2

[docs]class CrabSpectrum(object): """ Crab spectral model. The following references are available: * 'meyer', 2010arXiv1008.4524M * 'hegra', 2004ApJ...614..897A * 'hess_pl', 2006A&A...457..899A * 'hess_ecpl', 2006A&A...457..899A Parameters ---------- reference : {'meyer', 'hegra', 'hess_pl', 'hess_ecpl'} Which reference to use for the spectral model. Examples -------- Plot the 'hess_ecpl' reference crab spectrum between 1 TeV and 100 TeV: >>> from gammapy.spectrum import CrabSpectrum >>> import astropy.units as u >>> crab_hess_ecpl = CrabSpectrum('hess_ecpl') >>> crab_hess_ecpl.model.plot([1, 100] * u.TeV) Use a reference crab spectrum as unit to measure flux: >>> from astropy import units as u >>> from gammapy.spectrum import CrabSpectrum >>> from gammapy.spectrum.models import PowerLaw >>> >>> # define power law model >>> amplitude = 1e-12 * u.Unit('1 / (cm2 s TeV)') >>> index = 2.3 >>> reference = 1 * u.TeV >>> pwl = PowerLaw(index, amplitude, reference) >>> >>> # define crab reference >>> crab = CrabSpectrum('hess_pl').model >>> >>> # compute flux at 10 TeV in crab units >>> energy = 10 * u.TeV >>> flux_cu = (pwl(energy) / crab(energy)).to('%') >>> print(flux_cu) 6.19699156377 % And the same for integral fluxes: >>> # compute integral flux in crab units >>> emin, emax = [1, 10] * u.TeV >>> flux_int_cu = (pwl.integral(emin, emax) / crab.integral(emin, emax)).to('%') >>> print(flux_int_cu) 3.5350582166 % """ def __init__(self, reference='meyer'): if reference == 'meyer': model = MeyerCrabModel() elif reference == 'hegra': model = PowerLaw(**hegra) elif reference == 'hess_pl': model = PowerLaw(**hess_pl) elif reference == 'hess_ecpl': model = ExponentialCutoffPowerLaw(**hess_ecpl) else: raise ValueError("Unknown reference, choose one of the following:" "'meyer', 'hegra', 'hess_pl' or 'hess_ecpl'") self.model = model self.reference = reference