Pulsar Wind Nebula Source ModelsΒΆ

Plot the evolution of the radius of the PWN:

"""Plot PWN evolution with time."""
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy.units import Quantity
from astropy.constants import M_sun
from gammapy.astro.source import PWN, SNRTrueloveMcKee

t = Quantity(np.logspace(1, 5, 100), 'yr')
n_ISM = Quantity(1, 'cm^-3')
snr = SNRTrueloveMcKee(m_ejecta=8 * M_sun, n_ISM=n_ISM)
pwn = PWN(snr=snr)
pwn.pulsar.L_0 = Quantity(1E40, 'erg/s')

plt.plot(t.value, pwn.radius(t).to('pc').value, label='Radius PWN')
plt.plot(t.value, snr.radius_reverse_shock(t).to('pc').value, label='Reverse Shock SNR')
plt.plot(t.value, snr.radius(t).to('pc').value, label='Radius SNR')

plt.xlabel('time [years]')
plt.ylabel('radius [pc]')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)
