
There are many ways to install Python and Gammapy as a user. On this page we list the most common ones. In general we recommend to use virtual environments when using Gammapy. This ways you have full control over additional packages that you may use in your analysis and you work with well defined computing environments, that you can share and allow reproducibility of your scientific analysis results. If you want to learn about using virtual environments see Virtual Environments. You can also install Gammapy for development.

Using Anaconda / Miniconda#

The easiest way to install Gammapy is to install the Anaconda or Miniconda Python distribution. To install the latest stable version of Gammapy and its dependencies using conda, execute this command in a terminal:

$ conda install -c conda-forge gammapy

To update an existing installation you can use:

$ conda update gammapy

To install a specific version of Gammapy just execute:

$ conda install -c conda-forge gammapy=0.19

If you encountered any issues you can check the Troubleshooting guide.

Using Mamba#

Alternatively, you can use Mamba for the installation. Mamba is an alternative package manager that support most of conda’s command but offers higher installation speed and more reliable environment solutions. To install mamba in the Conda base environment:

$ conda install mamba -n base -c conda-forge


$ mamba install gammapy

Mamba supports of the commands that are available for conda. So updating and installing specific versions works the same way as above except for replacing the conda with the mamba command.

Using pip#

To install the latest Gammapy stable version (see Gammapy page on PyPI) using pip:

$ python -m pip install gammapy

To update an existing installation you can use:

$ python -m pip install gammapy --upgrade

To install a specific version of Gammapy you can use:

$ python -m pip install gammapy==0.19

To install the current Gammapy development version using pip you can use:

$ python -m pip install git+

Or like this, if you want to study or edit the code locally:

$ git clone
$ cd gammapy
$ python -m pip install .

If you encountered any issues you can check the Troubleshooting guide.

Using other package managers#

Gammapy has been packaged for some Linux package managers. E.g. on Debian, you can install Gammapy via:

$ sudo apt-get install python3-gammapy

To get a more fully featured scientific Python environment, you can install other Python packages using the system package manager (apt-get in this example), and then on top of this install more Python packages using pip.


$ sudo apt-get install \
    python3-pip python3-matplotlib \
    ipython3-notebook python3-gammapy

$ python3 -m pip install antigravity

Note that the Linux package managers typically have release cycles of 6 months, or yearly or longer, meaning that you’ll typically get an older version of Gammapy. But you can always get a recent version via pip or conda (see above).