# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import numpy as np
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
from regions import PixCoord, CirclePixelRegion
from ..image import SkyImage
from .background_estimate import BackgroundEstimate
import logging
__all__ = [
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class ReflectedRegionsFinder(object):
"""Find reflected regions.
This class is responsible for placing :ref:`region_reflected` for a given
input region and pointing position. It converts to pixel coordinates
internally. At the moment it works only for circles. If you want to make a
background estimate for an IACT observation using the reflected regions
method, see also `~gammapy.background.ReflectedRegionsBackgroundEstimator`
region : `~regions.CircleSkyRegion`
Region to rotate
center : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`
Rotation point
angle_increment : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`, optional
Rotation angle for each step
min_distance : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`, optional
Minimal distance between to reflected regions
min_distance_input : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`, optional
Minimal distance from input region
exclusion_mask : `~gammapy.image.SkyImage`, optional
Exclusion mask
>>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, Angle
>>> from regions import CircleSkyRegion
>>> from gammapy.background import ReflectedRegionsFinder
>>> pointing = SkyCoord(83.2, 22.7, unit='deg', frame='icrs')
>>> target_position = SkyCoord(80.2, 23.5, unit='deg', frame='icrs')
>>> theta = Angle(0.4, 'deg')
>>> on_region = CircleSkyRegion(target_position, theta)
>>> finder = ReflectedRegionsFinder(min_distance_input='1 rad', region=on_region, center=pointing))
>>> regions = finder.run()
>>> print(regions[0])
Region: CircleSkyRegion
center: <SkyCoord (Galactic): (l, b) in deg
( 184.9367087, -8.37920222)>
radius: 0.400147197682 deg
def __init__(self, region, center,
angle_increment='0.1 rad', min_distance='0 rad',
min_distance_input='0.1 rad', exclusion_mask=None):
self.region = region
self.center = center
self.angle_increment = Angle(angle_increment)
self.min_distance = Angle(min_distance)
self.min_distance_input = Angle(min_distance_input)
self.exclusion_mask = exclusion_mask
self.reflected_regions = None
[docs] def run(self):
"""Run all steps.
if self.exclusion_mask is None:
self.exclusion_mask = self.make_empty_mask(self.region, self.center)
[docs] def make_empty_mask(region, center):
"""Create empty exclusion mask.
The size of the mask is chosen such that all reflected region are
contained on the image.
region : `~regions.CircleSkyRegion`
Region to rotate
center : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`
Rotation point
log.debug('No exclusion mask provided, creating an emtpy one')
min_size = region.center.separation(center)
binsz = 0.02
npix = int((3 * min_size / binsz).value)
exclusion_mask = SkyImage.empty(name='empty exclusion mask',
return exclusion_mask
[docs] def setup(self):
"""Compute parameters for reflected regions algorithm."""
wcs = self.exclusion_mask.wcs
self._pix_region = self.region.to_pixel(wcs)
self._pix_center = PixCoord(*self.center.to_pixel(wcs))
dx = self._pix_region.center.x - self._pix_center.x
dy = self._pix_region.center.y - self._pix_center.y
# Offset of region in pix coordinates
self._offset = np.hypot(dx, dy)
# Starting angle of region
self._angle = Angle(np.arctan2(dx, dy), 'rad')
# Minimum angle a circle has to be moved to not overlap with previous one
min_ang = Angle(2 * np.arcsin(self._pix_region.radius / self._offset), 'rad')
# Add required minimal distance between two off regions
self._min_ang = min_ang + self.min_distance
# Maximum possible angle before regions is reached again
self._max_angle = self._angle + Angle('360deg') \
- self._min_ang - self.min_distance_input
# Distance image
self._distance_image = self.exclusion_mask.distance_image
[docs] def find_regions(self):
"""Find reflected regions."""
curr_angle = self._angle + self._min_ang + self.min_distance_input
reflected_regions = list()
while curr_angle < self._max_angle:
test_pos = self._compute_xy(self._pix_center, self._offset, curr_angle)
test_reg = CirclePixelRegion(test_pos, self._pix_region.radius)
if not self._is_inside_exclusion(test_reg, self._distance_image):
refl_region = test_reg.to_sky(self.exclusion_mask.wcs)
log.debug('Placing reflected region\n{}'.format(refl_region))
curr_angle = curr_angle + self._min_ang
curr_angle = curr_angle + self.angle_increment
log.info('Found {} reflected regions'.format(len(reflected_regions)))
self.reflected_regions = reflected_regions
[docs] def plot(self, fig=None, ax=None):
"""Standard debug plot.
See example here: :ref:'regions_reflected'.
fig, ax, cbar = self.exclusion_mask.plot(fig=fig, ax=ax, cmap='gray')
wcs = self.exclusion_mask.wcs
on_patch = self.region.to_pixel(wcs=wcs).as_patch(color='red', alpha=0.6)
for off in self.reflected_regions:
tmp = off.to_pixel(wcs=wcs)
off_patch = tmp.as_patch(color='blue', alpha=0.6)
test_pointing = self.center
ax.scatter(test_pointing.galactic.l.degree, test_pointing.galactic.b.degree,
marker='+', s=300, linewidths=3, color='green')
return fig, ax
def _is_inside_exclusion(pixreg, distance_image):
"""Test if a `~regions.PixRegion` overlaps with an exclusion mask.
If the regions is outside the exclusion mask, return 'False'
x, y = pixreg.center.x, pixreg.center.y
val = distance_image.data[np.round(y).astype(int),
except IndexError:
return False
return val < pixreg.radius
def _compute_xy(pix_center, offset, angle):
"""Compute x, y position for a given position angle and offset.
# TODO: replace by calculation using `astropy.coordinates`
dx = offset * np.sin(angle)
dy = offset * np.cos(angle)
x = pix_center.x + dx
y = pix_center.y + dy
return PixCoord(x=x, y=y)
[docs]class ReflectedRegionsBackgroundEstimator(object):
"""Reflected Regions background estimator.
This class is responsible for creating a
`~gammapy.background.BackgroundEstimate` by placing reflected regions given
a target region and an observation.
For a usage example see :gp-extra-notebook:`spectrum_analysis`
on_region : `~regions.CircleSkyRegion`
Target region
obs_list : `~gammapy.data.ObservationList`
Observations to process
kwargs : dict
Forwarded to `gammapy.background.ReflectedRegionsFinder`
def __init__(self, on_region, obs_list, **kwargs):
self.on_region = on_region
self.obs_list = obs_list
self.finder = ReflectedRegionsFinder(region=on_region,
self.result = None
def __str__(self):
"""String representation of the class."""
s = self.__class__.__name__
s += '\n{}'.format(self.on_region)
s += '\n{}'.format(self.obs_list)
s += '\n{}'.format(self.finder)
return s
[docs] def run(self):
"""Run all steps."""
log.info('Running {}'.format(self))
result = []
for obs in self.obs_list:
temp = self.process(obs=obs)
self.result = result
[docs] def process(self, obs):
"""Estimate background for one observation."""
log.info('Processing observation {}'.format(obs))
self.finder.center = obs.pointing_radec
off_region = self.finder.reflected_regions
off_events = obs.events.select_circular_region(off_region)
on_events = obs.events.select_circular_region(self.on_region)
a_on = 1
a_off = len(off_region)
return BackgroundEstimate(on_region=self.on_region,
method='Reflected Regions')
[docs] def plot(self, fig=None, ax=None, cmap=None, idx=None):
"""Standard debug plot.
cmap : `~matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap`, optional
Color map to use
idx : int, optional
Observations to include in the plot, default: all
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax, cbar = self.finder.exclusion_mask.plot(fig=fig, ax=ax)
wcs = self.finder.exclusion_mask.wcs
on_patch = self.on_region.to_pixel(wcs=wcs).as_patch(color='red')
result = self.result
obs_list = self.obs_list
if idx is not None:
obs_list = np.asarray(obs_list)[idx]
obs_list = np.atleast_1d(obs_list)
result = np.asarray(self.result)[idx]
result = np.atleast_1d(result)
handles = []
if cmap is None:
cmap = plt.get_cmap('viridis')
colors = cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, len(self.obs_list)))
for idx_ in np.arange(len(obs_list)):
obs = obs_list[idx_]
for off in result[idx_].off_region:
tmp = off.to_pixel(wcs=wcs)
off_patch = tmp.as_patch(alpha=0.8, color=colors[idx_],
label='Obs {}'.format(obs.obs_id))
handle = ax.add_patch(off_patch)
test_pointing = obs.pointing_radec
ax.scatter(test_pointing.galactic.l.degree, test_pointing.galactic.b.degree,
marker='+', color=colors[idx_], s=300, linewidths=3)
return fig, ax, cbar