Source code for gammapy.utils.root.convert

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Utility functions to convert ROOT data to numpy / FITS data.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table

__all__ = ['hist1d_to_table',

__doctest_skip__ = ['TH2_to_FITS']

[docs]def hist1d_to_table(hist): """Convert 1D ROOT histogram into astropy table. Parameters ---------- hist : ROOT.TH1 ROOT histogram Returns ------- table : `~astropy.table.Table` Astropy table """ bins = range(1, hist.GetNbinsX() + 1) data = OrderedDict() names = [('x', 'GetBinCenter'), ('x_bin_lo', 'GetBinLowEdge'), ('x_bin_width', 'GetBinWidth'), ('y', 'GetBinContent'), ('y_err', 'GetBinError'), ('y_err_lo', 'GetBinErrorLow'), ('y_err_hi', 'GetBinErrorUp'), ] for column, method in names: try: getter = getattr(hist, method) data[column] = [getter(i) for i in bins] # Note: `GetBinErrorLow` is not available in old ROOT versions!? except AttributeError: pass table = Table(data) table['x_bin_hi'] = table['x_bin_lo'] + table['x_bin_width'] return table
[docs]def graph1d_to_table(graph): """Convert ROOT TGraph to an astropy Table. Parameters ---------- graph : ROOT.TGraph ROOT graph Returns ------- table : `~astropy.table.Table` Astropy table """ bins = range(0, graph.GetN()) data = OrderedDict() names = [('x', 'GetX'), ('x_err', 'GetEX'), ('x_err_lo', 'GetEXlow'), ('x_err_hi', 'GetEXhigh'), ('y', 'GetY'), ('y_err', 'GetEY'), ('y_err_lo', 'GetEYlow'), ('y_err_hi', 'GetEYhigh'), ] for column, method in names: try: buffer_ = getattr(graph, method)() data[column] = [buffer_[i] for i in bins] except IndexError: pass table = Table(data) return table
[docs]def TH2_to_FITS_header(hist, flipx=True): """Create FITS header for a given ROOT histogram. Assuming TH2 or SkyHist that represents an image in Galactic CAR projection with reference point at GLAT = 0, as is the case for HESS SkyHists. Formulae and variable names taken from ``Plotters::SkyHistToFITS()`` in ``$HESSROOT/plotters/src/FITSUtils.C`` Parameters ---------- hist : ROOT.TH2 ROOT histogram flipx : bool Flip x-axis? Returns ------- header : `` FITS header """ # Compute FITS projection header parameters nx, ny = hist.GetNbinsX(), hist.GetNbinsY() centerbinx = int((nx + 1) / 2) centerbiny = int((ny + 1) / 2) crval1 = hist.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(centerbinx) crval2 = 0 cdelt1 = (hist.GetXaxis().GetXmax() - hist.GetXaxis().GetXmin()) / nx cdelt2 = (hist.GetYaxis().GetXmax() - hist.GetYaxis().GetXmin()) / ny crpix1 = centerbinx crpix2 = centerbiny - hist.GetYaxis().GetBinCenter(centerbiny) / cdelt2 if flipx: cdelt1 *= -1 # Fill dictionary with FITS header keywords header = dict() header['NAXIS'] = 2 header['NAXIS1'], header['NAXIS2'] = nx, ny header['CTYPE1'], header['CTYPE2'] = 'GLON-CAR', 'GLAT-CAR' header['CRVAL1'], header['CRVAL2'] = crval1, crval2 header['CRPIX1'], header['CRPIX2'] = crpix1, crpix2 header['CUNIT1'], header['CUNIT2'] = 'deg', 'deg' header['CDELT1'], header['CDELT2'] = cdelt1, cdelt2 return header
[docs]def TH2_to_FITS_data(hist, flipx=True): """Convert TH2 bin values into a numpy array. Parameters ---------- hist : ROOT.TH2 ROOT histogram Returns ------- data : array Histogram data """ # Note: Numpy array index order is (y, x), whereas ROOT TH2 has (x, y) nx, ny = hist.GetNbinsX(), hist.GetNbinsY() # TODO: This doesn't work properly: # dtype = type(hist.GetBinContent(0)) dtype = 'float32' array = np.empty((ny, nx), dtype=dtype) for ix in range(nx): for iy in range(ny): array[iy, ix] = hist.GetBinContent(ix, iy) if flipx: array = array[:, ::-1] return array
[docs]def TH2_to_FITS(hist, flipx=True): """Convert ROOT 2D histogram to FITS format. Parameters ---------- hist : ROOT.TH2 2-dim ROOT histogram Returns ------- hdu : `` Histogram in FITS format. Examples -------- >>> import ROOT >>> from gammapy.utils.root import TH2_to_FITS >>> root_hist = ROOT.TH2F() >>> fits_hdu = TH2_to_FITS(root_hist) >>> fits_hdu.writetofits('my_image.fits') """ header = TH2_to_FITS_header(hist, flipx) if header['CDELT1'] > 0: warnings.warn('CDELT1 > 0 might not be handled properly.' 'A TH2 representing an astro image should have ' 'a reversed x-axis, i.e. xlow > xhi') data = TH2_to_FITS_data(hist, flipx) hdu = fits.ImageHDU(data=data, header=header) return hdu
def tree_to_table(tree, tree_name): """Convert a ROOT TTree to an astropy Table. Parameters ---------- tree : ROOT.TTree ROOT TTree Returns ------- table : `~astropy.table.Table` ROOT tree data as an astropy table. """ from rootpy import asrootpy from import open from rootpy.root2array import tree_to_recarray tree = asrootpy(tree) array = tree.to_array() file = open(infile) tree_name = 'TableAllMu_WithoutNan' # 'ParTree_Postselect' tree = file.get(tree_name, ignore_unsupported=True) array = tree_to_recarray(tree) table = recarray_to_table(array) # Remove empty columns empty_columns = [] for col in table.columns: #if table['col'].min() == table['col'].max() if (table['col'] == 0).all(): empty_columns.append(col) print(empty_columns) table.remove_columns(empty_columns) for name in array.dtype.names: # FITS can't save these types. data = array[name] if data.dtype == np.dtype('uint64'): data = data.copy().astype('int64') table.add_column(name, data) return table