# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import numpy as np
from astropy.units import Quantity
from astropy.table import QTable, Table
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
from astropy.convolution import Tophat2DKernel
from ..utils.energy import EnergyBounds
from ..stats import significance
from ..background import fill_acceptance_image
from ..image import SkyImage, SkyImageList
__all__ = ['SingleObsImageMaker', 'StackedObsImageMaker']
[docs]class SingleObsImageMaker(object):
"""Compute images for one observation.
The computed images are stored in a ``images`` attribute of
type `~gammapy.image.SkyImageList` with the following keys:
* ``counts`` : Counts
* ``bkg`` : Background model
* ``exposure`` : Exposure
* ``excess`` : Excess
* ``significance`` : Significance
obs : `~gammapy.data.DataStoreObservation`
Observation data
empty_image : `~gammapy.image.SkyImage`
Reference image
energy_band : `~gammapy.utils.energy.Energy`
Energy band selection
offset_band : `astropy.coordinates.Angle`
Offset band selection
exclusion_mask : `~gammapy.image.SkyImage`
Exclusion mask
ncounts_min : int
Minimum counts required for the observation (TODO: used how?)
save_bkg_scale: bool
True if you want to save the normalisation of the bkg computed outside the exlusion region in a Table
def __init__(self, obs, empty_image,
energy_band, offset_band, exclusion_mask=None, ncounts_min=0, save_bkg_scale=True):
# Select the events in the given energy and offset range
self.energy_band = energy_band
self.offset_band = offset_band
events = obs.events
self.obs_id = events.table.meta["OBS_ID"]
events = events.select_energy(self.energy_band)
self.events = events.select_offset(self.offset_band)
self.images = SkyImageList()
self.empty_image = empty_image
self.header = self.empty_image.to_image_hdu().header
if exclusion_mask:
exclusion_mask.name = 'exclusion'
self.images['exclusion'] = exclusion_mask
self.ncounts_min = ncounts_min
self.aeff = obs.aeff
self.edisp = obs.edisp
self.psf = obs.psf
self.bkg = obs.bkg
self.obs_center = obs.pointing_radec
self.livetime = obs.observation_live_time_duration
self.save_bkg_scale = save_bkg_scale
if self.save_bkg_scale:
self.table_bkg_scale = Table(names=["OBS_ID", "bkg_scale", "N_counts"])
[docs] def counts_image(self):
"""Fill the counts image for the events of one observation."""
self.images['counts'] = SkyImage.empty_like(self.empty_image, name='counts')
if len(self.events.table) > self.ncounts_min:
[docs] def bkg_image(self, bkg_norm=True):
Make the background image for one observation from a bkg model.
bkg_norm : bool
If true, apply the scaling factor from the number of counts
outside the exclusion region to the bkg image
bkg_image = SkyImage.empty_like(self.empty_image)
table = self.bkg.acceptance_curve_in_energy_band(energy_band=self.energy_band)
center = self.obs_center.galactic
bkg_hdu = fill_acceptance_image(self.header, center, table["offset"], table["Acceptance"], self.offset_band[1])
bkg_image.data = Quantity(bkg_hdu.data, table["Acceptance"].unit) * bkg_image.solid_angle() * self.livetime
bkg_image.data = bkg_image.data.decompose()
bkg_image.data = bkg_image.data.value
if bkg_norm:
scale, counts = self.background_norm_factor(self.images["counts"], bkg_image)
bkg_image.data = scale * bkg_image.data
if self.save_bkg_scale:
self.table_bkg_scale.add_row([self.obs_id, scale, counts])
self.images["bkg"] = bkg_image
[docs] def make_1d_expected_counts(self, spectral_index=2.3, for_integral_flux=False):
"""Compute the 1D exposure table for one observation for an offset table.
spectral_index : float
Assumed power-law spectral index
for_integral_flux : bool
True if you want that the total excess / exposure gives the integrated flux
table : `astropy.table.QTable`
Two columns: offset in the FOV "theta" and expected counts "npred"
energy = EnergyBounds.equal_log_spacing(self.energy_band[0].value, self.energy_band[1].value, 100,
energy_band = energy.bands
energy_bin = energy.log_centers
eref = EnergyBounds(self.energy_band).log_centers
spectrum = (energy_bin / eref) ** (-spectral_index)
offset = Angle(np.linspace(self.offset_band[0].value, self.offset_band[1].value, 10), self.offset_band.unit)
arf = self.aeff.data.evaluate(offset=offset, energy=energy_bin).T
npred = np.sum(arf * spectrum * energy_band, axis=1)
npred *= self.livetime
if for_integral_flux:
norm = np.sum(spectrum * energy_band)
npred /= norm
table = QTable()
table['theta'] = offset
table['npred'] = npred
return table
[docs] def exposure_image(self, spectral_index=2.3, for_integral_flux=False):
r"""Compute the exposure image for one observation.
Excess/exposure will give the differential flux at the energy Eref at the middle of the ``self.energy_band``
If ``for_integral_flux`` is true, it will give the integrated flux over the ``self.energy_band``
Exposure is define as follow:
.. math ::
EXPOSURE = \int_{E_1}^{E_2} A(E) \phi(E) * T \, dE
with ``T`` the observation livetime, ``A(E)`` the effective area,
the energy integration range :math:`[E_1,E_2]` given by ``self.energy_range``
and assuming a power law for the flux :math:`\phi(E) = \phi_{Eref} \times \frac{E}{E_{ref}}^{\gamma}`
with :math:`\gamma` the spectral index of the assumed power law.
If ``for_integral_flux`` is true,
:math:`EXPOSURE = \int_{E_1}^{E_2} A(E) \phi_{E} * T \, dE / \int \phi_{E} \, dE`
spectral_index : float
Assumed power-law spectral index
for_integral_flux : bool
True if you want that the total excess / exposure gives the integrated flux
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
# TODO: should be re-implemented using the make_exposure_cube function
table = self.make_1d_expected_counts(spectral_index, for_integral_flux)
exposure = SkyImage.empty_like(self.empty_image, unit=table["npred"].unit)
# calculate pixel offset from center (in world coordinates)
coord = exposure.coordinates()
offset = coord.separation(self.obs_center)
# Interpolate for the offset of each pixel
f = interp1d(table["theta"], table["npred"], bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)
exposure.data = f(offset)
exposure.data[offset >= self.offset_band[1]] = 0
self.images["exposure"] = exposure
[docs] def background_norm_factor(self, counts, bkg):
"""Determine the scaling factor to apply to the background image.
Compares the events in the counts images and the bkg image outside the exclusion images.
counts : `~gammapy.image.SkyImage`
counts image
bkg : `~gammapy.image.SkyImage`
bkg image
scale : float
scaling factor between the counts and the bkg images outside the exclusion region.
counts_sum = np.sum(counts.data * self.images['exclusion'].data)
bkg_sum = np.sum(bkg.data * self.images['exclusion'].data)
scale = counts_sum / bkg_sum
return scale, counts_sum
[docs] def significance_image(self, radius):
"""Make the significance image from the counts and bkg images.
radius : float
Disk radius in pixels.
image = SkyImage.empty_like(self.empty_image)
disk = Tophat2DKernel(radius)
counts = self.images["counts"].convolve(disk.array)
bkg = self.images["bkg"].convolve(disk.array)
image.data = significance(counts.data, bkg.data)
self.images["significance"] = image
[docs] def excess_image(self):
"""Compute excess between counts and bkg image."""
total_excess = SkyImage.empty_like(self.empty_image)
total_excess.data = self.images["counts"].data - self.images["bkg"].data
self.images["excess"] = total_excess
[docs]class StackedObsImageMaker(object):
"""Compute stacked images for many observations.
The computed images are stored in a ``images`` attribute of
type `~gammapy.image.SkyImageList` with the following keys:
* ``counts`` : Counts
* ``bkg`` : Background model
* ``exposure`` : Exposure
* ``excess`` : Excess
* ``significance`` : Significance
empty_image : `~gammapy.image.SkyImage`
Reference image
energy_band : `~gammapy.utils.energy.Energy`
Energy band selection
offset_band : `astropy.coordinates.Angle`
Offset band selection
data_store : `~gammapy.data.DataStore`
Data store
obs_table : `~astropy.table.Table`
Required columns: OBS_ID
exclusion_mask : `~gammapy.image.SkyImage`
Exclusion mask
ncounts_min : int
Minimum counts required for the observation
save_bkg_scale: bool
True if you want to save the normalisation of the bkg for each run in a `Table` table_bkg_norm with two columns:
"OBS_ID" and "bkg_scale"
def __init__(self, empty_image=None, energy_band=None, offset_band=None,
data_store=None, obs_table=None, exclusion_mask=None, ncounts_min=0, save_bkg_scale=True):
self.images = SkyImageList()
self.data_store = data_store
self.obs_table = obs_table
self.energy_band = energy_band
self.offset_band = offset_band
self.empty_image = empty_image
self.header = self.empty_image.to_image_hdu().header
self.exclusion_mask = exclusion_mask
if exclusion_mask:
exclusion_mask.name = 'exclusion'
self.images['exclusion'] = exclusion_mask
self.ncounts_min = ncounts_min
self.psfmeantab = None
self.thetapsf = None
self.save_bkg_scale = save_bkg_scale
if self.save_bkg_scale:
self.table_bkg_scale = Table(names=["OBS_ID", "bkg_scale", "N_counts"])
[docs] def make_images(self, make_background_image=False, bkg_norm=True,
spectral_index=2.3, for_integral_flux=False, radius=10):
"""Compute the counts, bkg, exposure, excess and significance images for a set of observation.
make_background_image : bool
True if you want to compute the background and exposure images
bkg_norm : bool
If true, apply the scaling factor to the bkg image
spectral_index : float
Assumed power-law spectral index
for_integral_flux : bool
True if you want that the total excess / exposure gives the integrated flux
radius : float
Disk radius in pixels for the significance image
total_counts = SkyImage.empty_like(self.empty_image, name='counts')
if make_background_image:
total_bkg = SkyImage.empty_like(self.empty_image, name='bkg')
total_exposure = SkyImage.empty_like(self.empty_image, name='exposure')
for obs_id in self.obs_table['OBS_ID']:
obs = self.data_store.obs(obs_id)
obs_image = SingleObsImageMaker(obs, self.empty_image, self.energy_band, self.offset_band,
self.exclusion_mask, self.ncounts_min)
if len(obs_image.events.table) <= self.ncounts_min:
total_counts.data += obs_image.images['counts'].data
if make_background_image:
if self.save_bkg_scale:
obs_image.exposure_image(spectral_index, for_integral_flux)
total_bkg.data += obs_image.images['bkg'].data
total_exposure.data += obs_image.images['exposure'].data
self.images['counts'] = total_counts
if make_background_image:
self.images['bkg'] = total_bkg
self.images['exposure'] = total_exposure
[docs] def significance_image(self, radius):
"""Make the significance image from the counts and bkg images.
radius : float
Disk radius in pixels.
image = SkyImage.empty_like(self.empty_image, name='significance')
disk = Tophat2DKernel(radius)
counts = self.images["counts"].convolve(disk.array)
bkg = self.images["bkg"].convolve(disk.array)
image.data = significance(counts.data, bkg.data)
self.images['significance'] = image
[docs] def excess_image(self):
"""Compute excess between counts and bkg image."""
total_excess = SkyImage.empty_like(self.empty_image, name='excess')
total_excess.data = self.images['counts'].data - self.images['bkg'].data
self.images['excess'] = total_excess