Source code for gammapy.makers.reduce

import logging
from multiprocessing import Pool
import numpy as np
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
from gammapy.datasets import Datasets, MapDataset, MapDatasetOnOff, SpectrumDataset
from .core import Maker
from .safe import SafeMaskMaker

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [

[docs]class DatasetsMaker(Maker): """Run makers in a chain Parameters ---------- makers : list of `Maker` objects Makers stack_datasets : bool If True stack into the reference dataset (see `run` method arguments). n_jobs : int Number of processes to run in parallel cutout_mode : {'trim', 'partial', 'strict'} Used only to cutout the refrence MapDataset around each processed observation. Mode is an option for Cutout2D, for details see `~astropy.nddata.utils.Cutout2D`. Default is "trim". cutout_width : tuple of `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Angular sizes of the region in (lon, lat) in that specific order. If only one value is passed, a square region is extracted. If None it returns an error, except if the list of makers includes a `SafeMaskMaker` with the offset-max method defined. In that case it is set to two times `offset_max`. """ tag = "DatasetsMaker" def __init__( self, makers, stack_datasets=True, n_jobs=None, cutout_mode="trim", cutout_width=None, ): self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.makers = makers self.cutout_mode = cutout_mode if cutout_width is not None: cutout_width = Angle(cutout_width) self.cutout_width = cutout_width self._apply_cutout = True if self.cutout_width is None: if self.offset_max is None: self._apply_cutout = False else: self.cutout_width = 2 * self.offset_max self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.stack_datasets = stack_datasets self._datasets = [] self._error = False @property def offset_max(self): maker = self.safe_mask_maker if maker is not None and hasattr(maker, "offset_max"): return maker.offset_max @property def safe_mask_maker(self): for m in self.makers: if isinstance(m, SafeMaskMaker): return m
[docs] def make_dataset(self, dataset, observation): """Make single dataset. Parameters ---------- dataset : `~gammapy.datasets.MapDataset` Reference dataset observation : `Observation` Observation """ if self._apply_cutout: cutouts_kwargs = { "position": observation.pointing_radec.galactic, "width": self.cutout_width, "mode": self.cutout_mode, } dataset_obs = dataset.cutout( **cutouts_kwargs, ) else: dataset_obs = dataset.copy() if dataset.models is not None: models = dataset.models.copy() models.reassign(, dataset_obs.models = models"Computing dataset for observation {observation.obs_id}") for maker in self.makers:"Running {maker.tag}") dataset_obs =, observation=observation) return dataset_obs
[docs] def callback(self, dataset): if self.stack_datasets: if isinstance(self._dataset, MapDataset) and isinstance( dataset, MapDatasetOnOff ): dataset = dataset.to_map_dataset(dataset) self._dataset.stack(dataset) else: self._datasets.append(dataset)
[docs] def error_callback(self, dataset): # parallel run could cause a memory error with non-explicit message. self._error = True
[docs] def run(self, dataset, observations, datasets=None): """Run data reduction Parameters ---------- dataset : `~gammapy.datasets.MapDataset` Reference dataset (used only for stacking if datasets are provided) observations : `Observations` Observations datasets : `~gammapy.datasets.Datasets` Base datasets, if provided its length must be the same than the observations. Returns ------- datasets : `~gammapy.datasets.Datasets` Datasets """ if isinstance(dataset, MapDataset): # also valid for Spectrum as it inherits from MapDataset self._dataset = dataset else: raise TypeError("Invalid reference dataset.") if isinstance(dataset, SpectrumDataset): self._apply_cutout = False if datasets is not None: self._apply_cutout = False else: datasets = len(observations) * [dataset] if self.n_jobs is not None and self.n_jobs > 1: n_jobs = min(self.n_jobs, len(observations)) with Pool(processes=n_jobs) as pool:"Using {} jobs.".format(n_jobs)) results = [] for base, obs in zip(datasets, observations): result = pool.apply_async( self.make_dataset, ( base, obs, ), callback=self.callback, error_callback=self.error_callback, ) results.append(result) # wait async run is done [result.wait() for result in results] if self._error: raise RuntimeError("Execution of a sub-process failed") else: for base, obs in zip(datasets, observations): dataset = self.make_dataset(base, obs) self.callback(dataset) if self.stack_datasets: return Datasets([self._dataset]) else: # have to sort datasets because of async obs_ids = [d.meta_table["OBS_ID"][0] for d in self._datasets] ordered = [] for obs in observations: ind = np.where(np.array(obs_ids) == obs.obs_id)[0][0] ordered.append(self._datasets[ind]) self._datasets = ordered return Datasets(self._datasets)