Source code for gammapy.datasets.core

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import logging
import sys
import os
import shutil
from collections import OrderedDict
from astropy.table import Table
from ..extern.pathlib import Path

__all__ = [

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# This is the cross-platform way to get the HOME directory, also in Windows
DATASET_DIR = Path.home() / '.gammapy/datasets'

def download_file(url, filename, overwrite=False, mkdir=True, show_progress=True, timeout=None):
    """Download a URL to a given filename.

    This is a wrapper for the `` function,
    that allows moving the file to a given location if the download is successful.

    This function also creates directories as needed.

    filename = Path(filename)

    if filename.is_file() and not overwrite:

    if not filename.parent.is_dir() and mkdir:

    # This saves the file to a temp folder, with `cache=False` the Astropy cache isn't touched!
    temp_filename =
        remote_url=url, cache=False, show_progress=show_progress, timeout=timeout)

    shutil.move(temp_filename, str(filename))

    return filename

def make_dataset(config):
    """Dataset factory function.
    # For not we just have simple datasets
    name = config['name']
    filename = DATASET_DIR / config['filename']
    url = config.get('url')
    description = config.get('description')
    tags = config.get('tags')
    ds = OneFileDataset(
    return ds

class OneFileDataset(object):
    """One file simple dataset."""

    def __init__(self, name, filename, url=None, description=None, tags=None): = name
        self.filename = filename
        self.url = url
        self.description = description
        self.tags = tags

    def fetch(self, overwrite=False):
        download_file(url=self.url, filename=self.filename, overwrite=overwrite)

    def is_available(self):
        return Path(self.filename).is_file()

    def info(self, file=None):
        if not file:
            file = sys.stdout

        print(self.__dict__, file=file)

    def _print_status(self, file):
        available = 'yes' if self.is_available() else 'no'
        print('Available: {}'.format(available), file=file)

[docs]class Datasets(object): """Download and access for all built-in datasets. TODO: this isn't used much at the moment and not documented. I added this before I decided to add `gammapy_extra`, and then this class wasn't needed to access datasets for tests. We still need something like this to manage files that aren't in gammapy-extra, e.g. large files from the web that we don't want to stick in gammapy-extra. This class has overlap with the `` class ... maybe it should be merged or maybe it's better to keep that one focused on HESS (and Fermi?) data management? Parameters ---------- config : `~collections.OrderedDict` Data manager configuration. Attributes ---------- datasets : list of `Dataset` objects List of datasets """ # DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = Path.home() / '.gammapy/data-register.yaml' DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE ='datasets.yaml') def __init__(self, config=None): if not config: filename = Datasets.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE config = Datasets._load_config(filename) self.config = config self.datasets = OrderedDict() for dataset_config in config: dataset = make_dataset(dataset_config) self.datasets[] = dataset @classmethod
[docs] def from_yaml(cls, filename): """Create a `DataManager` from a YAML config file. Parameters ---------- filename : str YAML config file """ config = Datasets._load_config(filename) return cls(config=config)
@staticmethod def _load_config(filename): import yaml with Path(filename).open() as fh: config = yaml.safe_load(fh) return config
[docs] def info(self, verbose=False, file=None): """Print basic info.""" if not file: file = sys.stdout print('Number of datasets: {}'.format(len(self.datasets)), file=file) self.info_table.pprint() if verbose: for dataset in self.datasets.values():
@property def info_table(self): rows = [] for ds in self.datasets.values(): row = dict() row['Name'] = row['Available'] = 'yes' if ds.is_available() else 'no' row['Filename'] = ds.filename rows.append(row) table = Table(rows=rows, names=['Name', 'Available', 'Filename']) return table def __getitem__(self, name): return self.datasets[name]
[docs] def fetch_one(self, name): """Fetch one dataset. """ dataset = self.datasets[name] dataset.fetch()
[docs] def fetch_all(self, tags='catalog'): """Fetch all datasets that match one of the tags. """ for dataset in self.datasets.values(): if not dataset.tags: continue if set(dataset.tags) & set(tags): dataset.fetch()
class GammapyExtraNotFoundError(OSError): """The gammapy-extra repo is not available. You have to set the GAMMAPY_EXTRA environment variable so that it's found. """ pass class _GammapyExtra(object): """Access files from gammapy-extra repo. You have to set the `GAMMAPY_EXTRA` environment variable so that it's found. """ @property def is_available(self): """Is the gammapy-extra repo available?""" if 'GAMMAPY_EXTRA' in os.environ: # Make sure this is really pointing to a gammapy-extra folder filename = Path(os.environ['GAMMAPY_EXTRA']) / 'logo/gammapy_logo.pdf' if filename.is_file(): return True return False @property def dir(self): """Path to the gammapy-extra repo. Raises `GammapyExtraNotFoundError` if gammapy-extra isn't found. """ if self.is_available: return Path(os.environ['GAMMAPY_EXTRA']) else: msg = 'The gammapy-extra repo is not available. ' msg += 'You have to set the GAMMAPY_EXTRA environment variable ' msg += 'to point to the location for it to be found.' raise GammapyExtraNotFoundError(msg) def filename(self, filename): """Filename in gammapy-extra as string. """ return str(self.dir / filename) gammapy_extra = _GammapyExtra() """Module-level variable to access gammapy-extra. TODO: usage examples """