Source code for gammapy.image.measure

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Measure image properties.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import numpy as np
from astropy.units import Quantity

__all__ = [

def bbox(mask, margin, binsz):
    """Determine the bounding box of a mask.

    TODO: this is an old utility function ... put it into the BoundingBox class.
    from scipy.ndimage.measurements import find_objects
    box = find_objects(mask.astype(int))[0]
    ny, nx = mask.shape
    xmin = max(0, int(box[1].start - margin / binsz)) + 1
    xmax = min(nx - 1, int(box[1].stop + margin / binsz)) + 1
    ymin = max(0, int(box[0].start - margin / binsz)) + 1
    ymax = min(ny - 1, int(box[0].stop + margin / binsz)) + 1
    box_string = '[{xmin}:{xmax},{ymin}:{ymax}]'.format(**locals())
    box = xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
    return box, box_string

[docs]def measure_labeled_regions(data, labels, tag='IMAGE', measure_positions=True, measure_values=True, fits_offset=True, bbox_offset=True): """Measure source properties in image. Sources are defined by a label image. Parameters ---------- TODO Returns ------- TODO """ import scipy.ndimage as nd from astropy.table import Table, Column # Measure all segments nsegments = labels.max() index = np.arange(1, nsegments + 1) # Measure all sources # Measure stuff sum = nd.sum(data, labels, index) max = nd.maximum(data, labels, index) mean = nd.mean(data, labels, index) x, y = _split_xys(nd.center_of_mass(data, labels, index)) xpeak, ypeak = _split_xys(nd.maximum_position(data, labels, index)) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = _split_slices(nd.find_objects(labels)) area = _measure_area(labels) # Use FITS convention, i.e. start counting at 1 FITS_OFFSET = 1 if fits_offset else 0 # Use SExtractor convention, i.e. slice max is inside BBOX_OFFSET = -1 if bbox_offset else 0 # Create a table table = Table() table.add_column(Column(data=index, name='NUMBER')) if measure_positions: table.add_column(Column(data=x + FITS_OFFSET, name='X_IMAGE')) table.add_column(Column(data=y + FITS_OFFSET, name='Y_IMAGE')) table.add_column(Column(data=xpeak + FITS_OFFSET, name='XPEAK_IMAGE')) table.add_column(Column(data=ypeak + FITS_OFFSET, name='YPEAK_IMAGE')) table.add_column(Column(data=xmin + FITS_OFFSET, name='XMIN_IMAGE')) table.add_column(Column(data=xmax + FITS_OFFSET + BBOX_OFFSET, name='XMAX_IMAGE')) table.add_column(Column(data=ymin + FITS_OFFSET, name='YMIN_IMAGE')) table.add_column(Column(data=ymax + FITS_OFFSET + BBOX_OFFSET, name='YMAX_IMAGE')) table.add_column(Column(data=area, name='AREA')) if measure_values: table.add_column(Column(data=max, name=tag + '_MAX')) table.add_column(Column(data=sum, name=tag + '_SUM')) table.add_column(Column(data=mean, name=tag + '_MEAN')) return table
def _wrapped_coordinates(image): coords = image.coordinates() return'180d'),
[docs]def measure_image_moments(image): """ Compute 0th, 1st and 2nd moments of an image. NaN values are ignored in the computation. Parameters ---------- image : `gammapy.image.SkyImage` Image to measure on. Returns ------- image moments : list List of image moments: [A, x_cms, y_cms, x_sigma, y_sigma, sqrt(x_sigma * y_sigma)] """ x, y = _wrapped_coordinates(image) A =[np.isfinite(].sum() # Center of mass x_cms = (x *[np.isfinite(].sum() / A y_cms = (y *[np.isfinite(].sum() / A # Second moments x_var = ((x - x_cms) ** 2 *[np.isfinite(].sum() / A y_var = ((y - y_cms) ** 2 *[np.isfinite(].sum() / A x_sigma = np.sqrt(x_var) y_sigma = np.sqrt(y_var) return A, x_cms, y_cms, x_sigma, y_sigma, np.sqrt(x_sigma * y_sigma)
[docs]def measure_containment(image, position, radius): """ Measure containment in a given circle around the source position. Parameters ---------- image :`gammapy.image.SkyImage` Image to measure on. position : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Source position on the sky. radius : float Radius of the region to measure the containment in. """ separation = image.coordinates().separation(position) return measure_containment_fraction(, radius, separation)
[docs]def measure_containment_radius(image, position, containment_fraction=0.8): """ Measure containment radius of a source. Uses `scipy.optimize.brentq`. Parameters ---------- image :`gammapy.image.SkyImage` Image to measure on. position : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Source position on the sky. containment_fraction : float (default 0.8) Containment fraction Returns ------- containment_radius : Containment radius (pix) """ from scipy.optimize import brentq separation = image.coordinates().separation(position) # Normalize image data = /[np.isfinite(].sum() def func(r): return measure_containment_fraction(data, r, separation.value) - containment_fraction containment_radius = brentq(func, a=0, b=separation.max().value) return Quantity(containment_radius, separation.unit)
[docs]def measure_containment_fraction(image, radius, separation): """Measure containment fraction. Parameters ---------- image :`gammapy.image.SkyImage` Image to measure on. radius : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Containment radius. separation : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Separation from the source position array. Returns ------- containment_fraction : float Containment fraction """ # Set up indices and containment mask containment_mask = separation < radius mask = np.logical_and(np.isfinite(image), containment_mask) containment_fraction = image[mask].sum() return containment_fraction
[docs]def measure_curve_of_growth(image, position, radius_max=None, radius_n=10): """ Measure the curve of growth for a given source position. The curve of growth is determined by measuring the flux in a circle around the source and radius of this circle is increased Parameters ---------- image : `` Image to measure on. position : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Source position on the sky. radius_max : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Maximal radius, up to which the containment is measured (default 0.2 deg). radius_n : int Number of radius steps. Returns ------- radii : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Radii where the containment was measured. containment : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Corresponding contained flux. """ radius_max = radius_max or Quantity(0.2, 'deg') containment = [] radii = Quantity(np.linspace(0, radius_max.value, radius_n), radius_max.unit) for radius in radii: containment.append(measure_containment(image, position, radius)) return radii, Quantity(containment)
def _split_xys(pos): """Helper function to work with `scipy.ndimage`.""" x = np.array(pos)[:, 1] y = np.array(pos)[:, 0] return x, y def _split_slices(slices): """Helper function to work with `scipy.ndimage`.""" # scipy.ndimage.find_objects returns a list of # tuples of slices, which is not what we want. # The following list comprehensions extract # the format we need. xmin = np.asarray([t[1].start for t in slices]) xmax = np.asarray([t[1].stop for t in slices]) ymin = np.asarray([t[0].start for t in slices]) ymax = np.asarray([t[0].stop for t in slices]) return xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax def _measure_area(labels): """Measure the area in pix of each segment.""" nsegments = labels.max() area = np.zeros(nsegments) for i in range(nsegments): area[i] = (labels == i + 1).sum() return area