Source code for gammapy.spectrum.sherpa_chi2asym
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Implement asymmetric chi-square fit statistic in Sherpa.
To load the ``chi2asym`` fit statistic in your sherpa session::
import sherpa_chi2asym
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import numpy as np
__all__ = [
[docs]def chi2asym_stat_func(data, model, staterror=None,
syserror=None, weight=None):
"""Define asymmetric chi-square errors.
TODO: reference ROOT TGraphAsymErrors and add test against ROOT result.
To make it fit into the Sherpa scheme we do this hack:
* staterror = statistical down error
* syserror = statistical up error
# The error is attached to the data point, so if model > data,
# we have to use the up error, represented by syserror
error = np.where(model > data, syserror, staterror)
chi = ((data - model) / error) # Chi per bin
chi2 = chi ** 2 # Chi^2 per bin
return chi2.sum(), chi2
[docs]def chi2asym_err_func(data):
"""Compute statistical error per bin from the data."""
error = np.ones_like(data)
return error
[docs]def check_chi2():
"""Execute this function after fitting to see if the
best-fit chi2 reported matches the formula coded here"""
import sherpa.astro.ui as sau
chi2 = sau.get_fit_results().statval
print('chi2 from fit: {0}'.format(chi2))
data = sau.get_dep()
model = sau.get_model_plot().y
error = np.where(model > data, sau.get_syserror(), sau.get_staterror())
chi = ((data - model) / error) # Chi per bin
chi2 = chi ** 2 # Chi^2 per bin
print('chi2 re-computed: {0}'.format(chi2.sum()))
[docs]def load_chi2asym_stat():
""""Load and set the chi2asym statistic"""
import sherpa.astro.ui as sau
sau.load_user_stat("chi2asym", chi2asym_stat_func, chi2asym_err_func)